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Camunic language

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RegionVal Camonica
Erafirst millennium BC[1]
Language codes
ISO 639-3xcc

TheCamunic languageis an extinct language that was spoken in the 1st millennium BC inVal Camonica,a valley in theCentral Alps.The language is sparsely attested to an extent that makes any classification attempt uncertain – even the discussion of whether it should be considered apre–Indo-Europeanor anIndo-European languagehas remained indecisive.[2]Among several suggestions, it has been hypothesized that Camunic is related to theRaetic languagefrom theTyrsenian language family,[3][4]or to theCeltic languages.[5]


Alphabet of Sondrio

The extant corpus is carved on rock. There are at least 170 known inscriptions, the majority of which are only a few words long. Thewriting systemused is a variant of thenorth-Etruscan Alpha bet,known as theCamunian Alpha betorAlpha bet of Sondrio.Longer inscriptions show that Camunic writing usedboustrophedon.

Its name derives from the people of theCamunni,who lived during theIron Agein Valcamonica and were the creators of many of the stone carvings in the area.Abecedariumsfound inNadroandPiancognohave been dated to between 500 BC and 50 AD.[citation needed]

The amount of material is insufficient to fully decipher the language. Some scholars think it may be related toRaeticand toEtruscan,[3][6]but it is considered premature to make such affiliation.[7]Other scholars suggest that Camunic could be aCelticor another unknownIndo-European language.[5][8]


Glyph Tibiletti Bruno 1992[9] Zavaroni 2004[10] Martinotti 2009[11]
- A -
Αα A A
Αα A -
Ββ B B (V?)
Ββ B B (V?)
Δδ - D
h D (?) -
Εε E E
Εε E E
Εε E E
Ϝϝ V -
Γγ G K (G?)
Γγ G -
h H J (ii/h/η?)
- H -
Ιι I I
Ιι I I
- K K (G?)
Λλ L L
Λλ L L
Μμ M M
Μμ M M
Νν N N
Νν N N
Ϙϙ O Φ (Q?)
- P -
Ππ P P
Ρρ R R
Ρρ R R
Ξξ S χ
Σσς S S
Σσς S S
Χχ T T
Ττ T T
- T I
Ψψ Θθ -
- Θθ Θθ
- TS - Ϸϸ -
Φφ TS - Ϸϸ χ
Υυ U - W U
- U - W U
Ζζ Z χ
Ζζ Z χ


See also[edit]


  1. ^CamunicatMultiTreeonthe Linguist List
  2. ^Angelo Martinotti:Le iscrizioni preromane,in U. Sansoni, S. Gavaldo (editors),Lucus rupestris. Sei millenni d’arte rupestre a Campanine di Cimbergo,"Archivi" vol. 18, Esine 2009, pp. 324–337.
  3. ^abSchumacher, Stefan (2000). Price, Glanville (ed.).Camunic: Encyclopedia of the Languages of Europe.doi:10.1002/9781405166294.ISBN978-0-631-22039-8.Archived fromthe originalon 14 March 2014.Retrieved2018-05-26.{{cite book}}:|website=ignored (help)
  4. ^M. G. Tibiletti Bruno. 1978.Camuno, retico e pararetico,inLingue e dialetti dell'Italia antica('Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica', 6), a cura di A. L. Prosdocimi, Roma, pp. 209–255
  5. ^abMarkey, Thomas (2008).Shared Symbolics, Genre Diffusion, Token Perception and Late Literacy in North-Western Europe.NOWELE.
  6. ^M. G. Tibiletti Bruno. 1978.Camuno, retico e pararetico,inLingue e dialetti dell'Italia antica('Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica', 6), a cura di A. L. Prosdocimi, Roma, pp. 209–255. (Italian)
  7. ^Eska, Joseph F.;Wallace, Rex E.(2011). "Script and Language at Ancient Voltino". In Rocca, Giovanna (ed.).Alessandria. Rivista di glottologia.Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Le lingue dell’Italia antica. Iscrizioni, testi, grammatica. Die Sprachen Altitaliens. Inschriften, Texte, Grammatik. In memoriam Helmut Rix (1926-2004). Vol. V. Alessandria: Edizioni dell’Orso. pp. 93–113.
  8. ^Diether Schürr:Zur Doppelinschrift von Voltino.Studi Etruschi 72, 2006 [2007], p. 335-346.
  9. ^Maria Grazia Tibiletti Bruno,Gli alfabetari,Quaderni camuni n° 60, 1992, p. 307. (Italian)
  10. ^Adolfo Zavaroni,Iscrizioni camuneArchived2007-10-23 at theWayback Machine,2004. (Italian)
  11. ^Angelo Martinotti,Le iscrizioni preromaneinLucus rupestris,2009, p. 325. (Italian)


  • Mancini, Alberto. 1980. "Le iscrizioni della Valcamonica" inStudi Urbinati di storia, filosofia e letteratura. Supplemento linguistico2, pp. 75–166.
  • Mancini, Alberto. 1991. "Iscrizioni retiche e iscrizioni camune. Due ambiti a confronto" inQuaderni del Dipartimento di Linguistica, Università degli studi di Firenze2, pp. 77–93.
  • Marchesini, Simona. 2011. "Alla ricerca del modello perduto. Sulla genesi dell’alfabeto camuno ",Palaeohispanica11, pp. 155-171
  • Markey, Thomas L. 2008. "Shared symbolics, genre difusion, token perceptions and late literacy in North-western Europe" inNOWELE54/55, pp. 5–62.doi:10.1075/nowele.54-55.01mar
  • Morandi, Alessandro. 2004.Epigrafia e lingua dei Celti d'Italia,vol. II.Celti d’Italia,ed. by Paola Piana Agostinetti (Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica, 12), Roma 2004
  • Prosdocimi, Aldo Luigi. 1965. "Per un'edizione delle iscrizioni della Valcamonica", inStudi Etruschi33, pp. 574–599.
  • Schumacher, Stefan. 2007. "Val Camonica, Inschriften" inReallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde. Band 35: Speckstein bis Zwiebel.Ed. Heinrich Beck et al., Berlin – New York, pp. 334–337.
  • Tibiletti Bruno, Maria Grazia. 1978. "Camuno, retico e pararetico", inLingue e dialetti dell'Italia antica('Popoli e civiltà dell'Italia antica', 6), ed. by A. L. Prosdocimi, Roma 1978, pp. 209–255.
  • Tibiletti Bruno, Maria Grazia. 1990. "Nuove iscrizioni camune" inQuaderni camuni49-50, pp. 29–171.
  • Tibiletti Bruno, Maria Grazia. 1992. "Gli alfabetari" inQuaderni camuni60, pp. 309–380.

External links[edit]