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Civil Services of India

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In India, theCivil Serviceis the collection ofcivil servantsof the government who constitute the permanentexecutive branchof the country.[1][2]This includes servants in theAll India Services,theCentral Civil Services,and various State Civil Services.

As of 2010, there were 6.4 million government employees in India in all levels (Group A to D) within the central and state governments.[3]The services with the most personnel are with theCentral Secretariat Service[a]andIndian Revenue Service(IT and C&CE).[b]

Civil servants in a personal capacity are paid from theCivil List.Article 311 of theconstitutionprotects civil servants from politically motivated or vindictive action. Senior civil servants may be called to account by theParliament.The civil service system in India is rank-based and does not follow the tenets of the position-based civil services.[2]



If a responsible government is to be established in India, there will be a far greater need than is even dreamt of at present for persons to take part in public affairs in the legislative assemblies and elsewhere and for this reason the more Indians we can employ in the public service the better. Moreover, it would lessen the burden of Imperial responsibilities if a body of capable Indian administrators could be produced.

— Regarding the importance of Indianising Civil Services,Montagu–Chelmsford Reforms[4]

The present civil services of India are mainly based on the pattern of the formerIndian Civil ServiceofBritish India.

During theBritish raj,Warren Hastingslaid the foundation of civil service andCharles Cornwallisreformed, modernised, and rationalised it. Hence, Charles Cornwallis is known as 'the Father of civil service in India'.

Cornwallis introduced two divisions of the Indian Civil service—covenanted and uncovenanted. The covenanted civil service consisted of only Europeans (i.e., British personnel) occupying the higher posts in the government. The uncovenanted civil service was solely introduced to facilitate the entry of Indians at the lower rung of the administration.[5][6]

With the passing of theGovernment of India Act 1919,theImperial Servicesheaded by theSecretary of State for Indiawere split into two—theAll India Servicesand theCentral Services.[7]

The All India andCentral Services (Group A)were designated asCentral Superior Servicesas early as 1924.[8]From 1924 to 1934, the administration of India consisted of 10 All India Services (includingIndian Education Service,Indian Medical Service) and 5 central departments, all under the control of the Secretary of State for India, and 3 central departments under joint Provincial and Imperial Control.[8]

21st century


The present modern civil service was formed after thepartition of Indiain 1947. It wasSardar Patel's vision that the civil service should strengthen cohesion and national unity. The values of integrity, impartiality, and merit remain the guiding principles of the Indian civil services.[citation needed]

By the early 21st century, especially in Indian media, Indian civil servants were regularly colloquially called 'babus' (as in 'the rule of babus'),[9]while Indian bureaucracy is called 'babudom'.[10][11][12]

TheMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,located inNew Delhi,is unofficially the 'Ministry of Civil Services'. The Ministry is responsible for training, reforms and pensions for the civil service system in India.

Present framework


Constitutional provision


TheConstitution,under Article 312[13]gives authority to theRajya Sabha(the upper house of Parliament) to set up new branches of the All India Services with a two-thirds majority vote. The Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service, and Indian Forest Service have been established under this constitutional provision.[14]

Guiding principles




A member of the civil service in discharge of his/her functions is to be guided by maintaining absolute integrity, allegiance to the constitution and the law of the nation, patriotism, national pride, devotion to duty, honesty, impartiality and transparency.[15]

Code of ethics


The Government of India promotes values and a certain standard of ethics of requiring and facilitating every civil servant:[15]

  • To discharge official duty with responsibility, honesty, accountability, and without discrimination and with political, religious and social neutrality.
  • To ensure effective management, leadership development and personal growth.
  • To avoid misuse of official position or information.
  • To serve as instruments of good governance and foster social and economic development.


An Indian diplomatic passport (left) and an official passport generally issued to civil servants. As opposed to the deep blue passport issued to ordinary Indian citizens, the diplomatic passport is maroon with the gold text 'Diplomatic Passport' printed on it in English and Hindi.

The responsibility of the civil services is to run the administration of India. The country is managed through a number of central government agencies in accordance with policy directions from the ministries. Civil servants are the actual makers of Indian law and policy. They work on behalf of the elected government and cannot publicly show their disinterest or disapproval for it. It is mandatory for them to form certain rules and policies according to the government's views and interests. However, they cannot be removed by any state or central government, but can only be retired.

Among the members of the civil services are administrators in the central government and state government; emissaries in the foreign missions/embassies; tax collectors and revenue commissioners; civil service commissioned police officers; permanent representative(s) and employees in theUnited Nationsand its agencies; and chairmen, managing directors, and full-time functional directors and members of the board of various public-sector undertakings, enterprises, corporations, banks, and financial institutions. Civil servants are employed tovarious agencies of Indiaand can also be appointed as advisors,special duty officers,orprivate secretariesto ministers of the Union and the State Government.[16][17]



Head of the Civil Services


The highest ranking civil servant is the Cabinet Secretary. He is theex-officioChairman of the Civil Services Board; the chief of the Indian Administrative Service and head of all civil services under the rules of business of the Government of India. He also holds the 11th position in theOrder of Precedence of India.

The position holder is accountable for ensuring that the Civil Service is equipped with the skills and capability to meet the everyday challenges it faces and that civil servants work in a fair and decent environment.

Entry level recruitment


Civil Services Board is responsible for the entry level recruitment and subsequent job promotions below the rank ofJoint Secretary to Government of India.The recruits are university graduates or above selected through the following rigorous system of specialisation-based examinations for recruitment into respective specialised departments:

Promotions and appointments to higher ranks


All appointments in the rank ofJoint Secretary to Government of Indiaand above, other major appointments, empanelment, and extension of tenure are done by theAppointments Committee of the Cabinet.Lower appointments are handled by the Civil Services Board.

Central Administrative Tribunal


For settling various administrative disputes theCentral Administrative Tribunal(CAT) can be approached. For instance, citizens can approach CAT to obtain the permission to sue corrupt or inept civil servants, and civil servants can approach CAT for unfair dismissal.[18]

Civil Services Day

Modi Civil Services Day
Manmohan Singh Civil Services Day
Prime MinistersNarendra ModiandManmohan Singhseen here for Civil Services Day in year 2015 and 2013.

The Civil Service Day is celebrated on 21 April every year.[19]The purpose for this day is to rededicate and recommit themselves to the cause of the people. It is observed by all Civil Services. This day gives civil servants the opportunity for introspection and thinking about future strategies to deal with the challenges being posed by the changing times.[20]

This date (21 April) was chosen to commemorate the day in 1947 when Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister of Independent India, addressed the probationers of Administrative Services Officers.

On this occasion, all officers of Central and State Governments are honoured for excellence in public administration by thePrime Minister of India.The 'Prime Minister's Awards for Excellence in Public Administration' is presented in three categories. Under this scheme of awards instituted in 2006, all the officers individually or as group or as organisation are eligible.[20]The award includes a medal, scroll and a cash amount of100,000(US$1,200). In case of a group, the total award money is500,000(US$6,000) subject to a maximum of100,000(US$1,200) per person. For an organisation the cash amount is limited to500,000(US$6,000).[20]

Types of Higher Government Jobs


TheUnion Civil Services of Indiacan be classified into two types - theAll India Civil Servicesand theCentral Civil Services(Group A). Additionally, the officers from theState Civil Servicescadre can seek deployment with theGovernment of Indiacadre for theUnion Civil Servicesjobs.

All India Services


All appointments toAll India Civil Servicesare made by thePresident of India.

Central Services


Group A


TheCentral Civil Services (Group A)are concerned with the administration of theUnion Government.[21]All appointments to Central Civil Services (Group A) are made by the President of India.

Group B


For Group Bcentral civil serviceposts, the Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE) is conducted by theStaff Selection Commission(SSC).[c][25] All appointments to Group B are made by the authorities specified by a general or special order of the President.

State Services


The State Civil Services examinations and recruitment are conducted by the individual states' public service commissions in India. These services are feeder services of All India Services. All appointments to State Services (Group A) are made by the Governors of States.

Group A

State Civil Service (Executive Branch) or State Administrative Service

Each state and union territory in India has its own State Civil Service, which are responsible for various administrative functions, including the implementation of government policies, maintenance of law and order, revenue administration, and development activities within their respective jurisdictions.The officers of the State Civil Service (Executive Branch) or State Administrative Service are recruited through state-specific examinations conducted by the respective state public service commissions. Such officers in India arestate civil servantsposted asDeputy Collectoror equivalent rank in concerned state government. They belong to Group A gazetted rank and are part ofstate civil servicesofIndia.The officers of followingstate civil servicescadre are later promoted toIndian Administrative Serviceand hence conceived as a feeder service for theIndian Administrative Servicein the respective state cadre.

  • Andhra Pradesh Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Arunachal Pradesh Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Assam Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Bihar Administrative Service
  • Goa Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Maharashtra Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Madhya Pradesh Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Gujarat Administrative Service
  • Haryana Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Himachal Pradesh Administrative Service
  • Chhattisgarh Civil Service (Executive Branch)
  • Jharkhand Administrative Service
  • Jammu and Kashmir Administrative Service

All India Judicial Services,All India Legal Service,State Regional Legal Service,Central Legal ServiceandState Legal Serviceare equivalent tocivil servicesanddefence services.Their appointment made by Governor of respective states after the consultation / approval of the respective states High Courts andPresident of Indiain case the appointment is made forSupreme Court of Indiaandcentral government establishments.

List of State Engineering Services(Engineering)

AllState Engineering ServicesofficersareGroup 'A’ gazetted officers.

State Forest Service (Natural Resource)

All ‘State Forest Services’of the rank of Assistant Conservator of Forest(ACF) areGroup 'A' gazetted officersunderstate natural resource services.The officers of thisstate natural resource servicesare later promoted to theIndian Forest Serviceafter 8 years of Service.

State Police Service (Civil Service)

AllState Police Servicesof the rank of Deputy Superintendent of Police/Assistant Commissioner of Police/Assistant Commandant are Group 'A' Officers and is included understate civil services.The officers of followingstate civil servicesare later promoted toIndian Police Service.

  • Andhra Pradesh State Police Service (APPS)
  • Arunachal Pradesh Police Service (APPS)
  • Assam Police Service (APS)
  • Bihar Police Service (BPS)
  • Goa Police Service (GPS)
  • Maharashtra Police Service (MPS)
  • Madhya Pradesh Police Service(MPPS)
  • Gujarat Police Service (GPS)
  • Haryana Police Service(HPS)
  • Himachal Pradesh Police Service (HPPS)
  • Jharkhand Police Service (JPS)
  • Kashmir Police Service (KPS)
  • Karnataka State Police Service(KSPS)
  • Kerala Police Service (KPS)
  • Manipur Police Service (MPS)
  • Mizoram Police Service (MPS)
  • Meghalaya Police Service (MPS)
  • Nagaland Police Service (NPS)
  • Odisha Police Service (OPS)
  • Provincial Police Service (Uttar Pradesh)(PPS)
  • Punjab Police Service (PPS)
  • Rajasthan Police Service(RPS)
  • Sikkim Police Service (SPS)
  • Telangana Police Service (TSPS)
  • Tamil Nadu Police Service (TNPS)
  • Tripura Police Service(TPS)
  • Uttarakhand Police Service (UPS)
  • West Bengal Police Service(WBPS)

Group B


The state civil services (Group B) deal with subjects such as land revenue, agriculture, forests, education etc. The officers are recruited by different States through the respective State Public Service Commissions, and appointed by the Governor of that state.





Poor performance on international ratings


"We estimate that if India were to pursue civil service reforms and reach the Asian average on government effectiveness, it could add 0.9 percentage points annually to per capita GDP... Institutional quality is a crucial driver of economic performance."

— Goldman Sachs report[26]

ProfessorBibek Debroyand Laveesh Bhandari asserted in their book"Corruption in India: The DNA and RNA"that public officials in India are misappropriating as much as 1.26 per cent of the GDP or921 billion(US$11 billion) through corruption.[27][28]

A 2009 survey of the leading economies of Asia, revealedIndian bureaucracyto be not only the least efficient among Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Philippines and Indonesia, but also that working with India's civil servants was a "slow and painful" process.[29]

A 2012 study by the Hong Kong-basedPolitical and Economic Risk Consultancyranked and rated Indian bureaucracy as the worst inAsiawith a 9.21 rating out of 10. According to the study, India's inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy was responsible for most of the complaints that business executive have about the country.[30][31][32]

A 2013EY(Ernst & Young) Study[33]reports the industries most vulnerable to corruption are: Infrastructure & Real Estate, Metals & Mining, Aerospace & Defence, and Power & Utilities.

Inefficiency and misalignment with strategic national goals


"The IAS is hamstrung by political interference, outdated personnel procedures, and a mixed record on policy implementation, and it is in need of urgent reform. The Indian government should reshape recruitment and promotion processes, improve performance-based assessment of individual officers, and adopt safeguards that promote accountability while protecting bureaucrats from political meddling."

— The Indian Administrative Service Meets Big Data,Carnegie Endowment for International Peace[34][35]

Institutionalised corruption


A paper prepared in 2012 by theMinistry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensionsstates that corruption is prevalent at all levels in civil services and it isinstitutionalised.[36][37]



A 2005 study done by theTransparency Internationalin India found that more than 92% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribes or peddling influence to get services performed in a public office.[38]Taxes and bribes are common between state borders; Transparency International estimates that truckers annually pay222 crore(US$27 million) in bribes.[39][40]There have been several cases of collusion involving officials of theIncome Tax Department of Indiafor preferential tax treatment and relaxed prosecutions in exchange for bribes.[41][42]



In 2011, over a period of preceding three years more than 450chargesheetsfor criminal cases of corruption were filed and a total of 943 corruption cases were at different stages of investigation byCBIagainst civil servants.[43][44]

Misappropriation of funds


1 lakh crore(US$12 billion) losses through corruption, waste and fraud occurred from the government'sNational Rural Health Missionhealthcare programme, several of arrested high-level public servants died under mysterious circumstances including one in prison.[45][46][47][48]

Tendering processes and awarding contracts


World Bankreport stated that the aid programmes are beset by corruption, bad administration and under-payments. As an example, the report cites that only 40% of grain handed out for the poor reaches its intended target. The World Bank study finds that the public distribution programmes and social spending contracts have proven to be a waste due to corruption.[49]

A 2006 report stated that the state-funded construction activities, such as road building were dominated by construction mafias, consisting of cabals of corrupt public works officials, materials suppliers, politicians and construction contractors.[50]

Theft of state property


Corrupt officials steal the state property. In cities and villages throughout India, groups of municipal and other government officials, elected politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law enforcement officials, acquire, develop and sell land in illegal ways.[51]

Political interference


"Much of the deterioration in the functioning of bureaucracy is due to political interference."

Interference by politicians and politicians-babus nexus in corruption is an ongoing concern.[52]In October 2013, theSupreme Court of India,in the case ofTSR Subramanian & Ors vs Union of India & Ors[53]ordered bothGovernment of IndiaandState governmentsto ensure fixed tenure to civil servants. The court asked senior bureaucrats to write down the oral instructions from politicians so that a record would be kept of all the decisions. This judgement was seen on the similar lines of the Supreme Court's 2006 judgement in Prakash Singh case onpolice reforms.[54][55]The judgement was welcomed by various bureaucrats andthe mediawho hoped that it will help in giving freedom and independence to the functioning of bureaucracy.[52][56]



Central Civil Services Authority


In order to professionalise the Civil Services, then Defence MinisterA. K. Antonyled in decision on creation of a Central Civil Services Authority (CCSA) to oversee the higher bureaucracy.[57][58]

Alignment with strategic national goals


Under Prime MinisterNarendra Modi's principle of"minimum government and maximum governance",government undertook several reforms to align country's civil service with the strategic national goals, including lateral entry, forcibly retiring inept and corrupt officers, etc.[59]Previously, newly hired IAS officers were deployed directly in the state cadres.[59]From 2014, to align civil servants to the government's agenda, they are first deployed within the central government ministries as assistant secretaries for a few years.[59]From 2020 to 2021, government will conduct common foundation course for all Group A services to counter the attitude of elite clique operating in silos.[60]Doing away with the earlier discriminatory practice of appointing only IAS officers in the central government, officers from other services with domain experience also are empanelled and appointed; this is said to have widened the pool for selection of competent domain experts.[59]

360 degree appraisal


In 2014, to align the country's civil service systems with the strategic national goals, government implemented a new360 degree appraisalsystem which entails"Annual Confidential Report"(ACR), review of work-related attitude and behavior based on confidential feedback from peers, subordinates, and outsiders stakeholders who have dealt with the officer. This new system replaced the earlier archaic annual performance appraisal based solely on the ACR written by an officer's Boss.[59]

Lateral entry of domain experts


From 2018, to attract the best domain expert candidates from across the world for the senior civil servants job, vacancies which were earlier available only through promotion of officers were opened for direct hire or lateral entry as well. This was said to"boost the ministry or department's capabilities and proficiency... [and] provide synergies to policy and implementation".Initially, domain experts lateral entry candidates were appointed to 10 posts out of total 450 posts of joint secretary in the central government, and a further 40 lateral entrants at the director and deputy secretary level were also inducted.[59]

Removal and punishment of corrupt officers


Empowerment of citizens to sue corrupt officers


In 2016, the government decided to empower citizens to seek prosecution of corrupt IAS officers.[61]The Department Personnel and Training (DoPT),Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,has accepted to receive requests from private persons seeking sanction for prosecution in respect of IAS officers without any proper proposal and supporting documents.[61]In 2019, Government of India dismissed 12 (IRS IT) and 15 (IRS Customs and Central Excise) officers for corruption and bribery charges.[62][63]

Forced retirement of corrupt and inept officers


In 2011, the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT),Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions,created a proposal to retire and remove incompetent, inefficient and unproductiveAll India Serviceofficers after 15 years of service,[64][65][66]which was accepted and rule 16(3) of the All India Services (death-cum-retirement benefits) Rules of 1958 was amended on 31 January 2012.[64][66][67]

In 2016, theMinistry of Financedismissed 72 and prematurely retired another 33 Indian Revenue Service officers for the first time for non-performance and on disciplinary grounds.[68][69][70][71][72]

In 2019, to send a message that the job posting with government bureaucracy is no longer "permanent for the dishonest, corrupt and inefficient" officers, the government fired 22 corrupt officers from the Indian Revenue Service (IRS) and another 284Central Secretariat Serviceofficers were under performance audit by a review panel headed by theCabinet Secretary.[59][73]

Notable officers


See also



  1. ^As on year 2021, CSS cadre has a total strength of 12,500 members and is controlled by DOPT, Ministry of Personnel GOI.
  2. ^The Indian Revenue Service is not one entity and not one service. The two independent branches are controlled by two separate statutory bodies, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) and the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). The IT and C&CE also have two different independent service associations. The total members are 4192 (Income Tax) and 5583 (Customs and Indirect Taxes).
  3. ^The Schedule of Central Civil Services for Group 'B'. The complete list as per Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Govt. of India


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