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Charged particle

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Inphysics,acharged particleis aparticlewith anelectric charge.For example, someelementary particles,like theelectronorquarksare charged.[1]Some composite particles likeprotonsare charged particles. Anion,such as amoleculeoratomwith a surplus or deficit ofelectronsrelative toprotonsare also charged particles.

Aplasmais a collection of charged particles, atomic nuclei and separated electrons, but can also be a gas containing a significant proportion of charged particles.

Charged particles are labeled as eitherpositive(+) ornegative(-). The designations are arbitrary. Nothing is inherent to a positively charged particle that makes it "positive", and the same goes for negatively charged particles.


Positively charged particles[edit]

Negatively charged particles[edit]

Particles with zero charge[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Frisch, David H.;Thorndike, Alan M. (1964).Elementary Particles.Princeton, New Jersey:David Van Nostrand.p. 54.

External links[edit]