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Betrothed numbers

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Betrothed numbersorquasi-amicable numbersare two positiveintegerssuch that thesumof theproper divisorsof either number is one more than the value of the other number. In other words, (m,n) are a pair of betrothed numbers ifs(m) =n+ 1 and s(n) =m+ 1, where s(n) is thealiquot sumofn:an equivalent condition is that σ(m) = σ(n) =m+n+ 1, where σ denotes thesum-of-divisors function.

The first few pairs of betrothed numbers (sequenceA005276in theOEIS) are: (48, 75), (140, 195), (1050, 1925), (1575, 1648), (2024, 2295), (5775, 6128).

All known pairs of betrothed numbers have oppositeparity.Any pair of the same parity must exceed 1010.

Quasi-sociable numbers

Quasi-sociable numbers or reduced sociable numbers are numbers whosealiquot sumsminus one form a cyclic sequence that begins and ends with the same number. They are generalizations of the concepts of betrothed numbers andquasiperfect numbers.The first quasi-sociable sequences, or quasi-sociable chains, were discovered by Mitchell Dickerman in 1997:

  • 1215571544 = 2^3*11*13813313
  • 1270824975 = 3^2*5^2*7*19*42467
  • 1467511664 = 2^4*19*599*8059
  • 1530808335 = 3^3*5*7*1619903
  • 1579407344 = 2^4*31^2*59*1741
  • 1638031815 = 3^4*5*7*521*1109
  • 1727239544 = 2^3*2671*80833
  • 1512587175 = 3*5^2*11*1833439


  • Hagis, Peter Jr.; Lord, Graham (1977)."Quasi-Amicable Numbers".Math. Comput.31(138): 608–611.doi:10.1090/s0025-5718-1977-0434939-3.ISSN0025-5718.Zbl0355.10010.
  • Sándor, József; Mitrinović, Dragoslav S.; Crstici, Borislav, eds. (2006).Handbook of Number Theory I.Dordrecht:Springer-Verlag.p. 113.ISBN978-1-4020-4215-7.Zbl1151.11300.
  • Sándor, Jozsef; Crstici, Borislav (2004).Handbook of Number Theory II.Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. p.68.ISBN978-1-4020-2546-4.Zbl1079.11001.