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Brussels Regime

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States applying Brussels regime instruments
Brussels regulation, EU-Denmark agreement, Lugano Convention
EU-Denmark agreement, Lugano Convention
Lugano Convention
Brussels regime previously applicable

Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012
European Union regulation
TitleRegulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (recast)
Made byEuropean ParliamentandCouncil
Made underArticle 67(4) and points (a), (c) and (e) of Article 81(2)TFEU
JournalreferenceL351, 20 December 2012, pp. 1-32
Date made12 December 2012
Entry into force1 January 2013
Implementation date10 January 2015
Other legislation
ReplacesRegulation (EC) No 44/2001
Amended byRegulation (EU) No 542/2014
Current legislation
Regulation (EC) No 44/2001
European Union regulation
TitleCouncil Regulation on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters
Made byCouncil
Made underArticle 61(c) and Article 67(1)TEC
JournalreferenceL012, 16 January 2001, pp. 1-23
Date made22 December 2000
Entry into force1 March 2002
Other legislation
Replaced by(EU) No 1215/2012
Recast with new legislation

TheBrussels Regimeis a set of rules regulating which courts havejurisdictionin legal disputes of a civil or commercial nature between individuals resident in different member states of theEuropean Union(EU) and theEuropean Free Trade Association(EFTA). It has detailed rules assigningjurisdictionfor the dispute to be heard and governs the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.



Five legal instruments together form the Brussels Regime. All five legal instruments are broadly similar in content and application, with differences in their territory of application. They establish a general rule that individuals are to be sued in their state of domicile and then proceed to provide a list of exceptions. The instruments further provide for the recognition of judgments made in other countries.

Brussels Convention (1968)


Recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial cases was originally accomplished within theEuropean Communitiesby the 1968Brussels Convention,a treaty signed by the then six members of the Communities.[1][2]This treaty was amended on several occasions and was almost completely superseded by aregulationadopted in 2001, the Brussels I Regulation. Today the convention only applies between the 15 pre-2004 members of the European Union and certain territories of EU member states that are outside the Union:Aruba,theFrench overseas territoriesandMayotte.[3]It is intended that the Brussels Convention will be replaced by the new Lugano Convention, the latter being open to ratification by EU member states acting on behalf of non-European territories which belong to that member state.

Lugano Convention (1988)


In 1988, the then 12 member states of the European Communities signed a treaty, the Lugano Convention with the then six members of theEuropean Free Trade Association:Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland.[4][5]The Lugano Convention served to extend the recognition regime to EFTA member state who are not eligible to sign the Brussels Convention. Other than the original signatories–three of which left EFTA to join the EU in 1995–only Poland has subsequently acceded to the Lugano Convention.Liechtenstein,the only state to accede to the EFTA after 1988, has not signed either the 1988 Convention or its successor, the 2007 Lugano Convention. The convention is fully superseded by a 2007 version.

Brussels I Regulation (2001)


TheBrussels I Regulationof 2001 was the primary piece of legislation in the Brussels framework from 2002 until January 2015. It substantially replaced the 1968 Brussels Convention, and applied to all EU member states excluding Denmark, which has a fullopt-outfrom implementing regulations under thearea of freedom, security and justice.It came into effect on 1 March 2002.[6]The regulation is fully superseded by a recast Brussels I regulation.

Agreement with Denmark


In 2005, Denmark signed an international agreement with the European Community to apply the provisions of the 2001 Regulation between the EU and Denmark.[7]The 2005 agreement applies a modified form of the 2001 Regulation between Denmark and the rest of the EU. It also provides a procedure by which amendments to the regulation are to be implemented by Denmark. It applies the 2001 regulation to Denmark and other EU members from 1 July 2007.[8]Should Denmark decide not to implement any change to the Regulation or its successor, then the Agreement ends automatically.

Lugano Convention (2007)


In 2007, the European Community and Denmark[9]signed with Iceland, Switzerland and Norway the newLugano Convention.[10][11][12]This treaty was intended to replace both the old Lugano Convention of 1988 and the Brussels Convention and as such was open to signature to both EFTA member states and to EU member state on behalf of their extra-EU territories. While the former purpose was achieved in 2011 with the ratification of all EFTA member states (bar Liechtenstein which never signed the 1988 Convention), no EU member state has yet acceded to the convention on behalf of its extra-EU territories.

The 2007 Convention is substantially the same as the 2001 Brussels I Regulation: the main difference being that the word "Regulation" is replaced with the word "Convention" throughout the text. Furthermore, the convention has a slightly different definition of the concept "court" and the 2007 convention is not adapted to the recast of the Brussels Regulation. It is also open to accession by other EFTA states as well as EU states acting on behalf of territories which are not part of the EU. Other states may join subject to approval of the present parties to the treaty. No accessions have taken place so far,[13][14]but the Kingdom of the Netherlands planned to present to parliament an approval act for accession on behalf of Aruba, Caribbean Netherlands, Curaçao and possibly Sint Maarten in 2014.[15]

Brussels I Regulation (recast)


An amendment to the Brussels I Regulation, coveringmaintenance obligations,was adopted in 2008.[16]Neither Denmark nor the United Kingdom participated in the regulation, though Denmark notified the Commission of its acceptance of the amendment in January 2009.[17]

In 2012, the EU institutions adopted a recast Brussels I Regulation which replaced the 2001 regulation with effect from 10 January 2015.[18]The recast regulation now also applies to jurisdiction regarding non EU residents, it abolishes formalities for recognition of judgments and simplifies the procedure for a court chosen by the parties to commence proceedings (even if proceedings have started in another member state already). In December 2012 Denmark notified the Commission of its decision to implement the contents of 2012 regulation.[19]The Lugano Convention Standing committee considered amending the Lugano Convention in accordance with the recast, but "made no recommendation on the possible amendment of the Lugano Convention and did not decide on any further steps."[20]

In 2014, the EU amended the Brussels I Regulation to clarify provisions regarding two courts which are "common to several member states": theUnified Patent Courtand theBenelux Court of Justicejurisdiction.[21][22]Denmark again notified the EU that it would apply the amendments.[23]The Lugano Convention Standing Committee considered amending the Lugano Convention with respect to the unitary patent and Unified patent court, but decided to "wait for the results of further study".[20]

Effect in the UK


Until 1 February 2020 all instruments applied in the UK as a result of its EU membership. Until 1 January 2021, under the conditions of theBrexit withdrawal agreement,the instruments remained applicable there, despiteBrexit,during a transition period.[when?]

The UK has sought participation in the Lugano Convention afterBrexit,[24]and has secured support from Iceland, Norway and Switzerland for accession. As of January 2021, the accession had not been approved.[25]In May 2021, the European Commission reported to the European Parliament its view that the European Union should not give consent to the accession of the UK, arguing that "the consistent policy of the European Union (with regard tothird-countries) is to promote cooperation within the framework of the multilateral Hague Conventions ".[26]



The Brussels convention of 1968 (as amended) applied between the UK and Gibraltar before Brexit and, in modified form, still applies today.[27]

Scope and content


The Brussels Regime covers legal disputes of acivilorcommercialnature. In 1978, the convention was amended to include the sentence: "It shall not extend, in particular, to revenue, customs or administrative matters." The 2012 Regulation further specifies that the regulation shall not extend to "the liability of the State for acts and omissions in the exercise of State authority (acta iure imperii). "There are some exceptions limiting the scope of this. Where the principal matter of a dispute is one offamily law,bankruptcyorinsolvency,social security,or relates toarbitration,the case is not subject to the rules.

The regulation aims at jurisdiction, i.e., determining which court or courts will have the ability to take the case. That does not mean that the applicable law will be the law of the court. It is possible and frequent to have a national court applying foreign law. In general, it is the domicile of the defendant that determines which of the courts have jurisdiction in a given case.

The regime prescribes that, subject to specific rules set out in the various instruments, a person (legalornatural) may only be sued in the member state in which he or she has itshabitual residenceor domicile. This is determined by the law of the court hearing the case, so that a person can be domiciled in more than one state simultaneously. However, "domicile" does not have the same meaning as that given to itby common law.[28]

Article 4 also allows a person domiciled in any member state to take advantage of another member state's exorbitant bases of jurisdiction on the same basis as a national of that state. This is useful in cases where a member state, such asFrance,allows its nationals to sue anyone in their courts, so that someone domiciled in a member state likeFinlandmay sue someone domiciled in a non-member state likeCanada,in the courts of a third party member state, like France, where the defendant may haveassets.

The Brussels Convention and the Brussels I Regulation are both subject to the jurisdiction of theEuropean Court of Justice(ECJ, now known as CJEU) on questions of interpretation. The Lugano Convention does not require non-EU states to refer questions of interpretation to the ECJ, but has a protocol regarding "uniform interpretation" of the convention, requiring courts "pay due account to the principles laid down by any relevant decision" and allowing for the exchange of relevant judgments. Nevertheless, various divergences[which?]have arisen between member states in the interpretation of the Lugano Convention.

The Brussels Regime generally allows jurisdiction clauses in contracts, which preserves the right of parties to reach agreement at the time of contracting as to which court should govern any dispute. After the 2012 regulation enters into force, such a decision should in principle be respected, even if a court outside the Brussels Regime states is selected and is in compliance with the 2005Hague Choice of Court convention.

Public policy clauses


Article 27(1) of the Brussels Convention and Article 34(1) of the Brussels Regulation contain a public policy clause (or "public policy exception" ) which states that judgments should not be recognised "if such recognition is contrary to public policy in the State in which recognition is sought".[1]

See also


Implementation in UK law:


  1. ^ab"Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (consolidated)".Council of the European Union.Retrieved21 September2022.
  2. ^"Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Council of the European Union.Retrieved6 November2014.
  3. ^Advisory opinion of the ECJ on the competence of the Community to conclude the new Lugano Convention (Opinion 1/03,para. 15.)
  4. ^"Convention concernant la compétence judiciaire et l'exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale"(PDF).Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.Retrieved10 November2014.
  5. ^"Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Council of the European Union.Retrieved10 November2014.
  6. ^European Commission web site,Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters - Acquis JHA 2003 (Justice and Home Affairs).Consolidated version.Archived22 August 2006 at theWayback MachineRetrieved on 28 August 2006.
  7. ^"Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Council of the European Union.Retrieved8 November2014.
  8. ^Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (OJ L 299, 16.11.2005, p. 62).
  9. ^Denmark signed separately as a result of its opt-out from the judicial cooperation provisions of the EU treaties.
  10. ^"Convention concernant la compétence judiciaire, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale"(PDF).Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.Retrieved10 November2014.
  11. ^"Convention concernant la compétence judiciaire, la reconnaissance et l'exécution des décisions en matière civile et commerciale"(PDF).Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland.Retrieved21 May2018.
  12. ^"Convention on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Council of the European Union.Retrieved10 November2014.
  13. ^europa.euStrengthening cooperation with Switzerland, Norway and Iceland: the Lugano Convention2007.
  14. ^European Treaties Office Database,Lugano Convention Summary.Retrieved on 5 December 2012
  15. ^"Lijst I Verdragen die dit jaar naar verwachting ter parlementaire goedkeuring worden ingediend".Government of the Netherlands(in Dutch). 13 March 2014.Retrieved13 March2014.
  16. ^"Council Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations".Official Journal of the European Union.L(7): 1. 10 January 2009.Retrieved28 December2018.
  17. ^"Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Official Journal of the European Union.L(149): 80. 12 June 2009.
  18. ^See the second paragraph of Article 81 Regulation (EU) no. 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2012 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (recast)OJ L 351, 20.12.2012, p. 1
  19. ^"Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Official Journal of the European Union.L(79): 4. 21 March 2013.
  20. ^ab"Lugano Convention 2007".Government of Switzerland.Retrieved20 February2015.
  21. ^"Regulation (EU) No 542/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 amending Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 as regards the rules to be applied with respect to the Unified Patent Court and the Benelux Court of Justice".Official Journal of the European Union.L(163): 1. 29 May 2014.Retrieved5 January2019.
  22. ^"European Commission proposal to pave way for unitary patent backed by Ministers".European Commission.6 December 2013.Retrieved19 December2013.
  23. ^"Agreement between the European Union and the Kingdom of Denmark on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters".Official Journal of the European Union.L(240): 1. 13 August 2014.Retrieved8 November2014.
  24. ^"The implications of Brexit for the justice system: Government Response to the Committee's Ninth Report of Session 2016–17"(PDF).House of Commons Justice Committee.13 December 2017.Retrieved1 January2018.
  25. ^"Support for the UK's intent to accede to the Lugano Convention 200".Government of the UK.28 January 2020.Retrieved23 February2020.
  26. ^"COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL: Assessment on the application of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to accede to the 2007 Lugano Convention".4 May 2021.Retrieved11 June2021.
  27. ^"[2022] EWCA Civ 1569. Case No: CA-2022-000219".BAILII.Retrieved30 November2022.
  28. ^Both Ireland and the United Kingdom–the only common law countries to sign the Brussels Convention–enacted national laws which define the term "domicile" in terms of residence rather than the common law concept of domicile. In Ireland, theFifth Schedule of the Jurisdiction of Courts and Enforcement of Judgments (European Communities) Act 1988and in the UK, Part V of theCivil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982
Case law