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Defective matrix

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Inlinear algebra,adefective matrixis asquare matrixthat does not have a completebasisofeigenvectors,and is therefore notdiagonalizable.In particular, anmatrixis defectiveif and only ifit does not havelinearly independenteigenvectors.[1]A complete basis is formed by augmenting the eigenvectors withgeneralized eigenvectors,which are necessary for solving defective systems ofordinary differential equationsand other problems.

Andefective matrix always has fewer thandistincteigenvalues,since distinct eigenvalues always have linearly independent eigenvectors. In particular, a defective matrix has one or more eigenvalueswithalgebraic multiplicity(that is, they are multiplerootsof thecharacteristic polynomial), but fewer thanlinearly independent eigenvectors associated with.If the algebraic multiplicity ofexceeds itsgeometric multiplicity(that is, the number of linearly independent eigenvectors associated with), thenis said to be adefective eigenvalue.[1]However, every eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicityalways haslinearly independent generalized eigenvectors.

Arealsymmetric matrixand more generally aHermitian matrix,and aunitary matrix,is never defective; more generally, anormal matrix(which includes Hermitian and unitary matrices as special cases) is never defective.

Jordan block


Any nontrivialJordan blockof sizeor larger (that is, not completely diagonal) is defective. (A diagonal matrix is a special case of the Jordan normal form with all trivial Jordan blocks of sizeand is not defective.) For example, theJordan block

has aneigenvalue,with algebraic multiplicity(or greater if there are other Jordan blocks with the same eigenvalue), but only one distinct eigenvector,whereThe other canonical basis vectorsform a chain of generalized eigenvectors such thatfor.

Any defective matrix has a nontrivialJordan normal form,which is as close as one can come todiagonalizationof such a matrix.



A simple example of a defective matrix is

which has a doubleeigenvalueof 3 but only one distinct eigenvector

(and constant multiples thereof).

See also

  • Jordan normal form– Form of a matrix indicating its eigenvalues and their algebraic multiplicities




  • Golub, Gene H.; Van Loan, Charles F. (1996),Matrix Computations(3rd ed.), Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,ISBN978-0-8018-5414-9
  • Strang, Gilbert (1988).Linear Algebra and Its Applications(3rd ed.). San Diego: Harcourt.ISBN978-970-686-609-7.