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Darboux frame

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In thedifferential geometryofsurfaces,aDarboux frameis a naturalmoving frameconstructed on a surface. It is the analog of theFrenet–Serret frameas applied to surface geometry. A Darboux frame exists at any non-umbilicpoint of a surface embedded inEuclidean space.It is named after French mathematicianJean Gaston Darboux.

Darboux frame of an embedded curve


LetSbe an oriented surface in three-dimensional Euclidean spaceE3.The construction of Darboux frames onSfirst considers frames moving along a curve inS,and then specializes when the curves move in the direction of theprincipal curvatures.



At each pointpof an oriented surface, one may attach aunitnormal vectoru(p)in a unique way, as soon as an orientation has been chosen for the normal at any particular fixed point. Ifγ(s)is a curve inS,parametrized by arc length, then theDarboux frameofγis defined by

(theunit tangent)
(theunit normal)
(thetangent normal)

The tripleT,t,udefines apositively orientedorthonormal basisattached to each point of the curve: a natural moving frame along the embedded curve.

Geodesic curvature, normal curvature, and relative torsion

A curve on a surface. The Frenet–Serret frame: tangent in red, the (Frenet) normal in cyan and binormal in purple. The Darboux frame: the tangent in red, the surface normal in blue, and tangent normal in green. Projections along the surface normal and tangent normal shows plane curves whose curvatures are the geodesic curvature and normal curvature respectively.

Note that a Darboux frame for a curve does not yield a natural moving frame on the surface, since it still depends on an initial choice of tangent vector. To obtain a moving frame on the surface, we first compare the Darboux frame of γ with its Frenet–Serret frame. Let

  • (theunit tangent,as above)
  • (theFrenet normal vector)
  • (theFrenet binormal vector).

Since the tangent vectors are the same in both cases, there is a unique angle α such that a rotation in the plane ofNandBproduces the pairtandu:

Taking a differential, and applying theFrenet–Serret formulasyields


  • κgis thegeodesic curvatureof the curve,
  • κnis thenormal curvatureof the curve, and
  • τris therelative torsion(also calledgeodesic torsion) of the curve.

Darboux frame on a surface


This section specializes the case of the Darboux frame on a curve to the case when the curve is aprincipal curveof the surface (aline of curvature). In that case, since the principal curves are canonically associated to a surface at all non-umbilicpoints, the Darboux frame is a canonicalmoving frame.

The trihedron

A Darboux trihedron consisting of a pointPand three orthonormal vectorse1,e2,e3based atP.

The introduction of the trihedron (ortrièdre), an invention of Darboux, allows for a conceptual simplification of the problem of moving frames on curves and surfaces by treating the coordinates of the point on the curve and the frame vectors in a uniform manner. Atrihedronconsists of a pointPin Euclidean space, and three orthonormal vectorse1,e2,ande3based at the pointP.Amoving trihedronis a trihedron whose components depend on one or more parameters. For example, a trihedron moves along a curve if the pointPdepends on a single parameters,andP(s) traces out the curve. Similarly, ifP(s,t) depends on a pair of parameters, then this traces out a surface.

A trihedron is said to beadapted to a surfaceifPalways lies on the surface ande3is the oriented unit normal to the surface atP.In the case of the Darboux frame along an embedded curve, the quadruple

(P(s) = γ(s),e1(s) =T(s),e2(s) =t(s),e3(s) =u(s))

defines a tetrahedron adapted to the surface into which the curve is embedded.

In terms of this trihedron, the structural equations read

Change of frame


Suppose that any other adapted trihedron


is given for the embedded curve. Since, by definition,Premains the same point on the curve as for the Darboux trihedron, ande3=uis the unit normal, this new trihedron is related to the Darboux trihedron by a rotation of the form

where θ = θ(s) is a function ofs.Taking a differential and applying the Darboux equation yields

where the (ωiij) are functions ofs,satisfying

Structure equations


ThePoincaré lemma,applied to each double differential ddP,ddei,yields the followingCartan structure equations.From ddP= 0,

From ddei= 0,

The latter are theGauss–Codazzi equationsfor the surface, expressed in the language of differential forms.

Principal curves


Consider thesecond fundamental formofS.This is the symmetric 2-form onSgiven by

By thespectral theorem,there is some choice of frame (ei) in which (iiij) is adiagonal matrix.Theeigenvaluesare theprincipal curvaturesof the surface. A diagonalizing framea1,a2,a3consists of the normal vectora3,and two principal directionsa1anda2.This is called a Darboux frame on the surface. The frame is canonically defined (by an ordering on the eigenvalues, for instance) away from theumbilicsof the surface.

Moving frames


The Darboux frame is an example of a naturalmoving framedefined on a surface. With slight modifications, the notion of a moving frame can be generalized to ahypersurfacein ann-dimensionalEuclidean space,or indeed any embeddedsubmanifold.This generalization is among the many contributions ofÉlie Cartanto the method of moving frames.

Frames on Euclidean space


A (Euclidean)frameon the Euclidean spaceEnis a higher-dimensional analog of the trihedron. It is defined to be an (n+ 1)-tuple of vectors drawn fromEn,(v;f1,...,fn), where:

LetF(n) be the ensemble of all Euclidean frames. TheEuclidean groupacts onF(n) as follows. Let φ ∈ Euc(n) be an element of the Euclidean group decomposing as

whereAis anorthogonal transformationandx0is a translation. Then, on a frame,

Geometrically, the affine group moves the origin in the usual way, and it acts via a rotation on the orthogonal basis vectors since these are "attached" to the particular choice of origin. This is aneffective and transitive group action,soF(n) is aprincipal homogeneous spaceof Euc(n).

Structure equations


Define the following system of functionsF(n) →En:[1]

The projection operatorPis of special significance. The inverse image of a pointP−1(v) consists of all orthonormal bases with basepoint atv.In particular,P:F(n) →EnpresentsF(n) as aprincipal bundlewhose structure group is theorthogonal groupO(n). (In fact this principal bundle is just the tautological bundle of thehomogeneous spaceF(n) →F(n)/O(n) =En.)

Theexterior derivativeofP(regarded as avector-valued differential form) decomposes uniquely as

for some system of scalar valuedone-formsωi.Similarly, there is ann×nmatrixof one-forms (ωij) such that

Since theeiare orthonormal under theinner productof Euclidean space, the matrix of 1-forms ωijisskew-symmetric.In particular it is determined uniquely by its upper-triangular part (ωji|i<j). The system ofn(n+ 1)/2 one-forms (ωiji(i<j)) gives anabsolute parallelismofF(n), since the coordinate differentials can each be expressed in terms of them. Under the action of the Euclidean group, these forms transform as follows. Let φ be the Euclidean transformation consisting of a translationviand rotation matrix (Aji). Then the following are readily checked by the invariance of the exterior derivative underpullback:

Furthermore, by thePoincaré lemma,one has the followingstructure equations

Adapted frames and the Gauss–Codazzi equations


Let φ:MEnbe an embedding of ap-dimensionalsmooth manifoldinto a Euclidean space. The space ofadapted framesonM,denoted here byFφ(M) is the collection of tuples (x;f1,...,fn) wherexM,and thefiform an orthonormal basis ofEnsuch thatf1,...,fpare tangent to φ(M) at φ(x).[2]

Several examples of adapted frames have already been considered. The first vectorTof the Frenet–Serret frame (T,N,B) is tangent to a curve, and all three vectors are mutually orthonormal. Similarly, the Darboux frame on a surface is an orthonormal frame whose first two vectors are tangent to the surface. Adapted frames are useful because the invariant forms (ωiji) pullback along φ, and the structural equations are preserved under this pullback. Consequently, the resulting system of forms yields structural information about howMis situated inside Euclidean space. In the case of the Frenet–Serret frame, the structural equations are precisely the Frenet–Serret formulas, and these serve to classify curves completely up to Euclidean motions. The general case is analogous: the structural equations for an adapted system of frames classifies arbitrary embedded submanifolds up to a Euclidean motion.

In detail, the projection π:F(M) →Mgiven by π(x;fi) =xgivesF(M) the structure of aprincipal bundleonM(the structure group for the bundle is O(p) × O(np).) This principal bundle embeds into the bundle of Euclidean framesF(n) by φ(v;fi):= (φ(v);fi) ∈F(n). Hence it is possible to define the pullbacks of the invariant forms fromF(n):

Since the exterior derivative is equivariant under pullbacks, the following structural equations hold

Furthermore, because some of the frame vectorsf1...fpare tangent toMwhile the others are normal, the structure equations naturally split into their tangential and normal contributions.[3]Let the lowercase Latin indicesa,b,crange from 1 top(i.e., the tangential indices) and the Greek indices μ, γ range fromp+1 ton(i.e., the normal indices). The first observation is that

since these forms generate the submanifold φ(M) (in the sense of theFrobenius integration theorem.)

The first set of structural equations now becomes

Of these, the latter implies byCartan's lemmathat

wheresμabissymmetriconaandb(thesecond fundamental formsof φ(M)). Hence, equations (1) are theGauss formulas(seeGauss–Codazzi equations). In particular, θbais theconnection formfor theLevi-Civita connectiononM.

The second structural equations also split into the following

The first equation is theGauss equationwhich expresses thecurvature formΩ ofMin terms of the second fundamental form. The second is theCodazzi–Mainardi equationwhich expresses the covariant derivatives of the second fundamental form in terms of the normal connection. The third is theRicci equation.

See also



  1. ^Treatment based on Hermann's Appendix II to Cartan (1983), although he takes this approach for theaffine group.The case of the Euclidean group can be found, in equivalent but slightly more advanced terms, in Sternberg (1967), Chapter VI. Note that we have abused notation slightly (following Hermann and also Cartan) by regardingfias elements of the Euclidean spaceEninstead of the vector spaceRnbased atv.This subtle distinction does not matter, since ultimately only the differentials of these maps are used.
  2. ^This treatment is from Sternberg (1964), Chapter VI, Theorem 3.1, p. 251.
  3. ^Though treated by Sternberg (1964), this explicit description is from Spivak (1999) chapters III.1 and IV.7.C.


  • Cartan, Élie (1937).La théorie des groupes finis et continus et la géométrie différentielle traitées par la méthode du repère mobile.Gauthier-Villars.
  • Cartan, É; Hermann, R. (1983).Geometry of Riemannian spaces.Math Sci Press, Massachusetts.
  • Darboux, Gaston(1896) [1887].Leçons sur la théorie génerale des surfaces(in French). Vol. I–IV. Gauthier-Villars.
  • Guggenheimer, Heinrich (1977). "Chapter 10. Surfaces".Differential Geometry.Dover.ISBN0-486-63433-7.
  • Spivak, Michael (1999).A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry (Volume 3).Publish or Perish.ISBN0-914098-72-1.
  • Spivak, Michael (1999).A Comprehensive introduction to differential geometry (Volume 4).Publish or Perish.ISBN0-914098-73-X.
  • Sternberg, Shlomo (1964).Lectures on differential geometry.Prentice-Hall.