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Bandari music

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Bandari music(Persian:بندری) stems fromIran's south, around thePersian Gulfregion.



It is a rhythmic type of dance music played in fast and slow tempos. The music includes vocals and instruments. It is played during celebrations such as weddings.

The definition of the word “bandari” means “of the port” is a derivation of thePersianwordbandar,meaningport.[1]It is commonly known as "Chamak" or "Chamaki" Music in the GCC region.



The major musical instruments used in the Bandari style include thenei anban(abagpipeinstrument made of goat's skin),[2]thetombak(apercussioninstrument made of animal skin and the wood of thewalnuttree),[2]thedaf(a percussion instrument made of animal skin and a wooden frame like the head of a drum, with jingles on the rim, similar to thetambourine), and thedarbuka(a percussion instrument made of fish skin and clay).

Modern Persian Bandari bands use rhythmic instruments such as theframe drum,darbuka,djembe,talking drum,quinto,conga,andacousticandelectric drumsspecialized in 6/8 rhythms.[citation needed]


  1. ^"Iranian Raqs e-Bandari".Middle Eastern Dance.2011.RetrievedAug 25,2014.
  2. ^abJarahzadeh, Kamyar."Music and Race Politics in the Iranian Persian Gulf: Shanbehzadeh and" Bandari "".Ajam Media Collective.Retrieved2016-01-26.