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Closed set

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Ingeometry,topology,and related branches ofmathematics,aclosed setis asetwhosecomplementis anopen set.[1][2]In atopological space,a closed set can be defined as a set which contains all itslimit points.In acomplete metric space,a closed set is a set which isclosedunder thelimitoperation. This should not be confused with aclosed manifold.

Equivalent definitions[edit]

By definition, a subsetof atopological spaceis calledclosedif its complementis an open subset of;that is, ifA set is closed inif and only if it is equal to itsclosureinEquivalently, a set is closed if and only if it contains all of itslimit points.Yet another equivalent definition is that a set is closed if and only if it contains all of itsboundary points. Every subsetis always contained in its(topological) closureinwhich is denoted bythat is, ifthenMoreover,is a closed subset ofif and only if

An alternative characterization of closed sets is available viasequencesandnets.A subsetof a topological spaceis closed inif and only if everylimitof every net of elements ofalso belongs toIn afirst-countable space(such as a metric space), it is enough to consider only convergentsequences,instead of all nets. One value of this characterization is that it may be used as a definition in the context ofconvergence spaces,which are more general than topological spaces. Notice that this characterization also depends on the surrounding spacebecause whether or not a sequence or net converges independs on what points are present in A pointinis said to beclose toa subsetif(or equivalently, ifbelongs to the closure ofin thetopological subspacemeaningwhereis endowed with thesubspace topologyinduced on it by[note 1]). Because the closure ofinis thus the set of all points inthat are close tothis terminology allows for a plain English description of closed subsets:

a subset is closed if and only if it contains every point that is close to it.

In terms of net convergence, a pointis close to a subsetif and only if there exists some net (valued) inthat converges to Ifis atopological subspaceof some other topological spacein which caseis called atopological super-spaceofthen theremightexist some point inthat is close to(although not an element of), which is how it is possible for a subsetto be closed inbut tonotbe closed in the "larger" surrounding super-space Ifand ifisanytopological super-space ofthenis always a (potentially proper) subset ofwhich denotes the closure ofinindeed, even ifis a closed subset of(which happens if and only if), it is nevertheless still possible forto be a proper subset ofHowever,is a closed subset ofif and only iffor some (or equivalently, for every) topological super-spaceof

Closed sets can also be used to characterizecontinuous functions:a mapiscontinuousif and only iffor every subset;this can be reworded inplain Englishas:is continuous if and only if for every subsetmaps points that are close toto points that are close toSimilarly,is continuous at a fixed given pointif and only if wheneveris close to a subsetthenis close to

More about closed sets[edit]

The notion of closed set is defined above in terms ofopen sets,a concept that makes sense fortopological spaces,as well as for other spaces that carry topological structures, such asmetric spaces,differentiable manifolds,uniform spaces,andgauge spaces.

Whether a set is closed depends on the space in which it is embedded. However, thecompactHausdorff spacesare "absolutely closed",in the sense that, if you embed a compact Hausdorff spacein an arbitrary Hausdorff spacethenwill always be a closed subset of;the "surrounding space" does not matter here.Stone–Čech compactification,a process that turns acompletely regularHausdorff space into a compact Hausdorff space, may be described as adjoining limits of certain nonconvergent nets to the space.

Furthermore, every closed subset of a compact space is compact, and every compact subspace of a Hausdorff space is closed.

Closed sets also give a useful characterization of compactness: a topological spaceis compact if and only if every collection of nonempty closed subsets ofwith empty intersection admits a finite subcollection with empty intersection.

A topological spaceisdisconnectedif there exist disjoint, nonempty, open subsetsandofwhose union isFurthermore,istotally disconnectedif it has anopen basisconsisting of closed sets.


A closed set contains its ownboundary.In other words, if you are "outside" a closed set, you may move a small amount in any direction and still stay outside the set. This is also true if the boundary is the empty set, e.g. in the metric space of rational numbers, for the set of numbers of which the square is less than

  • Anyintersectionof any family of closed sets is closed (this includes intersections of infinitely many closed sets)
  • Theunionoffinitelymanyclosed sets is closed.
  • Theempty setis closed.
  • The whole set is closed.

In fact, if given a setand a collectionof subsets ofsuch that the elements ofhave the properties listed above, then there exists a unique topologyonsuch that the closed subsets ofare exactly those sets that belong to The intersection property also allows one to define theclosureof a setin a spacewhich is defined as the smallest closed subset ofthat is asupersetof Specifically, the closure ofcan be constructed as the intersection of all of these closed supersets.

Sets that can be constructed as the union ofcountablymany closed sets are denotedFσsets. These sets need not be closed.


  • The closedintervalofreal numbersis closed. (SeeInterval (mathematics)for an explanation of the bracket and parenthesis set notation.)
  • Theunit intervalis closed in the metric space of real numbers, and the setofrational numbersbetweenand(inclusive) is closed in the space of rational numbers, butis not closed in the real numbers.
  • Some sets are neither open nor closed, for instance the half-openintervalin the real numbers.
  • Some sets are both open and closed and are calledclopen sets.
  • Therayis closed.
  • TheCantor setis an unusual closed set in the sense that it consists entirely of boundary points and is nowhere dense.
  • Singleton points (and thus finite sets) are closed inT1spacesandHausdorff spaces.
  • The set ofintegersis an infinite and unbounded closed set in the real numbers.
  • Ifis a function between topological spaces thenis continuous if and only if preimages of closed sets inare closed in

See also[edit]

  • Clopen set– Subset which is both open and closed
  • Closed map– A function that sends open (resp. closed) subsets to open (resp. closed) subsets
  • Closed region– Connected open subset of a topological space
  • Open set– Basic subset of a topological space
  • Neighbourhood– Open set containing a given point
  • Region (mathematics)– Connected open subset of a topological space
  • Regular closed set


  1. ^In particular, whether or notis close todepends only on thesubspaceand not on the whole surrounding space (e.g.or any other space containingas a topological subspace).


  1. ^Rudin, Walter(1976).Principles of Mathematical Analysis.McGraw-Hill.ISBN0-07-054235-X.
  2. ^Munkres, James R.(2000).Topology(2nd ed.).Prentice Hall.ISBN0-13-181629-2.