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Inclassicaldeductive logic,aconsistenttheoryis one that does not lead to a logicalcontradiction.[1]A theoryin aformal systemsatisfying theprinciple of explosionis consistent if there is noformulasuch that bothand its negationare elements of the set of consequences of.Letbe a set ofclosed sentences(informally "axioms" ) andthe set of closed sentences provable fromunder some (specified, possibly implicitly) formal deductive system. The set of axiomsisconsistentwhen there is no formulasuch thatand.A theory in a formal system in general is consistent if it proves everything; a consistent theory may have a provable pair of a sentence and its negation. A consistent theory is asyntacticnotion, whosesemanticcounterpart is asatisfiable theory.A theory is satisfiable if it has amodel,i.e., there exists aninterpretationunder which allaxiomsin the theory are true.[2]This is whatconsistentmeant in traditionalAristotelian logic,although in contemporary mathematical logic the termsatisfiableis used instead.

In asound formal system,every satisfiable theory is consistent, but the converse does not hold. If there exists a deductive system for which these semantic and syntactic definitions are equivalent for any theory formulated in a particular deductivelogic,the logic is calledcomplete.[citation needed]The completeness of thesentential calculuswas proved byPaul Bernaysin 1918[citation needed][3]andEmil Postin 1921,[4]while the completeness ofpredicate calculuswas proved byKurt Gödelin 1930,[5]and consistency proofs for arithmetics restricted with respect to theinduction axiom schemawere proved by Ackermann (1924), von Neumann (1927) and Herbrand (1931).[6]Stronger logics, such assecond-order logic,are not complete.

Aconsistency proofis amathematical proofthat a particular theory is consistent.[7]The early development of mathematicalproof theorywas driven by the desire to provide finitary consistency proofs for all of mathematics as part ofHilbert's program.Hilbert's program was strongly impacted by theincompleteness theorems,which showed that sufficiently strong proof theories cannot prove their consistency (provided that they are consistent).

Although consistency can be proved using model theory, it is often done in a purely syntactical way, without any need to reference some model of the logic. Thecut-elimination(or equivalently thenormalizationof theunderlying calculusif there is one) implies the consistency of the calculus: since there is no cut-free proof of falsity, there is no contradiction in general.

Consistency and completeness in arithmetic and set theory


In theories of arithmetic, such asPeano arithmetic,there is an intricate relationship between the consistency of the theory and itscompleteness.A theory is complete if, for every formula φ in its language, at least one of φ or ¬φ is a logical consequence of the theory.

Presburger arithmeticis an axiom system for the natural numbers under addition. It is both consistent and complete.

Gödel's incompleteness theoremsshow that any sufficiently strongrecursively enumerabletheory of arithmetic cannot be both complete and consistent. Gödel's theorem applies to the theories ofPeano arithmetic(PA) andprimitive recursive arithmetic(PRA), but not toPresburger arithmetic.

Moreover, Gödel's second incompleteness theorem shows that the consistency of sufficiently strong recursively enumerable theories of arithmetic can be tested in a particular way. Such a theory is consistent if and only if it doesnotprove a particular sentence, called the Gödel sentence of the theory, which is a formalized statement of the claim that the theory is indeed consistent. Thus the consistency of a sufficiently strong, recursively enumerable, consistent theory of arithmetic can never be proven in that system itself. The same result is true for recursively enumerable theories that can describe a strong enough fragment of arithmetic—including set theories such asZermelo–Fraenkel set theory(ZF). These set theories cannot prove their own Gödel sentence—provided that they are consistent, which is generally believed.

Because consistency of ZF is not provable in ZF, the weaker notionrelative consistencyis interesting in set theory (and in other sufficiently expressive axiomatic systems). IfTis atheoryandAis an additionalaxiom,T+Ais said to be consistent relative toT(or simply thatAis consistent withT) if it can be proved that ifTis consistent thenT+Ais consistent. If bothAand ¬Aare consistent withT,thenAis said to beindependentofT.

First-order logic




In the following context ofmathematical logic,theturnstile symbolmeans "provable from". That is,reads:bis provable froma(in some specified formal system).


  • A set offormulasin first-order logic isconsistent(written) if there is no formulasuch thatand.Otherwiseisinconsistent(written).
  • is said to besimply consistentif for no formulaof,bothand thenegationofare theorems of.[clarification needed]
  • is said to beabsolutely consistentorPost consistentif at least one formula in the language ofis not a theorem of.
  • is said to bemaximally consistentifis consistent and for every formula,implies.
  • is said tocontain witnessesif for every formula of the formthere exists atermsuch that,wheredenotes thesubstitutionof eachinby a;see alsoFirst-order logic.[citation needed]

Basic results

  1. The following are equivalent:
    1. For all
  2. Every satisfiable set of formulas is consistent, where a set of formulasis satisfiable if and only if there exists a modelsuch that.
  3. For alland:
    1. if not,then;
    2. ifand,then;
    3. if,thenor.
  4. Letbe a maximally consistent set of formulas and suppose it containswitnesses.For alland:
    1. if,then,
    2. eitheror,
    3. if and only ifor,
    4. ifand,then,
    5. if and only if there is a termsuch that.[citation needed]

Henkin's theorem


Letbe aset of symbols.Letbe a maximally consistent set of-formulas containingwitnesses.

Define anequivalence relationon the set of-terms byif,wheredenotesequality.Letdenote theequivalence classof terms containing;and letwhereis the set of terms based on the set of symbols.

Define the-structureover,also called theterm-structurecorresponding to,by:

  1. for each-ary relation symbol,defineif[8]
  2. for each-ary function symbol,define
  3. for each constant symbol,define

Define a variable assignmentbyfor each variable.Letbe theterminterpretationassociated with.

Then for each-formula:

if and only if[citation needed]

Sketch of proof


There are several things to verify. First, thatis in fact an equivalence relation. Then, it needs to be verified that (1), (2), and (3) are well defined. This falls out of the fact thatis an equivalence relation and also requires a proof that (1) and (2) are independent of the choice ofclass representatives. Finally,can be verified by induction on formulas.

Model theory


InZFC set theorywith classicalfirst-order logic,[9]aninconsistenttheoryis one such that there exists a closed sentencesuch thatcontains bothand its negation.Aconsistenttheory is one such that the followinglogically equivalentconditions hold

  1. [10]

See also



  1. ^Tarski 1946states it this way: "A deductive theory is calledconsistentornon-contradictoryif no two asserted statements of this theory contradict each other, or in other words, if of any two contradictory sentences… at least one cannot be proved, "(p. 135) where Tarski definescontradictoryas follows: "With the help of the wordnotone forms thenegationof any sentence; two sentences, of which the first is a negation of the second, are calledcontradictory sentences"(p. 20). This definition requires a notion of" proof ".Gödel 1931defines the notion this way: "The class ofprovable formulasis defined to be the smallest class of formulas that contains the axioms and is closed under the relation "immediate consequence", i.e., formulacofaandbis defined as animmediate consequencein terms ofmodus ponensor substitution; cfGödel 1931,van Heijenoort 1967,p. 601. Tarski defines "proof" informally as "statements follow one another in a definite order according to certain principles… and accompanied by considerations intended to establish their validity [true conclusion] for all true premises –Reichenbach 1947,p. 68] "cfTarski 1946,p. 3.Kleene 1952defines the notion with respect to either an induction or as to paraphrase) a finite sequence of formulas such that each formula in the sequence is either an axiom or an "immediate consequence" of the preceding formulas; "Aproof is said to be a proofofits last formula, and this formula is said to be(formally) provableor be a(formal) theorem "cfKleene 1952,p. 83.
  2. ^Hodges, Wilfrid (1997).A Shorter Model Theory.New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 37.Letbe a signature,a theory inanda sentence in.We say thatis aconsequenceof,or thatentails,in symbols,if every model ofis a model of.(In particular ifhas no models thenentails.)
    Warning:we don't require that ifthen there is a proof offrom.In any case, with infinitary languages, it's not always clear what would constitute proof. Some writers useto mean thatis deducible fromin some particular formal proof calculus, and they writefor our notion of entailment (a notation which clashes with our). For first-order logic, the two kinds of entailment coincide by the completeness theorem for the proof calculus in question.
    We say thatisvalid,or is alogical theorem,in symbols,ifis true in every-structure. We say thatisconsistentifis true in some-structure. Likewise, we say that a theoryisconsistentif it has a model.
    We say that two theories S and T in L infinity Omega are equivalent if they have the same models, i.e. if Mod(S) = Mod(T).
    (Please note the definition of Mod(T) on p. 30...)
  3. ^van Heijenoort 1967,p. 265 states that Bernays determined theindependenceof the axioms ofPrincipia Mathematica,a result not published until 1926, but he says nothing about Bernays proving theirconsistency.
  4. ^Post proves both consistency and completeness of the propositional calculus of PM, cf van Heijenoort's commentary and Post's 1931Introduction to a general theory of elementary propositionsinvan Heijenoort 1967,pp. 264ff. AlsoTarski 1946,pp. 134ff.
  5. ^cf van Heijenoort's commentary and Gödel's 1930The completeness of the axioms of the functional calculus of logicinvan Heijenoort 1967,pp. 582ff.
  6. ^cf van Heijenoort's commentary and Herbrand's 1930On the consistency of arithmeticinvan Heijenoort 1967,pp. 618ff.
  7. ^Informally, Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory is ordinarily assumed; some dialects of informal mathematics customarily assume theaxiom of choicein addition.
  8. ^This definition is independent of the choice ofdue to the substitutivity properties ofand the maximal consistency of.
  9. ^the common case in many applications to other areas of mathematics as well as the ordinary mode of reasoning ofinformal mathematicsin calculus and applications to physics, chemistry, engineering
  10. ^according toDe Morgan's laws

