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Clan Gordon

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Clan Gordon
Gòrdanach(Singular),Na Gòrdanaich(Collective)
Crest:In a ducal coronet Or, a stag's head and neck affrontée proper, attired with ten tines Gold
MottoBydand( "abiding" )[1]
Animo non astutia
( "By courage, not by craft" )[2]
SloganAn Gòrdonach
Plant badgeRockivy
Pipe music"The Gordon's March", "Cock o' the North"
The Most Hon. Granville Charles Gordon
The 13thMarquess of Huntly(An Gòrdonach[3])
SeatAboyne Castle[4]
Historic seatHuntly Castle[5]
Septsof Clan Gordon
Ackane, Adam(son), Ad(d)i.e., Addison, Adkins, Aiken, Aitchison, Aitken, Akane,Akins,Atkin, Atkins(on), Badenoch, Barrie, Connor, Connon, Craig, Cromb(i.e.), Cullen, Culane, Darg(e), Dorward, Durward, Eadie, Ed(d)i.e., Edison, Esslemont, Fettes, Garden, Gard(i)ner, Garioch, Garr(o)ick, Geddes, Gerr(y)ie, Haddo(w), Huntl(e)y, Jessiman, Jopp, Jupp, Laurie, Lawrie, MacAdam, Mallett, Manteach, Marr, Maver, Mill, Mills, Milles, Miln(e), Milner, Meldrum, Moir,More,Morrice,Muir,Milnes, Mylne, Steel(e), Teal, Tod(d),Troup
Clan branches
Gordon of Huntly(chiefs)
Gordon of Aboyne
Gordon of Aberdeen and Temair
Gordon of Kenmure[5]
Gordon of Auchindoun[5]
Gordon of Abergeldie[5]
Gordon of Haddo[5]
Gordon of Glenbuchat[5]
Gordon ofGight[5]
Gordon of Rothiemay[5]
See also:
Gordon baronets
Duke of Gordon
Allied clans
Rival clans

Clan Gordonis aHighlandScottish clan,historically one of the most powerful Scottish clans. The Gordon lands once spanned a large territory across the Highlands. Presently, Gordon is seated atAboyne Castle,Aberdeenshire.TheChiefof the clan is theEarl of Huntly,later theMarquess of Huntly.

During theWars of Scottish Independencein the 13th century, the Gordons supportedWilliam Wallacein the cause of independence. In the 15th century, the chiefship of the clan passed to an heiress, who married into the Seton family and her male descendants assumed the surname Gordon and continued as chiefs of the clan. The Gordons assisted in defeating the rebellion of theEarl of Douglasalso in the 15th century. In the 16th century, the Gordons as Catholics feuded with their Protestant neighbors theClan Forbesand also defeated at theBattle of Glenlivet,the ProtestantEarl of Argyll.During theWars of the Three Kingdomsof the 17th century, the Gordons supported theRoyalistcause. During theJacobite rising of 1715the Clan Gordon was Jacobite. During theJacobite rising of 1745,their chief, then theDuke of Gordon,pledged his support to the British-Hanoverian Government, but his clan remained Jacobite.



The first Gordon on record is Richard of Gordon, previously of Swinton, said to have been the grandson of a famousNormanknight who slew some monstrous animal inthe Merseduring the time of KingMalcolm III of Scotland.This Richard was Lord of the Barony ofGordonin the Merse. Richard de (of) Gordon probably died around 1200.[6]Between 1150 and 1160 he granted from his estate a piece of land to the Monks of St. Mary atKelso,a grant which was confirmed by his son Thomas Gordon. Other notable Gordons from this time include Bertram de Gordon who wounded King Richard of England with an arrow at Châlons.[7]

Alicia Gordon, IV of the Gordon family was the heiress who married her cousin, Adam Gordon. Adam Gordon was a soldier who KingAlexander III of Scotlandsent with King Louis of France to Palestine. One tradition is that from Adam's grandson, Sir Adam, all of the Gordons in Scotland are descended. This Adam Gordon supported SirWilliam Wallacein 1297 to recapture the Castle of Wigtown from the English and Adam was made the Governor.[7]

Wars of Scottish Independence[edit]

During theWars of Scottish IndependenceSir Adam Gordon, who had supported William Wallace, renounced his subsequent acceptance of the claims ofEdward I of Englandand became a staunch supporter ofRobert the Bruce.[6]Adam was killed leading the Clan Gordon at theBattle of Halidon Hillin 1333 but his son Sir Alexander Gordon escaped and was the first Gordon to be designated "of Huntly".[7]

Chief Sir John Gordon was killed leading the clan at theBattle of Otterburnwhere the English were defeated in 1388. His son, Chief Sir Adam Gordon, was killed leading the clan at the Battle of Homildon Hill, also known as theBattle of Humbleton Hillon 14 September 1402. The chief left his only child, a daughter namedElizabeth Gordonwho married Alexander Seton, who was the son of Sir William Seton, chief ofClan Seton.[7]

15th century and clan conflicts[edit]

TheBattle of Arbroathwas fought in 1445 where Patrick Gordon of Methlic, a cousin of the Earl of Huntly, was killed fighting theClan Lindsay.From this Patrick Gordon theEarls of Aberdeendescend.[7][8]

In 1449Alexander Seton, 1st Earl of Huntly,the eldest son ofElizabeth GordonandAlexander Seton, Lord Gordon,changed the family name from Seton to Gordon.c. 1457.[9]His male heirs through his third wife Elizabeth Crichton continued to bear the name of Gordon and were chiefs of Clan Gordon.

The chief ofClan Lindsay,Alexander Lindsay, the 4th Earl of Crawford, was badly defeated by the Clan Gordon and Clan Ogilvy underAlexander Gordon, 1st Earl of Huntly(previously Alexander Seton) at theBattle of Brechinin 1452.[10]

The Gordons became involved in the deadly feud between the king and theClan Douglasfor power.[6]The Gordons supported the king but when Gordon moved his forces south, the Earl of Moray who was an ally of the Douglases devastated the Gordon lands and burnedHuntly Castle.[6]However, the Gordons returned and soon defeated their enemies.[6]Huntly Castle was rebuilt and when the Douglases were finally defeated the power of the Gordons grew unchallenged.[6]In 1454 the Douglasses broke out in rebellion again and when confronted with the king in the south and Huntly in the north were soundly defeated, effectively ending the confederacy of the Douglasses, Rosses and Crawfords.[11]For his notable contributions Alexander Gordon, 1st Earl of Huntly was styledCock o' the North,a designation which has ever since been accorded to the heads of clan Gordon.[6][11]

16th century and clan conflicts[edit]

In 1513, during theAnglo-Scottish Wars,the Clan Gordon led by Alexander Gordon, 3rd Earl of Huntly fought at theBattle of Flodden.[7]

In 1515, the title ofEarl of Sutherlandand chiefship of theClan Sutherlandpassed by right of marriage to Adam Gordon who was a younger son ofGeorge Gordon, 2nd Earl of Huntly.[12]

Later during the Anglo-Scottish Wars,George Gordon, 4th Earl of Huntlydefeated an English army at theBattle of Haddon Rigin 1542 but the Gordons were later part of the Scottish army which was defeated at theBattle of Pinkie Cleughin 1547.[7]

Chief George Gordon, 4th Earl of Huntly was General of the forces on the Borders who opposed the forces ofHenry VIII of Englandand Gordon had many victorious encounters. He was however later killed at theBattle of Corrichiein 1562 fighting against the forces of James Stuart, Earl of Moray (half-brother to Mary Queen of Scots). Gordon was killed and his son, Sir John, and other members of his family were later executed atAberdeen.[7]

Throughout the 16th century the Clan Gordon were involved in a long and bitter struggle against theClan Forbes.[13]In the 1520s there were murders by both sides, and one of the most prominent killed by the Forbeses wasSeton of Meldrumwho was a close connection of the Earl of Huntly, chief of Clan Gordon.[13]The Earl of Huntly then became involved in a plot against theMaster of Forbes,who was the son of the sixthLord Forbes.[13]The sixth Lord Forbes had been heavily implicated of the murder of Seton of Meldrum.[13]The Master of Forbes was accused by the Earl of Huntly of conspiring to assassinateJames V of Scotlandin 1536 by shooting at him with a cannon.[13]The Master of Forbes was tried and executed however just days later his conviction was reversed and the Forbes family was restored to favor.[13]TheProtestant Reformationadded to the feud between the Clan Forbes and Clan Gordon in that the Gordons remained Catholic and the Forbeses became Protestant.[13]The traditional enemies of the Forbses such as theClan Leslie,Clan IrvineandClan Setonsided with the Gordons while Protestant families such as theClan Keith,Clan FraserandClan Crichtonsided with the Clan Forbes.[13]Twenty Gordons were killed at a banquet held at the Forbes'sDruminnor Castlein 1571.[14]Later in 1571 the feud climaxed with theBattle of Tillieangus,[14]and theBattle of Craibstone,and Druminnor, then the seat of the chief of Clan Forbes was plundered.[13]The Gordons followed this up with the massacre of twenty seven Forbeses of Towie atCorgarff Castle.[13]It took two Acts of Parliament for the clans to put down their arms.[13]

For two centuries from the mid-15th century the Clan Gordon andClan Campbellcontrolled the north-east and west of Scotland respectively, as themagnateswho straddled the divide between theScottish HighlandsandScottish Lowlands.[15]In 1594,Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyllwas granted a Royal Commission againstGeorge Gordon, 6th Earl of Huntlybut was defeated at theBattle of Glenlivet.[16][7][17]

17th century and Civil War[edit]

The register of the Privy Seal records that in 1615 a complaint was made from Alexander Leask of theClan Leaskthat Adam Gordon, brother of the Laird of Gight, put violent hands upon him at the Yet of Leask, wounding him grievously.[18]Later that year the Gordons again attacked the Leasks, setting upon a son of the chief for which George Gordon was outlawed.[18]In 1616, William Leask of that Ilk was accosted by John Gordon of Ardlogy and a party of men withpistolets andhagbuts.[7][18]

In the early 17th century Clan Gordon had a number of alliances by marriage or friendship. Among these was a strong bond to theClan Burnettof Leys. The Gordon crest is emblazoned inplasterworkon the ceiling of the early 17th centurygreat hallofMuchalls Castlebuilt by Alexander Burnett.[7]

In 1644 AlexanderBannermanof Pitmedden fought a duel with his cousin, Sir George Gordon of Haddo, and wounded him. Also in 1644 during the Civil War at theBattle of Aberdeenthere were Gordons on both sides. Lord Lewis Gordon led his forces on the side of the Covenanters while Sir Nathaniel Gordon led his forces in support of the Royalists.[7]

During theCivil Warthe second Marquess of Huntly was a fierce royalist and his followers have passed into history as theGordon Horseand they figured very prominently in the campaigns of the greatJames Graham, 1st Marquess of Montrose.[6]Cavalry from the Clan Gordon fought in support of the royalists at theBattle of Auldearnin 1645 where they helped to defeat theCovenantersof Lord Seaforth. The Clan Gordon fought at theBattle of Alfordin 1645 where they were victorious, led byGeorge Gordon, 2nd Marquess of Huntly.The Marquess of Huntly's eldest son George Gordon fell at this battle.[7]Also in 1645, Lewis Gordon, clan chief and 3rd Marquess of Huntly burnedBrodie Castleof theClan Brodie.[19]

In 1682 William Gordon ofCardoness Castle,was killed in a fight withSir Godfrey McCulloch.McCulloch fled Scotland for a time, but returned, only to be apprehended and executed in 1697.[20]

18th century and Jacobite risings[edit]

Jacobite rising of 1715[edit]

The Gordons fought on both sides during both theJacobite rising of 1715and theJacobite rising of 1745.[6]The second Duke of Gordon followed the Jacobites in 1715 and fought at theBattle of Sheriffmuir.[6]General Wade's report on the Highlands in 1724, estimated the clan strength at 1,000 men.[21]

Jacobite rising of 1745[edit]

Cosmo Gordon, 3rd Duke of Gordonsupported the British Government during the rising of 1745.[6]However, his brother,Lord Lewis Gordon,raised two Jacobite regiments against the Hanoverians.[6]The Gordon Jacobites fought at theBattle of Inverurie (1745),theBattle of Falkirk (1746)and theBattle of Culloden(1746).[7]

British Army regiments[edit]

Two regiments named the "Gordon Highlanders" have been raised from the Clan Gordon. The first was the81st Regiment of Foot (Aberdeenshire Highland Regiment)formed in 1777 by the Hon. Colonel William Gordon, son of the Earl of Aberdeen and was disbanded in 1783. The second was the92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Footraised by Alexander the 4th Duke of Gordon in 1794.[7]

Chief and arms[edit]


This version of thetartanis the predominantly used Gordon pattern today. The tartan the same as that of the92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regimenttartan, in turn based onBlack Watch.
A complex tartan predominantly of red, blues, green, and purple, with white over-checks
One of the Gordon red tartans, first recorded in 1930–1950, but probably considerably older

Clan Gordon has several recognizedtartans,most of them predominantly green-blue-and-black, but also including dress patterns, some red-based ones, and some variants for specific branches of the clan.[26]

The main Gordon tartan is based on that originally used by the92nd (Gordon Highlanders) Regiment of Foot;the clan version has thinner black bands, and thin black "guard lines" on either side of the yellow over-check. The tartan is ultimately based on theBlack Watchtartan, but with the yellow over-check added, and the single black over-check of Black Watch converted into a pair, like the rest of the black over-checks in the design. The 92nd later became theGordon Highlandersin 1881, then amalgamated into theHighlanders (Seaforth, Gordons and Camerons)in 1994, which is now the Highlanders, 4th Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 SCOTS). The modern unit (for dress) uses the Cameron of Erracht tartan, not a Gordon variant.

The main Gordon tartan has been used for many years as the troop tartan for the 10th Finchley (Scottish) Scout Group, London N3.[27]The Scout Group was and still is unique in being the only group south of the border to wear kilts and actively maintains its links with the Gordon clan. Every four years (with a few exceptions) they camp in the grounds of Aboyne Castle and the Marquess would often attend Burns Night dinners as the guest of honour at the scout hall. The group's pipe band always plays "The Cock of the North 6/8 March" when returning to their hall following parades and every member wears a badge bearing the stag's head that forms part of the clan crest. A picture of the band outside their current scout hall shows all members wearing Gordon Tartan kilts.[28][29] The ties go further, with the address of the scout hall being Gordon Hall, Huntly Drive, West Finchley, London, N3.


Castles that have been owned by the Clan Gordon include, amongst many others:

The ruins ofHuntly Castle,historic seat of the Gordons of Huntly, chiefs of Clan Gordon.
The ruins ofGlenbuchat Castle,former seat of the Gordons of Glenbuchat.
The ruins ofKenmure Castle,former seat of the GordonViscounts of Kenmure.
The ruins ofAuchindoun Castleformer seat of the Gordons of Auchindoun.
The ruins of Gight Castle, former seat of the Gordons of Gight.
  • Gordon Castle, which once stood to the north of the village ofGordon, Scottish Borders,inBerwickshirewas an old stronghold, although its exact location is not certain.[5]The Gordons held the castle from the twelfth century, but as a result of supportingRobert the Brucethey were given lands in Strathbogie inAberdeenshire.[5]A mile from Strathbogie wasHuntlywhere the Gordons also had a castle, and it wasHuntlythat gave its name to the Gordon's more famous stronghold that was originally known as Strathbogie, in Aberdeenshire.[5]
  • Huntly Castle,just to the north ofHuntlyin Aberdeenshire is now a ruin that consists of a large rectangular block with a substantial round tower at one end, with the remains of a courtyard and other buildings.[5]There are the remains of decorative stone work and threeoriel windowson the upper part of the building.[5]The lands had passed from theClan Setonto the Clan Gordon in the fourteenth century.[5]The original castle was torched by theClan Douglasin 1452 and was re-built.[5]The name of the property was changed from Strathbogie to Huntly in 1506.[5]During theJacobite rising of 1745the castle was garrisoned by Hanoverian soldiers but by then had been abandoned as a residence.[5]Some of the materials from Huntly Castle were used to build what is now the Huntly Castle Hotel.[5]
  • Gordon Castle,is eight and a half miles east ofElgin, Moray,and the Gordons had a castle there since the fifteenth century.[5]In the eighteenth century it was enlarged and remodeled for theDuke of Gordon.[5]It was sold to the government in 1936 and became deteriorated duringWorld War II.[5]The castle was later bought back by the Gordon-Lennox family but most of it was demolished apart from the six story block and two separate wings.[5]
  • Abergeldie Castle,five miles west ofBallater,Aberdeenshire, dates from the sixteenth century.[5]Abergeldie was held by the Gordons from 1482.[5]In 1547 James Gordon of Abergeldie was killed at theBattle of Pinkie Cleughand in 1562 Alexander Gordon of Abergeldie took part in the earl of Huntly's rising againstMary, Queen of Scots.[5]He was also at theBattle of Glenlivetin 1594.[5]During the feud with theClan Forbesover land, seven sons of Gordon of Knock were murdered by Forbes of Strathgirnock and as a result Forbes was executed by Gordon of Abergeldie.[5]The castle was burnt by theClan Mackenziein 1592.[5]
  • Glenbuchat Castle,four miles west ofKildrummy,Aberdeenshire, dates from 1590.[5]It was seized byJames VI of Scotlandduring Huntly's rising of 1594.[5]Brigadier-General John Gordon of Glenbuchat fought for the Jacobites in both the risings of 1715 and 1745, leading the Gordons and Farquharsons at theBattle of Culloden.[5]He escaped toNorwayand died inFrance.[5]The castle was a ruin by 1738 and was sold to the DuffEarl of Fife.[5]It was then replaced with Glenbuchat House and the old castle is now in the care ofHistoric Scotland.[5]
  • Rothiemay Castle, atMilltown of Rothiemay,dated from the fifteenth century.[5]It stood five miles north of Huntly.[5]Mary, Queen of Scots may have stayed here during Huntly's rebellion of 1562.[5]In 1618 the castle was attacked by George Gordon ofGight.[5]In 1630 William Gordon of Rothiemay and others were burnt to death at thecastle of Frendraughtin suspicious circumstances.[5]James Crichton of Frendraughthad not been on good terms with Rothiemay but he was cleared of involvement.[5]However, Lady Rothiemay employed Highlanders to attack Crichton's property and as a result she was imprisoned in 1635 but later released.[5]
  • Haddo House,ten miles north west ofEllon, Aberdeenshire,stands on the site of a stronghold that was held by the Gordons from 1429.[5]Patrick Gordon of Haddo was killed at theBattle of Arbroathin 1446.[5]Sir John Gordon of Haddo was made a Baronet of Nova Scotia in 1642 and actively supportedJames Graham, 1st Marquess of Montroseduring the Civil War, but was captured after being besieged in the castle.[5]Haddo House is now in the care of theNational Trust for Scotland.[5]
  • Fyvie Castle,a mile north ofFyvie,Aberdeenshire, was held by the Gordon Earls of Aberdeen from 1733 to 1889.[5]
  • Kenmure Castle,a mile south ofNew Gallowaywas originally held by the Balliols but passed to the Gordons ofLochinvarin about 1297.[5]It was torched after the Gordons welcomed Mary, Queen of Scots there in 1568.[5]In 1633 Sir John Gordon was madeViscount of Kenmure.[5]The castle was burned again byOliver Cromwellin 1650 after the Gordons had supportedCharles I of England.[5]William Gordon, sixth Viscount Kenmure was beheaded in theTower of Londonafter being captured at theBattle of Preston (1715)fighting for the Jacobites.[5]The property and title were recovered in 1824 and the castle had been restored from a ruin.[5]The castle was visited byRobert Burnsbut as a result of a fire in 1950 it was stripped of materials.[5]
  • Auchindoun CastlenearDufftownis a ruinous L-plan tower house that was originally held by theClan Ogilvybut passed to the Gordons in 1535.[5]Adam Gordon of Auchindounwas the leader of a party of Gordons who torched the Forbes'sCorgarff Castlekilling Margaret Campbell who was the wife of Forbes of Towie along with her family and retainers.[5]Auchindoun Castle itself may have been burned in 1544 or 1671.[5]The castle was sacked afterJames Stewart, 2nd Earl of Moraywas murdered atDonibristleby Gordon, Marquess of Huntly and SirPatrick Gordon of Auchindounin 1592.[5]Sir Patrick Gordon of Auchindoun was later killed at theBattle of Glenlivetin 1594.[5]The castle is in the care of Historic Scotland.[5]
  • Gight Castle, atGight,near Fyvie, Aberdeenshire, was held by the Gordons of Gight and William Gordon of Gight was killed at theBattle of Floddenin 1513.[5]The sixth Gordon laird of Gight broke his sword across the head of the Laird of Leask.[5]The seventh Gordon laird of Gight was a Tax collector who virtually plundered the town ofBanff, Aberdeenshireand kept all of the money.[5]The heiress, Catherine Gordon of Gight, marriedJohn "Mad Jack" Byronand they were the parents of the poetLord Byron.[5]John Byron had to sell the estate due to debts and it was acquired by the Gordon Earls of Aberdeen.[5]
  • Aboyne Castle,nearAboyne,Aberdeenshire, is the current seat of the Marquess of Huntly, chief of Clan Gordon.[4]

See also[edit]

Notes and references[edit]

  1. ^"Bydand".Dictionaries of the Scots Language.Retrieved20 December2023.
  2. ^A Dictionary of Mottoes;p.13; By Leslie Gilbert Pine; Published by Routledge, 1983;ISBN0-7100-9339-X,ISBN978-0-7100-9339-4
  3. ^Mac an Tàilleir, Iain."Ainmean Pearsanta"(docx).Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.Retrieved15 October2009.
  4. ^abAboyne Castle(spelling variation of "Marquis" ) canmore.rcahms.gov.uk. Retrieved 5 May 2015.
  5. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaabacadaeafagahaiajakalamanaoapaqarasatauavawaxayazbabbbcbdbebfbgbhbibjbkblCoventry, Martin (2008).Castles of the Clans: The Strongholds and Seats of 750 Scottish Families and Clans.Musselburgh:Goblinshead. pp. 225–234.ISBN978-1-899874-36-1.
  6. ^abcdefghijklWay, George of Plean;Squire, Romilly of Rubislaw(1994).Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia.Glasgow:HarperCollins(for theStanding Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 146–147.ISBN0-00-470547-5.
  7. ^abcdefghijklmno"The Clan of Gordon".The Scottish Clans and Their Tartans(Library ed.). Edinburgh and London:W. & A.K. Johnston & G.W. Bacon Ltd.1886. p.25.Retrieved3 May2020.
  8. ^Battle of Arbroathgeocities. Retrieved 14 September 2013.
  9. ^George Edward Cokayne,The Complete Peerage; or, a History of the House of Lords and all its members from the earliest times,Vol. VI, eds. H. A. Doubleday & Howard de Walden (London: The St. Catherine Press, Ltd., 1926), pp. 675–6
  10. ^Huntly, Charles Gordon, 11th Marquess of(1894).The Records of Aboyne.Aberdeen:New Spalding Club.pp.387-389.Retrieved3 May2020.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  11. ^abHuntly, Charles Gordon, 11th Marquess of(1894).The Records of Aboyne.Aberdeen:New Spalding Club.pp.390-391.Retrieved3 May2020.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  12. ^Gordon, Robert(1813) [Printed from original manuscript 1580 – 1656].A Genealogical History of the Earldom of Sutherland.Edinburgh: Printed by George Ramsay and Co. forArchibald Constableand Company Edinburgh; and White, Cochrance and Co. London. pp.83–84.Retrieved17 April2021.
  13. ^abcdefghijkWay, George of Plean;Squire, Romilly of Rubislaw(1994).Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia.Glasgow:HarperCollins(for theStanding Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 138–139.ISBN0-00-470547-5.
  14. ^abCoventry, Martin (2008).Castles of the Clans: The Strongholds and Seats of 750 Scottish Families and Clans.Musselburgh:Goblinshead. pp. 200–204.ISBN978-1-899874-36-1.
  15. ^Lynch, Michael,ed. (2011).Oxford Companion to Scottish History.Oxford University Press.p. 273.ISBN978-0-19-923482-0.
  16. ^Campbell, Alistair of Airds (2002).A History of Clan Campbell: From Flodden to the Restoration.Edinburgh University Press.pp. 113–117.
  17. ^"The Battle of Glenlivet".clan-cameron.org.Retrieved14 September2013.
  18. ^abcWay, George of Plean;Squire, Romilly of Rubislaw(1994).Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia.Glasgow:HarperCollins(for theStanding Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 190–191.ISBN0-00-470547-5.
  19. ^"Site Record for Brodie Castle; Brodie Castle Policies; Brodie Estate".Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  20. ^Way, George of Plean;Squire, Romilly of Rubislaw(1994).Collins Scottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia.Glasgow:HarperCollins(for theStanding Council of Scottish Chiefs). pp. 430–431.ISBN0-00-470547-5.
  21. ^Johnston, Thomas Brumby;Robertson, James Alexander;Dickson, William Kirk(1899)."General Wade's Report".Historical Geography of the Clans of Scotland.EdinburghandLondon:W. & A.K. Johnston.p. 26.Retrieved19 February2020.
  22. ^"Burke Resources and Information".burkes-peerage.net.Retrieved23 August2020.
  23. ^The Ballad and the Folk;By David Buchan
  24. ^The History of Scotland;By Peter Somerset Fry, Fiona Somerset Fry, Rosalind Mitchison
  25. ^"houseofgordon ARMS".Archived fromthe originalon 28 May 2009.Retrieved20 February2009.
  26. ^"Search Results [Gordon]".TartanRegister.gov.uk.Scottish Register of Tartans.2023.Retrieved19 June2023.
  27. ^"10th Finchley".10th-Finchley.org.uk.Retrieved25 February2021.
  28. ^"Haggis blowing sasanacks".10th.org.Retrieved23 August2020.
  29. ^"10th Finchley (Scottish) Scout Group".