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Counts of Berga

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Thecounts of Bergawere the feudal lords ofBerga,one of theCatalan countiescreated out ofBesalúin 988 for a younger son ofOliba Cabreta.Theviscounts of Bergaruled the city in name during the rule of thecounts of Besalúfrom the early tenth century.[1]




To thecounts of Barcelona.




Sold toPeter II of Aragón.



Further reading

  • Sabaté i Curull, Flocel: "La noció d'Espanya a la Catalunya medieval". In:Acta historica et archaeologica mediaevalia,No. 19, 1998, pp. 375–390. ISSN 0212-2960 (online version)
  • Santandreu i Soler, Dolors, 2006:La Vila de Berga a L'Edat Mitjana - La Família dels Berga,vol. 1. Doctoral thesis, University of Barcelona (online version)