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Co-articulated consonant

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Co-articulated consonantsorcomplex consonantsare consonants produced with two simultaneousplaces of articulation.They may be divided into two classes:doubly articulated consonantswith two primary places of articulation of the samemanner(both stop, or both nasal,etc.), and consonants withsecondary articulation,that is, a second articulation not of the same manner.[1]: 328 

Doubly articulated consonants[edit]

An example of a doubly articulated consonant is thevoiceless labial-velar stop[k͡p],which is pronounced simultaneously at thevelum(a [k]) and at the lips (a [p]).

In practically all languages of the world that have doubly articulated consonants, these are eitherclicksorlabial-velars.

Consonants with secondary articulation[edit]

An example of a consonant with secondary articulation is the voicelesslabializedvelar stop[kʷ]has only a single stop articulation,velar[k], with a simultaneousapproximant-likerounding of the lips.

There is a large number of common secondary articulations. The most frequently encountered arelabialization(such as[kʷ]),palatalization(such as theRussian"soft" consonantslike[pʲ]),velarization(such as theEnglish"dark" el[lˠ]), andpharyngealization(such as theArabicemphatic consonantslike[tˤ]).

Distinction between the two classes[edit]

As might be expected from the approximant-like nature of secondary articulation, it is not always easy to tell whether a co-articulatedapproximant consonantsuch as/w/is doubly or secondarily articulated. In some English dialects[which?],for example,/w/is alabialized velarthat could be transcribed as[ɰʷ].

Similar phones[edit]

Theglottiscontrolsphonation,and works simultaneously with many consonants. It is not normally considered an articulator, and anejectivesuch as[kʼ],with simultaneous closure of the velum and glottis, is not normally considered to be a co-articulated consonant.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Peter Ladefoged;Ian Maddieson(February 1996),The Sounds of the World's Languages,Blackwell Publishing,WikidataQ98962682