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Bernardo Tanucci

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Bernardo Tanucci
Born(1698-02-20)20 February 1698
Died29 April 1783(1783-04-29)(aged 85)
EducationUniversity of Pisa
  • Jurist
  • Statesman
Known forestablishing the supremacy of a modernized State over the Catholic Church, abolishing the feudal privileges of Papacy and the nobility in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
Parent(s)Giuliano Tanucci and Lucrezia Tanucci (née Tommasi)

Bernardo Tanucci(20 February 1698 – 29 April 1783) was an Italian jurist and statesman, who brought anenlightened absolutismstyle of government to theKingdom of the Two SiciliesforCharles IIIand his sonFerdinand IV.[1]


Born of a poor family inStia,nearArezzo(Tuscany), Tanucci was educated, thanks to a patron, at theUniversity of Pisa.Tanucci was appointed a professor of law there in 1725 and attracted attention by his defence of the authenticity of theCodex Pisanusof thePandectsof Justinian. WhenCharles, Duke of Parma,son ofPhilip V of Spain,who succeeded him as monarch and became Charles III, passed through Tuscany on his way to conquer the Kingdom of Naples,Cosimo III de' Medici,Grand Duke of Tuscany, encouraged him to take Tanucci with him. In Naples Charles appointed him at first councillor of state, then superintendent of posts, minister of justice in 1752, foreign minister in 1754 and finally prime minister and amarquis.[1]

As prime minister Tanucci was most zealousregalistin establishing the supremacy of a modernized State over the Catholic Church, and in abolishing the feudal privileges of Papacy and the nobility in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Governing under the principles ofenlightened absolutism,he restricted the jurisdiction of the bishops, eliminated medieval privilege, and closed convents and monasteries[2]and reduced the taxes to be forwarded to the pontificalCuria.These reforms were sanctioned in a Concordat signed with the Papacy in 1741, the application of which, however, went far beyond the intentions of the Holy See.

For the reform of the laws Tanucci instituted a commission of learned jurists with instructions to create a new legal code, theCodice Caroline,which was, however, not put into force. When Charles of Naples became Charles III of Spain in 1759, Tanucci was made president of the council of regency instituted for the nine-year-oldFerdinand IV,who even when he reached his majority preferred to leave the government in Tanucci's hands, constantly overseen fromSpainby Charles III.[1]

In foreign affairs, Tanucci kept Naples out of wars and entanglements, though in 1742 an English fleet off the coast helped ensure Neapolitan neutrality in thewar between Spain and Austria.Following the discovery of theHerculaneum papyriin 1752, per the advice from Bernardo, King Charles VII of Naples established a commission to study them.[3]

Tanucci worked at establishing for Bourbon Naples the kind of controls over the church that were effected by theGallican churchin Bourbon France: revenues of vacant bishoprics and abbeys went to the crown, superfluous convents were suppressed, tithes abolished and the acquisition of new Church property bymortmainwas forbidden. Royal assent was required for the publication in Naples ofpapal bullsand concessions were no longer considered eternal. The status of Naples as a papal fief, dating from the time of theHohenstaufen,was denied: the king of Naples served at the pleasure of God only. Appeals to Rome were forbidden without the royal permission. Marriage was declared a civil contract. And by the order of Charles III theJesuits were suppressedand expelled from the Kingdom of Naples in 1767, a move in which Tanucci was in general sympathy with other ministers at the Bourbon courts, asArandain Spain,Choiseulin France,du Tillotin Parma, and also withPombalin Portugal.[1]

Pope Clement XIIIresponded with excommunication, whereupon Tanucci occupied the monasteries atBeneventoandPontecorvo,which were not returned to the Roman Church until after the pope's general order of dissolution of the Society of Jesus in 1773. The protests of the bishops against many of the new teachings in the schools after the expulsion of the Jesuits were dismissed as invalid. His policy in finance and in regard to the food taxes provoked popular revolutions on several occasions.[1]

When, in 1774,Maria Carolina of Austria,the Habsburg queen of Ferdinand IV, joined the Council of State, the power of Tanucci began to decline. In vain he endeavored to neutralize the queen's influence, but in 1777 he was dismissed and retired.[1]

He died in Naples in 1783.[1]


  • Epistola in qua nonnulla refutantur ex Epistola Grandi de Pandectis ad Averanium.Lucca: typis D. Ciuffetti. 1728.
  • Difesa seconda dell’uso antico delle Pandette[...]contro le Vindiciae del P.D. G. Grandi.Florence: appresso Bernardo Paperini. 1729.
  • Epistola de Pandectis Pisanis.Florence: typis Bernardi Paperini. 1731.
  • Bernardo Tanucci (1758). "Del dominio antico pisano sulla Corsica".Saggi di dissertazioni accademiche.VII.Cortona: 173–198.
  • Brieve dissertazione sul sagro militar ordine costantiniano di S. Giorgio.Naples. 1760.
  • Diritto della Corona di Napoli sopra Piombino(1738), Naples 1760.
  • Istruzioni di S. M. il Re delle due Sicilie per lo sfratto dei gesuiti e sequestro dei loro beni.Venice. 1767.
  • Bernardo Tanucci (1769). "Epistola ad J.B. Nerium".Variorum opuscula.2.Pisa: 3–6.
  • Per la vedova Fortunata de Martino madre dei minori Antonio e Caterina Mescovischi, Da esaminarsi nella Suprema Giunta degli Abusi.s.l. 1772.
  • Diritto del re delle Sicilie sul Ducato di Castro e Ronciglione.Naples. 1773.


  1. ^abcdefgCopeland 2003,pp. 754–755
  2. ^Distributing their lands among noble supporters of Charles, Tanucci strengthened the royal presence in theRegno.
  3. ^Jade Koekoe (2017)."Herculaneum: Villa of the Papyri".RetrievedJanuary 19,2019.


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