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BT Fusion

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BT Fusion mobiles and home hub on display atAmberley MuseuminWest Sussex

BT Fusionwas a telecommunications product available fromBT Groupin theUnited Kingdomuntil 1 April 2009 when it was withdrawn.[1]It "fused" togethermobile telephonyand, from the user's point of view, conventionallandlinetelephony.In fact, the fixed portion of the link was provided by aVoice over IPimplementation using the domesticADSLservice. The BT Fusion service was compatible with theBT Smart Hub.[citation needed]

The premise of the service was that it could reduce mobile phone costs by not using the mobile network when the user is at home. The same phone was used (a modified version of theMotorola RAZRorMotorola V560), but if the phone was within range of a special base station installed in the user's home or office then incoming and outgoing calls will be routed through that base station instead of the mobile network. This link between the phone and base station was carried overBluetooth(BT Fusion was latterly available using Wifi technology, thus allowing discounts not only at home but over BT Openzone WiFi hotspots). BT Fusion was an example of one type oftelecommunication convergence.[citation needed]

From the base station, at-home calls were connected to the phone network using anADSLbroadbandconnection; only those with BT Broadband connections were eligible for the service. Voice over IP protocols were used to transmit the call, but this was intended to remain largely unnoticed from the user's point of view. In particular, the charges for calls made over the "home" part of a BT Fusion system were essentially the same as landline call charges.[citation needed]

Some commentators criticised the service as expensive and a "solution in search of a problem". In particular, they pointed to free or cheaper-than-landline IP phone systems likeSkype.[citation needed]


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