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Space-filling model of the cyanide anion: carbon bound to smaller nitrogen atom
Systematic IUPAC name
3D model (JSmol)
  • InChI=1S/CN/c1-2/q-1
  • [C-]#N
Molar mass 26.018g·mol−1
Conjugate acid Hydrogen cyanide
Occupational safety and health(OHS/OSH):
Main hazards
The cyanide ionCNis one of the most poisonous chemicals. It may cause death in minutes.
Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in theirstandard state(at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa).

Inchemistry,cyanide(fromGreekkyanos'dark blue') is achemical compoundthat contains aC≡Nfunctional group.This group, known as thecyano group,consists of acarbonatomtriple-bondedto anitrogenatom.[1]

Ininorganiccyanides, the cyanide group is present as the cyanide anionC≡N.This anion isextremely poisonous.Solublesaltssuch assodium cyanide(NaCN) andpotassium cyanide(KCN) are highly toxic.[2]Hydrocyanic acid,also known as hydrogen cyanide, or HCN, is a highlyvolatileliquid that is produced on a large scale industrially. It is obtained by acidification of cyanide salts.

Organiccyanides are usually callednitriles.In nitriles, the−C≡Ngroup is linked by a singlecovalent bondto carbon. For example, inacetonitrile(CH3−C≡N), the cyanide group is bonded tomethyl(−CH3). Although nitriles generally do not release cyanide ions, thecyanohydrinsdo and are thus toxic.



The cyanide ionC≡Nisisoelectronicwithcarbon monoxideC≡O+and with molecularnitrogenN≡N. A triple bond exists between C and N. The negative charge is concentrated oncarbonC.[3][4]



In nature

Removal of cyanide fromcassavainNigeria.

Cyanides are produced by certainbacteria,fungi,andalgae.It is anantifeedantin a number of plants. Cyanides are found in substantial amounts in certain seeds and fruit stones, e.g., those ofbitter almonds,apricots,apples,andpeaches.[5]Chemical compounds that can release cyanide are known as cyanogenic compounds. In plants, cyanides are usually bound tosugarmolecules in the form of cyanogenicglycosidesand defend the plant againstherbivores.Cassavaroots (also called manioc), an importantpotato-like food grown in tropical countries (and the base from whichtapiocais made), also contain cyanogenic glycosides.[6][7]

TheMadagascarbambooCathariostachys madagascariensisproduces cyanide as a deterrent to grazing. In response, thegolden bamboo lemur,which eats the bamboo, has developed a high tolerance to cyanide.

Thehydrogenaseenzymes contain cyanideligandsattached to iron in their active sites. The biosynthesis of cyanide in theNiFe hydrogenasesproceeds fromcarbamoyl phosphate,which converts tocysteinylthiocyanate,theCNdonor.[8]

Interstellar medium


Thecyanide radicalCN has been identified ininterstellar space.[9]Cyanogen,(CN)2,is used to measure the temperature ofinterstellar gas clouds.[10]

Pyrolysis and combustion product


Hydrogen cyanide is produced by the combustion orpyrolysisof certain materials under oxygen-deficient conditions. For example, it can be detected in theexhaustofinternal combustion enginesandtobaccosmoke. Certainplastics,especially those derived fromacrylonitrile,release hydrogen cyanide when heated or burnt.[11]

Organic derivatives


InIUPAC nomenclature,organic compoundsthat have a−C≡Nfunctional groupare callednitriles.[12][13]An example of a nitrile isacetonitrile,CH3−C≡N.Nitriles usually do not release cyanide ions. A functional group with a hydroxyl−OHand cyanide−CNbonded to the same carbon atom is calledcyanohydrin(R2C(OH)CN). Unlike nitriles, cyanohydrins do release poisonoushydrogen cyanide.





Cyanide is basic. The pKaof hydrogen cyanide is 9.21. Thus, addition ofacidsstronger than hydrogen cyanide to solutions of cyanide salts releaseshydrogen cyanide.



Cyanide is unstable in water, but the reaction is slow until about 170 °C. It undergoeshydrolysisto giveammoniaandformate,which are far less toxic than cyanide:[14]

CN+ 2 H2O → HCO2+ NH3

Cyanide hydrolaseis anenzymethat catalyzes this reaction.



Because of the cyanide anion's highnucleophilicity,cyano groups are readily introduced into organic molecules by displacement of ahalidegroup (e.g., thechlorideonmethyl chloride). In general, organic cyanides are called nitriles. In organic synthesis, cyanide is a C-1synthon;i.e., it can be used to lengthen a carbon chain by one, while retaining the ability to befunctionalized.[15]

RX + CN→ RCN + X



The cyanide ion is areductantand isoxidizedby strongoxidizing agentssuch as molecularchlorine(Cl2),hypochlorite(ClO), andhydrogen peroxide(H2O2). These oxidizers are used to destroy cyanides ineffluentsfromgold mining.[16][17][18]

Metal complexation


The cyanide anion reacts withtransition metalsto formM-CN bonds.This reaction is the basis of cyanide's toxicity.[19]The high affinities of metals for thisanioncan be attributed to its negative charge, compactness, and ability to engage in π-bonding.

Among the most important cyanide coordination compounds are thepotassium ferrocyanideand the pigmentPrussian blue,which are both essentially nontoxic due to the tight binding of the cyanides to a central iron atom.[20] Prussian blue was first accidentally made around 1706, by heating substances containing iron and carbon and nitrogen, and other cyanides made subsequently (and named after it). Among its many uses, Prussian blue gives the blue color toblueprints,bluing,andcyanotypes.



The principal process used to manufacture cyanides is theAndrussow processin which gaseoushydrogen cyanideis produced frommethaneandammoniain the presence ofoxygenand aplatinumcatalyst.[21][22]

2 CH4+ 2 NH3+ 3 O2→ 2 HCN + 6 H2O

Sodium cyanide, the precursor to most cyanides, is produced by treatinghydrogen cyanidewithsodium hydroxide:[14]

HCN + NaOH → NaCN + H2O



Among the most toxic cyanides are hydrogen cyanide (HCN), sodium cyanide (NaCN), potassium cyanide (KCN), and calcium cyanide (Ca(CN)₂). These compounds are extremely poisonous and require careful handling to avoid severe health risks. The cyanide anion is aninhibitorof theenzymecytochrome c oxidase(also known as aa3), the fourth complex of theelectron transport chainfound in theinner membraneof themitochondriaofeukaryoticcells. It attaches to the iron within this protein. The binding of cyanide to this enzyme prevents transport of electrons fromcytochrome cto oxygen. As a result, the electron transport chain is disrupted, meaning that the cell can no longer aerobically produceATPfor energy.[23]Tissues that depend highly onaerobic respiration,such as thecentral nervous systemand theheart,are particularly affected. This is an example ofhistotoxic hypoxia.[24]

The most hazardous compound ishydrogen cyanide,which is a gas and kills by inhalation. For this reason, an air respirator supplied by an external oxygen source must be worn when working with hydrogen cyanide.[11]Hydrogen cyanide is produced by adding acid to a solution containing a cyanide salt. Alkaline solutions of cyanide are safer to use because they do not evolve hydrogen cyanide gas. Hydrogen cyanide may be produced in the combustion ofpolyurethanes;for this reason, polyurethanes are not recommended for use in domestic and aircraft furniture. Oral ingestion of a small quantity of solid cyanide or a cyanide solution of as little as 200 mg, or exposure to airborne cyanide of 270ppm,is sufficient to cause death within minutes.[24]

Organicnitrilesdo not readily release cyanide ions, and so have low toxicities. By contrast, compounds such astrimethylsilyl cyanide(CH3)3SiCNreadily release HCN or the cyanide ion upon contact with water.[25]



Hydroxocobalaminreacts with cyanide to formcyanocobalamin,which can be safely eliminated by the kidneys. This method has the advantage of avoiding the formation of methemoglobin (see below). This antidote kit is sold under the brand name Cyanokit and was approved by the U.S. FDA in 2006.[26]

An older cyanide antidote kit included administration of three substances:amyl nitritepearls (administered by inhalation),sodium nitrite,andsodium thiosulfate.The goal of the antidote was to generate a large pool offerriciron (Fe3+) to compete for cyanide with cytochrome a3(so that cyanide will bind to the antidote rather than the enzyme). Thenitritesoxidizehemoglobintomethemoglobin,which competes with cytochrome oxidase for the cyanide ion. Cyanmethemoglobin is formed and thecytochrome oxidaseenzyme is restored. The major mechanism to remove the cyanide from the body is by enzymatic conversion tothiocyanateby themitochondrialenzymerhodanese.Thiocyanate is a relatively non-toxic molecule and is excreted by the kidneys. To accelerate this detoxification, sodium thiosulfate is administered to provide a sulfur donor forrhodanese,needed in order to produce thiocyanate.[27]



Minimum risk levels (MRLs) may not protect for delayed health effects or health effects acquired following repeated sublethal exposure, such as hypersensitivity,asthma,orbronchitis.MRLs may be revised after sufficient data accumulates.[28]





Cyanide is mainly produced for theminingofsilverandgold:It helps dissolve these metals allowing separation from the other solids. In thecyanide process,finely ground high-grade ore is mixed with the cyanide (at a ratio of about 1:500 parts NaCN to ore); low-grade ores are stacked into heaps and sprayed with a cyanide solution (at a ratio of about 1:1000 parts NaCN to ore). The precious metals are complexed by the cyanideanionsto form soluble derivatives, e.g.,[Ag(CN)2](dicyanoargentate(I)) and[Au(CN)2](dicyanoaurate(I)).[14]Silver is less"noble"than gold and often occurs as the sulfide, in which case redox is not invoked (noO2is required). Instead, a displacement reaction occurs:

The "pregnant liquor" containing these ions is separated from the solids, which are discarded to atailing pondor spent heap, the recoverable gold having been removed. The metal is recovered from the "pregnant solution" by reduction withzincdust or byadsorptionontoactivated carbon.This process can result in environmental and health problems. A number ofenvironmental disastershave followed the overflow of tailing ponds at gold mines. Cyanide contamination of waterways has resulted in numerous cases of human and aquatic species mortality.[29]

Aqueous cyanide is hydrolyzed rapidly, especially in sunlight. It can mobilize some heavy metals such as mercury if present. Gold can also be associated with arsenopyrite (FeAsS), which is similar toiron pyrite(fool's gold), wherein half of the sulfur atoms are replaced byarsenic.Gold-containing arsenopyrite ores are similarly reactive toward inorganic cyanide.[30][31]

Industrial organic chemistry


The second major application of alkali metal cyanides (after mining) is in the production of CN-containing compounds, usually nitriles.Acyl cyanidesare produced from acyl chlorides and cyanide.Cyanogen,cyanogen chloride,and the trimercyanuric chlorideare derived from alkali metal cyanides.

Medical uses


The cyanide compoundsodium nitroprussideis used mainly inclinical chemistryto measureurineketone bodiesmainly as a follow-up todiabeticpatients. On occasion, it is used in emergency medical situations to produce a rapid decrease inblood pressurein humans; it is also used as avasodilatorin vascular research. The cobalt in artificialvitamin B12contains a cyanide ligand as an artifact of the purification process; this must be removed by the body before the vitamin molecule can be activated for biochemical use. DuringWorld War I,a copper cyanide compound was briefly used byJapanesephysicians for the treatment oftuberculosisandleprosy.[32]

Illegal fishing and poaching


Cyanides are illegally used to capture live fish nearcoral reefsfor theaquariumand seafood markets. The practice is controversial, dangerous, and damaging but is driven by the lucrative exotic fish market.[33]

Poachers in Africa have been known to use cyanide to poison waterholes, to kill elephants for their ivory.[34]

Pest control


M44 cyanide devicesare used in the United States to killcoyotesand other canids.[35]Cyanide is also used for pest control inNew Zealand,particularly forpossums,anintroduced marsupial that threatens the conservation of native speciesand spreadstuberculosisamongst cattle. Possums can become bait shy but the use of pellets containing the cyanide reduces bait shyness. Cyanide has been known to kill native birds, including the endangeredkiwi.[36]Cyanide is also effective for controlling thedama wallaby,another introduced marsupial pest in New Zealand.[37]A licence is required to store, handle and use cyanide in New Zealand.

Cyanides are used asinsecticidesfor fumigating ships.[38]Cyanide salts are used for killing ants,[39]and have in some places been used as rat poison[40](the less toxic poisonarsenicis more common).[41]

Niche uses


Potassium ferrocyanideis used to achieve a blue color on castbronze sculpturesduring the final finishing stage of the sculpture. On its own, it will produce a very dark shade of blue and is often mixed with other chemicals to achieve the desired tint and hue. It is applied using a torch and paint brush while wearing the standard safety equipment used for any patina application: rubber gloves, safety glasses, and a respirator. The actual amount of cyanide in the mixture varies according to the recipes used by each foundry.

Cyanide is also used injewelry-making and certain kinds ofphotographysuch assepia toning.

Although usually thought to be toxic, cyanide and cyanohydrins increase germination in various plant species.[42][43]

Human poisoning


Deliberate cyanide poisoning of humans has occurred many times throughout history.[44] Common salts such assodium cyanideare involatile but water-soluble, so are poisonous by ingestion.Hydrogen cyanideis a gas, making it more indiscriminately dangerous, however it is lighter than air and rapidly disperses up into the atmosphere, which makes it ineffective as achemical weapon.

Food additive


Because of the high stability of their complexation withiron,ferrocyanides (Sodium ferrocyanideE535,Potassium ferrocyanideE536, and Calcium ferrocyanide E538[45]) do not decompose to lethal levels in the human body and are used in the food industry as, e.g., ananticaking agentintable salt.[46]

Chemical tests for cyanide


Cyanide is quantified bypotentiometric titration,a method widely used in gold mining. It can also be determined by titration with silver ion. Some analyses begin with an air-purge of an acidified boiling solution, sweeping the vapors into a basic absorber solution. The cyanide salt absorbed in the basic solution is then analyzed.[47]

Qualitative tests


Because of the notorious toxicity of cyanide, many methods have been investigated. Benzidine gives a blue coloration in the presence offerricyanide.[48]Iron(II) sulfateadded to a solution of cyanide, such as the filtrate from thesodium fusion test,givesprussian blue.A solution ofpara-benzoquinoneinDMSOreacts with inorganic cyanide to form a cyanophenol,which isfluorescent.Illumination with aUV lightgives a green/blue glow if the test is positive.[49]


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