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Competitions and prizes in artificial intelligence

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There are a number of competitions and prizes to promote research inartificial intelligence.

General machine intelligence[edit]

TheDavid E. Rumelhart prizeis an annual award for making a "significant contemporary contribution to the theoretical foundations of human cognition". The prize is $100,000.

The Human-Competitive Award[1]is an annual challenge started in 2004 to reward results "competitive with the work of creative and inventive humans". The prize is $10,000. Entries are required to useevolutionary computing.

The Intel AI Global Impact Festival is an international annual competition held by Intel Corporation[2]for school, and college students with prizes upwards of $15,000. It is about artificial intelligence technology. There are two age brackets in this competition, 13-18 Age Group, and 18 and Above Age Group.

TheIJCAI Award for Research Excellenceis a biannual award given at theIJCAIconference to researcher inartificial intelligenceas a recognition of excellence of their career.

The 2011Federal Virtual World Challenge,advertised by The White House[3]and sponsored by theU.S. Army Research Laboratory's Simulation and Training Technology Center,[3][4][5]held a competition offering a total of US$52,000 in cash prize awards for general artificial intelligence applications, including "adaptive learning systems, intelligent conversational bots, adaptive behavior (objects or processes)" and more.[6]

The Machine Intelligence Prize is awarded annually by theBritish Computer Societyfor progress towards machine intelligence.[7]

TheKaggle– "the world's largest community of data scientists compete to solve most valuable problems".

Conversational behaviour[edit]

TheLoebner prizeis an annual competition to determine the bestTuring testcompetitors. The winner is the computer system that, in the judges' opinions, demonstrates the "most human" conversational behaviour, they have an additional prize for a system that in their opinion passes a Turing test. This second prize has not yet been awarded.

Automatic control[edit]

Pilotless aircraft[edit]

International Aerial Robotics Competition

TheInternational Aerial Robotics Competitionis a long-running event begun in 1991 to advance the state of the art in fully autonomous air vehicles. This competition is restricted to university teams (although industry and governmental sponsorship of teams is allowed). Key to this event is the creation of flying robots which must complete complex missions without any human intervention. Successful entries are able to interpret their environment and make real-time decisions based only on a high-level mission directive (e.g., "find a particular target inside a building having certain characteristics which is among a group of buildings 3 kilometers from the aerial robot launch point" ). In 2000, a $30,000 prize was awarded during the 3rd Mission (search and rescue), and in 2008, $80,000 in prize money was awarded at the conclusion of the 4th Mission (urban reconnaissance).

Driverless cars[edit]

Darpa Grand Challenge

TheDARPA Grand Challengeis a series of competitions to promotedriverless cartechnology, aimed at a congressional mandate stating that by 2015 one-third of the operational ground combat vehicles of the US Armed Forces should be unmanned.[8]While the first race had no winner, the second awarded a $2 million prize for the autonomous navigation of a hundred-mile trail, usingGPS,computers and a sophisticated array of sensors. In November 2007, DARPA introduced theDARPA Urban Challenge,a sixty-mile urban area race requiring vehicles to navigate through traffic. In November 2010 the US Armed Forces extended the competition with the $1.6 million prizeMulti Autonomous Ground-robotic International Challengeto consider cooperation between multiple vehicles in a simulated-combat situation.

Roboracewill be a global motorsport championship withautonomously driving,electrically poweredvehicles. The series will be run as a support series during theFormula Echampionship for electric vehicles.[9]This will be the first global championship for driverless cars.[10]

Data-mining and prediction[edit]

TheNetflix Prizewas a competition for the bestcollaborative filteringalgorithmthat predicts user ratings for films, based on previous ratings. The competition was held byNetflix,an onlineDVD-rental service[citation needed].The prize was $1,000,000.

The Pittsburgh Brain Activity Interpretation Competition[11]will reward analysis offMRIdata "to predict what individuals perceive and how they act and feel in a novel Virtual Reality world involving searching for and collecting objects, interpreting changing instructions, and avoiding a threatening dog." The prize in 2007 was $22,000.

The Face Recognition Grand Challenge (May 2004 to March 2006) aimed to promote and advanceface recognition technology.[12]

TheAmerican Meteorological Society's artificial intelligence competition involves learning aclassifierto characterise precipitation based on meteorological analyses of environmental conditions and polarimetric radar data.[13]

Cooperation and coordination[edit]

Robot football[edit]

A legged league game from RoboCup 2004 in Lisbon, Portugal

TheRoboCupandFIRAare annual international robot soccer competitions. The International RoboCup Federation challenge is by 2050 "a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win the soccer game, comply with the official rule of the FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup."[14]

Logic, reasoning and knowledge representation[edit]

Excerpt of a proof inagda2

TheHerbrand Awardis a prize given byCADEInc. to honour persons or groups for important contributions to the field ofautomated deduction.The prize is $1000.

TheCADE ATP System Competition(CASC) is a yearly competition of fully automated theorem provers for classical first order logic associated with theCADEandIJCARconferences. The competition was part of theAlan Turing Centenary Conferencein 2012, with total prizes of 9000 GBP given byGoogle.

The SUMO prize is an annual prize for the best open source ontology extension of theSuggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO),a formal theory of terms and logical definitions describing the world.[15]The prize is $3000.

TheHutter Prize for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledgeis a cash prize which rewards compression improvements on a specific 100 MB English text file. The prize awards 500 euros for each one percent improvement, up to €50,000. The organizers believe that text compression and AI are equivalent problems and 3 prizes were already given, at around € 2k.

The Cyc TPTP Challenge is a competition to develop reasoning methods for theCyccomprehensive ontology and database of everyday common sense knowledge.[16]The prize is 100 euros for "each winner of two related challenges".[citation needed]

TheEternity IIchallenge was aconstraint satisfactionproblem very similar to theTetravexgame. The objective is to lay 256 tiles on a 16x16 grid while satisfying a number of constraints. The problem is known to beNP-complete.[17]The prize was US$2,000,000.[18]The competition ended in December 2010.


TheWorld Computer Chess Championshiphas been held since 1970. The International Computer Games Association continues to hold an annualComputer Olympiadwhich includes this event plus computer competitions for many other games.

The Ing Prize was a substantial money prize attached to the WorldComputer GoCongress, starting from 1985 and expiring in 2000. It was a graduated set of handicap challenges against young professional players with increasing prizes as the handicap was lowered. At the time it expired in 2000, the unclaimed prize was 400,000 NT dollars for winning a 9-stone handicap match.

The AAAIGeneral Game PlayingCompetition is a competition to develop programs that are effective atgeneral game playing.[19][20]Given a definition of a game, the program must play it effectively without human intervention. Since the game is not known in advance the competitors cannot especially adapt their programs to a particular scenario. The prize in 2006 and 2007 was $10,000.

The General Video Game AI Competition (GVGAI[21]) poses the problem of creating artificial intelligence that can play a wide, and in principle unlimited, range of games. Concretely, it tackles the problem of devising an algorithm that is able to play any game it is given, even if the game is not known a priori. Additionally, the contests poses the challenge of creating level and rule generators for any game is given. This area of study can be seen as an approximation of General Artificial Intelligence, with very little room for game dependent heuristics. The competition runs yearly in different tracks: single player planning,[22]two-player planning,[23]single player learning,[24]level[25]and rule[26]generation, and each track prizes ranging from 200 to 500 US dollars for winners and runner-ups.

The 2007 Ultimate Computer Chess Challenge was a competition organised byWorld Chess Federationthat pitted Deep FritzagainstDeep Junior.The prize was $100,000.

The annualArimaa Challengeoffered a $10,000 prize until the year 2020 to develop a program that plays the board gameArimaaand defeats a group of selected human opponents. In 2015, David Wu's bot bot_sharp beat the humans, losing only 2 games out of 9.[27]As a result, the Arimaa Challenge was declared over and David Wu received the prize of $12,000 ($2,000 being offered by third-parties for 2015's championship).

2K Australiais offering a prize worth A$10,000 to develop a game-playing bot that plays afirst-person shooter.The aim is to convince a panel of judges that it is actually a human player. The competition started in 2008 and was won in 2012. A new competition is planned for 2014.[28]

TheGoogle AI Challenge[29]was a bi-annual online contest organized by theUniversity of WaterlooComputer Science Club and sponsored byGooglethat ran from 2009 to 2011. Each year a game was chosen and contestants submitted specializedautomated botsto play against other competing bots.

Cloudballhad its first round in Spring 2012 and finished on June 15. It is an international artificial intelligence programming contest, where users continuously submit the actions their soccer teams will take in each time step, in simple high level C# code.

See also[edit]


  1. ^"Human Competitive".human-competitive.org.Archivedfrom the original on 2008-10-06.Retrieved2008-02-22.
  2. ^"Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT, and PC Innovation".Intel.Archivedfrom the original on 2013-07-09.Retrieved2023-06-21.
  3. ^ab"White House Publication, Challenge.Gov Fact Sheet"(PDF).Office of Science and Technology Policy.2010.Archived(PDF)from the original on January 26, 2017.RetrievedJune 7,2013– viaNational Archives.
  4. ^"Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge Winners Announced".United States Army Research Laboratory. 2011.Archivedfrom the original on March 7, 2013.RetrievedJune 7,2013.
  5. ^"Army chooses winners in battle of the virtual worlds".DefenseSystems. 2011.Archivedfrom the original on February 28, 2014.RetrievedJune 7,2013.
  6. ^"2011 US DoD Artificial Intelligence Competition"."Armed with Science", a daily blog site published by the United States Department of Defense. 2010.Archivedfrom the original on April 24, 2013.RetrievedSeptember 7,2013.
  7. ^"SGAI: BCS Machine Intelligence Competition".bcs-sgai.org.Archivedfrom the original on 2008-02-06.Retrieved2008-02-22.
  8. ^Congressional MandateArchived2008-02-16 at theWayback MachineDARPA
  9. ^"Formula E & Kinetik announce driverless support series".fiaformulae. 2015-11-27. Archived fromthe originalon 2016-02-02.Retrieved2015-12-12.
  10. ^"Formula E is planning the first racing series for driverless cars".engadget. 2015-11-28.Archivedfrom the original on 2017-07-29.Retrieved2017-08-26.
  11. ^"The Experience Based Cognition Project".Archived fromthe originalon March 10, 2008.
  12. ^"NIST Face Recognition Grand Challenge".Archived fromthe originalon 2008-04-10.Retrieved2008-03-27.
  13. ^"2008 Artificial Intelligence Competition".Archived fromthe originalon 2009-11-13.Retrieved2009-01-06.
  14. ^The RoboCup2003 Presents: Humanoid Robots playing SoccerArchived2008-02-16 at theWayback MachinePRESS RELEASE: 2 June 2003
  15. ^"The Annual SUMO Prize".adampease.org.Archived fromthe originalon May 9, 2008.
  16. ^"The Cyc TPTP Challenge Problem Set".opencyc.org.Archived fromthe originalon 2012-03-19.
  17. ^Takenaga, Yasuhiko; Walsh, Toby (2006). "Tetravex is NP-complete".Information Processing Letters.99(5): 171–174.arXiv:0903.1147.doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2006.04.010.S2CID7228681.
  18. ^"Eternity 2 - Competition Rules - Eternity II"Archived2009-01-20 at theWayback Machine
  19. ^"General Game Playing".Archived fromthe originalon June 29, 2008.
  20. ^"AAAI-07 General Game Playing Competition".aaai.org.Archivedfrom the original on 2008-07-20.Retrieved2008-05-14.
  21. ^"The GVG-AI Competition".gvgai.net.Archivedfrom the original on 2020-02-28.Retrieved2020-03-09.
  22. ^"Single Player Planning GVGAI"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2018-06-14.Retrieved2018-01-26.
  23. ^"Two-Player Planning GVGAI"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2018-01-27.Retrieved2018-01-26.
  24. ^"Single Player Learning GVGAI"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2018-01-27.Retrieved2018-01-26.
  25. ^"Level Generation GVGAI"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2018-09-27.Retrieved2018-01-26.
  26. ^"Rule Generation GVGAI"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 2018-01-27.Retrieved2018-01-26.
  27. ^"2015 Arimaa Challenge Match".arimaa.Archivedfrom the original on 2015-10-19.Retrieved2015-09-26.
  28. ^"Bot Prize | Robots, AI, and Media".Archivedfrom the original on 2008-12-22.Retrieved2008-11-13.
  29. ^"Google AI Challenge".ai-contest.Archived fromthe originalon 8 September 2010.Retrieved13 January2022.