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Beowulf (hero)

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Beowulf battles the dragon
In-universe information
Hrethel(maternal grandfather),
Hygelac(maternal uncle, fl. 515)

Beowulf(/ˈbəwʊlf/;[1][2]Old English:Bēowulf[ˈbeːowuɫf]) is a legendaryGeatishhero inthe eponymous epic poem,one of the oldest surviving pieces of English literature.

Etymology and origins of the character[edit]

A number of origins have been proposed for the nameBeowulf.


Henry Sweet,a philologist and linguist specializing inGermanic languages,proposed that the nameBēowulfliterally means inOld English"bee-wolf" or "bee-hunter" and that it is akenningfor "bear".[3]Recorded instances of similar names mirror this etymology. The 1031 ADLiber Vitaerecords the nameBiuuuwulf.The name is attested to a monk fromDurhamand meansbee wolfin theOld Northumbriandialect.[4]The 11th century EnglishDomesday Bookcontains a recorded instance of the nameBeulf.[4]The scholarGregor Sarrazin[de]suggested that the nameBeowulfderived from a mistranslation ofBöðvarrwith -varrinterpreted asvargrmeaning "wolf".[5] However,Sophus Buggequestioned this etymology, and instead suggested that the personageBöðvarr Bjarkiderived from Beowulf.[5]


In 2005,Andy Orchardtheorized an etymology on the basis of the commonOld NorsenameÞórólfr(which literally translates to "ThorWolf "), stating in parallel that a" more likely "meaning for the name would be the" wolf "of the Germanic godBeow.[6]


English philologistWalter William Skeatproposed an etymological origin in a term for "Woodpecker"citing theOld Dutchtermbiewolffor the bird. Skeat states that theblack woodpeckeris common in Norway and Sweden and further reasons that the "indominatable nature" and that the "bird fights to the death" might have influenced the choice of the name.[7]This etymological origin has been criticized as not being in accordance toGrimm's lawand Skeat may have recanted the proposal at a later date.[8]

Beado-Wulf (war wolf)[edit]

The editors ofBosworth's monumental dictionary of Anglo-Saxonpropose that Beowulf is a variant ofbeado-wulfmeaning "war wolf" and that it is cognate with the IcelandicBodulfrwhich also means "war wolf".[9]

Beowulf beforeBeowulf[edit]

Scholars have long debated the origins of the character Beowulf. Some have argued that Beowulf existed in heroic-legendary tradition prior to the composition ofBeowulf,while others have believed that theBeowulfpoet invented his Geatish protagonist.Leonard Neidorfhas argued that Beowulf was present in (now lost) heroic-legendary cycles beforeBeowulfwas composed. Neidorf argued that the seventh-century usage of the name ‘Biuuulf’ (Beowulf), which involves an element (Beow) that was unproductive in contemporary name-giving, suggests that legends of Beowulf existed well before the composition of our extant poem.[10]

Beowulf manuscript[edit]

Origins in Geatland[edit]

Tribes mentioned in the epic poemBeowulf,showing Beowulf's voyage toHeorotin what is nowZealand,and the kingdoms of the Geats and Wulfings in what is now southern Sweden

As told in the survivingepic poem,Beowulf was the son ofEcgþeow,a warrior of theSwedishWægmundings.Ecgþeow had slainHeaðolaf,a man from another clan (named theWulfings)(according toScandinaviansources, they were the ruling dynasty of theGeatishpetty kingdomofÖstergötland). Apparently, because the victim was from a prominent family, theweregildwas set too high, and so Ecgþeow was banished and had to seek refuge among theDanes.The Danish kingHroðgargenerously paid theweregild,and had Ecgþeow swear an oath.

Ecgþeow was in the service of theGeatish kingHreðel,whose daughter he married. They had Beowulf, who grew up with theGeats.Beowulf's childhood friend wasBreca the Bronding"supposed to be the inhabitants of the islandBrännö,lying off the coast ofWest Gothlandin theCattegat".[11]This would be a realistic location for a childhood friend of Beowulf, and the poem describes a swimming contest between them.

Zealand and Grendel[edit]

When KingHroðgar,his wifeWealhþeow,and his court were terrorized by the monstrousGrendel,Beowulf leftGeatland(West Götaland) and sailed toZealandwith fourteen warriors in order to pay his father's debt. During the night, Grendel arrived to attack the sleeping men and devoured one of the other Geats before seizing Beowulf. As no manmade weapon could harm Grendel, Beowulf fought back with his bare hands and tore off the beast's arm. Grendel fled back to the bog to die from his wound, and his arm was attached to the wall ofHeorot.The next day, Beowulf was lauded and askald(scop) sang and compared Beowulf with the heroSigmund.

However, during the following nightGrendel's motherarrived to avenge her son's death and collectweregild.As Beowulf slept in a different building he could not stop her. He resolved to descend into the bog in order to kill her. They fought beside Grendel's corpse, and Beowulf finally won with the aid of an enchantedgiantsword stolen from the lair's plundered wooden box.

Return to Geatland, kingdom, and death[edit]

Having returned to Geatland, Beowulf is described as taking part in a raid (a genuine historic event) against theFrankswith his kingHiglac.Higlac died during the raid, and Beowulf swam home in full armour. Back in Geatland, queenHygdoffered Beowulf the throne but Beowulf declined in favour of the young princeHeardred.However, Heardred received two Swedish princes,EadgilsandEanmundwho reported that they had fled their uncleOnelawho had usurped the Swedish throne. This led to a Swedish invasion in which Heardred was killed. Beowulf was proclaimed king and decided to avenge Heardred and to help Eadgils become king of Sweden.

The event whenOnelawas slain was probably a historic event. Even though it is only briefly mentioned inBeowulf,it occurs extensively in several Scandinavian sources where it is called theBattle on the Ice of Lake Vänern.For example,Snorri Sturlusonwrote:

Onela rode Raven, as they rode to the ice, but a second one, a grey one, hastened, wounded by spears, eastwards under Eadgils.[...]In this fight Onela died and a great many of his people. Then king Eadgils took from him his helmet Battle-boar and his horse Raven.[citation needed]

(Although, in Snorri's text the names are in their correspondingOld Norseforms).

Beowulf ruled the Geats for 50 years, until his realm was terrorized by a fire-breathingdragonafter a thief stole a golden cup from its hoard of treasure. After unsuccessfully attacking the dragon with histhegns,Beowulf decided to pursue the monster into its lair atEarnanæs,but only his young Swedish relativeWiglafdared join him. Beowulf's sword broke, but he dealt the dragon its death-blow with his dagger. He had been mortally wounded by the dragon's poisonous bite. Dying, he was carried out by Wiglaf, and with his last breaths named Wiglaf his rightful heir. His body was burned on a funeral pyre, and his ashes buried in abarrowby the sea.

The last three lines of the poem are, inSeamus Heaney's translation:

They [the Geats] said that of all the kings upon the earth,
he was the man most gracious and fair-minded,
kindest to his people and keenest to win fame.

The statement is clear, except for the final word,lof-geornest('keenest to seek fame'), which is two-edged. It is no shame for a hero to seek fame, but it may be possible to be too eager for it.[13]


  1. ^"Beowulf".LexicoUK English Dictionary.Oxford University Press.Archived fromthe originalon 2021-03-01.
  2. ^"Beowulf".Merriam-Webster Dictionary.Retrieved2016-01-21.
  3. ^Sweet, Henry. (1884)Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and VerseThe Clarendon Press, p. 202.
  4. ^abChadwick, Hector Munro (1983)The Origin of the English Nation,p. 294.ISBN0-941694-09-7
  5. ^ab The Relation of the Hrolfs Saga Kraka and the Bjarkarimur to Beowulfby Olson, 1916, at Project Gutenberg.
  6. ^Orchard, Andy. (2003)A Critical Companion to BeowulfISBN1-84384-029-4
  7. ^Skaet, Walter William. (1877) "The Name Beowulf" fromThe Academy24 February 1877, p. 163.
  8. ^Shippey, Tom A.Beowulf: The Critical Heritagepp. 387–88.ISBN0-415-02970-8
  9. ^The Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, the posthumous dictionary byJoseph Bosworth(1898), seebeorne – Beó-wulf.
  10. ^Neidorf, Leonard."Beowulf beforeBeowulf:Anglo-Saxon Anthroponymy and Heroic Legend. "Review of English Studies64 (2013): 553–73
  11. ^The Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, the posthumous dictionary byJoseph Bosworth(1898), seebróc – brot.
  12. ^Heaney, Seamus(1999).Beowulf(PDF).Faber & Faber.ISBN0-571-20113-X.Retrieved24 November2018.
  13. ^Chickering, Howell D. Jr. (1977).Beowulf: A Dual-Language Edition.Anchor Books.p.379.ISBN0-385-06213-3.
Legendary titles
Preceded by King of the Geats Succeeded by