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Temporal range:Eocene(Mustersan)
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Notoungulata
Genus: Carolodarwinia
Type species
Carolodarwinia pyramidentata
Ameghino, 1901

Carolodarwiniais anextinctgenusof indeterminateNotoungulate,who lived during theMustersanstage of theEocenein what is todayArgentina.Its fossilized remains have been found near theLake Colhué Huapí.



Carolodarwiniawas first described in 1901 byFlorentino Ameghino,based onM.A.C.N. No. 10900,a right upper posterior premolar found in the Couches àAstraponotus,near what is today theLake Colhué HuapíinArgentinePatagonia.[1]Ameghino associated with this unique premolar several canines, now presumably lost.[2]He considered the genus as belonging to the familyLeontiniidae,and as a direct ancestor of the genusLeontinia.[1]More recently, in 1967,George Gaylord Simpsonacknowledged the loss of the fossilized canines, and preferred recovering asNotoungulataincertae sedis,based on the fragmentary and almost dubious status of the genus, on its dating and on slight differences between the premolar of the genus and those of later leontiniids.[2]


  1. ^abAmeghino, F. (1901). "Notices préliminaires sur des ongulés nouveaux des terrains crétacés de Patagonie".Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Córdoba(in French).16:349–429.
  2. ^abSimpson, G.L. (1967). "The beginning of the Age of Mammals in South America, part 2".Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History.137:1–260.