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Colombia during World War II

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Colombia during World War II
A ColombianAT-6 Texanin 1940
LocationRepublic of Colombia
Casualties~23 killed
EventsSevering of relations
– December 1941
– July 21, 1942
Declaration of war
– November 26, 1943
The U-154 Incident
– March 29, 1944
The Pasto Coup
– July 1944

ThehistoryofColombia during World War IIbegan in 1939. Although geographically distant from the main theaters of war,Colombiaplayed an important role inWorld War IIbecause of its strategic location near thePanama Canal,and its access to both theAtlanticandPacific Oceans.Colombia also experienced major changes to its military and society, due to increased influence from theUnited States,but it was also able to maintain its sovereignty throughout the war, as well as avoid sending troops into battle.[1][2]

Colombia ceased diplomatic relations with theAxis powersin December 1941, after theJapaneseattack on Pearl Harbor;it allowed the U.S. to station troops in the country and finally entered the war on theAllies'side on November 26, 1943, after a series ofGermanU-boatattacks on Colombian ships. Despite the declaration, Colombia did not send an army overseas, but its navy was active in countering U-boat operations in theCaribbean.[1][2]



The economic dislocation created by World War II impacted Colombia significantly. Firstly, Colombia was cut off from European and Asian markets, leaving the United States as its primary market for exports. Secondly, Colombia's imports were also dramatically affected, and again the United States was the sole source of many goods, such asrayonyarn,steel,machinery,graphite,andlead.[1]

One of the primary concerns was the price ofcoffee,Colombia's largest export and the main source of its foreign exchange. The AmericanOffice of Price Administration(OPA) attempted to have the maximum price of coffee frozen at the level existing on December 8, 1941, the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. However, Colombia objected on the basis that the cost of producing and transporting coffee had increased due to wartime conditions, and, if the price was not adjusted to factor in these conditions, the economy would decline. The OPA relented, and agreed to raise prices immediately and to adjust them in the future based on increased production and transportation costs.[1]

Colombia's source ofplatinumwas another important issue. Colombia was the only source of platinum for the German and Japanese war industries, and the United States moved quickly to buy out the entire supply through the Metals Reserve Company, which was an agency of theReconstruction Finance Corporation.Since the United States also needed additional supplies of platinum for its war effort, it assisted Colombia with technical advice on increasing production through theForeign Economic Administration.[1]

Because platinum was so valuable, even in small amounts, and Axis agents were willing to pay premium prices, smuggling became a problem. Accordingly, Colombia attempted to control the export of platinum by requiring all producers to sell their product to the Central Bank only. However, producers in remote areas were able to circumvent government control by selling their product on theblack marketinArgentina.The smuggling of platinum out of Colombia remained a problem for most of the war, but it was reduced to a "trickle" by late 1944.[1]

Immigrants from Axis countries[edit]

At the beginning of the war, Colombia was home to a Germancolony- estimated by the United States government in December 1941 to consist of about 4,000 people - and a small village of Japanese farmers inCauca.The Americans were concerned about the possibility of a "fifth column"of subversives forming in Colombia and carrying outsabotageand the like against the nearbyPanama Canal Zone.However, this view, in most instances, was not shared by the Colombian government. To be sure, there were some Axis agitators, such as the businessman Emil Prufert inBarranquilla,but the Colombian government was not convinced that all immigrants from Axis countries were enemy agents.[1][2]

Even though the Colombian government was mostly in doubt about the presence of enemy agents operating in their country, the United States throughLend-Leasewas providing the former with economic assistance to counter enemy agent activity, and constantly had to remind the Colombian government that the aid would be cut off if it did not acknowledge the threat. The benefits of American economic assistance, and threats to cut it off, were irresistible, however, and as a result, Colombia monitored, interned, or deported hundreds of people from Germany, Japan, andItaly,during the war.[1]

The Black List

After theAttack on Pearl harbor,the government of Colombia expressed strong support for the United States. As a result, Japanese, German, and Italian property was confiscated,internment campswere established, and laws were emplaced to deterAxisespionage. The American Government collaborated with the Colombian Government to create a "Black List" to prevent the financial aid of the United States from falling into potential Axis spies and collaborators. In 1943, the Colombian government also issued a decree that prohibited theGerman languagefrom being used in public places.[3]

In 1944, the largest internment camp was established in a hotel named HotelSabanetadeFusagasugáinCundinamarca.It held 150 Germans, Japanese, and Italians and was an extension of the "Black List" initiative. It forcibly displaced German, Japanese, and Italian immigrants escaping the war as well as immigrants who had come before the war. Once possible conspirators were sent to the hotel, their property was confiscated and they were required to pay for their stay at the hotel. They were described to be more pleasant living conditions than that of the victims ofNazism.Soon afterThe Second World War,families were economically compensated for the loss of property.[4]

Directly after the Colombian severing of ties with Japan because of Pearl Harbor, Colombianambassadorto Japan, Hisao Yanai, was flown out of Japanese Islands back to Colombia but continued his relations with the country. He sought to assist the Japanese subjects in Colombia as he saw the situation arising poorly for them. As a result, he cooperated with Spain as it was the closest Nation to Japan that was not in the Axis Powers. What came to be was the expulsion of multiple Japanese diplomats back to their country of origin. This was because there was little need for Japanese diplomats after the severing of diplomatic relations. In return, many diplomats from the American continent were also returned to their home countries.[3]

SCADTA hangars

One example of American pressure to "crack down" on immigrants from Axis countries was theSCADTAcase. SCADTA was founded in 1919 by three German settlers and five Colombians, and by World War II was an important part of the transportation network of Colombia. In 1931, after the American-ownedPan American World Airwaysacquired a controlling interest in SCADTA, it was discovered that many of the airline's pilots, technicians, and key administrators were German orAustrian,even though most had lived in Colombia for several years. Some of the pilots had even retained reserve commissions in theLuftwaffe.The United States was afraid that the SCADTA pilots were engaged in espionage, and could be plotting to convert civilian aircraft intobombers,in order to attack the Panama Canal.[1]

The Colombian government was not concerned about SCADTA, though, and did not question the loyalty of the German pilots. However, in order to comply with the United States, Colombia passed laws requiring airlines to hire more Colombian citizens, and for 51% of the stock of these companies to be Colombian-held. Restrictions were also placed on German pilots on how they could be utilized by an airline. For example, at least one pilot on every plane had to be Colombian, and positioning devices were placed on all of SCADTA's planes so that the government could monitor their location.[1]

The Military Forces of Colombia[edit]

In 1939, the average numerical strength of theColombian Armystood at 16,000 men. It was made up of six mixedbrigades,with each mixed brigade consisting of threebattalions,onecavalrygroup of threesquadrons,oneartillerygroup of threebatteries,one engineer battalion, and two service battalions. The army's air force component consisted of one service squadron and one training squadron of fifteen aircraft. Thepolicenumbered 5,053 officers, and by 1944 the number had increased to 5,500. Colombia nominally had a compulsory military service but it was never fully enforced. Active service lasted for a period of one year.[5]

In 1939, theColombian Navyhad a total of approximately 1,850 personnel, includingnaval infantry.It possessed two moderndestroyers,both of which had been purchased inPortugal,four rivergunboats,one seagoing gunboat, three coastguardpatrol vessels,and several customs servicemotor launches.In the 1930s, theColombian Air Forcewas only in initial stages of development; in 1935 the very first flight was created, but it was only during World War II that shipments of aircraft from the United States allowed for a more significant development of the air force, eventually transforming it into a separate branch of the armed forces. Three air force groups were formed in 1943.[5]

Cooperation with the United States

Close cooperation between the United States military and theMilitary Forces of Colombiabegan duringWorld War II.Prior to the beginning of the war in 1939,Switzerlandand theUnited Kingdomprovided Colombia with military aviation and naval support. However, the Swiss aviation equipment was expensive and obsolete by 1939, and the Colombian government recognized the possibility that the British would most likely not be able to continue their naval assistance due to their own defense needs.[1]

Conveniently, American naval and military aviation missions arrived in Colombia in January 1939. The United States and Colombia also began a series of consultations on the defense of the Panama Canal. After theFall of Francein 1940, the need for cooperation became more urgent. In September, the two countries began to work out agreements for a military alliance. Colombia agreed to prevent any attack on the Panama Canal or the United States from its territory, and if Colombia came under attack by a non-American power, the United States would respond accordingly, but only if requested by the Colombian government. If the United States supported another American republic in time of war, as result of an inter-American agreement, Colombia would allow the United States use of its military facilities.[1]

Other points of the agreement included the exchange of technical advisers, cooperation on coastal patrols, and the aerial photographing of strategic areas within Colombia. On the issue of aerial photography, Colombia made it clear that it would only be accomplished by Colombian aircraft and American cameramen. Colombia also made it clear that, although it was fully supportive of the fight against the Axis, it would do everything possible to limit the amount of American military activity taking place on or from its territory. The Colombians did not invite the United States to build its own military bases within their country, asEcuadorand other South American countries did. They felt that the defense of Colombia should be carried out by Colombians, and the United States did not object.[1]

As result of the alliance, Colombia was able to modernize both its military and society at large. In addition to the naval and aviation missions established in the early years of the war, Colombia later participated in the Lend-Lease program. On March 17, 1942, Colombia and the United States signed an agreement that granted the former$16.5 million in military assistance. The terms of the agreement were most favorable, because Colombia was able to purchase military equipment at half the regular cost, and also did not have to pay interest on its purchases. Other favorable loans and grants soon followed. For example, theExport-Import Bankprovided $20 million forhighwayconstruction, $10.3 million for agricultural programs, and another $3.5 million to build ahydroelectricplant. It also issued a loan for low-cost housing construction. In addition, American private investment soared to more than $200 million by 1943.[1]

The Battle of the Caribbean[edit]

Attacks on Colombian ships

German U-boats sank at least four Colombian ships during World War II, all of which were small sailing vessels. The first victim was the SSResolute,a 35-tonschoonerwith a crew of ten men. On June 23, 1942, theResolutewas stopped nearSan AndresandOld Providenceby 20-mm gunfire from theGerman submarineU-172.Shortly thereafter, the Colombians abandoned ship, and the Germans boarded to sink the little schooner withhand grenades.Six of the Colombians were killed as result, and the four survivors claimed that the Germans shot at them withmachine gunsbefore sailing away.[6]

The SSRoamarwas the next to be sunk. A 110-ton schooner, theRoamarbelonged to a Colombian diplomat, and her sinking off San Andres byU-505on July 21, 1942, gave Colombia the political grounds to declare war on Germany. The Germans knew that Colombia was still neutral at this time, so they opted to sink theRoamarquickly, before anybody could find out. Accordingly, the Germans fired only two shots before the ship was reduced to "nothing but splintered debris."U-505's engineer, Hans Goebeler, said the following about the incident: "We couldn't leave the evidence [of attacking a neutral ship] floating around, so we sank her with thedeck gun."This was not the last ship sunk by the Germans during Colombia's neutrality period. On the very next day, the U-505 sank the 153-tonUriousin the same area, killing thirteen of the Colombian sailors on board.[7][8][9]

Another Colombian ship sunk by the Germans was the SSRuby,a 39-ton schooner with a complement of eleven men. On the morning of November 18, 1943,Rubywas north ofColónand on course between San Andres and Cartagena, when she was fired on by the deck gun ofU-516.Thirty rounds later, theRubywas sinking, and four men had been killed.[10]

The U-154 Incident

Colombia's only notable engagement with Axis forces during the war was a brief incident in theCaribbean Seabetween the destroyerARCCaldasand theU-154.On the night of March 29, 1944, at 20:25, a lookout aboard theCaldassighted aperiscopeoff the portside. After closing the distance, in the darkness the Colombians foundU-154sailing on the surface. The Germans were completely surprised by the sudden appearance of the enemy destroyer, so they were unable to get their deck gun into action in time, and instead had to dive to prevent being hit by Colombian gunfire.[11]

Colombian Navy destroyerARCCaldas

According to the Colombian Navy's report of the incident, the men aboardCaldasstruck the U-boat twice with 105-mm gunfire before it dived, and then finished it off withdepth charges.An oil slick and some wreckage were spotted, and it seemed to confirm the sinking. Overall, the engagement lasted no longer than three minutes, and afterward theCaldassailed back to port, without looking for survivors. When theCaldasarrived back at port at 03:30 the next morning, news of the "victory" had already spread. However, theU-154escaped without damage. Using spare oil and some damaged torpedo tubes, the Germans were able to fake the oil slick and wreckage the Colombians saw the night before, and slip away unscathed.[11]

Newspapers were quick to produce inaccurate reports of the engagement. An article inTIME,for example, claimed that the sunken submarine was not German, but in fact an American vessel. Others spread news of how theCaldasavenged those who had died aboard the sunken schooners. Ultimately,U-154met her end offMadeira,on July 3, 1944, when she was sunk with all hands lost by the Americandestroyer escortsUSSInchandFrost.[11][12]


The consequences that came from TheSecond World Warin Colombia were regularly positive and not negative, similarly to other countries. Despite this there were still many issues that arose economically, politically and socially, but also arose an improvement in the fields of science and large immigration from Europe which assisted the national employment level.


Alfonso López Pumarejo,the president of Colombia between the years1934and1938and also years1942and1945,created the slogan "The revolution in march" for the plan of government in his administration. This government was characterized by large amount of reforms that occurred in the agrarian and educational sectors. After Pumarejo's first term in 1934-1938,President Eduardo Santossucceeded him and developed a policy of protection for the national industry as an economic measure to resist the effects caused by the Second World War.

President Alfonso López Pumarejo

During the second administration of Pumarejo, what came was the drop in price of coffee and budgetary imbalance, but also an increase in the prices of imported goods as a result of the Second World War. Fluctuation in prices also became common place as distruptions in trade sometimes stopped the import of consumer goods into the Americas. Despite this, the demand for consumer goods increased around the world when the war ended which helped stimulate the Colombian economy by the large export of coffee and bananas. Colombia's oil reserves also assisted the economy due to the high demand of petroleum during the war.[13]

Social and Political[edit]

In the early1940s,politics in Colombia was highly dictated by the use of violence inbipartisanissues between thePartido Liberal(Liberal Party)and thePartido Conservador(Conservative Party)of Colombia. The administration of President Alfonso López Pumarejo was a regime under the Liberal Party but multiple conservatives violently targeted rural supporters particularly for Pumarejo'sagrarian reformswhich threatened Colombianoligarchs,a powerful minority of the Conservative Party at the time.[14]

Politics were also heavily divided with many Conservative members supporting cooperation withAxis powerswhile Liberal members supported cooperation withAllied powersduring the war.Far right politicsalso became more popular in Colombia as the rise indictatorshipsandfascist regimesbecame more widespread in politics around the world.Francoist Spanishcollectiveandcorporative economicpolitics naturally became popular in conservative politics because of Spain's connection toHispanic Americawhile United StatesdemocraticandKeynesian economicpolitics became more popular in Liberal politics because of the influence the U.S. has on the American continent. All this further polarized Colombian politics.[15]

Pasto Coup[edit]

Soon, the very polar situation came to a head when military officers stationed in the southern Colombian town ofPastoattempted to end Pumarejo's presidency during his observation of military exercises in July, 1944. Pumarejo was held hostage, along with cabinet members who accompanied him, but the military refused to support the officers and swiftly arrested Colonel Diogenes Gil, the leader of thecoup d'etatwhich is known as the Pasto Coup. While this showed that the military was still holding up to its mandate to support the government, the coup showed cracks in military solidarity to stand with its duties. Soon after, the Conservative Party gained control of the government in 1946 which eventually resulted in a large period of civil unrest known as"La Violencia."[14]


The number of military personnel of Colombia increased slightly during the Second World War with an increase in military officers and reserve troops. The creation of theFuerza Aérea Colombiana(Colombian Airforce)was established officially in December1944however the separation between aviation and army had started to take place in1942.[5]

See also[edit]


  1. ^abcdefghijklmnLeonard, Thomas M.; John F. Bratzel (2007).Latin America during World War II.Rowman & Littlefield.ISBN978-0742537415.
  2. ^abc"Mike's Bogota Blog: Colombia in World War II".7 December 2011.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  3. ^abHernández García, José Angel (2008)."La colonia japonesa en Colombia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la protección de sus intereses por la Embajada española".ISSN1130-2402.{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal=(help)
  4. ^"Los campos nazis de Fusagasugá".Cerosetenta(in Spanish). 2013-01-23.Retrieved2023-07-27.
  5. ^abc"The Armed Forces of World War II (South America)".RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  6. ^Helgason, Guðmundur."Resolute (Colombian Sailing ship) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII".German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  7. ^Savas, Theodore P. (2004).Hunt and Kill: U-505 and the Battle of the Atlantic.Casemate Publishers.ISBN1611210011.
  8. ^Goebeler, Hans (2005).Steel Boat, Iron Hearts: A U-boat Crewman's Life Aboard U-505.Savas Beatie.
  9. ^Helgason, Guðmundur."Urious (Colombian Sailing ship) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII".German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  10. ^Helgason, Guðmundur."Ruby (Colombian Sailing ship) - Ships hit by German U-boats during WWII".German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  11. ^abc"CLAVE 1944 RC CALDAS HUNDE SUBMARINO NAZI - eltiempo".22 October 1991.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  12. ^Helgason, Guðmundur."The Type IXC boat U-154".German U-boats of WWII - uboat.net.RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  13. ^"UNPeriodico: La Revolución en Marcha en el contexto internacional".2016-03-03. Archived fromthe originalon 2016-03-03.Retrieved2023-07-28.
  14. ^ab"Colombia-The Legacy of La Violencia".RetrievedMay 6,2013.
  15. ^A. Hennessy, 'Fascism and Populism in Latin America', W. Laqueur,Fascism: A Reader's Guide,Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1979, p. 289