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Action of 10 May 1915

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Action of 10 May 1915
Part ofWorld War I
Date10 May 1915
Black Sea,25 miles from theBosphorus


  • Russian operations disrupted
Russian Empire Ottoman Empire
Commanders and leaders
Russian EmpireAndrei Eberhardt Ottoman EmpireGerman EmpireRichard Ackermann
5pre-dreadnought battleships 1battlecruiser
Casualties and losses
None 1 battlecruiser lightly damaged

Theaction of 10 May 1915,orBattle of the Bosporus,was a naval encounter between theRussianpre-dreadnoughtsquadron and theOttomanbattlecruiserYavuz Sultan Selimin theBlack Sea,north of theBosporus.After a brief exchange of fire the Ottomans withdrew. The battle took place during the main operation of the Black Sea Fleet aimed at shelling the Bosporus fortifications. The action of the battlecruiser led to the interruption of the operation, but it did not manage to inflict significant damage to the Russian fleet, suffering only minor damage itself.



After the outbreak of hostilities between Russia and theOttoman Empireon 29 October 1914, naval operations in the Black Sea primarily involved shelling coastal targets and laying mines.[1]The core of the Russian fleet in this area consisted of five outdated battleships of the pre-dreadnought generation, each armed with four 305 mm guns, except for the weakerRostislavwith 254 mm guns. The main adversary of the Russian Black Sea Fleet was the German battlecruiserGoeben,which, afterbreaking through to Constantinoplealong with the cruiserBreslau,was formally incorporated into the Ottoman navy asYavuz Sultan Selim,although it was still known in practice by its original name. It significantly surpassed each of the Russian ships existing at the beginning of the war in terms of speed, armor, and artillery, which included 10 guns of 28 cm caliber,[note 1]with a higher rate of fire than the Russian heavy guns. This forced the Russians to operate in groups consisting of at least three battleships to equalize the odds in artillery combat.[2]Additionally, due to the older construction of the Russian battleships, each hit could have serious consequences for them, especially in long-range duels, when steeply falling shells could penetrate the deck.[3][4]The first inconclusive battle between the Black Sea Fleet and theYavuz Sultan Selimoccurred on 18 November 1914,near Cape Sarych,in which both sides' ships suffered damage.[5]

Parallel to the start of theDardanelles Campaignby the WesternEntentepowers, the Russian command ordered demonstrative actions to divert the attention of the Ottomans, including shelling positions and a possible local landing in the Bosporus area.[5]To this end, on 28 March, 25 April, 2 May, and 3 May 1915, the Black Sea Fleet shelled Ottoman fortifications north of the Bosporus, also usingseaplanescarried by base ships in the action.[6][note 2]However, these actions did not lead to significant damage.[7]On May 6, Russian ships returned to the base in Sevastopol after the final raid, during which 10 Ottoman ships (including 4 steamers) were sunk, seriously disrupting Ottoman coal transport, and an Italian ship carryingcontrabandwas seized.[6][note 3]On the same day (May 6), the best ships available to the Ottomans were sent on a raid into the Black Sea:Yavuz Sultan Selimand the cruisersMidilliandHamidiye.[6]On the morning of May 8,Yavuz Sultan Selimsailed along the coast of Crimea, but there were no encounters with the Russian fleet or shipping, nor was there any shelling of the coast due to limited ammunition supplies.[8]The Ottoman ships then returned to port by evening.[9]

Around noon on May 8, the main Russian ships left Sevastopol but encountered no enemy.[9]Therefore, the main forces of the Black Sea Fleet set out in the afternoon for another operation to shell Ottoman positions and raid with light forces in the Ottoman coal basin aroundZonguldak.The Russian squadron consisted of 5 battleships, 2protected cruisers,an unarmoredaircraft cruiser(Almaz), 15 destroyers (7 of them modern, with turbine propulsion), 6 naval trawlers (converted steamships), and theseaplane carrierImperator Aleksandr Iwith 5 seaplanes (3 Curtiss and 2M-5).[9]

On 9 May 1915, a Russian squadron (including the cruiserKaguland the destroyerBiespokojnyj) attacked Ottoman shipping betweenKozluandEregli,sinking four steamers and many sailing ships.[10]The cruiserPamiat' Mierkurijaand the destroyerDierzkijshelled the port ofEreğli,causing fires and sinking one ship.[note 4]The Russians also attempted to land a sabotage group from a motorboat towed by a boat to cause damage in the port, but they had to retreat (without casualties) due to rifle fire.[7]

The battlecruiserYavuz Sultan Selim,under Captain Richard Ackermann, immediately put to sea in order to intercept the Russians. Early on the morning of 10 May, a bombardment force detached from the Russian squadron in order to attack theBosphorusforts. This consisted of the obsoletepre-dreadnoughtsTri SviatiteliaandPanteleimon,theseaplane carriersAlmazandImperator Alexander I,as well as a screen ofdestroyersandminesweepers.

After receiving reports of the shelling of Ereğli, the battleshipYavuz Sultan Selimwas ordered to take action against the Russian group and left the Bosporus in the afternoon. However, by that time, the Russian ships had already left Ereğli. At 2:38 P.M.,Yavuz Sultan Selimspotted the Russian submarineTiulenon the surface and turned back, pretending to return towards the Bosporus, causing the submarine to not report the presence of the battleship.[11]Before entering the strait,Yavuz Sultan Selimheaded east, remaining in the Black Sea to locate the Russian main forces the next day and, if possible, surprise them while they were separated.[11]


Goebenbefore the war
BattleshipIoann Zlatoustjust before the battle on 10 May 1915
BattleshipPantielmonbefore the war

On May 10, at dawn, the Russian ships were about 22 miles from the Bosporus. The bombardment group consisted of the older battleshipTri Sviateitelia(under the command flag of Rear Admiral N. Putiatin, commander of the 2nd Brigade of Line Ships) and the newerPantelimon,which replaced the weakerRostislavdue to its longer-range guns.[12]At 5:40 A.M., the group headed towards the shore, following the minesweepers tasked with clearing the minefields, escorted by six older destroyers from the 4th and 5th Destroyer Divisions, which were also towing minesweeping gear, and two newer destroyers from the 1st Destroyer Division.[13]The battleshipsEvstafi,IoannZlatoust,andRostislav,along with the remaining destroyers, formed a covering group, protecting the bombardment group from the seaward side. The cruisersKagulandPamiat' Merkuriawere sent to watch to the west and east, respectively; the latter sank a small Ottoman sailing ship carrying coal.[13]A Curtiss seaplane was also launched into the air.[13]

The OttomandestroyerNümune-i Hamiyet,acting as a guard ship at the mouth of the Bosphorus, sighted the bombardment force at 5:40 A.M. and radioed a warning toYavuz.[11]Captain Ackermann promptly set his ship on a course to intercept at 26 knots (48 km/h). Approaching from the east at high speed, the destroyer was detected before 7:00 A.M. by the vigilant cruiserPamiat' Merkuriaand a seaplane, which alerted the main forces.[13]The Russian cruiser returned to the group at maximum speed to evade the fasterYavuz Sultan Selim.[note 5]Upon receiving information about the opponent, the main Russian commander, Admiral Eberhardt, directed the battleships of the covering force to the south to approach the bombardment group. Simultaneously, orders to return were given for the detached battleships, which had already moved about 15 nautical miles away.[14]

The destroyer proceeded to engage at 7:10 A.M., firing on the minesweepers from a distance of 4.1 nautical miles.[15]The battleshipsEvstafi,Ioann Zlatoust,andRostislavengaged in battle inline-ahead formation,whileYavuz Sultan Selimchanged course to parallel them, sailing on their starboard side. At 7:51 A.M.,Ioann ZlatoustandYavuz Sultan Selimopened fire on each other from a distance of 9.4 nautical miles, followed by the flagship battleshipEvstafi.[16]According to procedures developed in the fleet,Ioann Zlatoustdirected the centralized fire of both battleships.[17]Both groups exchanged fire, but initially without effect. Subsequent five-gun salvos began to surround the flagshipEvstafi,flooding therangefinderswith water spouts and damaging the splinter shields and wooden elements, although no direct hits were achieved.[17]Initially, the Russian salvos were too short, but the water spouts they caused somewhat hindered the Germans' aim.[18]Rostislav(commanded by Captain of 1st RankKazimierz Porębski) did not participate in the bombardment to avoid interfering with the correction of fire for the 305mm guns of the stronger battleships.[19]The commander of the Russian group and the entire Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Andrei Eberhardtt, skillfully maneuvered, making course and speed adjustments to make it difficult for the enemy to target. In particular, instead of increasing the speed of the column after the Germans obtained cover, he reduced it from 10 to 9 knots, causing the next salvo to fall short ofEvstafi.He also facilitated the approach of the remaining battleships.[19]

At 07:53 hours, Eberhardt's force metYavuzsailing along a parallel course. Ackermann believed this to be the bombardment detail, though he was confused as to why he was facing three battleships instead of two. He soon realized his mistake whenTri SviatiteliaandPanteleimonjoined the Russian battle line. The Ottoman battlecruiser fired 160 11-inch (279 mm) shells in the ensuing engagement, but scored no hits and caused no damage. One near miss onEvstafisent a cascade of water over theflying bridge,drenching Admiral Eberhardt and his staff.[20]In return, the Russians landed one heavy caliber shell onYavuz's forecastle, and another on her forward armoured belt. Outnumbered and outgunned, Captain Ackermann ordered his ship to disengage at 08:12.[10]The Russians pursued the battlecruiser to the north before it doubled back and returned to Ottoman waters.

During the battle, around 8:05 A.M., the Russian squadron was joined by the battleshipsTri SviatiteliaandPanteleimon,sailing at maximum speed (Panteleimoneven surpassed the flagship of the 2nd Brigade, reaching a speed of 17.5 knots at the end of the maneuver – faster than during trials).[4]AsPanteleimoncaught up with the rearRostislav,it independently opened fire with its 305 mm guns and achieved a hit with the second salvo fired at close to maximum effective range, about 10.4 nautical miles away, at 8:13 A.M. The shell hit the left side ofYavuz Sultan Selimamidships, below the waterline, tearing apart at the lower edge of the armor belt.[4]This caused localized flooding of a bulkhead corridor (without affecting the speed of the battlecruiser) and disabling one of the 15 cm guns.[4]In the next few minutes,Panteleimon,followed byTri Sviatitelia,took their positions ahead of the retreatingRostislavin the line of battle. Admiral Eberhardt then ordered a slight turn to the right, trying to reduce the distance, and the engagement distance decreased to 7.3 nautical miles.[21]Russian destroyers remained on the left side of the battleships, ready for a potential torpedo attack.Yavuz Sultan Selimwas hit by two more shells, in the bow and in the torpedo net compartment, which hung overboard.[21]These shells also did not cause significant damage, but at 8:16 A.M.,Yavuz Sultan Selimbroke off the engagement and turned to the right. The German commander, attempting to draw the Russians away from the Bosporus, headed north, maintaining a distance of 12–13 nautical miles.[21]The Russian battleship squadron pursuedYavuz Sultan Selimfor several more hours, hoping that the damage would reduce its speed. Eventually, however,Yavuz Sultan Selim,after turning eastward, accelerated and easily escaped from its pursuers, disappearing from sight around 3 P.M.[21]

Pantelimonalso fired seven shots at a larger ship observed deeper in the strait (identified as aTurgut Reis-class battleship).[14]Theprotected cruiserPamiat Merkuriathen spottedYavuzand reported it to the fleet, giving the bombardment force time to break off before it was sighted.

The reversal of the bombardment group on the opposite course took 18 minutes due to the need to turn in the narrow, mine-swept channel. At 7:41 A.M., upon reaching the shallower waters where mine barriers could be present, the battleships of the main force turned north again, with the enemy approaching from the starboard side at a distance of about 15 nautical miles.[14]Due to the surprise of the divided Russian forces, the Germans had a potential opportunity to achieve victory, even over the entire Russian squadron.[14]

Cruising 25 miles (40 km) off of the Bosphorus at 5 knots (9.3 km/h) was Russian AdmiralAndrei Eberhardt's covering force, consisting of the newer pre-dreadnoughtsEvstafi(theflagship),Ioann Zlatoust,andRostislav.Ackermann was unaware of this, and ran right into the squadron.[20]



To supportYavuz Sultan Selim,upon sighting the Russian fleet near the Bosporus, the commander of the Ottoman fleet – German Rear AdmiralWilhelm Souchon– ordered steam to be raised and also sent out the cruiserMidilli.However,Midillionly managed to arrive at the scene around noon, after the Russians had departed.[21]To protect the returning cruisers from potential submarines from the Bosporus, the Ottomantorpedo cruiserPeyk-i Şevketand the destroyerYadigar-i Milletwere also sent out.[22]However, these units did not encounter any enemy vessels, asTiulenleft patrol due to engine problems, andNierpa,sent as a replacement, did not arrive in time.[21]

The Russian admiral considered sending the minesweepers back to base and returning with the main force to the Bosporus, but a nocturnal storm caused the entire fleet to return to Sevastopol on May 11th.[21]

The German-Ottoman side interrupted the Russian operation to shell the Bosporus fortifications, but despite the favorable tactical situation, they failed to inflict any damage on the enemy fleet. The command of the Russian squadron and its maneuvering by Admiral Eberhardt, which led to the effective combination of striking forces and hindered the German gunners' targeting, are highly praised.[23]Although the Germans did not achieve any hits with 126 fired 28 cm caliber shells,[note 6]their fire was initially assessed by the Russians as accurate, well-focused, and skillfully conducted.[23]Despite the tactical victory, some criticism arose due to the limited effectiveness of the Russian shelling, considering the number of shells fired.Evstafifired 60 rounds of 305 mm and 32 rounds of 203 mm,Ioann Zlatoustfired 75 rounds of 305 mm and 4 rounds of 203 mm,Panteleimonfired 16 rounds of 305 mm, andTri Sviatiteliafired 13 rounds of 305 mm (a total of 164 rounds of the main caliber and 36 rounds of 203 mm caliber – approximately 1.5% hits).[note 7]The application of centralized fire control techniques in practice did not meet expectations.[23]The decision to significantly separate the bombardment group from the covering group was also criticized, as it posed a risk of destruction to either group, which did not occur due to the fortunate course of the battle and skillful further command.[23]Despite this, the fleet's actions were deemed a success, and some Russian officers and sailors – especially those from the battleshipPantaleimon– received decorations.[note 8]

The battle of the Bosporus was one of the two largest naval engagements in the Black Sea during World War I, alongside theBattle of Cape Sarych,involving the main forces of both sides, although no ships were sunk as a result.[note 9]

Units of both sides


(F) –flagships

# – damaged units

Russian Empire

  • Main forces of the Black Sea Fleet – AdmiralAndrei Eberhardtt
    • Battleship Division –Vice AdmiralP. Nowickij:[17]
      • 1st Battleship Brigade (escort group):
      • 2nd Battleship Brigade (bombardment group) – Rear Admiral N. Putiatin:
        • Tri Sviateitelia(F) – Captain 1st Rank W. Łukin,
        • Panteleimon– Captain 1st Rank Mitrofan Kas’kow[4]
    • Cruisers:Kagul– Captain 1st Rank S. Pogulajew,Pamiat' Mierkurija– Captain 1st Rank M. Ostrogradskij,[7]Almaz[24]
    • 1st Destroyer Squadron – Captain 1st Rank W. Trubieckij:
      • Dierzkij(F) – Commander 2nd Rank A. Gadd,Biespokojnyj– Commander S. Bierch,Gniewnyj– Commander W. Czerkasow,Pronzitielnyj– Commander W. Borsuk[25]
    • 2nd Destroyer Squadron (Captain 1st Rank A. Zarudnyj):
      • Gromkij(F) – Commander F. Stark,Sczastliwyj– Commander F. Klimow,Bystryj– Commander B. Bykow[9]
    • 4th Destroyer Squadron – Commander I. Podjapolskij:
    • 5th Destroyer Squadron – Commander A. Gieziechus:
      • Zwonkij(F) – Commander A. Gieziechus,Zorkij– Senior Lieutenant W. Pysznow,Zawietnyj– Commander W. Bubnow,Zawidnyj– Lieutenant P. von Stilberg[24]
    • Sea mine party – Commander I. Engelman:
      • MinesweepersWitjaz(F),Rossija,St. Nikolai,
      • Minelayers/minesweepersWielikaja kniaginia Ksenia,Wielikij kniaz Konstantin,Wielikij kniaz Aleksiej[9]
    • Seaplane carrier (auxiliary cruiser)Impierator Aleksandr I– Captain 1st Rank P. Giering[9]
  • SubmarineTiulen– Senior Lieutenant P. Baczmanow[11]

Ottoman Empire / Germany

  • BattlecruiserYavuz Sultan Selim(formerlyGoeben) –Kapitän zur See(Commander) Richard Ackermann
  • DestroyerNümune-i Hamiyetkidemli yüzbaşi[note 11]Nezir Abdullah[11]


  1. ^The Germans specified the caliber of the guns in centimeters; the actual caliber was 283 mm. (DiGiulian, Tony."Germany 28 cm/50 (11" ) SK L/50 ".navweaps.Retrieved2017-05-16.)
  2. ^According to Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, p. 47), the last shelling of the Bosporus took place on May 1st and 2nd; there is no information there about shelling on April 25th.
  3. ^On May 1–5, 1915, the steamersNecat(1523 BRT),Yeşilirmak(865 BRT),Güzel Girit(1232 BRT),Morna(1495 BRT) were sunk, and theAmalia(413 BRT) was captured. (Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, p. 41))
  4. ^During the raid on May 9, the shipSelanik(with 1127GT) was heavily damaged, and it remained unrepaired for the rest of the war. Additionally, the shipSadiç(763 GT) was damaged, and while attempting to escape, it ran aground. In the port of Ereğli, the shipMillet(812 GT) was sunk. (Kozłow (2003, p. 19), Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, pp. 47–48))
  5. ^A humorous touch could be considered that the German ship signaled its call signs with a signal lamp: GB (Goeben). (Kozłow (2003, pp. 20–21))
  6. ^Kozłow (2003, p. 27). According to Gribowskij (1996, p. 33) – 160 28 cm shells.
  7. ^According to Kozłow (2003, p. 26). Gribowskij (1996, p. 33) stated that the first three battleships fired 156 rounds of 305 mm (without a detailed breakdown), and together withTri Svyatitelya– 169 rounds.
  8. ^Among others, the captain of thePantaleimonCaptain of the 1st Rank M. Kas'kov received theGolden Weapon for Bravery,artillery officer W. Malchikovsky was promoted to senior lieutenant, awarded theOrder of Saint Anna3rd Class with swords and theOrder of Saint Stanislaus2nd Class, and Admiral Eberhardt himself received swords to theOrder of Saint Vladimir2nd Class. (Kozłow (2003, p. 26))
  9. ^Based on the chronology of naval actions in Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, pp. 44–53).
  10. ^According to Kozłow (2003, pp. 23–24),Kazimierz Porębskiwas the commander ofRostislavduring the battle. However, Rafaił Mielnikow in the bookEskadriennyj bronienosjec Rostislav(1893-1920)states that Porębski commanded it in 1914, and from 24 December 1914, until an unknown date, the commander was Ivan Kuznetsov.
  11. ^The rank higher than Captain in the navy, no direct equivalent in English. (Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, p. 197))


  1. ^Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995,pp. 44–46)
  2. ^Gribowskij (1996,pp. 21, 24)
  3. ^Gribowskij (1996,p. 25)
  4. ^abcdeKozłow (2003,p. 24)
  5. ^abKozłow (2003,p. 16)
  6. ^abcKozłow (2003,p. 17)
  7. ^abcKozłow (2003,p. 19)
  8. ^Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995,p. 47)
  9. ^abcdefKozłow (2003,p. 18)
  10. ^abHalpern, Paul G. (11 October 2012). "Chapter 8: The Black Sea".A Naval History of World War I.Naval Institute Press.ISBN9781612511726.
  11. ^abcdeKozłow (2003,p. 21)
  12. ^Kozłow (2003,pp. 19–20)
  13. ^abcdKozłow (2003,p. 20)
  14. ^abcdKozłow (2003,p. 22)
  15. ^Kozłow (2003,pp. 21–22)
  16. ^abKozłow (2003,pp. 22–23)
  17. ^abcKozłow (2003,p. 23)
  18. ^Gribowskij (1996,p. 33)
  19. ^abKozłow (2003,pp. 23–26)
  20. ^abNoppen, Ryan K. (20 July 2015).Ottoman Navy Warships 1914–18.Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 28.ISBN9781472806208.
  21. ^abcdefgKozłow (2003,p. 25)
  22. ^Kozłow (2003, p. 25), Langensiepen & Güleryüz (1995, pp. 148, 159)
  23. ^abcdKozłow (2003,pp. 26–27)
  24. ^abcKozłow (2003,p. 28)
  25. ^Kozłow (2003,pp. 19, 28)


  • Kozłow, Denis (2003). "Boj u Bosfora".FłotoMaster(in Russian).4:16–27.
  • Langensiepen, Bernd; Güleryüz, Ahmet (1995).The Ottoman steam navy 1828–1923.Conway Maritime Press.ISBN0-85177-610-8.
  • Gribowskij, W. Ju. (1996). "Czornomorskij fłot w bojach z «Giebienom» (1914–1915 gody)".Gangut(in Russian) (10). Saint Petersburg: 20–33.