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Culture of Fiji

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Theculture ofFijiis a tapestry of nativeFi gian,Indian,European,Chineseand other nationalities. Culture polity traditions, language, foodcostume,beliefsystem,architecture,arts,craft,music,dance,andsportswill be discussed in this article to give you an indication of Fiji's indigenous community but also the various communities which make up Fiji as a modern culture and living. The indigenous culture is an active and living part of everyday life for the majority of the population.

Fi gian culture has evolved with the introduction of Indian, Chinese andEuropean culture,and various cultures from the Pacific neighbors of Fiji; in particular theTonganandRotumancultures. Theculture of Fiji,including language, has created a unique communal and national identity.



Tradition and hierarchy


Fi gian indigenous society is very communal, with great importance attached to the family unit, the village, and thevanua(land).[1]A hierarchy of chiefs presides over villages, clans, and tribes. Chiefly positions are hereditary; a deceased chief is invariably followed by a kinsman or kinswoman, though not necessarily his own son or daughter. This reflectsPolynesianinfluence: in most otherMelanesiansocieties, chiefs are appointed on merit.

The largestsocial unitfor Fi gian s is theYavusa,defined byR.A. Derrickas the "direct agnate descendants of a single kalou-vu" (deified ancestor). Chiefly succession was from older brother/sister to younger brother/sister, after the death of their father/mother. When the youngest brother/sister died, the eldest son/daughter of the eldest brother/sister became chief. This tradition still influences Fi gian society today, though less rigidly: there is more of a tendency nowadays towardsprimogeniture.[2][3]

Each brother/sister in the family then formed his own branch of the yavusa, called theMataqali.Each mataqali became the custodian of a specific task. A fully developed Yavusa has several mataqali:

  • Turaga:This mataqali descends from the original ancestor through primogeniture - inheritance of the eldest son in each succeeding generation. The chief of a village is always chosen from theTuragamataqali.[1][4]
  • Sau turaga:These are next in rank to the chiefs, support him, and enforce his commands and also have final say in the installation of a Chief.[1]The sau-turaga clan is often one in the same with that of the turaga as they can be considered one family unit.
  • Mata ni vanua:These form the official heralds of the village. They are also in charge of ceremonial functions.[5]
  • Bete:This was the traditional priestly class. Thekalou-vuwas believed to speak through theBete.[1][6]This is why they are also considered "oracle priests".
  • Bati:This mataqali forms the traditional warrior class.[6]
  • Dau (skill)andMatai:these are the crafts people and specialized skilled people of the tribe e.g. Dau ni vucu (Poet/choreographer/composer), Dau ni yau (treasurer), Mataisau (carpenter/or Canoe builder)[1]

The mataqali are subdivided intoTokatoka,each comprising closely related families.

Several mataqali comprise a village, several of which form a yavusa or district. TheBritishcolonialrulers amalgamated the districts intoYasana,or Provinces. The districts also form threeMatanitu,orConfederacies.These are often said to be agglomerations of provinces, but as the latter were a colonial imposition, the boundaries do not coincide exactly, and the Provinces of Tailevu, Ra, Naitasiri, Lomaiviti and parts of Yasawa and Ba make up the Kubuna Confederacy. This Confederacy in modern Fiji is considered to be the most senior. The other two areBurebasaga(covering the rest of Viti Levu), andTovata,coveringVanua Levu,Lau archipelagoandRotuma.Despite its isolation and relatively small size, Tovata has been politically dominant since Fiji gained its independence in 1970.



English,Fi gian(based on the speech ofBau Island), andHindustaniare the official languages of Fiji. The Fi gian language has many dialects, and there is a clear distinction between the dialects of the West, Central and Eastern parts of the country.

Other languages spoken in the country areFiji Hindi,Cantonese,Rotuman,Gilbertese(Rabi Island), andTuvaluan(Kioa Island). The Fiji Islands are traditionally linked to their island neighboursRotuma,TongaandSamoa,and this is evident in the culture and dialects of the Northern and Eastern provinces beingCakaudrove,Bua,Macuata,andLau.The many dialects spoken in these four provinces consistently use sounds that are heard in Tongan and Samoan, but not so with dialects from the Western and South Western parts of Fiji. TheFi gian languageuses aLatin Alpha bet.However, the Fi gian Alpha bet is dissimilar from theEnglish Alpha bet.The following conventions exist:

  • The letter "c" is pronounced like the English "th" sound inthen.Laucala Bay is pronounced as 'Lauthala' Bay.
  • The letter "d" is pronounced like English "nd". Nadi (the airport town) is pronounced 'Nandi'.
  • The letter "b" is pronounced like English "mb" inbombast.The town of Ba is pronounced 'mBa'.
  • The letter "q" is pronounced like the "ng" in the English word "finger". Beqa is pronouncedmBengga.
  • The letter "g" is pronounced like the "ng" in the English word "sing".
  • The letter "r" is rolled as in Spanish.

In Fi gian words, each vowel is given its full weight and never shortened, skipped or slurred.

Fiji English


The existence of many dialects within the Fi gian language as well as exposure to the other languages spoken has contributed to many Fiji Islanders being bilingual. For general communication in an informal environment, a very interesting cross use of the languages has developed, resulting in slang now commonly referred to as Fiji English, although in formal settings, correct usage is adhered to. Fiji English comprises aspects of Fi gian, English and Hindi, which reflects the history and identity of the people of Fiji.[7]

Fiji English isnon-rhotic.

The vowel sounds for Fiji English are:[8]

Keyword Phoneme Transcription
KIT /ɪ/ [kɪt]
DRESS /ɛ/ [dɹɛs]
TRAP /æ/ [tɹæp]
LOT /ɔ/ [lɔt]
STRUT /ʌ/or/ɐ/ [stɹʌt]or[stɹɐt]
FOOT /ʊ/ [fʊt]
FLEECE /i/ [flis]
FACE /eː/ [feːs]
PALM /aː/ [paːm]
THOUGHT /ɔ/ [t̪ɔt]or[θɔt]
GOAT /oː/ [goːt]
NEAR /iə/or/ɪə/ [niə]or[nɪə]
SQUARE /ɛə/ [skɛə]
START /ɑː/ [stɑːt]
FORCE /oː/ [foːs]
cure /joə/ [kjoə]
BATH /a/ [baθ]or[bɑt̪]
NURSE /əː/or/ɐː/ [nəːs]or[nɐːs]
GOOSE /u/ [gus]
PRICE /ɐe/ [pɹɐes]
CHOICE /ɔɪ/ [tʃɔɪs]
MOUTH /aɔ/ [maɔt̪]or[maɔθ]
HAPPY /i/ [hɑ.pi]
LETTER /ɐ/or/a/ [lɛt.a]or[lɛt.ɐ]
horses /ɪ/ [hoːsɪz]
comma /a/or/ɐ/ [kom.a]or[kom.ɐ]

Fiji English recordings can be foundhere.

Cultural arts and social polity


In culture, its various crafts and music give it an identity along with its traditional etiquette and varying forms of clothing attire, its unique architecture also tells a story of a culture and its evolution, the following will discuss these aspects of culture in Fiji.

Arts and crafts


Fiji's arts and crafts reflect local adaptations of their Polynesian and Melanesian heritage. By tradition, the men's and women's crafts are separate.

Women's crafts


The village ofNa lotuonKadavu Islandis famous for its pottery, the making of which is still governed by strict rituals.NadrogaandRewaalso produce fine pottery. Each region has its own unique style in the making of pottery. The making ofTapa cloth,or(masi),is another craft associated with women. Tapa is made from the bark of the papermulberrytree and decorated in charcoal with symbolic motifs and various patterns. In modern times, it has become fashionable for amasito bear the name of the person who made it.Masiare often exchanged as gifts on formal occasions. The island ofVatueleleof the southern coast of Viti Levu is famous for itsmasiproducts.

Most Fi gian mats are made from the leaves of thepandanustree. The long process of preparation includes scraping and boiling the leaves, and drying them in the sun. There are different mats used for different occasions, and some are made as gifts for formal occasions such asweddings.Most mats are bordered with highly decorative and brightly coloured wool. One well-known Fi gian mat is the kuta, made by women inVanua Levu,particularlyBua. Also made out of Masi/tapa cloth, is the headdress calledI-sala.Most of the time it is white.

Fi gian Dance, with men wearing the I-sala. Drawing by J. Drayton, 1845

Weavingusing various materials was another craft generally mastered by the women but also aspects of weaving were mastered only by the men, various types of weaving practiced were and still are;basket weaving,coconut rope weaving, and coconut leaves weaving.

Men's crafts


Carvingwas practiced by the men; carving would be used for items of practical use, simple shapes and designs. A lot of effort was put into well adorned weapons and items for the home and ceremony. Today carving is practiced for its use in tourism and no longer plays a major role in Fi gian society and life except in the case of the tanoa used for drinking kava.

ADrua,the most impressive Fi gian canoe.

Canoe building was another art practiced only by the men. Canoes were not only the major form of communication, but were important in all aspects of Fi gian society, from the gathering of food and transporting of crops to use in presentation ceremonies and they were instrumental in wars and politics which were rife in Fiji.[9]The art of canoe building was varied across the group and had several different types but of a similar design. The camakau was a small twin-hulled canoe for fishing or small transportation purposes. The most impressive canoes in Fiji were that of theDrua.In Fiji's early history before European involvement, control of the seaways was a major and decisive objective; disrupting or cutting off the enemy's supply and reinforcements gave great advantage in battle and would ensure victory. Sea battles involving hundreds of canoes were frequent. The canoe, which inspired fear and awe and so often held the balance was the mighty Drua. One of the most elaborate and beautiful artifacts ofOceania,the Drua was a product of considerable group efforts and human sacrifice. Double hulled and of gigantic proportions, the Drua was a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship, requiring total community involvement in its construction and human sacrifice in its launching.[10]Its speed out at sea would be in excess of twenty knots and still remained highly manoeuvrable, it was capable of carrying upward of 150 warriors and took some 6 to 7 years to build and would vary in length from 100 feet to 118 feet and have a mast height of 60 to 70 feet, in the mid-19th century the following accounts were recorded:

"Up went the huge sail, down went the great steering oars, splashing into the sea, and away we shot like a racehorse. Owing to the great rate at which we were going, the sea was like a hissing cauldron on either side of our course, and the vessel, instead of having time to mount over the smaller waves, cut its way through them."(West, 1869).

"It had a magnificent appearance with its immense sail of white mats; its velocity was almost inconceivable."(Wilkes, 1840).

RatuSeru Cakobaucommanded an impressive fleet which had Several Drua with armed warriors ready for battle the led Canoe was named 'Rusi I Vanua' or 'Cursed is the land'.[11] Much of the art of Canoe building has been lost and only a small few still practice the art on a very small scale as its use in this modern era seems to have lost its place. The craft of Canoe building was traditionally reserved for the male.

Performing arts

Fi gian rugby team performing a traditional war dance before their rugby encounter with Canada

The Meke


An indigenous art form is the Meke, which may incorporate the seasea (women's fan dance) or ameke wesi(men's spear dance). It is usually a narrative of an important event such as a war, a chiefly installation, or even a scandal. Somemekesare generations old, and form an important part of Fiji's oral history. In olden times, themekewas considered to be an oracle from the gods, and theDau ni vucu,or composer, would often go into a trance before a performance. Others are modern, composed for a particular event, much as apoet laureatemight write a poem to celebrate an event in a Western country.

Each district of Fiji has its own form ofmeke,performed in the localdialect.Other forms of Polynesian and Melanesian dance art forms exist with most widely known being dances of Rotuma and Tonga. There are also various Indian dances and Chinese dances which are performed at relevant festivals marking important times for these communities which are now a part of Culture in Fiji.



Music of Old Fiji consisted of various chants which often told a story or preserved information to be passed on from generation to generation, these songs used various traditional instruments.

With the introduction of European and Asian cultures music in Fiji has evolved and songs sung in the Fi gian vernacular are popular but so also are songs in Indian and English, some local artists mix all three languages and traditional instruments from each culture making for a very interesting musical experience. A distinct Indian sound has evolved in Fiji that some see as influencing modern Indian music and even jazz.

Clothing and costume


The traditional attire was loin cloths for men and grass skirts for women. Skirts were short for single women, and long for married women, with girls wearing virgin locks before marriage.[citation needed]Most girls had the lower parts of their bodies decorated withtattoosafter their first menstruation, as an initiation from girlhood into womanhood. Chiefs dressed more elaborately.

Modern Fiji's national dress is thesulu,which resembles a skirt. It is commonly worn by both men and women. One type worn by both men and women is the 'Sulu vaka Toga' pronounced Sulu vakah Tonga which is a wrap around piece of rectangular material which is elaborately decorated with patterns and designs of varying styles this is for more casual and informal occasions. Many men, especially in urban areas, also haveSulu vaka tagawhich is a tailored sulu and can be tailored as part of their suit. Many will wear a shirt with a western-style collar, tie, and jacket, with a matchingSulu vaka tagaand sandals, this type of sulu can be worn to a semi formal or formal occasion. Even themilitaryuniformshave incorporated theSulu vaka tagaas part of their ceremonial dress.

Women usually wear a multi-layeredTapa clothon formal occasions. A blouse made of cotton, silk, or satin is often worn on top. On special occasions, women often wear atapasheath across the chest, rather than a blouse. On other occasions, women may be dressed in achamba,also known as asulu i ra,asuluwith a specially crafted matching top.

There are many regional variations throughout Fiji. Residents of the village of Dama, inBua ProvinceFiji wear finely woven mats calledkuta,made from a reed.

While traditional and semi-traditional forms of dress are still very much in use amongst indigenous Fi gian culture, there is a greater influence for Western and Indian Fashion in urban areas as in neighboring developed nations.

Traditions and ceremonies


Etiquettein indigenous Fi gian ceremony is rather intricate depending on the function as various formalities and presentations do several things; firstly it shows respect between two communal groups, strengthens tribal and family ties and reinforces social, tribal and family ties. Various items are used in ceremony and surrounded by ceremony such asKava,known in Fiji asyaqona,which is Fiji's national drink. Traditionally, it was used only in important ceremonies. Nowadays, it is a social beverage. There is a strict protocol associated withyaqonadrinking. One should clap once, clasping the hands, take the cup, and drink theyaqonain a single draft before returning the cup to the bearer. Another highly prized item in ceremony is thetabuaor Whale's tooth, other items also the use oftapa cloth(masi) and mats are also used traditionally in ceremony. In modern day, practices such as the bulubulu ceremony (which acts as a mediation between two people, a victim and offender) will incorporate the kava and tabua into the ritual.[12]Also various regions have tradition that has been passed down generation to generation for centuries one example are the firewalkers ofbeqa.TheSawautribe of Beqa are noted for their ability to walk on white hot stones without being burned.[13]Strict rituals have to be observed before the firewalking ceremony. There is an ancient myth about how an ancestor of the Sawau tribe was given this power by a spirit god in exchange for his life, after the god was captured by the man who was fishing foreels.



The cuisine of Fiji in pre-colonial times consisted ofroot crops,vegetables,andfruits,as well as various land animals such aswild pig,and various birds. The coastal tribes would have had the same, but also had a large amount of localseafood.These would have been prepared with localherbsandspiceson wood fire rock ovens. Most cooking areas were located in the center of the house so the smoke would repel insects and strengthen the roof thatching. Another popular method of cooking, which is still used today, is thelovowhich is an earth oven[14]— a fire made in a pit in the ground lined with heat-resistant stones. It closely resembles thehāngīof theNew ZealandMāori.When the stones are hot, food wrapped in (banana) leaves are placed in the pit, covered with soil and left to cook before being exhumed and eaten. Dishes cooked this way includepalusami,parcels oftaroleaves saturated withcoconut milk,onions,and sometimes tinnedmeat.

Modern Fi gian Cuisine is rather diverse with great influence fromIndian cuisineandspices.When these are applied to local traditional dishes, it makes for interesting eating. European, Indian, and Chinese variants of cuisine, along with traditional foods, are commonplace in most, if not all households in Fiji.


Abure kalou,a sketch done in the early 1800s.

In Old Fiji, thearchitectureof villages was simple and practical to meet the physical and social needs of the people and to provide communal safety. The houses were square in shape and with pyramid like shaped roofs,[15]and the walls and roof were thatched and various plants of practical use were planted nearby, each village having a meeting house and a Spirit house. The spirit house was elevated on a pyramid like base built with large stones and earth, again a square building with an elongated pyramid like[15]roof with various scentedfloraplanted nearby.

The houses of Chiefs were of similar design and would be set higher than his subjects houses but instead of an elongated roof would have similar roof to those of his subjects homes but of course on a larger scale.

With the introduction of communities fromAsiaaspects of their cultural architecture are now evident in urban and rural areas of Fiji's two main IslandsViti LevuandVanua Levu.A village structure shares similarities today but built with modern materials and spirit houses (Bure Kalou) have been replaced by churches of varying design.

The urban landscape of early Colonial Fiji was reminiscent of most British colonies of the 19th and 20th century in tropical regions of the world, while some of this architecture remains, the urban landscape is evolving in leaps and bounds with various modern aspects of architecture and design becoming more and more evident in thebusiness,industrialanddomesticsector, the rural areas are evolving at a much slower rate.



The emergence ofFiji'sliterature(as distinct fromoral literature) coincides with the country's transition to independence in 1970. Among the first published works of Fi gian literature, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, were Raymond Pillai's short stories (in English) and Pio Manoa's poetry (in English and inFi gian). More recent notable Fiji writers includeSatendra Nandan(poet and novelist),Sudesh Mishra(poet), Larry Thomas (playwright), and Joseph Veramo (novelist).[16]



Christmas is an official holiday of Fiji. It is a special time of celebration, observed by the majority of the Fi gian people. They wear local unique attires, symbolising the celebration of new beginnings. Thelovo,a type of earth oven, is the main form of meal preparation and includes a traditional feast of staples such as fish, taro and pork. Most resorts are erected with Christmas decorations and put on special events for the holiday season.





Religion is quite diverse withChristianitybeing the dominant faith in Fiji. Many Christian denominations are present in Fiji, the most prevalent of which isMethodist.Of the other Asian religions theHindufaith is dominant, followed byIslam.There are other belief systems observed by Fi gian s as well.

The impact of Christianity


The impact ofChristianityin the 19th century resulted in certain traditions being proscribed. In the pre-Christian era, human sacrifice was practiced. Men were buried alive to hold the pillars to the house of a chief.Cannibalismwas practiced, too:[17]the bodies of enemies slain in battle, or in sacrifice, were piled up and cooked for festivals, such as the installation of chiefs or the launching of a great canoe.[17]Seru Epenisa Cakobau,the Bauanwarlordwho united the disparate tribes of Fiji and proclaimed himselfKingin 1871, renounced cannibalism on his conversion to Christianity in 1854.

Abure kalou,a pre-Christian Fi gian religious building.

Old religion


Fiji's old religion is no longer practiced by the majority in the indigenous community who have adopted Christianity. Old deities are still acknowledged and respected, but not worshipped. Fi gian rituals still exist in private.



Of the various faiths, Christianity is the dominant belief system and including all the various denominations of the Christian faith they number in total 449,482.Hindus,with their various denominations, number in total 261,097.Muslimsmake up 54,324 of Fiji's population. Followers of other belief systems make up 10,166 of Fiji's population.



Sportsculture is unique as different racial mixes and cultures come together in a common interest. Fiji is fanatical about sports, the two most dominant beingrugbyandsoccer.

Traditional sports


Sports in older times had a practical place, apart fromrecreation:helping to train young warriors. One such practice would have the older men bring the male children a severely injured captive of war, allowing the boys to practice theirarcheryskills against this living target. There were other sports that were practiced in older times which are not practiced now. Notable traditional sports used to be played weretiqa,ulutoa,veisaga,andveicolo.

Modern sports

TheFiji sevensteam at the2006 Commonwealth GamesinMelbourne

Sports have developed greatly over the past two decades in Fiji with a wide variety of sports undertaken. Fiji is most well known for its prowess in the game ofrugby unionand in particularrugby sevens.

Rugby union


Rugby unionis the most popular sport in Fiji. The highest level of competition is theColonial Cup.TheFiji national rugby union teamhas competed in fiveRugby World Cupcompetitions. The Fi gianRugby Sevensteam is constantly one of the top two or three teams in the world, often the premier team.

Rugby league


Rugby leagueis a popular team sport played in Fiji. TheFiji national rugby league teamis known asFiji Bati,with the team competing in threeRugby League World Cupcompetitions. They made it to the semi-finals of the2008 Rugby League World Cup.



Soccerwas a minor sport, but over the last decade with further international funding fromFIFAand sound local management of the sport has grown in popularity amongst the Indian community initially but now also the Fi gian community.

Other sports


Many other sports have a following.Vijay Singhhas been a world champion ingolf,as hasTony Philpsinsurfing.Cricket,Sailingof varying forms, variousadventure sports,athletics,martial artsandbo xingare all popular.


  1. ^abcdeSpoken Fi gian: Albert James Schütz
  2. ^Fi gian Chiefs: A Recantation., pp. 85-86
  3. ^The Role of a Fi gian Chief, pp. 541-550
  4. ^Knowing & Learning, P.155
  5. ^Knowing & Learning, P.154
  6. ^abKnowing & Learning, P.153
  7. ^Macquarie Dictionary 2006, P ix&x,
  8. ^A Handbook of Varieties of English pages 750-779
  9. ^Fi gian Canoes – Sela Rayawa.
  10. ^Fiji and the Fi gian s P207
  11. ^Page 23, Voyagers
  12. ^"Whitehead, John and Roffee, James. Child sexual abuse in Fiji: Authority, risk factors and responses [online]. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, Vol. 27, No. 3, Mar 2016: [323]-334".
  13. ^Fiji Islands,1986; p. 100
  14. ^Fiji, Lonely Planet 2006 P.77
  15. ^abViti, an account of a Government Mission 1860, P77
  16. ^"English in the South Pacific"Archived2008-12-06 at theWayback Machine,John Lynch and France Mugler, University of the South Pacific
  17. ^abFiji and the Fi gian s


  • The Fi gian Language,by Albert J Schütz - 1985,details on Fi gian language structure and use
  • Spoken Fi gian:An Intensive Course in Bauan Fi gian, with Grammatical Notes and Glossary, by Albert James Schütz - 1971,Language reference.
  • Anthropology in the South Seas:Essays Presented to H.D. Skinner - Page 210, by William Robert Geddes, John Derek Freeman - 1959,explanation of the Vanua and Matanitu.
  • Under The Ivi Tree:Society And Economic Growth In Rural Fiji - Page 31, by Cyril S. Belshaw - 2004,explanation of Vanua, Matnitu, Yavusa and Matagali.
  • Apologies To Thucydides:Understanding History as Culture and Vice Versa - Page 59, by Marshall David Sahlins,reference and examples of Fi gian hierarchy.
  • Fiji.By Korina Miller, Robyn Jones, Leonardo Pinheiro, Page 36reference to Fi gian dances and arts as well is musicPage 244definition of a Fi gian Lovo
  • EthnologyBy University of Pittsburgh, Published 1962, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Mar 5, 2007, details on Yaqona and its social significance in Fi gian society
  • Gender, Genre, and Power in South Asian Expressive TraditionsBy Arjun Appadurai, rank J. Korom, Margaret Ann Mills - Page 363,basic details on aFi gian Lovo.
  • On Fiji Islands- Page 100, by Wright, Ronald - 1986,details on the Firewalkers of Beqa
  • Pacific Islands Yearbook,1981 - Page 272, by John Carter - 1981,further details on the Beqa Firewalkers.
  • A History of the Expansion of Christianityby Kenneth Scott Latourette, Published 1945 Harper, Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Oct 27, 2006, 1945,- Page 221,reference to Christianity in Fiji
  • The Cannibal WithinBy Lewis F. Petrinovich - 135details on Cannibalism in Fiji
  • Fiji and the Fi gian sBy Thomas Williams, James Calvert -Page 209, 214details on Cannibalism in Fiji where asPage 161, 163discusses aspects of sports in old Fiji
  • Cyclopedia of LauIllustrated, Publisher Pure Blue Fiji Ltd.details on Fi gian Canoes and Reference to the Drua and the Camakau.
  • Fiji Museum, publicationDomodomo,Article on Fi gian canoes by Sela Vuinakasa Rayawa.
  • Fiji Times,Newspaper various stories from 2007,with references to termsFriendly North,Burning Westand theJet Set Town.
  • Fi gian Chiefs:A Recantation, A. M. Hocart, Man, Vol. 21, Jun., 1921 (Jun., 1921), pp. 85–86 -doi:10.2307/2839865,Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Reference to the passing on of Fi gian chiefly titles and chiefly protocols in general.
  • The Role of a Fi gian Chief,Clellan S. Ford, American Sociological Review, Vol. 3, No. 4 (Aug., 1938), pp. 541–550 -doi:10.2307/2083902.
  • Fiji,By Korina Miller, Robyn Jones, Leonardo Pinheiro, Publisher Lonely Planet,details on Fi gian and Indo Fi gian food and food types, reference to the Lovo.
  • Knowing & Learningan indigenous Fi gian approach, by Unaisi Nabobo-baba, IPS Publications, the university of the South Pacific, 2006ISBN978-982-02-0379-2,general reference to Traditional Fi gian culture, terms and meanings and history with a study on the people of Vugalei on Viti Levu in the Kubuna confederacy
  • Macquarie Dictionary,of English for the Fiji Islands in association with the Fiji Times 2006,ISBN978-1-876429-69-0,great reference for Fiji English has definition for Fi gian, English and Hindi words and slangs that have developed from these three cultures.
  • Viti,an account of a Government Mission to the Vitian or Fi gian Islands in the years 1860 to 61, By Berthold Seemann, published by Cambridge: Macmillan & Co, London, 1862.
  • Voyagersby Herb Kawainui Kane, Collection: Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts.pictures and descriptions of seafaring vessels of Polynesia.
  • Canoes of Oceania.Vol. I: Polynesia, Micronesia and Fiji. by James Hornell, Author(s) of Review: Adrian Digby, Man, Vol. 38, Feb., 1938 (Feb., 1938), pp. 29–30