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Caecilia gens

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Lucius Caecilius Jucundus,a Pompeian banker.

Thegens Caeciliawas aplebeian[i]family atancient Rome.Members of thisgensare mentioned in history as early as the fifth century BC, but the first of the Caecilii who obtained theconsulshipwasLucius Caecilius Metellus Denter,in 284 BC.[1][2]The Caecilii Metelli were one of the most powerful families of the lateRepublic,from the decades before theFirst Punic Wardown to the time ofAugustus.



Like other Roman families in the later times of theRepublic,the Caecilii traced their origin to a mythical personage,Caeculus,the founder ofPraeneste.He was said to be the son ofVulcan,and engendered by a spark; a similar story was told ofServius Tullius.He was exposed as an infant, but preserved by his divine father, and raised by maidens. He grew up amongst the shepherds, and became a highwayman. Coming of age, he called upon the people of the countryside to build a new town, convincing them with the aid of a miracle. An alternative tradition claimed that the Caecilii were descended from Caecas, one of the companions ofAeneas,who came with him to Italy after thesack of Troy.[3][4][5][1][6][7]



Thepraenominaused by the Caecilii during the Republic areLucius,Quintus,Gaius,andMarcus.Titusappears only towards the very end of the Republic, and is not known to have been used by the great house of the Caecilii Metelli.

Branches and cognomina


Thecognominaof this gens under the Republic areBassus,Denter, Cornutus,Metellus,Niger,andRufus,of which the Metelli are the best known. From the consulship of Lucius Caecilius Metellus Denter, the family of the Metelli became one of the most distinguished at Rome. In the latter half of the second century BC, it obtained an extraordinary number of the highest offices of the state. Quintus Metellus, who was consul in 143 BC, had four sons, who were raised to the consulship in succession; and his brother, Lucius Metellus, who was consul in 142, had two sons, who were likewise elevated to the same dignity.

The Metelli were distinguished as a family for their unwavering support of the party of theOptimates.The etymology of their name is quite uncertain.Festusconnects it, probably from mere similarity of sound, withmercenarii.The history of the family is very difficult to trace, and in many parts conjectural. It is treated at length by Drumann.[8][9][10]

The victory of the consulL. Caecilius MetellusagainstHasdrubal'selephantsatPanormusin 251 seems to have left a durable impression on the Caecili Metelli, as many of them featured an elephant on the coins they minted. In fact, elephants are so often used on their coins that it might have become their emblem.[11]


This list includes abbreviatedpraenomina.For an explanation of this practice, seefiliation.

Caecilii Metelli

DenariusofQuintus Caecilius Metellus Pius,81 BC. The obverse depicts a head ofPietas,alluding to the agnomen,Pius.The elephant on the reverse commemorates the capture of Carthaginian elephants byLucius Caecilius MetellusatPanormusin 251 BC.[12]
DenariusofQuintus Caecilius Metellus Pius Scipio,c. 46 BC.The obverse depicts the head ofJupiter.The elephant on the reverse may also allude to Africa, since the coin was minted there before theBattle of Thapsus.[13]

Caecilii Dentri

Denarius ofGaius Caecilius Metellus Caprarius,125 BC. The reverse depicts the triumph of his ancestorLucius Caecilius Metellus,with the elephants he had captured at theBattle of Panormus.[34]

Caecilii Cornuti

  • Marcus Caecilius Cornutus, praetor before 90 BC, then legate in 89 and 88 during theMarsic War.He escaped the purges ofMariusin 87 through a ruse of his slaves, who passed him off for dead, before spiriting him off to Gaul.[37][38]
  • Gaius Caecilius Cornutus,tribune of the plebs in 61 BC, praetor in 57, andpromagistratethe following year inBithynia and Pontus.He helpedCiceroto return from exile during his praetorship, who affectionately called him a "quasi-Cato"for his Optimate ideas. He was probably the historian Cornutus, known from only three fragments, which deal with theCivil WarbetweenCaesarandPompey.[39][40][41]
  • Marcus Caecilius Cornutus, praetorurbanusin 43 BC, committed suicide whenOctavianseized Rome after theBattle of Mutina.[42]
  • Marcus Caecilius M. f. Cornutus, a member of theCollege of Arvalesin 21–20 BC, but perhaps as early as 29, when Augustus re-established the college.[43]
  • Marcus Caecilius M. f. M. n. Cornutus, succeeded his father as Arval. He was ofpraetorianrank in the reign ofTiberiusbut, unjustly accused in connection with a plot against the Emperor, put an end to his own life in AD 24.[44][45]




  1. ^The appearance ofTitus Caecilius,apatricianconsular tribunefor the year 444 BC inLivy,is a false reading forTitus Cloelius.

See also



  1. ^abDictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,vol. I, p. 526 ( "Caecilia Gens").
  2. ^Livy, iv. 7.
  3. ^Festus,s. v. Caeculus.
  4. ^Servius, vii. 678.
  5. ^Solinus, ii. 9.
  6. ^Hartung,Die Religion der Römer,vol. i, pp. 88ff.
  7. ^Klausen,Aeneas und die Penaten,pp. 761ff.
  8. ^Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,vol. II, pp. 1055, 1056 ( "Metellus").
  9. ^Festus, p. 146 (ed. Müller).
  10. ^Drumann,Geschichte Roms,vol. ii, pp. 17–58.
  11. ^Crawford,Roman Republican Coinage,pp. 287, 288, 292, 293, 387, 388, 390, 471.
  12. ^Crawford,Roman Republican Coinage,p. 390.
  13. ^Crawford,Roman Republican Coinage,p. 471.
  14. ^Polybius, i. 39, 40.
  15. ^Livy, xxiv. 18, 43.
  16. ^Valerius Maximus, ii. 9. § 7.
  17. ^Broughton, vol. I, pp. 260, 261 (note 2), 264.
  18. ^Broughton, vol. I, pp. 531–533 (note 1).
  19. ^REIII.1 (1897), col. 1234 ('Caecilius 132')
  20. ^RE,vol. III (1), col. 1208; supplement III, col. 222 (Caecilius 85).
  21. ^Broughton,vol. II, pp. 26, 30 (note 7), 41, 45 (note 5); vol. III, p. 37.
  22. ^Waterfield,Plutarch: Roman Lives,p. 481.
  23. ^Drumann,Geschichte Roms,ii. 57.
  24. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Familiares,xv. 21. § 2.
  25. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,ii. 1. § 1.
  26. ^Plutarch, "The Life of Caesar", 35, "The Life of Pompeius", 62.
  27. ^Cassius Dio, xli. 17.
  28. ^Appian,Bellum Civile,ii. 41.
  29. ^Caesar,De Bello Civili,i. 33.
  30. ^Lucan, iii. 114ff.
  31. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,x. 4, 8.
  32. ^Cassius Dio, lv. 30.
  33. ^Fasti Capitolini,AE1927, 101;1940, 59, 60.
  34. ^Crawford,Roman Republican Coinage,pp. 292, 293.
  35. ^Livy, xxxix. 56, xl. 1.
  36. ^Livy, xlii. 6.
  37. ^RE,vol. iii.1, col. 1200; supplement i, col. 267 (Caecilius 44).
  38. ^Broughton, vol. II, pp. 26, 30 (note 2), 31 (note 13), 36, 43, 45 (note 11).
  39. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,i. 14.
  40. ^Broughton, vol. II, pp. 179, 200, 210.
  41. ^B. M. LevickinCornell,Fragments,vol. I, pp. 426–428; vol. II, pp. 848–851; vol. III, p. 519. Levick writes that Marcus Caecilius Cornutus, the Arval of 21 BC is another, but less likely possibility.
  42. ^Broughton, vol. II, p. 338.
  43. ^Rüpke,Fasti Sacerdotum,pp. 578, 579.
  44. ^Tacitus,Annales,iv. 28.
  45. ^Rüpke,Fasti Sacerdotum,p. 579.
  46. ^Pliny the Elder, vii. 74.
  47. ^Livy, iv. 16.
  48. ^Cicero,Divinatio in Caecilium.
  49. ^Cicero,Pro Sulla,22, 23;Post Reditum in Senatu,9;Pro Milone14;Epistulae ad Quintum Fratrem,iii. 3. § 2.
  50. ^Asconius Pedianus,In Ciceronis Pro Milone,p. 48 (ed.Orelli).
  51. ^Quintus Tullius Cicero,De Petitione Consulatus,2.
  52. ^Asconius Pedianus,In Ciceronis In Toga Candida,84 (ed. Orelli).
  53. ^Cornelius Nepos,The Life of Atticus,5.
  54. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,i. 1, 12, ii. 19, 20, iii. 20.
  55. ^Caesar,De Bello Civili,i. 46.
  56. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,xi. 23, xii. 52, xiii. 7.
  57. ^abAppian,Bellum Civile,ii. 113, 117.
  58. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,xv. 17, xvi. 4.
  59. ^Drumann,Geschichte Roms,vol. iii, 2nd ed. (ed. P. Groebe, 1906), pp. 632, 633
  60. ^Shackleton Bailey 1976,p. 105.
  61. ^Cicero,Epistulae ad Atticum,iv. 15.
  62. ^Pliny the Elder, xxviii. 57.
  63. ^Tacitus,Historiae,ii. 60, iii. 68.
  64. ^Cassius Dio, lxv. 17.
  65. ^Cassius Dio, lxvii. 13.
  66. ^Suetonius, "The Life of Domitian", 8.
  67. ^Pliny the Younger,Epistulae,iii. 8.
  68. ^Alföldy,Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antoninen,pp. 202ff.
  69. ^CILIII, 5182
  70. ^Athenaeus,Deipnosophistae,i. 13.
  71. ^Minucius Felix,Octavius.
  72. ^Bähr,Die Christlich-Römische Theologie,§ 19.


  • Polybius,Historiae(The Histories).
  • Marcus Tullius Cicero,Divinatio in Quintum Caecilium,Epistulae ad Atticum,Epistulae ad Familiares,Epistulae ad Quintum Fratrem,Post Reditum in Senatu,Pro Milone,Pro Sulla.
  • Quintus Tullius Cicero,De Petitione Consulatus(attributed).
  • Gaius Julius Caesar,Commentarii de Bello Civili(Commentaries on the Civil War).
  • Cornelius Nepos,De Viris Illustribus(On the Lives of Famous Men).
  • Titus Livius (Livy),History of Rome.
  • Valerius Maximus,Factorum ac Dictorum Memorabilium(Memorable Facts and Sayings).
  • Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (Lucan),Pharsalia.
  • Quintus Asconius Pedianus,Commentarius in Oratio CiceronisIn Toga Candida(Commentary on Cicero's OrationIn Toga Candida),Commentarius in Oratio Ciceronis Pro Milone(Commentary on Cicero's OrationPro Milone).
  • Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder),Historia Naturalis(Natural History).
  • Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (Pliny the Younger),Epistulae(Letters).
  • Publius Cornelius Tacitus,Annales,Historiae.
  • Plutarchus,Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans.
  • Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus,De Vita Caesarum(Lives of the Caesars, or The Twelve Caesars).
  • Appianus Alexandrinus (Appian),Bellum Civile(The Civil War).
  • Sextus Pompeius Festus,Epitome de M. Verrio Flacco de Verborum Significatu(Epitome ofMarcus Verrius Flaccus'On the Meaning of Words).
  • Athenaeus,Deipnosophistae(The Banquet of the Learned).
  • Lucius Cassius Dio Cocceianus (Cassius Dio),Roman History.
  • Gaius Julius Solinus,De Mirabilis Mundi(On the Wonders of the World).
  • Marcus Minucius Felix,Octavius.
  • Maurus Servius Honoratus (Servius),Ad Virgilii Aeneidem Commentarii(Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid).
  • Johann Adam Hartung,Die Religion der Römer(The Religion of the Romans), Palm und Enke, Erlangen (1836).
  • Johann Christian Felix Bähr,Die Christlich-Römische Theologie,Christian Friedrich Müller, Karlsruhe (1837).
  • Rudolf Heinrich Klausen,Aeneas und die Penaten,Friedrich and Andreas Perthes, Hamburg and Gotha (1839).
  • Wilhelm Drumann,Geschichte Roms in seinem Übergang von der republikanischen zur monarchischen Verfassung, oder: Pompeius, Caesar, Cicero und ihre Zeitgenossen,Königsberg (1834–1844).
  • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,William Smith,ed., Little, Brown and Company, Boston (1849).
  • Broughton, T. Robert S.(1952–1986).The Magistrates of the Roman Republic.American Philological Association.
  • Michael Crawford,Roman Republican Coinage,Cambridge University Press (1974, 2001).
  • Géza Alföldy,Konsulat und Senatorenstand unter der Antonien(The Consulate and Senatorial State under the Antonines), Rudolf Habelt, Bonn (1977).
  • Robin Waterfield,Plutarch: Roman Lives,Oxford University Press (1999).
  • Jörg Rüpke,Anne Glock, David Richardson (translator),Fasti Sacerdotum: A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewish, and Christian Religious Officials in the City of Rome, 300 BC to AD 499,Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • Tim Cornell(editor),The Fragments of the Roman Historians,Oxford University Press, 2013.
  • Shackleton Bailey, David Roy(1976).Two Studies in Roman Nomenclature.American Philological Association.ISBN978-0-89192-180-6.
  • August Pauly; Georg Wissowa; Wilhelm Kroll; Kurt Witte; Karl Mittelhaus; Konrat Ziegler, eds. (1894–1980).Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft.Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler.