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Convex conjugate

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Inmathematicsandmathematical optimization,theconvex conjugateof a function is a generalization of theLegendre transformationwhich applies to non-convex functions. It is also known asLegendre–Fenchel transformation,Fenchel transformation,orFenchel conjugate(afterAdrien-Marie LegendreandWerner Fenchel). The convex conjugate is widely used for constructing thedual probleminoptimization theory,thus generalizingLagrangian duality.



Letbe arealtopological vector spaceand letbe thedual spaceto.Denote by

the canonicaldual pairing,which is defined by

For a functiontaking values on theextended real number line,itsconvex conjugateis the function

whose value atis defined to be thesupremum:

or, equivalently, in terms of theinfimum:

This definition can be interpreted as an encoding of theconvex hullof the function'sepigraphin terms of itssupporting hyperplanes.[1]



For more examples, see§ Table of selected convex conjugates.

  • The convex conjugate of anaffine functionis
  • The convex conjugate of apower functionis
  • The convex conjugate of theabsolute valuefunctionis
  • The convex conjugate of theexponential functionis

The convex conjugate and Legendre transform of the exponential function agree except that thedomainof the convex conjugate is strictly larger as the Legendre transform is only defined for positive real numbers.

Connection with expected shortfall (average value at risk)


Seethis article for example.

LetFdenote acumulative distribution functionof arandom variableX.Then (integrating by parts), has the convex conjugate



A particular interpretation has the transform as this is a nondecreasing rearrangement of the initial functionf;in particular,forfnondecreasing.



The convex conjugate of aclosed convex functionis again a closed convex function. The convex conjugate of apolyhedral convex function(a convex function withpolyhedralepigraph) is again a polyhedral convex function.

Order reversing


Declare thatif and only iffor allThen convex-conjugation isorder-reversing,which by definition means that ifthen

For a family of functionsit follows from the fact that supremums may be interchanged that

and from themax–min inequalitythat



The convex conjugate of a function is alwayslower semi-continuous.Thebiconjugate(the convex conjugate of the convex conjugate) is also theclosed convex hull,i.e. the largestlower semi-continuousconvex function with Forproper functions

if and only ifis convex and lower semi-continuous, by theFenchel–Moreau theorem.

Fenchel's inequality


For any functionfand its convex conjugatef*,Fenchel's inequality(also known as theFenchel–Young inequality) holds for everyand:

Furthermore, the equality holds only when. The proof follows from the definition of convex conjugate:



For two functionsandand a numberthe convexity relation

holds. Theoperation is a convex mapping itself.

Infimal convolution


Theinfimal convolution(or epi-sum) of two functionsandis defined as

Letbeproper,convex andlower semicontinuousfunctions onThen the infimal convolution is convex and lower semicontinuous (but not necessarily proper),[2]and satisfies

The infimal convolution of two functions has a geometric interpretation: The (strict)epigraphof the infimal convolution of two functions is theMinkowski sumof the (strict) epigraphs of those functions.[3]

Maximizing argument


If the functionis differentiable, then its derivative is the maximizing argument in the computation of the convex conjugate:



and moreover

Scaling properties


If for some,then

Behavior under linear transformations


Letbe abounded linear operator.For any convex functionon


is the preimage ofwith respect toandis theadjoint operatorof[4]

A closed convex functionis symmetric with respect to a given setoforthogonal linear transformations,

for alland all

if and only if its convex conjugateis symmetric with respect to

Table of selected convex conjugates


The following table provides Legendre transforms for many common functions as well as a few useful properties.[5]

(where) (where)
(where) (where)

See also



  1. ^"Legendre Transform".RetrievedApril 14,2019.
  2. ^Phelps, Robert(1993).Convex Functions, Monotone Operators and Differentiability(2 ed.). Springer. p.42.ISBN0-387-56715-1.
  3. ^Bauschke, Heinz H.; Goebel, Rafal; Lucet, Yves; Wang, Xianfu (2008). "The Proximal Average: Basic Theory".SIAM Journal on Optimization.19(2): 766.CiteSeerX10.1.1.546.4270.doi:10.1137/070687542.
  4. ^Ioffe, A.D. and Tichomirov, V.M. (1979),Theorie der Extremalaufgaben.Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.Satz 3.4.3
  5. ^Borwein, Jonathan;Lewis, Adrian (2006).Convex Analysis and Nonlinear Optimization: Theory and Examples(2 ed.). Springer. pp.50–51.ISBN978-0-387-29570-1.

Further reading
