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Bahram IV

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Bahram IV
King of Kings of Iran and non-Iran[a]
Drachmaof Bahram IV, minted atHerat
Shahanshahof theSasanian Empire
PredecessorShapur III
SuccessorYazdegerd I
HouseHouse of Sasan
FatherShapur III

Bahram IV(also spelledWahram IVorWarahran IV;Middle Persian:𐭥𐭫𐭧𐭫𐭠𐭭), was theSasanianKing of Kings(shahanshah) ofIranfrom 388 to 399. He was likely the son and successor ofShapur III(r. 383–388).

Before his accession to the throne, Bahram served as governor of the southeastern province ofKirman.There he bore the title ofKirmanshah(meaning "king of Kirman" ), which would serve as the name of the city he laterfoundedin western Iran.

His reign asshahanshahwas largely uneventful. InArmenia,he deposed his insubordinate vassalKhosrov IVand installed the latter's brotherVramshapuhon the Armenianthrone.In 395, theHunsinvaded the countryside around the Euphrates and the Tigris,but were repelled. It was under Bahram IV that the use of mint signatures became regular, with several new mints established in his empire. Like his father, Bahram IV was killed by the nobility; he was succeeded by his brotherYazdegerd I.

He is notable for being portrayed on two seals, one during his tenure asKirmanshah;and the other asshahanshah.


Histheophoric name"Bahram" is theNew Persianform of theMiddle PersianWarahrān(also spelledWahrām), which is derived from theOld IranianVṛθragna.TheAvestanequivalent wasVerethragna,the name of the old Iranian god of victory, whilst theParthianversion wasWarθagn.The name is transliterated inArmenianasVahagn/Vrām,[2]whilst theGreektransliteration isBaranes.[3]The name is attested inGeorgianasBaram[4]andLatinasVararanes.[5]

Early life[edit]

According to the medieval historianal-Tabari(d. 923), Bahram was the son ofShapur II(r. 309–379). However, several other historians, such asHamza al-Isfahani(d. after 961), state that he was the son ofShapur III(r. 383–388), which is thought to be more likely.[6]Bahram, during the reign of his father, was the governor of the southeastern province ofKirman,and may have built the town ofShiragan,which would serve as the capital of the province for the remainder of the Sasanian period.[7][8][9]The town played an important economic role, serving as a mint city. The district it governed was an important agricultural region.[10]According to the medieval geographerYaqut(d. 1229), Bahram had buildings constructed in the city ofVeh-Ardashir.[11]Like many other governors of Kirman, Bahram bore the title ofKirmanshah(meaning "king of Kirman" ), which would serve as the name of the city he laterfoundedin western Iran.[12]In 388, Bahram succeeded his father, who had been killed by a party of Iranian nobles.[6][13]


Map of the Roman-Iranian frontier

During the reign of Shapur III, anagreementwas made between Iran and Rome to partitionKingdom of Armenia.[14][15]The boundary stretched throughTheodosiopolisin the north andAmidain the south, which meant that most of Armenia remained in Sasanianhands.[15]When this treaty exactly took place is unsure; most scholars believe the treaty was made in 387.[15][16]The pro-Roman kingArshak III(r. 378–387) of theArsacid dynastysoon died, which made the Romans abolish their branch of the Arsacid monarchy and create the province ofWestern Armenia.The Arsacid monarchy in the Iranian part of Armenia (which became known as Persarmenia)[16]was maintained, withKhosrov IVruling the country as a Sasanian vassal.[15][17]Bahram IV began to distrust Khosrov IV, which eventually resulted in Khosrov IV's removal and the succession of his brotherVramshapuh.The immediate cause of Khosrov IV's removal may have been his appointment ofSahakas thepatriarchof Persarmenia without consulting the Iranian court.[16]

In 395, theHunsinvaded the Roman provinces ofSophene,Western Armenia,Mesopotamia,Syria,andCappadocia.They reached as farGalatia,taking many captives. They theninvaded the Iranian realm,devastating much of the countryside around theEuphratesand theTigris.A counterattack was soon made, which resulted in the defeat of Hunnic forces and the retrieval of their spoils. Bahram IV allowed the Roman captives to stay atVeh-ArdashirandCtesiphon,where they were given rations, which included bread, wine and oil.[18]Most of the captives were later returned to their own lands. These Hunnic invasions signaled to the Sasanians that areas of Iran that lacked natural defenses had to be better secured.[19]

In 399, Bahram IV was killed by an arrow during a hunting expedition. The 9th-century historianDinawaricalls the incident an accident,[20]while al-Tabari calls the perpetrators "a group of murderous evildoers".[7]Modern scholarship agrees that the nobility was behind the murder.[21][22]According to the modern historian Scott McDonough, Bahram IV was killed for his attempt to reduce the authority of the powerfulParthiannoble families (known as thewuzurgan) who formed the bulk of the Iranianfeudalarmy. Centered on theIranian plateau,they were largely autonomous.[23]Attempts to curb their authority usually resulted in theshahanshah's murder.[24]Ultimately, the Parthian nobility worked for theshahanshahfor personal benefit, personal oath, and, conceivably, a common awareness of the "Aryan" (Iranian) kinship they shared with theirPersianoverlords.[23]Bahram IV was succeeded by his brotherYazdegerd I,who, aware of the previous actions of the nobility, strived to restrict their power.[25]


The assessment ofArabicsources towards Bahram IV is mixed, although he is generally portrayed in a positive light.[26]According to al-Tabari "he governed his subjects in commendable fashion and was praised for his rule".[7]The 9th-century scholarIbn Qutaybahmentions "his pursuit of justice and good rule". Hamza al-Isfahani calls him a "proud but harsh ruler, who neglected his subjects".[27]The 12th-century historianIbn al-Balkhi,however, calls him a "self-absorbed king who never heldmazalim".[28]


Drachmaof Bahram IV, minted atSpahanorCtesiphon

On hiscoinage,Bahram IV is portrayed wearing a crown with wings—a reference to Verethragna. The wings are attached to amural crown,which was a symbol of the supreme god in Zoroastrianism,Ahura Mazda.[29]Bahram IV was the first Sasanian monarch to combine two religious components on his crown. Afterwards such crowns became a common feature among the Sasanians.[30]It was also under him that the use of mint signatures became regular.[31]The regularization of mint signatures allows the origin of coins to be more easily identified. Under Bahram IV, the eastern province ofAbarshahrproduced its largest proportion of coinage (19%) throughout Sasanian history.[32]The large production of coins in the region was to meet the expenditure needed to maintain the large number of troops stationed there.[33]

Like Shapur II, Ardashir II and Shapur III, Bahram IV also mintedunique gold coinsin theIndianregion ofSindh,which may have corresponded to the Sasanian province ofHind.[34]Under Bahram IV, mints were established in the cities ofGundeshapurandSusainKhuzistan.[35]A mint was also established in the northwestern province ofAdurbadaganto support the construction of theCaspian Gatesto protect theCaucasusborder against Hunnic incursions.[19][33]


Onyxstamp-seal of Bahram IV wearing his characteristic crown and standing on the body of an unknown fallen foe. Stored in theBritish Museum

A seal of Bahram during his tenure asKirmanshahhas survived. Written in Middle Persian, its inscription says the following; "Wahrān Kermān Šāh, son of the Mazdā-worshipping Lord Šāpūr, king of kings of Iran and non-Iran, who is a scion of lords".[6]In addition to that, another seal of Bahram IV has been found dating from his rule asshahanshah.This seal, currently located in theBritish Museum,portrays him with his characteristic crown. He is holding a javelin and standing on the body of an unknown fallen foe.[6][36]This fallen foe resembles the same figure portrayed on the rock relief of Ardashir II, which most likely depicted theRomanemperorJulian,who fell in battle against the Sasanians in 363.[36][37][38]It has been suggested that the figure on Bahram IV's seal may have been Julian as well, added by Bahram IV to emphasize his own legitimacy and ability through his supposed participation in the formers defeat.[36][38]


  1. ^Also spelled "King of Kings of Iranians and non-Iranians".[1]


  1. ^Yücel 2017,pp. 332–333.
  2. ^Iranica: Bahrām.
  3. ^Wiesehöfer 2018,pp. 193–194.
  4. ^Rapp 2014,p. 203.
  5. ^Martindale, Jones & Morris 1971,p. 945.
  6. ^abcdKlíma 1988,pp. 514–522.
  7. ^abcBosworth 1999,p. 69.
  8. ^Christensen 1993,p. 182.
  9. ^Brunner 1983,p. 772.
  10. ^Brunner 1983,pp. 771–772.
  11. ^Badiyi 2020,p. 213.
  12. ^Brunner 1983,p. 767.
  13. ^Kia 2016,p. 236.
  14. ^Kia 2016,p. 278.
  15. ^abcdChaumont 1986,pp. 418–438.
  16. ^abcHovannisian 1997,p. 92.
  17. ^Lenski 2002,p. 185.
  18. ^Greatrex & Lieu 2002,p. 17.
  19. ^abBonner 2020,p. 95.
  20. ^Bonner 2020,p. 102 (see note 37).
  21. ^Daryaee 2014,p. 157 (see note 106).
  22. ^McDonough 2013,p. 604 (see note 3).
  23. ^abMcDonough 2013,p. 604.
  24. ^McDonough 2013,p. 604 (see also note 3).
  25. ^Shahbazi 2005.
  26. ^Frye 1983,p. 143.
  27. ^Bosworth 1999,p. 69 (see note 186).
  28. ^Pourshariati 2008,p. 58.
  29. ^Schindel 2013,p. 830.
  30. ^Schindel 2013,pp. 830–831.
  31. ^Schindel 2013,p. 818.
  32. ^Howard-Johnston 2014,pp. 164–165.
  33. ^abHoward-Johnston 2014,p. 164.
  34. ^Schindel 2016,p. 127.
  35. ^Jalalipour 2015,pp. 12–13.
  36. ^abcEdwell 2020,p. 234.
  37. ^Shahbazi 1986,pp. 380–381.
  38. ^abCanepa 2009,p. 110.


Bahram IV
Preceded by King of Kings of Iran and non-Iran
Succeeded by