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Coordinates:49°04′43″N11°23′08″E/ 49.07861°N 11.38556°E/49.07861; 11.38556
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Free State of Bavaria
Freistaat Bayern(German)
Freistoot Bayern(Bavarian)
"Hymn of Bavaria"
Coordinates:49°04′43″N11°23′08″E/ 49.07861°N 11.38556°E/49.07861; 11.38556
• BodyLandtag of Bavaria
Minister-PresidentMarkus Söder(CSU)
• Governing partiesCSU/FW
Bundesrat votes6 (of 69)
Bundestag seats117 (of 736)
• Total70,550.19 km2(27,239.58 sq mi)
• Total13,369,393
• Density189/km2(490/sq mi)
• Total€716.784 billion (2022)
• Per capita€53,768 (2022)
Time zoneUTC+1(CET)
• Summer (DST)UTC+2(CEST)
ISO 3166 codeDE-BY
NUTS RegionDE2
very high·5th of 16

Bavaria,[a]officially theFree State of Bavaria,[b]is astatein the southeast ofGermany.With an area of 70,550.19 km2(27,239.58 sq mi), it is thelargest German state by land area,comprising roughly a fifth of the total land area of Germany. With over 13 million inhabitants, it is thesecond most populous German state,behind onlyNorth Rhine-Westphalia,but due to its large land area its population density isbelow the German average.Major cities includeMunich(its capital andlargest city,which is also thethird largest city in Germany),[5]Nuremberg,andAugsburg.

Thehistory of Bavariaincludes its earliest settlement byIron AgeCeltictribes, followed by the conquests of theRoman Empirein the 1st century BC, when the territory was incorporated into the provinces ofRaetiaandNoricum.It became theDuchy of Bavaria(astem duchy) in the 6th century AD following the collapse of theWestern Roman Empire.It was later incorporated into theHoly Roman Empire,became the independentKingdom of Bavariaafter 1806, joined the Prussian-ledGerman Empirein 1871 while retaining its title of kingdom, and finally became astateof theFederal Republic of Germanyin 1949.[6]

Bavaria has a distinct culture, largely because of itsCatholicheritage and conservative traditions,[7]which includes alanguage,cuisine,architecture, festivals and elements ofAlpinesymbolism.[8]It also has the second-largest economy among theGerman states by GDP figures,giving it the status of a wealthy German region.[9]

Contemporary Bavaria also includes parts of the historical regions ofFranconiaandSwabia,in addition toAltbayern.



Though Bavaria has been occupied by humans since the Paleolithic era,Celtic tribesof the Bronze Age, such as theBoiiwere the first documented inhabitants of theBavarian Alps.During the early modern era, these peoples were retrospectively romanticized as the most ancient culture of Bavaria,[10]even though theIndo-European languageswere relative newcomers to the region.

Middle Ages[edit]

In the 530s, theMerovingian dynastyincorporated the kingdom ofThuringiaafter their defeat by theFranks.TheBaiuvariiwere Frankicised a century later.[11]TheLex Thuringorumdocuments an upper class nobility ofadalingi.[12]From about 554 to 788, the house ofAgilolfingruled theDuchy of Bavaria,ending withTassilo IIIwho was deposed byCharlemagne.[13]

Tassilo I of Bavariatried unsuccessfully to hold the eastern frontier against the expansion ofSlavic peoplesand thePannonian Avarsaround 600.Garibald IIseems to have achieved a balance of power between 610 and 616.[14]

At Hugbert's death in 735, theduchypassed toOdilo of Bavariafrom the neighboringAlemannia.Odilo issued aLex Baiuvariorumfor Bavaria, completed the process of church organization in partnership withSaint Bonifacein 739, and tried to intervene in Frankish succession disputes by fighting for the claims of theCarolingian dynasty.He was defeated nearAugsburgin 743 but continued to rule until his death in 748.[15][16]

Saint Bonifacecompleted the people's conversion to Christianity in the early 8th century.Tassilo III of Bavariasucceeded to rule Bavaria. He initially ruled under Frankish oversight but began to function independently from 763 onward. He was particularly noted for founding new monasteries and for expanding eastwards, oppressingSlavsin theeastern Alpsand along theDanubeand colonizing these lands. After 781, however, Charlemagne began to exert pressure and Tassilo III was deposed in 788. Dissenters attempted a coup againstCharlemagneatRegensburgin 792, led byPepin the Hunchback.

A map of Bavaria in the 10th century

With the revolt ofHenry II, Duke of Bavariain 976, Bavaria lost large territories in the south and southeast.

One of the most important dukes of Bavaria wasHenry the Lionof thehouse of Welf,founder ofMunich,andde factothe second most powerful man in the empire as the ruler of two duchies. When in 1180, Henry the Lion was deposed as Duke ofSaxonyand Bavaria by his cousin,Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor(a.k.a. "Barbarossa" for his red beard), Bavaria was awarded asfiefto theWittelsbachfamily, counts palatinate of Schyren ( "Scheyern" in modern German). They ruled for 738 years, from 1180 to 1918. In 1180, however,Styriawas also separated from Bavaria. TheElectorate of the Palatinateby Rhine (Kurpfalzin German) was also acquired by theHouse of Wittelsbachin 1214, which they would subsequently hold for six centuries.[17]

The first of several divisions of the duchy of Bavaria occurred in 1255. With the extinction of theHohenstaufenin 1268,Swabianterritories were acquired by the Wittelsbach dukes.Emperor Louis the BavarianacquiredBrandenburg,Tyrol,HollandandHainautfor his House but released theUpper Palatinatefor the Palatinate branch of the Wittelsbach in 1329. That time alsoSalzburgfinally became independent from theDuchy of Bavaria.

In the 14th and 15th centuries, upper and lower Bavaria were repeatedly subdivided. Four Duchies existed after the division of 1392:Bavaria-Straubing,Bavaria-Landshut,Bavaria-IngolstadtandBavaria-Munich.In 1506 with theLandshut War of Succession,the other parts of Bavaria were reunited, and Munich became the sole capital. The country became a center of the Jesuit-inspiredCounter-Reformation.

Electorate of Bavaria[edit]

In 1623, the Bavarian duke replaced his relative of the Palatinate branch, theElectorate of the Palatinatein the early days of theThirty Years' Warand acquired the powerfulprince-electordignity in theHoly Roman Empire,determining its Emperor thence forward, as well as special legal status under the empire's laws. During the early and mid-18th century the ambitions of the Bavarian prince electors led to several wars with Austria as well as occupations by Austria (War of the Spanish Succession,War of the Austrian Successionwith the election of a Wittelsbach emperor instead of a Habsburg).[18]

To mark the unification of Bavaria and theElectoral Palatinate,both being principal Wittelsbach territories,Maximilian III Joseph, Elector of Bavariawas crowned king of Bavaria. King Maximilian III Joseph was quick to change the coat of arms. The various heraldic symbols were replaced and a classical Wittelsbach pattern introduced. The white and bluelozengessymbolized the unity of the territories within the Bavarian kingdom.[19]

The new state also comprised theDuchy of JülichandBergas these on their part were in personal union with the Palatinate.[citation needed]

Kingdom of Bavaria[edit]

A map of Bavaria in the 19th century

When theHoly Roman Empiredissolved underNapoleon's onslaught, Bavaria became akingdomin 1806 and joined theConfederation of the Rhine.[20]

The Duchy of Jülich was ceded to France and the Electoral Palatinate was divided between France and theGrand Duchy of Baden.The Duchy of Berg was given toJoachim Murat.TheCounty of Tyroland the federal state ofSalzburgwere temporarily annexed with Bavaria but eventually ceded to Austria at theCongress of Vienna.In return, Bavaria was allowed to annex the modern-day region ofPalatinateto the west of theRhineandFranconiain 1815.

Between 1799 and 1817, the leading minister, CountMontgelas,followed a strict policy of modernization copying Napoleonic France; he laid the foundations of centralized administrative structures that survived the monarchy and, in part, have retained core validity through to the 21st century. In May 1808, a first constitution was passed byMaximilian I,[21]being modernized in 1818. This second version established a bicameral Parliament with a House of Lords (Kammer der Reichsräte) and a House of Commons (Kammer der Abgeordneten). That constitution was followed until the collapse of the monarchy at the end ofWorld War I.

After the rise ofPrussiain the early 18th century, Bavaria preserved its independence by playing off the rivalry of Prussia andAustria.Allied to Austria, it was defeated along with Austria in the 1866Austro-Prussian Warand was not incorporated into theNorth German Confederationof 1867, but the question ofGerman unitywas still alive. WhenFrance declared war on Prussia in 1870,all the south German states (Baden, Württemberg, Hessen-Darmstadt and Bavaria) aside from Austria, joined the Prussian forces and ultimately joined the Federation, which was renamedDeutsches Reich(German Empire) in 1871.

Bavaria continued as a monarchy, and retained some special rights within the federation (such as railways and postal services and control of its army in peace times).

Part of the German Empire[edit]

A map of Bavaria in theGerman Empire,which was formed in 1871 and endured until 1918

When Bavaria became part of the newly formedGerman Empire,this action was considered controversial byBavarian nationalistswho had wanted to retain independence from the rest of Germany, as had Austria.

As Bavaria had a heavilyCatholicmajority population, many people resented being ruled by the mostlyProtestantnortherners inPrussia.As a direct result of the Bavarian-Prussian feud, political parties formed to encourage Bavaria to break away and regain its independence.[22]

In the early 20th century,Wassily Kandinsky,Paul Klee,Henrik Ibsen,and other artists were drawn to Bavaria, especially to theSchwabingdistrict in Munich, a center of international artistic activity at the time.

Free State of Bavaria[edit]

A memorial to soldiers who died inWorld War IandWorld War IIinKröning,Bavaria

World War Iled to the abolition of monarchy all over Germany in 1918. The Bavarian monarchy was the first to fall when on 8 November 1918 Socialist politicianKurt Eisnerproclaimed theFree State(i.e. republic) of Bavaria. Eisner headed a new, republican government as minister-president. On 12 November, KingLudwig IIIsigned theAnif declaration,releasing both civil and military officers from their oaths,[23]which the Eisner government interpreted as an abdication.[24]

After losing theJanuary 1919 elections,Eisner was assassinated in February 1919, ultimately leading to a Communist revolt and the short-livedBavarian Soviet Republicbeing proclaimed 6 April 1919. After violent suppression by elements of the German Army and notably theFreikorps,the Bavarian Soviet Republic fell in May 1919. TheBamberg Constitution(Bamberger Verfassung) was enacted on 12 or 14 August 1919 and came into force on 15 September 1919, placing Bavaria inside theWeimar Republic.

Extremist activity further increased, notably the 1923Beer Hall Putschled by theNazis,and Munich and Nuremberg became seen as strongholds ofNazismduring theWeimar RepublicandNazi dictatorship.However, in the crucialGerman federal election, March 1933,the Nazis received less than 50% of the votes cast in Bavaria.

As a manufacturing centre, Munich was heavily bombed duringWorld War IIand was occupied byUnited States Armed Forces,becoming a major part of the American Zone ofAllied-occupied Germany,which lasted from 1945 to 1947, and then ofBizone.

The Rhenish Palatinate was detached from Bavaria in 1946 and made part of the new stateRhineland-Palatinate.In 1949, Bavaria became part of theFederal Republic of Germany,despite theBavarian Parliamentvoting against adopting theBasic Law of Germany,mainly because it was seen as not granting sufficient powers to the individual states (Länder), but at the same time declared that it would accept it if two-thirds of the otherLänderratified it. All of the other states ratified it, so it became law.[25]Thus, during theCold War,Bavaria was part ofWest Germany.

Bavarian identity[edit]

Bavarians have often emphasized a separate national identity and considered themselves as "Bavarians" first, "Germans" second.[26]In the 19th-century sense, an independentKingdom of Bavariaexisted from only 1806 to 1871. A separate Bavarian identity was emphasized more strongly when Bavaria joined the Prussia-dominatedGerman Empirein 1871, while theBavarian nationalistswanted to keep Bavaria as Catholic and an independent state. Aside from the minorityBavaria Party,most Bavarians now accept Bavaria as part of Germany.[27]

Another consideration is that Bavaria is not culturally uniform. While inhabitantsAltbayern( "Old Bavaria" ), the regions forming the historic Bavaria before further acquisitions in 1806-1815, speak a Bavarian dialect of German,Franconiain the north and Bavarian Swabia in the south west, have their unique culture, including different dialects of German,East FranconianandSwabian,respectively.

Flags and coat of arms[edit]


Uniquely among German states, Bavaria has two official flags of equal status, one with a white and blue stripe, the other with white and blue diamond-shapedlozenges.Either may be used by civilians and government offices, who are free to choose between them.[28]Unofficial versions of the flag, especially a lozenge style with coat of arms, are sometimes used by civilians.

Coat of arms[edit]

The modern coat of arms of Bavaria was designed by Eduard Ege in 1946, following heraldic traditions.

  • The Golden Lion: At the dexter chief, sable, alionrampant Or, armed and langued gules. This represents the administrative region of Upper Palatinate.
  • The "Franconian Rake":At the sinister chief, perfessdancetty, gules, and argent. This represents the administrative regions of Upper, Middle and Lower Franconia.
  • The Blue "Pantier" (mythical creature fromFrench heraldry,sporting a flame instead of a tongue): At the dexter base, argent, a Pantier rampant azure, armed Or and langued gules. This represents the regions of Lower and Upper Bavaria.
  • The Three Lions: At the sinister base, Or, three lions passant guardant sable, armed and langued gules. This represents Swabia.
  • The White-And-Blue inescutcheon: Theinescutcheonof white and blue fusils askance was originally the coat of arms of the Counts of Bogen, adopted in 1247 by the House of Wittelsbach. The white-and-blue fusils are indisputably the emblem of Bavaria and these arms today symbolize Bavaria as a whole. Along with the People's Crown, it is officially used as the Minor Coat of Arms.
  • The People's Crown (Volkskrone): The coat of arms is surmounted by acrownwith a golden band inset with precious stones and decorated with five ornamental leaves. This crown first appeared in the coat of arms to symbolize sovereignty ofthe peopleafter the royal crown was eschewed in 1923.


TheBavarian Alps(foreground) andTyrolinAustria(background), including theInnvalley (center),Kaisergebirge(left),Pendling(right), and the snow-cappedHigh Tauern(center left)

Bavaria shares international borders withAustria(Salzburg,Tyrol,Upper AustriaandVorarlberg) and theCzech Republic(Karlovy Vary,PlzeňandSouth Bohemian Regions), as well as withSwitzerland(acrossLake Constanceto theCanton of St. Gallen).

Neighboring states within Germany areBaden-Württemberg,Hesse,Thuringia,andSaxony.Two major rivers flow through the state: theDanube(Donau) and theMain.TheBavarian Forestand theBohemian Forestform the vast majority of the frontier with the Czech Republic and Bohemia.

Thegeographic center of the European Unionis located in the northwestern corner of Bavaria.


At lower elevations the climate is classified according toKöppen'sguide as "Cfb"or"Dfb".At higher altitudes the climate becomes"Dfc"and"ET".

The summer months have been getting hotter in recent years.[29]For example, June 2019 was the warmest June in Bavaria since weather observations have been recorded[29]and the winter 2019/2020 was 3 degrees Celsius warmer than the average temperature for many years all over Bavaria. On 20 December 2019 a record temperature of 20.2 °C (68.4 °F) was recorded inPiding.[30]In general winter months are seeing more precipitation which is taking the form of rain more often than that of snow compared to the past.[29]Extreme weatherlike the2013 European floodsor the2019 European heavy snowfallsis occurring more and more often. One effect of the continuing warming is the melting of almost all BavarianAlpine glaciers:Of the five glaciers of Bavaria only theHöllentalferneris predicted to exist over a longer time perspective. TheSüdliche Schneefernerhas almost vanished since the 1980s.[29]

Administrative divisions[edit]

Administrative regions[edit]

The Bavarian administrative regions ofRegierungsbezirkeandBezirke

Bavaria is divided into seven administrative regions calledRegierungsbezirke(singularRegierungsbezirk). Each of these regions has a state agency called theBezirksregierung(district government).


Bezirke(regional districts) are the third communal layer in Bavaria; the others are theLandkreiseand theGemeindenorStädte.TheBezirkein Bavaria are territorially identical with theRegierungsbezirke,but they are self-governing regional corporation, having their own parliaments. In the other larger states of Germany, there are onlyRegierungsbezirkeas administrative divisions and no self-governing entities at the level of theRegierungsbezirkeas theBezirkein Bavaria.

Population and area[edit]

Bezirk Coat of arms Capital Population (2019)[31] Area (km2) No. municipalities
Lower Bavaria Landshut 1,244,169 9.48% 10,330 14.6% 258 12.5%
Lower Franconia Würzburg 1,317,619 10.46% 8,531 12.1% 308 15.0%
Upper Franconia Bayreuth 1,065,371 8.49% 7,231 10.2% 214 10.4%
Middle Franconia Ansbach 1,775,169 13.65% 7,245 10.3% 210 10.2%
Upper Palatinate Regensburg 1,112,102 8.60% 9,691 13.7% 226 11.0%
Swabia Augsburg 1,899,442 14.21% 9,992 14.2% 340 16.5%
Upper Bavaria Munich 4,710,865 35.12% 17,530 24.8% 500 24.3%
Total 13,124,737 100.0% 70,549 100.0% 2,056 100.0%


A map of Bavaria'sdistricts

The second communal layer is made up of 71 rural districts (calledLandkreise,singularLandkreis) that are comparable to counties, as well as the 25 independent cities (Kreisfreie Städte,singularKreisfreie Stadt), both of which share the same administrative responsibilities.

Rural districts:

  1. Aichach-Friedberg
  2. Altötting
  3. Amberg-Sulzbach
  4. Ansbach
  5. Aschaffenburg
  6. Augsburg
  7. Bad Kissingen
  8. Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen
  9. Bamberg
  10. Bayreuth
  11. Berchtesgadener Land
  12. Cham
  13. Coburg
  14. Dachau
  15. Deggendorf
  16. Dillingen
  17. Dingolfing-Landau
  18. Donau-Ries
  19. Ebersberg
  20. Eichstätt
  21. Erding
  22. Erlangen-Höchstadt
  23. Forchheim
  24. Freising
  25. Freyung-Grafenau
  26. Fürstenfeldbruck
  27. Fürth
  28. Garmisch-Partenkirchen
  29. Günzburg
  30. Hassberge
  31. Hof
  32. Kelheim
  33. Kitzingen
  34. Kronach
  35. Kulmbach
  36. Landsberg
  1. Landshut
  2. Lichtenfels
  3. Lindau
  4. Main-Spessart
  5. Miesbach
  6. Miltenberg
  7. Mühldorf
  8. München(Landkreis München)
  9. Neuburg-Schrobenhausen
  10. Neumarkt
  11. Neustadt (Aisch)-Bad Windsheim
  12. Neustadt an der Waldnaab
  13. Neu-Ulm
  14. Nürnberger Land
  15. Oberallgäu
  16. Ostallgäu
  17. Passau
  18. Pfaffenhofen
  19. Regen
  20. Regensburg
  21. Rhön-Grabfeld
  22. Rosenheim
  23. Roth
  24. Rottal-Inn
  25. Schwandorf
  26. Schweinfurt
  27. Starnberg
  28. Straubing-Bogen
  29. Tirschenreuth
  30. Traunstein
  31. Unterallgäu
  32. Weilheim-Schongau
  33. Weissenburg-Gunzenhausen
  34. Wunsiedel
  35. Würzburg

Independent cities:

  1. Amberg
  2. Ansbach
  3. Aschaffenburg
  4. Augsburg
  5. Bamberg
  6. Bayreuth
  7. Coburg
  8. Erlangen
  9. Fürth
  10. Hof
  11. Ingolstadt
  12. Kaufbeuren
  13. Kempten
  1. Landshut
  2. Memmingen
  3. Munich(München)
  4. Nuremberg(Nürnberg)
  5. Passau
  6. Regensburg
  7. Rosenheim
  8. Schwabach
  9. Schweinfurt
  10. Straubing
  11. Weiden
  12. Würzburg


MunichwithFrauenkirche(left) andRathaus,Munich's town hall

The 71 rural districts are on the lowest level divided into 2,031 regular municipalities (calledGemeinden,singularGemeinde). Together with the 25 independent cities (kreisfreie Städte,which are in effect municipalities independent ofLandkreisadministrations), there are a total of 2,056 municipalities in Bavaria.

In 44 of the 71 rural districts, there are a total of 215unincorporated areas(as of 1 January 2005, calledgemeindefreie Gebiete,singulargemeindefreies Gebiet), not belonging to any municipality, all uninhabited, mostly forested areas, but also four lakes (Chiemsee-without islands,Starnberger See-without islandRoseninsel,Ammersee,which are the three largest lakes of Bavaria, andWaginger See).

Major cities and towns[edit]

City Region Inhabitants
Munich Upper Bavaria 1,210,223 1,259,677 1,353,186 1,450,381 +11.81
Nuremberg Middle Franconia 488,400 499,237 505,664 509,975 +3.53
Augsburg Swabia 254,982 262,676 264,708 286,374 +3.81
Regensburg Upper Palatinate 125,676 129,859 135,520 145,465 +7.83
Ingolstadt Upper Bavaria 115,722 121,314 125,088 132,438 +8.09
Würzburg Lower Franconia 127,966 133,906 133,799 124,873 +4.56
Fürth Middle Franconia 110,477 113,422 114,628 124,171 +3.76
Erlangen Middle Franconia 100,778 103,197 105,629 108,336 +4.81
Bayreuth Upper Franconia 74,153 73,997 72,683 72,148 −1.98
Bamberg Upper Franconia 69,036 70,081 70,004 73,331 +1.40
Aschaffenburg Lower Franconia 67,592 68,642 68,678 68,986 +1.61
Landshut Lower Bavaria 58,746 61,368 63,258 69,211 +7.68
Kempten Swabia 61,389 61,360 62,060 66,947 +1.09
Rosenheim Upper Bavaria 58,908 60,226 61,299 61,844 +4.06
Neu-Ulm Swabia 50,188 51,410 53,504 57,237 +6.61
Schweinfurt Lower Franconia 54,325 54,273 53,415 51,969 −1.68
Passau Lower Bavaria 50,536 50,651 50,594 50,566 +0.11
Freising Upper Bavaria 40,890 42,854 45,223 46,963 +10.60
Straubing Lower Bavaria 44,014 44,633 44,450 46,806 +0.99
Dachau Upper Bavaria 38,398 39,922 42,954 46,705 +11.87

Source: Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung[32][33]


TheBavarian State ChancelleryinMunich

Bavaria has a multiparty system dominated by the conservativeChristian Social Union(CSU), which has won every election since 1945 with the exception of the 1950 ballot. Other important parties areThe Greens,which became the second biggest political party in the 2018 local parliament elections and the center-leftSocial Democrats(SPD), who have dominated the city ofMunichuntil 2020. Hitherto,Wilhelm Hoegnerhas been the only SPD candidate to ever become Minister-President; notable successors in office include multi-term Federal MinisterFranz Josef Strauss,a key figure amongWest Germanconservatives during theCold Waryears, andEdmund Stoiber,who both failed with their bids forChancellorship.

The GermanGreensand the center-rightFree Votershave been represented in the state parliament since 1986 and 2008 respectively.

In the2003 electionsthe CSU won a⅔ supermajority– something no party had ever achieved in postwar Germany. However, in the subsequent2008 electionsthe CSU lost the absolute majority for the first time in 46 years.[34]

The losses were partly attributed by some to the CSU's stance for an anti-smoking bill.[further explanation needed](A first anti-smoking law had been proposed by the CSU and passed but was watered down after the election, after which a referendum enforced a strict antismoking bill with a large majority).

Current Landtag[edit]

Current composition of theLandtag:
SPD:17 seats
The Greens:32 seats
Free Voters:37 seats
CSU:85 seats
AfD:32 seats

Thelast state electionswere held on 8 October 2023. The CSU could almost maintain the results from the last elections with 37%. The Greens lost 3% compared to the last election with a result of 14.4%. The SPD lost again compared to the last election and was now at 8.4%. The liberals of the FDP were not able to reach the five-percent-threshold thus they are not part of theLandtaganymore, the second time after the 2013 elections. The right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) gained another 4% with now at 14.6% of the vote.[35]

The center-right Free Voters party gained 15.8% of the votes and for the second time formed a government coalition with the CSU which led to the subsequent reelection of Markus Söder asMinister-President of Bavaria.[36]


TheConstitution of Bavariaof the Free State of Bavaria was enacted on 8 December 1946. The new Bavarian Constitution became the basis for the Bavarian State after the Second World War.

Bavaria has aunicameralLandtag(English: State Parliament), elected by universal suffrage.[37]Until December 1999, there was also aSenat,orSenate,whose members were chosen by social and economic groups in Bavaria, but following a referendum in 1998, this institution was abolished.[38]

The Bavarian State Government consists of theMinister-President of Bavaria,eleven Ministers and six Secretaries of State. The Minister-President is elected for a period of five years by the State Parliament and is head of state. With the approval of the State Parliament he appoints the members of the State Government. The State Government is composed of the:

  • State Chancellery(Staatskanzlei)
  • Ministry of theInterior,for Sport and Integration (Staatsministerium des Innern, für Sport und Integration)
  • Ministry for Housing, Construction and Transport (Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr)
  • Ministry of Justice (Staatsministerium der Justiz)
  • Ministry for Education and Culture (Staatsministerium für Bildung und Kultus)
  • Ministry for Science and Art (Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst)
  • Ministry of Finance and for Home Affairs (Staatsministerium der Finanzen und für Heimat)
  • Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Landesentwicklung und Energie)
  • Ministry for Environment and Consumer Protection (Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz)
  • Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten)
  • Ministry for Family, Labour and Social Affairs (Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales)
  • Ministry for Health and Care (Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege)
  • Ministry for Digital Affairs (Staatsministerium für Digitales)[39]

Political processes also take place in the seven regions (RegierungsbezirkeorBezirke) in Bavaria, in the 71 rural districts (Landkreise) and the 25 towns and cities forming their own districts (kreisfreie Städte), and in the 2,031 local authorities (Gemeinden).

In 1995 Bavaria introduceddirect democracyon the local level in areferendum.This was initiated bottom-up by an association calledMehr Demokratie(English: More Democracy). This is a grass-roots organization which campaigns for the right to citizen-initiated referendums. In 1997 the Bavarian Supreme Court tightened the regulations considerably (including by introducing a turn-out quorum). Nevertheless, Bavaria has the most advanced regulations on local direct democracy in Germany. This has led to a spirited citizens' participation in communal and municipal affairs—835 referendums took place from 1995 through 2005.

Minister-presidents of Bavaria since 1945[edit]

Markus Söder,the currentprime ministerof Bavaria
Ministers-President of Bavaria
No. Name Born and died Party affiliation Begin of tenure End of tenure
1 Fritz Schäffer 1888–1967 CSU 1945 1945
2 Wilhelm Hoegner 1887–1980 SPD 1945 1946
3 Hans Ehard 1887–1980 CSU 1946 1954
4 Wilhelm Hoegner 1887–1980 SPD 1954 1957
5 Hanns Seidel 1901–1961 CSU 1957 1960
6 Hans Ehard 1887–1980 CSU 1960 1962
7 Alfons Goppel 1905–1991 CSU 1962 1978
8 Franz Josef Strauß 1915–1988 CSU 1978 1988
9 Max Streibl 1932–1998 CSU 1988 1993
10 Edmund Stoiber *1941 CSU 1993 2007
11 Günther Beckstein *1943 CSU 2007 2008
12 Horst Seehofer *1949 CSU 2008 2018
13 Markus Söder *1967 CSU 2018 Incumbent

Designation as a "free state"[edit]

Unlike most German states (Länder), which simply designate themselves as "State of" (Land [...]), Bavaria uses the style of "Free State of Bavaria" (Freistaat Bayern). The difference from other states is purely terminological, as German constitutional law does not draw a distinction between "States" and "Free States". The situation is thus analogous to the United States, wheresome statesuse the style "Commonwealth" rather than "State". The term "Free State", a creation of the 19th century and intended to be a German alternative to (or translation of) the Latin-derivedrepublic,was common among the states of theWeimar Republic,after German monarchies had been abolished. Unlike most other states – many of which were new creations – Bavaria has resumed this terminology afterWorld War II.Two other states,SaxonyandThuringia,also call themselves "Free State".

Arbitrary arrest and human rights[edit]

In July 2017, Bavaria's parliament enacted a new revision of the "Gefährdergesetz", allowing the authorities to imprison a person for a three months term, renewable indefinitely, when they have not committed a crime but it is assumed that they might commit a crime "in the near future".[40]Critics like the prominent journalistHeribert Prantlhave called the law "shameful" and compared it toGuantanamo Bay detention camp,[41]assessed it to be in violation of theEuropean Convention on Human Rights,[42]and also compared it to the legal situation in Russia, where a similar law allows for imprisonment for a maximum term of two years (i.e., not indefinitely).[43]


BMW WeltandBMW HeadquartersinMunich
The thermal baths inBad Aiblingwith its special architecture in the form of domes.

Bavaria has long had one of the largest economies of any region in Germany, and in Europe.[44]Itsgross domestic product(GDP) in 2007 exceeded €434 billion (about U.S. $600 billion).[45]This makes Bavaria itself one of the largest economies in Europe, and only 20 countries in the world have a higher GDP.[46]The GDP of the region increased to €617.1 billion in 2018, accounting for 18.5% of German economic output. GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power was €43,500 or 145% of the EU27 average in the same year. The GDP per employee was 114% of the EU average. This makes Bavaria one of the wealthiest regions in Europe.[47]Bavaria has strong economic ties withAustria,Czech Republic,Switzerland,andNorthern Italy.[48] In 2019 GDP was €832.4 ($905.7) billion, €48,323 ($52,577.3) per capita.[49]


The most distinctive high points of Bavarian agriculture are:

  • Hopgrowing in regionHallertau,which is up to 80% of German production and exported worldwide.
  • Inlandaquacultureofcarpsandtrout.
  • The well-hydrated alpine meadows are used to produce large quantities of quality milk, which is used to make a variety of cheese (includingblue-veined cheese), yogurt and butter.
  • The cultivation ofasparagusis widespread, which is a very popular new season vegetable. In season ( "Spargelzeit" ) restaurants offer special separated asparagus menu. There is an asparagus museum inSchrobenhausen.
  • There are farms producing venison fromdeerandroe.
  • Viticultureis widespread inLower Franconia.
  • Good ecology and strict control allow for the production of a large amount of organic products ( "bio" ) and baby food.


Bavaria has the best developed industry in Germany[50]and the lowest unemployment rate with 2.9% as of October 2021.[51]


  • Oil refining.Although there is oil production in Bavaria, it does not meet domestic needs. Most of the oil is imported via pipelines from theCzech Republic(Russian oil) and from the Italian port ofTrieste(Near East oil). Three refineries are situated nearIngolstadtand another one inBurghausen.The last one is a part of the Bavarian chemical triangle and delivers raw materials to other chemical plants.
  • Automotiveis the most important and best developed Bavarian industry, which includes design and manufacture of luxury cars (4BMWand 2Audimanufacturing plants, headquarters of both companies, R&D centers, test tracks), trucks (Traton MAN), special vehicles (Tadano Faun), buses (Evobus/Setra), and automotive parts (engines, electronics, cables, seats, interiors, cabrio roofs, heating, and brake systems, software). Bavaria has the second-most employees (207,829) in the automotive industry of all German states after Baden-Württemberg as of 2018.[52]
  • Aerospace and defense,which manufacture multi-role attack jetEurofighter Typhoon,missiles fromMBDAandDiehl Defence,parts of rocketAriane,regional jetDornier 728,ultra-light planes fromGrob Aerospace,turbo jet engines for civil and military applications fromMTU Aero Engines,helicoptersAirbus,main battle tankLeopard 2,drones, composite parts, avionics, radars, propellants, initiators, powder, munitions. In Munich suburbanOberpfaffenhofensituated control center of European satellite navigation systemGalileo,German Space Operations Center,Microwaves and Radar Institute, Institute of Communications and Navigation, Remote Sensing Technology Institute, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, Institute for Software Technology, Institute of System Dynamics and Control.
  • Other transport manufacturingare represented in Bavaria. Ship yards even exist, for exampleBavaria Yachtbau,despite being located many hundreds of kilometers from the sea, manufacturing 4-stroke marine diesel engines which are used in cruise liners, ferries and warships. Rail technology is produced in Munich-Allach (locomotiveSiemens Vectron) and rail maintenance vehicles inFreilassing.
  • Brewery.Bavaria has long tradition of brewery, near a half of all German breweries are located here (645 of 1300). All possible types of breweries exist: home brewery of hotel or restaurant, belong to big international concern, state-owned, castle or monastery breweries. The perfect quality of beer is guaranteed by 500-years law ( "Reinheitsgebot"), which allow as beer ingredients only water, hops, yeast and malt of barley, wheat or rye. But difference of roasting, fermentation or mi xing allow to produce many different types of beers (not brand).Vladimir Putinat 2009 tasted beer from BrauereiAying,Barack Obamaat 2015 also tasted Bavarian beer of Karg Brauerei inMurnau.InFreisingsituated research center Weihenstephan for brewing and food quality.


Many large companies are headquartered in Bavaria, includingAdidas,Allianz,Audi,BMW,Brose,BSH Hausgeräte,HypoVereinsbank,Infineon,KUKA,Traton,MTU Aero Engines,Munich Re,Osram,Puma,Rohde & Schwarz,Schaeffler,Siemens,Wacker Chemie,Linde,Vitesco Technologies,Webasto,Grob,Heidenhain,Koenig & Bauer,Kaeser Compressors,Krones,Knorr-Bremse,Wacker Neuson,Krauss-Maffei Wegmann,Siltronic,Leoni,Fielmann,MediaMarkt,Conrad Electronic,BayWa,ProSiebenSat.1 Media,Telefónica Germany,Knauf,Rehau,andGiesecke+Devrient.

Several American companies have established research and development facilities in the Munich region:Apple(chip design),Google(data security),IBM(Watson technology),Intel(drones and telecommunication chips),General Electric(3D-printers and additive manufacturing),Gleason(gears manufacturing),Texas Instruments(chip design and manufacturing),Coherent(lasers).


With 40 million tourists in 2019, Bavaria is the most visited German state and one of Europe's leading tourist destinations.[53]

Attractions include:


The unemployment rate stood at 2.6% in October 2018, the lowest in Germany and one of the lowest in theEuropean Union.[54]

Year[55] 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Unemployment rate in % 5.5 5.3 6.0 6.9 6.9 7.8 6.8 5.3 4.2 4.8 4.5 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.2 2.9 2.8 3.6 3.5


Population density ofGermanywith Bavaria in the southeast

Bavaria has a population of approximately 13.1 million inhabitants (2020). Eight of the80 largest cities in Germanyare located within Bavaria with Munich being the largest (1,484,226 inhabitants, approximately 6.1 million when including the broader metropolitan area), followed byNuremberg(518,370 inhabitants, approximately 3.6 million when including the broader metropolitan area),Augsburg(296,582 inhabitants) andRegensburg(153,094 inhabitants). All other cities in Bavaria had less than 150,000 inhabitants each in 2020. Population density in Bavaria was 186/km2(480/sq mi), below the national average of 233/km2(600/sq mi). Foreign nationals resident in Bavaria (bothimmigrantsandrefugees/asylum seekers) were principally from other EU countries and Turkey.

Top-ten foreign resident populations[56]
Nationality Population (31 December 2022) Population (31 December 2023)
1 Romania 209,810 213,770
2 Turkey 194,730 204,260
3 Ukraine 178,925 181,880
4 Croatia 133,090 133,425
5 Poland 119,320 120,100
6 Italy 107,930 108,230
7 Syria 85,445 92,405
8 Austria 90,050 84,210
9 Hungary 76,705 79,365
10 Greece 78,875 76,155

Vital statistics[edit]

Vital statistics[57]
Comparison period Births Deaths Natural growth
January – November 2016 Increase115,032 Positive decrease116,915 Increase-1,883
January – November 2017 Increase115,690 Negative increase122,247 Decrease-6,557


Some features of the Bavarian culture and mentality are remarkably distinct from the rest of Germany. Noteworthy differences (especially in rural areas, less significant in the major cities) can be found with respect to religion, traditions, and language.


Religion in Bavaria – 2020[58]
Religion Percent
Protestants (ELKB)
Other ornone
ACatholic ChurchnearFüssenwith theAlpsin the background

Bavarian culture (Altbayern) has a long and predominant tradition ofRoman Catholicfaith. PopeBenedict XVI (Joseph Alois Ratzinger)was born inMarktl am InninUpper Bavariaand wasCardinal-Archbishop of Munich and Freising.Otherwise, the culturallyFranconianandSwabianregions of the modern State of Bavaria are historically more diverse in religiosity, with both Catholic andProtestanttraditions. In 1925, 70.0% of the Bavarian population wasCatholic,28.8% wasProtestant,0.7% wasJewish,and 0.5% was placed in other religious categories.[59]

As of 202046.9% of Bavarians adhered to Catholicism (a decline from 70.4% in 1970).[60][58]17.2 percent of the population adheres to theEvangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria,which has also declined since 1970.[60][58]Three percent wasOrthodox,Muslimsmake up 4.0% of the population of Bavaria. 31.9 percent of Bavarians are irreligious or adhere to other religions.


Bavarians commonly emphasize pride in their traditions. Traditional costumes collectively known asTrachtare worn on special occasions and include inAltbayernLederhosenfor males andDirndlfor females. Centuries-oldfolk musicis performed. TheMaibaum,or Maypole (which in the Middle Ages served as the community's business directory, as figures on the pole represented the trades of the village), and the bagpipes of the Upper Palatinate region bear witness to theancient Celtic and Germanicremnants of cultural heritage of the region. There are many traditional Bavarian sports disciplines, e.g. theAperschnalzen,competitivewhipcracking.

Whether in Bavaria, overseas or with citizens from other nations Bavarians continue to cultivate their traditions. They hold festivals and dances to keep their heritage alive.

Food and drink[edit]

Bavarians tend to place a great value on food and drink. In addition to their renowned dishes, Bavarians also consume many items of food and drink which are unusual elsewhere in Germany; for exampleWeißwurst( "white sausage" ) or in some instances a variety of entrails. At folk festivals and in manybeer gardens,beer is traditionally served by the litre (in aMaß). Bavarians are particularly proud[61]of the traditionalReinheitsgebot,or beer purity law, initially established by theDuke of Bavariafor the City of Munich (i.e. the court) in 1487 and the duchy in 1516. According to this law, only three ingredients were allowed in beer: water,barley,andhops.In 1906 theReinheitsgebotmade its way to all-German law, and remained a law in Germany until the EU partly struck it down in 1987 as incompatible with the European common market.[62]German breweries, however, cling to the principle, and Bavarian breweries still comply with it in order to distinguish their beer brands.[63]Bavarians are also known as some of the world's most prolific beer drinkers, with an average annual consumption of 170 liters per person.[citation needed]

Bavaria is also home to theFranconia wine region,which is situated along the riverMainin Franconia. The region has produced wine (Frankenwein) for over 1,000 years and is famous for its use of theBocksbeutelwine bottle. The production of wine forms an integral part of the regional culture, and many of its villages and cities hold their own wine festivals (Weinfeste) throughout the year.

Language and dialects[edit]

A nativeBavarian languagespeaker recorded in Germany
Upper GermanandCentral Germanform theGerman language;Austro-Bavariandialects are highlighted in blue.

Three German dialects are most commonly spoken in Bavaria:Austro-Bavarianin Old Bavaria (Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria, and the Upper Palatinate),Swabian German(anAlemannic Germandialect) in the Bavarian part of Swabia (southwest) andEast Franconian Germanin Franconia (north). In the small townLudwigsstadtin the north, district Kronach in Upper Franconia,Thuringian dialectis spoken. During the 20th century an increasing part of the population began to speakStandard German(Hochdeutsch), mainly in the cities.


Bavarians consider themselves to beegalitarianand informal.[64]Their sociability can be experienced at the annualOktoberfest,the world's largest beer festival, which welcomes around six million visitors every year, or in the famousbeer gardens.In traditional Bavarian beer gardens, patrons may bring their own food but buy beer only from the brewery that runs the beer garden.[65]


There are around 1,300 museums in Bavaria, including museums of art and cultural history, castles and palaces, archaeological and natural history collections, museums of technological and industrial history, and farm and open-air museums. The history of Bavarian museums dates back to manorialcabinets of curiositiesandtreasuries.The art holdings of theHouse of Wittelsbachthus formed the first and essential foundation of later state museums. As early as the mid-16th century, Duke Albrecht V (r. 1550–1579) had collected paintings as well as Greek and Roman sculptures (or copies made of them). He had the Antiquarium in the Munich Residence built specifically for his collection of antique sculptures. The electorsMaximilian I(r. 1594–1651) andMax II. Emanuel(r. 1679–1726) expanded the art collections considerably. In theAge of Enlightenmentat the end of the 18th century, there was a demand to open up art collections to the general public in the spirit of "popular education". But Museums were not founded by the state until the time of the art-lovingKing Ludwig I(r. 1825–1848). In Munich, he builtGlyptothek(opened 1830),Alte Pinakothek(opened 1836), andNeue Pinakothek(opened 1853). Also, the foundation of theGermanisches Nationalmuseumin Nuremberg (1852), the establishment of theNeue Pinakothek,which opened in 1853, and theBavarian National Museum(1867) in Munich were of central importance for the development of museums in Bavaria in the 19th century. With the end of the monarchy in 1918, many castles and formerly Wittelsbach property passed to the young Free State. In particular, the castles of kingLudwig II(r. 1864–1886)Neuschwanstein,LinderhofandHerrenchiemsee,quickly became magnets for the public. Since then, the number of Bavarian Museums has grown considerably, from 125 in 1907 to around 1,300 today.[66]



Bavaria is home to severalfootballclubs includingFC Bayern Munich,1. FC Nürnberg,FC Augsburg,TSV 1860 Munich,FC Ingolstadt 04andSpVgg Greuther Fürth.Bayern Munich is the most successful football team in Germany having won a record 32German titlesand 6UEFA Champions Leaguetitles. They are followed by 1. FC Nürnberg who have won 9 titles. SpVgg Greuther Fürth have won 3 championships while TSV 1860 Munich have been champions once.


Bavaria is also home to four professionalbasketballteams, includingFC Bayern Munich,Brose Baskets Bamberg,s.Oliver Würzburg,Nürnberg Falcons BC,andTSV Oberhaching Tropics.

Ice hockey[edit]

There are five Bavarian ice hockey teams playing in the German top-tier leagueDEL:EHC Red Bull München,Nürnberg Ice Tigers,Augsburger Panther,ERC Ingolstadt,andStraubing Tigers.

Notable people[edit]

Notable people who have lived, or live currently, in Bavaria include:

See also[edit]




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General and cited sources[edit]

External links[edit]