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Connecticut v. Doehr

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Connecticut v. Doehr
Argued January 7, 1991
Decided June 6, 1991
Full case nameConnecticut v. Brian K. Doehr
111 S. Ct. 2105; 115L. Ed. 2d1; 1991U.S. LEXIS3317
Case history
PriorCertiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
A state law authorizing the prejudgment attachment of a defendant's real property at the outset of a lawsuit without notice to the defendant or a hearing or any showing of extraordinary circumstances violates the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
Court membership
Chief Justice
William Rehnquist
Associate Justices
Byron White·Thurgood Marshall
Harry Blackmun·John P. Stevens
Sandra Day O'Connor·Antonin Scalia
Anthony Kennedy·David Souter
Case opinions
MajorityWhite, joined byunanimous(Parts I, III); Rehnquist, Marshall, Blackmun, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter (Part II)
PluralityWhite, joined by Marshall, Stevens, O'Connor (Parts IV, V)
ConcurrenceRehnquist, joined by Blackmun
Laws applied
U.S. Const. amend. XIV

Connecticut v. Doehr,501 U.S. 1 (1991), was aUnited States Supreme Courtcase in which the Court held that a state statute authorizing prejudgmentattachmentof a defendant'sreal propertyupon the filing of an action without prior notice or hearing, a showing of extraordinary circumstances, or a requirement that the plaintiff post a bond violates theDue Process Clauseof theFourteenth Amendment.


AConnecticutstatute, Conn. Gen. Stat. § 52-278e(a)(1), provided that when a civil lawsuit was commenced, the plaintiff could ask a judge toattachanyreal propertythat the defendant owned, for the purpose of ensuring that the plaintiff would be able to collect any judgment that eventually resulted from the suit. The attachment impaired the defendant's ownership rights in the property, such as by cloudingtitleto the property and making it impossible to sell or mortgage the property.

Under the Connecticut procedure, attachments were based solely on the plaintiff's submitting a "verification" (equivalent to an affidavit) asserting of probable cause to sustain the validity of his or her claim. There was no requirement that prior notice of the attachment be provided to the defendant, any hearing be held before the property was attached, the property have anything to do with the subject-matter of the lawsuit, or that any unusual or extraordinary circumstances be shown.

In 1988, John F. DiGiovanni sued Brian K. Doehr for $75,000 forassault and batteryinConnecticut Superior Court.DiGiovanni moved for Doehr's real property to be attached, submitting a five-sentence affidavit opining that there was a good basis for his claim. The judge ordered the attachment. Doehr received no notice of the proceedings until after the sheriff had levied the attachment. The notice advised Doehr that he could request a post-attachment hearing if he wished.

Doehr filed a federal complaint in theUnited States District Court for the District of Connecticut,contending that the Connecticut pre-judgment attachment procedure violated his constitutional right todue process.The District Court upheld the statute, but theUnited States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuitreversed, concluding that the statute was unconstitutional because it authorizedex parteattachments without a showing of extraordinary circumstances and without a hearing.

The State of Connecticut and DiGiovanni sought review in the United States Supreme Court, which grantedcertiorari.

Opinion of the Court[edit]

Justice Whitedelivered the opinion of the Court. The Court was unanimous as to the result of the case and Parts I and III of the opinion but not the entire opinion.

The Court concluded that the constitutionality of the Connecticut prejudgment attachment procedure must be judged by the balancing test for due process claims described inMathews v. Eldridge(1976). The Court concluded that the Connecticut law created too great a risk of erroneous deprivation of property to survive scrutiny underMathews.In reaching that conclusion, the Court emphasized, among other things, that no notice of the proposed attachment was given to the defendant before it was levied, no pre-attachment hearing was provided even though the plaintiff's perfunctory verification may provide the judge with little or no insight into the validity of the plaintiff's claim, there was no requirement that the subject-matter of the claim be related to the real property being attached, and there was no requirement that the plaintiff show special circumstances such as that the defendant was seeking to evade payment of any judgment that might be awarded. The Court also observed that while an attachment of defendant's real property did not deprive them of the use of the property, it nonetheless represented a significant interference with the defendant's ownership rights.

In Parts IV and V of his opinion, which spoke only for apluralityof the Court, Justice White asserted that due process also required that a plaintiff obtaining an attachment must post abondor other security for the damages the defendant might suffer in the event the attachment and underlying lawsuit proved to be unjustified.

Rehnquist's concurrence[edit]

Chief Justice Rehnquistfiled a concurring opinion, joined byJustice Blackmun.Chief Justice Rehnquist agreed that the Connecticut attachment statute failed to satisfy due process but objected to what he described as the majority opinion's "lengthy disquisition as to what combination of safeguards are required to satisfy Due Process in hypothetical cases not before the Court."

Scalia's concurrence[edit]

Justice Scaliafiled a one-paragraph opinion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment. The only Justice who declined to join Part II of Justice White's opinion, he opined that because the Connecticut pre-judgment attachment procedure was "unknown at common law," it must be evaluated in light of the balancing test for due process that the Court set forth inMathews v. Eldridgeand agreed that it failed that test.

See also[edit]

Further reading[edit]

  • Alquist, E. A. (1993). "Balancing the Checklist: Connecticut's Legislative Response toConnecticut v. Doehr".Connecticut Law Review.26:721.ISSN0010-6151.
  • Beale, L. (1993). "Connecticut v. Doehrand Procedural Due Process Values: TheSniadachTetrad Revisited ".Cornell Law Review.79:1603.ISSN0010-8847.
  • Levy, J. G. (1992). "Lis Pendens and Procedural Due Process: A Closer Look afterConnecticut v. Doehr".Maryland Law Review.51:1054.ISSN0025-4282.

External links[edit]