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Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Ocimum
O. basilicum
Binomial name
Ocimum basilicum

Basil(/ˈbæzəl/BAZ-əl,[1]USalso/ˈbzəl/BAY-zəl;[2]Ocimum basilicum/ˈɒsɪməmbəˈzɪlɪkəm/OSS-im-əm bə-ZIL-ik-əm[3][4]), also calledgreat basil,is aculinary herbof thefamilyLamiaceae(mints). It is atenderplant, and is used incuisinesworldwide. InWestern cuisine,the generic term "basil" refers to thevarietyalso known asGenovese basilor sweet basil. Basil is native to tropical regions fromCentral AfricatoSoutheast Asia.[5]Intemperate climatesbasil is treated as anannual plant,however, basil can be grown as a short-livedperennialorbiennialin warmerhorticultural zoneswithtropicalorMediterranean climates.[5]

There are manyvarieties of basilincluding sweet basil,Thai basil(O. basilicumvar.thyrsiflora), andMrs. Burns' Lemon(O. basilicum var. citriodora).O. basilicumcancross-pollinatewith other species of theOcimumgenus, producinghybridssuch aslemon basil(O. × citriodorum) andAfrican blue basil(O. × kilimandscharicum).


Timelapseof growing basil
Desiccated basil showing seed dispersal

Basil is an annual, or sometimes perennial, herb used for its leaves. Depending on the variety, plants can reach heights of between 30 and 150 centimetres (1 and 5 feet).[6]Basil leaves are glossy and ovulate, with smooth or slightly toothed edges that typically cup slightly; the leaves are arranged oppositely along the square stems.[7]Leaves may be green or purple. Its flowers are small and white, and grow from a centralinflorescence,orspike,that emerges from the central stem atop the plant.[citation needed]Unusual among Lamiaceae, the fourstamensand thepistilare not pushed under the upper lip of thecorolla,but lie over the inferior lip. Afterentomophilouspollination, the corolla falls off and four roundachenesdevelop inside the bilabiatecalyx.[citation needed]


The various basils have such distinct scents because thevolatile aromatic compoundsvary with cultivars.[5]The essential oil from European basil contains high concentrations oflinaloolandmethyl chavicol(estragole), in a ratio of about 3:1.[5][8]Other constituents include:1,8-cineole,eugenol,andmyrcene,among others.[5][9]Theclovescent of sweet basil is derived from eugenol.[10]The aroma profile of basil includes 1,8-cineole[11][12]andmethyl eugenol.[11][13]In this species eugenol issynthesisedfromconiferyl acetateandNADPH.[14]

Similar species[edit]

Some similar species in the same genus may be commonly called "basil", although they are notvarietiesofOcimum basilicum.


The exact taxonomy of basil is uncertain due to the immense number of cultivars, its readypolymorphy,and frequentcross-pollination(resulting in new hybrids) with other members of the genusOcimumand within the species.Ocimum basilicumhas at least 60 varieties, which further complicates taxonomy.[5]


Thai basil growing at a school in Thailand

Most basils are cultivars of sweet basil. Most basil varieties have green leaves, but a few are purple, such as, 'Purple Delight'.


  • African blue basil(Ocimum basilicum × O. kilimandscharicum)
  • Lemon basil(Ocimum basilicum × O. americanum)[19][20]
  • Spice basil (Ocimum basilicum × O. americanum), which is sometimes sold as holy basil


The name "basil" comes from theLatinbasilius,and theGreekβασιλικόν φυτόν(basilikón phytón), meaning "royal/kingly plant", possibly because the plant was believed to have been used in production of royal perfumes.[21]Basil is likewise sometimes referred to inFrenchas"l'herbe royale"('the royal herb').[22]The Latin name has been confused withbasilisk,as it was supposed to be anantidoteto the basilisk's venom.[21]

Distribution and habitat[edit]

Basil is native toIndiaand other tropical regions stretching from Africa to South East Asia, but has now become globalized due to human cultivation.[5]


Growing conditions[edit]

Basil is sensitive to cold, with best growth in hot, dry conditions. It behaves as an annual if there is any chance of a frost. However, due to its popularity, basil is cultivated in many countries around the world. Production areas include countries in the Mediterranean area, those in thetemperate zone,and others insubtropicalclimates.[23][page needed]

In Northern Europe, Canada, the northern states of the U.S., and the South Island of New Zealand, basil grows best if sown under glass in apeatpot, then planted out in late spring/early summer[24](when there is little chance of a frost); however, it can also thrive when planted outside in these climates. Additionally, it may be sown in soil once chance of frost is past. It fares best in well-drained soil with direct exposure to the sun.[citation needed]

Although basil grows best outdoors, it can be grown indoors in a pot and, like most herbs, will do best on a sun-facing windowsill, kept away from extremely cold drafts. Agreenhouseorrow coveris ideal if available. It can, however, even be grown in a basement under fluorescent lights. Supplemental lighting produces greater biomass andphenolproduction, with red + blue specifically increasing growth and flower bud production.UV-Bincreases thevolatilesinO. basilicumessential oil,which has not been reproducible in other plants, and so may be unique to the genus or even to this species.[25]

Basil plants require regular watering, but not as much attention as is needed in other climates. If its leaves have wilted from lack of water, it will recover if watered thoroughly and placed in a sunny location. Yellow leaves towards the bottom of the plant are an indication that the plant has been stressed; usually this means that it needs less water, or less or more fertilizer.[26]Basil can be propagated reliably from cuttings with the stems of short cuttings suspended in water for two weeks or until roots develop.

Pruning, flowering, and seeding[edit]

Femalecarpenter beeforaging

Once a stem produces flowers, foliage production stops on that stem, the stem becomes woody, and essential oil production declines. To prevent this, a basil-grower may pinch off any flower stems before they are fully mature. Because only the blooming stem is so affected, some stems can be pinched for leaf production, while others are left to bloom for decoration or seeds. Picking the leaves off the plant helps promote growth, largely because the plant responds by converting pairs of leaflets next to the topmost leaves into new stems.

Once the plant is allowed to flower, it may produce seed pods containing small black seeds, which can be saved and planted the following year. If allowed to go to seed, a basil plant will grow back the next year.


Basil suffers from several plant pathogens that can ruin the crop and reduceyield.Fusarium wiltis a soil-borne fungal disease that will quickly kill younger basil plants.Seedlingsmay be killed byPythiumdamping off.A commonfoliardisease of basil isgray moldcaused byBotrytis cinerea;it can cause infections post-harvest and is capable of killing the entire plant.Black spotcan be seen on basil foliage and is caused by thefungigenusColletotrichum.Downy mildewcaused byPeronospora belbahriiis a significant disease, as first reported in Italy in 2003.[27]It was reported in the Florida in 2007 and by 2008 had spread along the eastern United States, reaching Canada.[28][29]Basil cultivars resistant toP. belbahriihave been developed.[30]

Non-pathogenic bacteria found on basil includeNovosphingobiumspecies.[31]


Basil, fresh
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy94 kJ (22 kcal)
2.65 g
Sugars0.30 g
Dietary fiber1.6 g
0.64 g
3.15 g
Vitamin A equiv.
264 μg
3142 μg
Thiamine (B1)
0.034 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.076 mg
Niacin (B3)
0.902 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)
0.209 mg
Vitamin B6
0.155 mg
Folate (B9)
68 μg
11.4 mg
Vitamin C
18.0 mg
Vitamin E
0.80 mg
Vitamin K
414.8 μg
177 mg
0.385 mg
3.17 mg
64 mg
1.148 mg
56 mg
295 mg
0.3 μg
4 mg
0.81 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water92.06 g
Betaine0.4 mg
Percentages estimated usingUS recommendationsfor adults,[32]except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[33]
Dried basil leaves


Basil is most commonly used fresh in recipes. In general, it is added last, as cooking quickly destroys the flavor. The fresh herb can be kept for a short time in plastic bags in the refrigerator, or for a longer period in the freezer, after beingblanchedquickly in boiling water.

Leaves and flowers[edit]

The most commonly used Mediterranean basil cultivars are "Genovese", "Purple Ruffles", "Mammoth", "Cinnamon", "Lemon", "Globe", and "African Blue".Basil is one of the main ingredients inpesto,anItaliansauce witholive oiland basil as its primary ingredients. Many national cuisines use fresh or dried basils in soups and other foods, such as to thicken soups. Basil is commonly steeped in cream or milk to create flavor in ice cream orchocolate truffles.

Lemon basil has a stronglemonysmell and flavor due to the presence ofcitral.It is widely used inIndonesia,where it is calledkemangiand served raw as an accompaniment to meat or fish.


When soaked in water, the seeds of several basil varietiesbecome gelatinous,and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as theIndianfaluda,theIraniansharbat-e-rihan,orhột é.[citation needed]In Kashmir, theRamadanfast is often broken withbabre beole,asharbatmade with basil seeds.[34]

Folk medicine[edit]

Basil is used infolk medicinepractices, such as those ofAyurvedaortraditional Chinese medicine.[35]: 33–34 

Insecticide and insect repellent[edit]

Studies of the essential oil have showninsecticidalandinsect-repellingproperties,[36]including potential toxicity tomosquitos.[37]The essential oil is found by Huignard et al. 2008 to inhibit electrical activity by decreasingaction potentialamplitude, by shortening the posthyperpolarizationphase, and reducing the action frequency of action potentials. In Huignard's opinion this is due to thelinaloolandestragole,the amplitude reduction due to linalool, and the phase shortening due to both.[38]

Callosobruchus maculatus,a pest which affectscowpea,is repelled by the essential oil.[38]The essential oil mixed withkaolinis both anadulticideand anovicide,effective for three months againstC. maculatusin cowpea.[38]ThethripsFrankliniella occidentalisandThrips tabaciare repelled byO. basilicum,making this useful as aninsect repellentin other crops.[39]The pestsSitophilus oryzae,Stegobium paniceum,Tribolium castaneum,andBruchus chinensisare evaluated by Deshpande et al. 1974 and '77.[38]


The essential oil is found by Malik et al. 1987 and Sangwan et al. 1990 to benematicidalagainstTylenchulus semipenetrans,Meloidogyne javanica,Anguina tritici,andHeterodera cajani.[40]

Bacterial and fungal inhibition[edit]

The essential oil of the leaf andterminal shootis effective against a large number of bacterial species includingLactiplantibacillus plantarumandPseudomonasspp.[41]The essential oil of the leaf andterminal shootis also effective against a large number of fungal species includingAspergillusspp.,Candidaspp.,Mucorspp., andGeotrichum candidum.[36][41]

In culture[edit]


Isabella and the Pot of Basil,William Holman Hunt, 1868

There are many rituals and beliefs associated with basil. Theancient Egyptiansand ancient Greeks believed basil would open the gates of heaven for a person passing on.[42][better source needed]However,HerbalistNicholas Culpepersaw basil as a plant of dread and suspicion.[why?][43]

InPortugal,dwarf bush basil is traditionally presented in a pot, together with a poem and a papercarnation,to a sweetheart, on the religious holidays ofJohn the Baptist(seeSaint John's Eve § Portugal) and SaintAnthony of Padua.[citation needed]

Basil has religious significance in theGreek Orthodox Church,where it is used to sprinkle holy water.[44]TheBulgarian Orthodox Church,Serbian Orthodox Church,Macedonian Orthodox ChurchandRomanian Orthodox Churchuse basil (Bulgarian:босилек,bosilek;Serbian:босиљак,bosiljak;Macedonian:босилек,bosilek) to prepare holy water and pots of basil are often placed below church altars.[45]Some Greek Orthodox Christians even avoid eating it due to its association with the legend of theElevation of the Holy Cross.[46]

Art and literature[edit]

InGiovanni Boccaccio's 14th centuryDecameron,the fifth story of the narrative'sfourth dayinvolves a pot of basil as a central plot device. This famous story inspiredJohn Keatsto write his 1814 poem "Isabella, or the Pot of Basil",which was in turn the inspiration for two paintings of thePre-Raphaelite Brotherhood:John Everett Millais'sIsabellain 1849 and in 1868 theIsabella and the Pot of BasilbyWilliam Holman Hunt.[citation needed]

See also[edit]


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External links[edit]