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The termDaco-Romandescribes theRomanizedculture ofDaciaunder the rule of theRoman Empire.


The Daco-Roman mi xing theory, as an origin for theRomanian people,was formulated by the earliest Romanian scholars, beginning withDosofteifromMoldavia,in the 17thcentury,[1]followed in the early 1700s inTransylvania,through theRomanian Uniateclergy[2]and inWallachia,by the historianConstantin Cantacuzinoin hisIstoria Țării Rumânești dintru început( "History of Wallachia from the beginning "), and continued to amplify during the 19thand 20thcenturies.[3]

Famous individuals[edit]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Jonathan Eagles (25 October 2013).Stephen the Great and Balkan Nationalism: Moldova and Eastern European History.I.B.Tauris. pp. 9–.ISBN978-0-85772-314-7.
  2. ^Mark Biondich (17 February 2011).The Balkans: Revolution, War, and Political Violence Since 1878.Oxford University Press. pp. 32–.ISBN978-0-19-929905-8.
  3. ^Lucian Boia (2001).History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness.Central European University Press. pp. 85–.ISBN978-963-9116-97-9.
  4. ^Watson, Alaric (1999).Aurelian and the Third Century.London: Routledge.ISBN0-415-07248-4.


Further reading[edit]