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Cell-mediated immunity

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Immunofluorescence micrograph of threecytotoxic T cells(outer three) surrounding a cancer cell. Lytic granules (red) are secreted at the contact site, killing the target. Cytotoxic T cells are powerful agents of cellular immunity.

Cellular immunity,also known ascell-mediated immunity,is animmune responsethat does not rely on the production ofantibodies.Rather, cell-mediated immunity is the activation ofphagocytes,antigen-specificcytotoxic T-lymphocytes,and the release of variouscytokinesin response to anantigen.[1]



In the late 19th centuryHippocratic traditionmedicine system, the immune system was imagined into two branches:humoral immunity,for which the protective function of immunization could be found in the humor (cell-freebodily fluidorserum) andcellular immunity,for which the protective function of immunization was associated with cells.CD4cells orhelper T cellsprovide protection against differentpathogens.Naive T cells,which are immature T cells that have yet to encounter anantigen,are converted into activated effectorT cellsafter encounteringantigen-presenting cells(APCs). These APCs, such asmacrophages,dendritic cells,andB cellsin some circumstances, load antigenic peptides onto themajor histocompatibility complex(MHC) of the cell, in turn presenting thepeptideto receptors on T cells. The most important of these APCs are highly specialized dendritic cells; conceivably operating solely to ingest and present antigens.[1]Activated effector T cells can be placed into three functioning classes, detectingpeptideantigens originating from various types ofpathogen:The first class being 1)Cytotoxic T cells,which kill infected target cells byapoptosiswithout using cytokines, 2)Th1 cells,which primarily function to activate macrophages, and 3)Th2 cells,which primarily function to stimulateB cellsinto producingantibodies.[1]

In another ideology, theinnate immune systemand theadaptive immune systemeach comprise bothhumoraland cell-mediated components. Some cell-mediated components of the innate immune system include myeloidphagocytes,innate lymphoid cells (NK cells) andintraepithelial lymphocytes.[2]



Cellular immunity protects the body through:

  • T-cell mediated immunity or T-cell immunity: activating antigen-specificcytotoxic T cellsthat are able to induceapoptosisin body cells displayingepitopesof foreign antigen on their surface, such asvirus-infected cells, cells withintracellular bacteria,andcancercells displayingtumorantigens;
  • Macrophageandnatural killer cellaction: enabling the destruction of pathogens via recognition andsecretionof cytotoxic granules (for natural killer cells)[3]and phagocytosis (for macrophages);[4]and
  • Stimulating cells to secrete a variety ofcytokinesthat influence the function of other cells involved in adaptive immune responses and innate immune responses.[3][4]

Cell-mediated immunity is directed primarily atmicrobesthat survive inphagocytesand microbes that infect non-phagocytic cells. It is most effective in removingvirus-infected cells,but also participates in defending againstfungi,protozoans,cancers,and intracellular bacteria. It also plays a major role intransplant rejection.

Type 1 immunity is directed primarily atviruses,bacteria,andprotozoaand is responsible for activatingmacrophages,turning them into potent effector cells. This is achieved by the secretion ofinterferon gammaandTNF.[citation needed]



CD4+T-helper cellsmay be differentiated into two main categories:[5]

  1. TH1 cells which produceinterferon gammaandlymphotoxin Alpha,
  2. TH2 cells which produceIL-4,IL-5,andIL-13.

A third category calledT helper 17 cells(TH17) were also discovered which are named after their secretion ofInterleukin 17.

CD8+cytotoxic T-cellsmay also be categorized as:[5]

  1. Tc1 cells,
  2. Tc2 cells.

Similarly to CD4+THcells, a third category called TC17 were discovered that also secrete IL-17.

As for theILCs,they[Clarification needed.]may be classified into three main categories[5]

  1. ILC1which secrete type 1 cytokines,
  2. ILC2which secrete type 2 cytokines,
  3. ILC3which secrete type 17 cytokines.

Development of cells


All type 1 cells begin their development from thecommon lymphoid progenitor(CLp) which then differentiates to become the common innate lymphoid progenitor (CILp) and the t-cell progenitor (Tp) through the process oflymphopoiesis.[5][6]

Common innate lymphoid progenitors may then be differentiated into a natural killer progenitor (NKp) or a common helper like innate lymphoid progenitor (CHILp). NKp cells may then be induced to differentiate intonatural killer cellsbyIL-15.CHILp cells may be induced to differentiate intoILC1cells byIL-15,intoILC2cells byIL-7orILC3cells byIL-7as well.[5][6]

T-cell progenitors may differentiate into naïve CD8+cells or naïve CD4+cells. Naïve CD8+cells may then further differentiate into TC1 cells uponIL-12exposure, [IL-4] can induce the differentiation into TC2 cells andIL-1orIL-23can induce the differentiation into TC17 cells. Naïve CD4+cells may differentiate into TH1 cells uponIL-12exposure, TH2 uponIL-4exposure or TH17 uponIL-1orIL-23exposure.[5][6]

Type 1 immunity


Type 1 immunity makes use of the type 1 subset for each of these cell types. By secretinginterferon gammaandTNF,TH1, TC1, and group 1 ILCS activate macrophages, converting them to potent effector cells. It provides defense against intracellularbacteria,protozoa,andviruses.It is also responsible forinflammationandautoimmunitywith diseases such asrheumatoid arthritis,multiple sclerosis,andinflammatory bowel diseaseall being implicated in type 1 immunity. Type 1 immunity consists of these cells:[5]

  • CD4+ TH1 cells
  • CD8+cytotoxic T cells (Tc1)
  • T-Bet+interferon gammaproducing group 1 ILCs(ILC1 and Natural killer cells)

CD4+TH1 Cells

It has been found in bothmiceandhumansthat the signature cytokines for these cells areinterferon gammaandlymphotoxin Alpha.The main cytokine for differentiation into TH1 cells is IL-12 which is produced bydendritic cellsin response to the activation ofpattern recognition receptors.T-betis a distinctivetranscription factorof TH1 cells. TH1 cells are also characterized by the expression of chemokine receptors which allow their movement to sites of inflammation. The mainchemokine receptorson these cells areCXCR3AandCCR5.Epithelial cellsandkeratinocytesare able to recruit TH1 cells to sites of infection by releasing the chemokinesCXCL9,CXCL10andCXCL11in response tointerferon gamma.Additionally,interferon gammasecreted by these cells seems to be important in downregulatingtight junctionsin the epithelial barrier.[5]

CD8+TC1 Cells

These cells generally produceinterferon gamma.Interferon gamma andIL-12promote differentiation toward TC1 cells.T-betactivation is required for both interferon gamma and cytolytic potential.CCR5andCXCR3are the main chemokine receptors for this cell.[5]

Group 1 ILCs

Groups 1 ILCs are defined to includeILCsexpressing the transcription factorT-betand were originally thought to only includenatural killer cells.Recently, there have been a large amount of NKp46+cells that express certain master [transcription factor]s that allow them to be designated as a distinct lineage of natural killer cells termed ILC1s. ILC1s are characterized by the ability to produceinterferon gamma,TNF,GM-CSFandIL-2in response to cytokine stimulation but have low or no cytotoxic ability.[5]

See also



  1. ^abcRoss Russell, Amy L; Dryden, Matthew S; Pinto, Ashwin A; Lovett, Joanna K (2018-10-03)."Lyme disease: diagnosis and management".Practical Neurology.18(6): 455–464.doi:10.1136/practneurol-2018-001998.ISSN1474-7758.PMID30282764.S2CID52915054.
  2. ^Romo, MR; Pérez-Martínez, D; Ferrer, CC (2016)."Innate immunity in vertebrates: an overview".Immunology.148(2): 125–139.doi:10.1111/imm.12597.PMC4863567.PMID26878338.S2CID35251844.
  3. ^abEissmann, Philipp."Natural Killer Cells".British Society for Immunology.Retrieved8 November2018.
  4. ^abSaldana, José."Macrophages".British Society for Immunology.Retrieved8 November2018.
  5. ^abcdefghijAnnunziato, F; Romagnani, C; Romagnani, S (March 2015)."The 3 major types of innate and adaptive cell-mediated effector immunity".The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.135(3): 626–35.doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2014.11.001.PMID25528359.
  6. ^abcKansler, Emily R.; Li, Ming O. (July 2019)."Innate lymphocytes—lineage, localization and timing of differentiation".Cellular & Molecular Immunology.16(7): 627–633.doi:10.1038/s41423-019-0211-7.PMC6804950.PMID30804475.



Further reading
