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Federal Republic of Germany
Bundesrepublik Deutschland(German)
Anthem:"Das Lied der Deutschen"[a]
( "The Song of the Germans" )
Location of Germany (dark green)

– inEurope(light green & dark grey)
– in theEuropean Union(light green)

and largest city
52°31′N13°23′E/ 52.517°N 13.383°E/52.517; 13.383
Official languagesGerman[c]
GovernmentFederal parliamentary republic[4]
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Olaf Scholz
• Total
357,569 km2(138,058 sq mi)[6](63rd)
• Water (%)
• 2022 census
Neutral increase82,719,540[7]
• Density
236/km2(611.2/sq mi) (58th)
GDP(PPP)2024 estimate
• Total
Increase$5.687 trillion[8](5th)
• Per capita
GDP(nominal)2024 estimate
• Total
Increase$4.591 trillion[8](3rd)
• Per capita
Gini(2023)Negative increase29.4[9]
low inequality
very high(7th)
CurrencyEuro() (EUR)
Time zoneUTC+1(CET)
• Summer (DST)
Date format
  • Day, month, year
  • Year, month, day
Drives onright
Calling code+49
ISO 3166 codeDE
Internet TLD.de

Germany,[e]officially theFederal Republic of Germany,[f]is a country inCentral Europe.It lies between theBalticandNorth Seato the north and theAlpsto the south. Its sixteenconstituent stateshave a total population of over 82 million in an area of 357,569 km2(138,058 sq mi), making it the most populousmember state of the European Union.It bordersDenmarkto the north,PolandandCzechiato the east,AustriaandSwitzerlandto the south, andFrance,Luxembourg,Belgium,and theNetherlandsto the west. Thenation's capitalandmost populous cityisBerlinand its main financial centre isFrankfurt;the largest urban area is theRuhr.

Settlement in what is now Germany began in theLower Paleolithic,with various tribes inhabiting it from theNeolithiconward, chiefly theCelts.VariousGermanictribeshave inhabited the northern parts of modern Germany sinceclassical antiquity.A region namedGermaniawas documented before AD 100. In 962, theKingdom of Germanyformed the bulk of theHoly Roman Empire.During the 16th century,northern German regionsbecame the centre of theProtestant Reformation.Following theNapoleonic Warsand the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, theGerman Confederationwas formed in 1815.

Formalunification of Germanyinto the modernnation-statecommenced on 18 August 1866 with theNorth German Confederation Treatyestablishing thePrussia-ledNorth German Confederationlater transformed in 1871 into theGerman Empire.AfterWorld War Iand theGerman Revolution of 1918–1919,the Empire was in turn transformed into theWeimar Republic.TheNazi rise to powerin 1933 led to the establishment ofa totalitarian dictatorship,World War II,andthe Holocaust.After theend of World War II in Europeanda period of Allied occupation,in 1949,Germany as a wholewas organized into two separate polities with limited sovereignty: the Federal Republic of Germany, generally known asWest Germany,and the German Democratic Republic, known asEast Germany,while Berlin continued itsde jureFour Power status.The Federal Republic of Germany was a founding member of theEuropean Economic Communityand theEuropean Union,while the German Democratic Republic was a communistEastern Blocstate and member of theWarsaw Pact.Afterthe fallof thecommunist led-governmentin East Germany,German reunificationsaw theformer East German statesjoin the Federal Republic of Germany on3 October 1990.

Germany has been described as agreat powerwitha strong economy;it has thelargest economy in Europe.As a global power in industrial,scientific and technologicalsectors, it is both the world'sthird-largest exporterandimporter.As adeveloped country,itoffers social security,a universal health care system,andtuition-free university education.Germany is a member of theUnited Nations,Council of Europe,NATOandOECD,and a founding member of the European Union,G7andG20.It has thethird-greatest numberof UNESCOWorld Heritage Sites(54), with the second-most cultural sites (51).


The English wordGermanyderives from the LatinGermania,which came into use afterJulius Caesaradopted it for the peoples east of theRhine.[12]TheGermantermDeutschland,originallydiutisciu land('the German lands'), is derived fromdeutsch(cf.Dutch), descended fromOld High Germandiutisc'of the people' (fromdiotordiota'people'), originally used to distinguish thelanguage of the common peoplefromLatinand itsRomance descendants.This in turn descends fromProto-Germanic*þiudiskaz'of the people' (see also the Latinised formTheodiscus), derived from*þeudō,descended fromProto-Indo-European*tewtéh₂-'people', from which the wordTeutonsalso originates.[13]



Pre-human ancestors, theDanuvius guggenmosi,who were present in Germany over 11 million years ago, are theorized to be among the earliest ones to walk on two legs.[14]Ancient humans were present in Germany at least 600,000 years ago.[15]The first non-modern human fossil (theNeanderthal) was discovered in theNeander Valley.[16]Similarly dated evidence of modern humans has been found in theSwabian Jura,including 42,000-year-oldfluteswhich are the oldest musical instruments ever found,[17]the 40,000-year-oldLion Man,[18]and the 41,000-year-oldVenus of Hohle Fels.[19][20]TheNebra sky disk,created during theEuropean Bronze Age,has been attributed to a German site.[21]

Germanic tribes, Roman frontier and the Frankish Empire

Basilica of ConstantineinTrier(Augusta Treverorum), built in the 4th century

TheGermanic peoplesarethought to date fromtheNordic Bronze Age,earlyIron Age,or theJastorf culture.[22][23]From southernScandinaviaandnorthern Germany,they expanded south, east, and west, coming into contact with theCeltic,Iranian,Baltic,andSlavictribes.[24]

UnderAugustus,theRoman Empirebegan to invade lands inhabited by the Germanic tribes, creating a short-lived Roman province ofGermaniabetween the Rhine andElberivers. In 9 AD, threeRoman legionsweredefeatedbyArminiusin theBattle of the Teutoburg Forest.[25]The outcome of this battle dissuaded the Romans from their ambition of conqueringGermania,and is thus considered one of the most important events inEuropean history.[26]By 100 AD, whenTacituswroteGermania,Germanic tribes had settled along the Rhine and the Danube (theLimes Germanicus), occupying most of modern Germany. However,Baden-Württemberg,southernBavaria,southernHesseand the westernRhinelandhad beenincorporatedintoRoman provinces.[27][28][29]

Around 260, Germanic peoples broke into Roman-controlled lands.[30]After the invasion of theHunsin 375, and with the decline of Rome from 395, Germanic tribes moved farther southwest: the Franks established theFrankish Kingdomand pushed east to subjugateSaxonyandBavaria,and areas of what is today eastern Germany were inhabited byWestern Slavictribes.[27]

East Francia and the Holy Roman Empire

East Franciain 843
Martin Luther,born inEislebenin 1483, challenged the indulgences of theCatholic Church,giving rise to theReformationandProtestantism.

Charlemagnefounded theCarolingian Empirein 800; it wasdivided in 843.[31]The eastern successor kingdom ofEast Franciastretched from the Rhine in the west to the Elbe river in the east and from the North Sea to the Alps.[31]Subsequently, the Holy Roman Empire emerged from it. TheOttonianrulers (919–1024) consolidated several majorduchies.[32]In 996,Gregory Vbecame the first German Pope, appointed by his cousinOtto III,whom he shortly after crowned Holy Roman Emperor. The Holy Roman Empire absorbed northern Italy andBurgundyunder theSalianemperors (1024–1125), although the emperors lost power through theInvestiture controversy.[33]

Under theHohenstaufenemperors (1138–1254), German princes encouraged German settlement to the south and east (Ostsiedlung).[34]Members of theHanseatic League,mostly north German towns, prospered in the expansion of trade.[35]The population declined starting with theGreat Faminein 1315, followed by theBlack Deathof 1348–1350.[36]TheGolden Bullissued in 1356 provided the constitutional structure of the Empire and codified the election of the emperor by sevenprince-electors.[37]

Johannes Gutenbergintroduced moveable-type printing to Europe, laying the basis for thedemocratization of knowledge.[38]In 1517,Martin Lutherincited the Protestant Reformation and histranslation of the Biblebegan the standardization of the language; the 1555Peace of Augsburgtolerated the "Evangelical" faith (Lutheranism), but also decreed that the faith of the prince was to be the faith of his subjects (cuius regio, eius religio).[39]From theCologne Warthrough theThirty Years' Wars(1618–1648), religious conflict devastated German lands and significantly reduced the population.[40][41]

ThePeace of Westphaliaended religious warfare among theImperial Estates;[40]their mostly German-speaking rulers were able to chooseCatholicism,Lutheranism, orCalvinismas their official religion.[42]The legal system initiated by a series ofImperial Reforms(approximately 1495–1555) provided for considerable local autonomy and a strongerImperial Diet.[43]TheHouse of Habsburgheld the imperial crown from 1438 until the death ofCharles VIin 1740. Following theWar of the Austrian Successionand theTreaty of Aix-la-Chapelle,Charles VI's daughterMaria Theresaruled asempress consortwhen her husband,Francis I,became emperor.[44][45]

From 1740,dualismbetween the AustrianHabsburg monarchyand theKingdom of Prussiadominated German history. In 1772, 1793, and 1795, Prussia and Austria, along with theRussian Empire,agreed to thePartitions of Poland.[46][47]During the period of theFrench Revolutionary Wars,theNapoleonic eraand the subsequentfinal meeting of the Imperial Diet,most of theFree Imperial Citieswere annexed by dynastic territories; the ecclesiastical territories were secularised and annexed. In 1806 theImperiumwas dissolved; France, Russia, Prussia, and the Habsburgs (Austria) competed for hegemony in the German states during theNapoleonic Wars.[48]

German Confederation and Empire

TheGerman Confederationin 1815

Following the fall ofNapoleon,theCongress of Viennafounded the German Confederation, a loose league of39 sovereign states.The appointment of theemperor of Austriaas the permanent president reflected the Congress's rejection ofPrussia's rising influence. Disagreement withinrestorationpolitics partly led to the rise ofliberalmovements, followed by new measures of repression by Austrian statesmanKlemens von Metternich.[49][50]TheZollverein,a tariff union, furthered economic unity.[51]In light ofrevolutionary movements in Europe,intellectuals and commoners started therevolutions of 1848 in the German states,raising the German question. KingFrederick William IV of Prussiawas offered the title of emperor, but with a loss of power; he rejected the crown and the proposed constitution, a temporary setback for the movement.[52]

Berlin Palace,the main residence of the House of Hohenzollern

KingWilliam IappointedOtto von Bismarckas theMinister President of Prussiain 1862. Bismarck successfully concluded thewar with Denmark in 1864;the subsequent decisive Prussian victory in theAustro-Prussian Warof 1866 enabled him to create theNorth German Confederationwhich excludedAustria.After the defeat of France in theFranco-Prussian War,the German princes proclaimed the founding of the German Empire in 1871. Prussia was the dominant constituent state of the new empire; the King of Prussia ruled as its Kaiser, and Berlin became its capital.[53][54]

In theGründerzeitperiod following the unification of Germany, Bismarck's foreign policy aschancellor of Germanysecured Germany's position as a great nation by forging alliances and avoiding war.[54]However, underWilhelm II,Germany took animperialisticcourse, leading to friction with neighbouring countries.[55]Adual alliancewas created with themultinational realmofAustria-Hungary;theTriple Alliance of 1882included Italy. Britain, France and Russia also concluded alliances to protect against Habsburg interference with Russian interests in the Balkans or German interference against France.[56]At theBerlin Conferencein 1884, Germany claimed severalcoloniesincludingGerman East Africa,German South West Africa,Togoland,andKamerun.[57]Later, Germany further expanded its colonial empire to include holdings in the Pacific and China.[58]The colonial government in South West Africa (present-dayNamibia), from 1904 to 1907, carried out theannihilation of the local Herero and Namaqua peoplesas punishment for an uprising;[59][60]this was the 20th century's firstgenocide.[60]

The assassinationofAustria's crown princeon 28 June 1914 provided the pretext for Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia and triggerWorld War I.After four years of warfare, in which approximately two million German soldiers were killed,[61]ageneral armisticeended the fighting. In theGerman Revolution(November 1918), Wilhelm II and the ruling princesabdicatedtheir positions, and Germany was declared afederal republic.Germany's new leadership signed theTreaty of Versaillesin 1919, accepting defeat by theAllies.Germans perceived the treaty as humiliating, which was seen by historians as influential in the rise ofAdolf Hitler.[62]Germany lost around 13% of its European territory and ceded all of its colonial possessions in Africa and the Pacific.[63]

Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler,dictator ofNazi Germanyfrom 1933 to 1945
A map ofGerman-occupied Europein 1942 duringWorld War IIwith areas controlled by the German Reich shown in bold black

On 11 August 1919, PresidentFriedrich Ebertsigned the democraticWeimar Constitution.[64]In the subsequent struggle for power,communists seized power in Bavaria,but conservative elements elsewhere attempted to overthrow the Republic in theKapp Putsch.Street fighting in the major industrial centres, theoccupation of the Ruhrby Belgian and French troops, and a period ofhyperinflationfollowed. Adebt restructuring planand the creation of anew currencyin 1924 ushered in theGolden Twenties,an era of artistic innovation and liberal cultural life.[65][66][67]

The worldwideGreat Depressionhit Germany in 1929. ChancellorHeinrich Brüning's government pursued apolicy of fiscal austerityanddeflationwhich caused unemployment of nearly 30% by 1932.[68]TheNazi Partyled byAdolf Hitlerbecame the largest party in the Reichstag aftera special election in 1932and Hindenburg appointed Hitler as chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933.[69]After theReichstag fire,adecreeabrogated basiccivil rightsand the firstNazi concentration campopened.[70][71]On 23 March 1933, theEnabling Actgave Hitler unrestricted legislative power, overriding the constitution,[72]and marked the beginning of Nazi Germany. His government established a centralisedtotalitarian state,withdrew from the League of Nations,and dramatically increased the country'srearmament.[73]A government-sponsored programme for economic renewal focused on public works, the most famous of which was theAutobahn.[74]

In 1935, the regime withdrew from the Treaty of Versailles and introduced theNuremberg Lawswhich targetedJewsand other minorities.[75]Germany also reacquired control of theSaarlandin 1935,[76]remilitarised the Rhinelandin 1936,annexedAustria in 1938,annexedthe Sudetenland in 1938 with theMunich Agreement,and in violation of the agreementoccupied Czechoslovakiain March 1939.[77]Kristallnacht(Night of Broken Glass) saw the burning of synagogues, the destruction of Jewish businesses, and mass arrests of Jewish people.[78]

In August 1939,Hitler's governmentnegotiated theMolotov–Ribbentrop Pactthat divided Eastern Europe into German andSovietspheres of influence.[79]On 1 September 1939, Germanyinvaded Poland,beginningWorld War II in Europe;[80]Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September.[81]In the spring of 1940, Germanyconquered Denmark and Norway,the Netherlands,Belgium,Luxembourg,andFrance,forcing the French government to sign anarmistice.The British repelled German air attacks in theBattle of Britainin the same year. In 1941, German troopsinvaded Yugoslavia,Greeceand theSoviet Union.By 1942, Germany and its allies controlled most ofcontinental EuropeandNorth Africa,but following the Soviet victory at theBattle of Stalingrad,the Alliedreconquest of North Africaandinvasion of Italyin 1943, German forces suffered repeated military defeats. In 1944, the Sovietspushed into Eastern Europe;the Western allieslanded in Franceand entered Germany despite afinal German counteroffensive.FollowingHitler's suicideduring theBattle of Berlin,Germany signed the surrender documenton 8 May 1945,ending World War II in Europe[80][82]and Nazi Germany. Following the end of the war, surviving Nazi officials were tried forwar crimesat theNuremberg trials.[83][84]

In what later became known asthe Holocaust,the German government persecutedminorities,including interning them in concentration anddeath campsacross Europe. The regime systematically murdered 6 million Jews, at least 130,000Romani,275,000disabled,thousands ofJehovah's Witnesses,thousands ofhomosexuals,and hundreds of thousands ofpolitical and religious opponents.[85]Nazi policiesin German-occupied countries resulted in the deaths of an estimated 2.7 millionPoles,[86]1.3 millionUkrainians,1 millionBelarusiansand 3.5 millionSoviet prisoners of war.[87][83]German militarycasualtieshave been estimated at 5.3 million,[88]and around 900,000 German civilians died.[89]Around12 million ethnic Germans were expelledfrom across Eastern Europe, and Germany lost roughlyone-quarterof its pre-war territory.[90]

East and West Germany

TheBerlin Wallduringits fallin 1989 and theBrandenburg Gate(background) was one of the first developments in the end of theCold War,leading ultimately to the dissolution of theSoviet Union.

AfterNazi Germanysurrendered, theAlliesde jureabolishedthe German state and partitionedBerlinand Germany's remaining territory into four occupation zones. The western sectors, controlled by France, theUnited Kingdom,and theUnited States,were merged on 23 May 1949 to form theFederal Republic of Germany(German:Bundesrepublik Deutschland); on 7 October 1949, the Soviet Zone became theGerman Democratic Republic(GDR) (German:Deutsche Demokratische Republik;DDR). They were informally known as West Germany and East Germany.[91]East Germany selectedEast Berlinas its capital, while West Germany choseBonnas a provisional capital, to emphasise its stance that the two-state solution was temporary.[92]

West Germany was established as a federal parliamentary republic with a "social market economy".Starting in 1948 West Germany became a major recipient of reconstruction aid under the AmericanMarshall Plan.[93]Konrad Adenauerwas elected the firstfederal chancellorof Germany in 1949. The country enjoyed prolonged economic growth (Wirtschaftswunder) beginning in the early 1950s.[94]West Germany joinedNATOin 1955 and was a founding member of theEuropean Economic Community.[95]On 1 January 1957, theSaarlandjoined West Germany.[96]

East Germany was anEastern Blocstate under political and military control by theSoviet Unionvia occupation forces and theWarsaw Pact.Although East Germany claimed to be a democracy, political power was exercised solely by leading members (Politbüro) of the communist-controlledSocialist Unity Party of Germany,supported by theStasi,an immense secret service.[97]WhileEast German propagandawas based on the benefits of the GDR's social programmes and the alleged threat of a West German invasion, many of its citizens looked to the West for freedom and prosperity.[98]TheBerlin Wall,built in 1961, prevented East German citizens from escaping to West Germany, becoming a symbol of theCold War.[99]

Tensions between East and West Germany were reduced in the late 1960s by ChancellorWilly Brandt'sOstpolitik.[100]In 1989, Hungary decided to dismantle theIron Curtainandopen its border with Austria,causing the emigration of thousands of East Germans to West Germany via Hungary and Austria. This had devastating effects on the GDR, where regularmass demonstrationsreceived increasing support. In an effort to help retain East Germany as a state, the East German authorities eased border restrictions, but this actually led to an acceleration of theWendereform process culminating in theTwo Plus Four Treatyunder which Germany regained full sovereignty. This permittedGerman reunificationon 3 October 1990, with the accession of thefive re-established statesof the former GDR.[101]The fall of the Wall in 1989 became a symbol of theFall of Communism,thedissolution of the Soviet Union,German reunification andDie Wende( "the turning point" ).[102]

Reunified Germany and the European Union

United Germany was considered the enlarged continuation ofWest Germanyso it retained its memberships in international organisations.[103]Based on theBerlin/Bonn Act(1994),Berlinagain became the capital of Germany, whileBonnobtained the unique status of aBundesstadt(federal city) retaining some federal ministries.[104]The relocation of the government was completed in 1999, and modernisation of the East German economy was scheduled to last until 2019.[105][106]

Since reunification, Germany has taken a more active role in theEuropean Union,signing theMaastricht Treatyin 1992 and theLisbon Treatyin 2007,[107]and co-founding theeurozone.[108]Germany sent a peacekeeping force to secure stability in theBalkansand sentGerman troopstoAfghanistanas part of a NATO effort to providesecurity in that countryafter the ousting of theTaliban.[109][110]

In the2005 elections,Angela Merkelbecame the first female chancellor. In 2009, the German government approved a €50 billion stimulus plan.[111]Among the major German political projects of the early 21st century are the advancement ofEuropean integration,theenergy transition(Energiewende) for asustainable energysupply, thedebt brakefor balanced budgets, measures to increase thefertility rate(pronatalism), and high-tech strategies for the transition of the German economy, summarised asIndustry 4.0.[112]During the2015 European migrant crisis,the country took in over a million refugees and migrants.[113]


A physical map of Germany

Germany is theseventh-largest country in Europe.[4]It bordersDenmarkto the north,PolandandCzechiato the east,AustriaandSwitzerlandto the south, andFrance,Luxembourg,Belgium,and theNetherlandsto the west. Germany is also bordered by the North Sea and, at the north-northeast, by the Baltic Sea. German territory covers 357,600 km2(138,070 sq mi), consisting of 349,250 km2(134,846 sq mi) of land and 8,350 km2(3,224 sq mi) of water.

Elevation ranges from the mountains of the Alps (highest point: theZugspitzeat 2,963 metres or 9,721 feet) in the south to the shores of the North Sea (Nordsee) in the northwest and theBaltic Sea(Ostsee) in the northeast. The forested uplands of central Germany and the lowlands of northern Germany (lowest point: in the municipalityNeuendorf-Sachsenbande,Wilstermarschat 3.54 metres or 11.6 feet below sea level[114]) are traversed by such major rivers as the Rhine,Danubeand Elbe. Significant natural resources include iron ore, coal,potash,timber,lignite,uranium,copper, natural gas, salt, and nickel.[4]


Most of Germany has atemperateclimate, ranging fromoceanicin the north and west tocontinentalin the east and southeast. Winters range from the cold in the Southern Alps to cool and are generally overcast with limited precipitation, while summers can vary from hot and dry to cool and rainy. The northern regions have prevailing westerly winds that bring in moist air from the North Sea, moderating the temperature and increasing precipitation. Conversely, the southeast regions have more extreme temperatures.[115]

From February 2019 – 2020, average monthly temperatures in Germany ranged from a low of 3.3 °C (37.9 °F) in January 2020 to a high of 19.8 °C (67.6 °F) in June 2019.[116]Average monthly precipitation ranged from 30 litres per square metre in February and April 2019 to 125 litres per square metre in February 2020.[117]Average monthly hours of sunshine ranged from 45 in November 2019 to 300 in June 2019.[118]


Berchtesgaden National ParkinBavaria

The territory of Germany can be divided into five terrestrialecoregions:Atlantic mixed forests,Baltic mixed forests,Central European mixed forests,Western European broadleaf forests,andAlps conifer and mixed forests.[119]As of 2016,51% of Germany's land area is devoted to agriculture, while 30% is forested and 14% is covered by settlements or infrastructure.[120]

Plants and animals include those generally common to Central Europe. According to the National Forest Inventory,beeches,oaks,and otherdeciduoustrees constitute just over 40% of the forests; roughly 60% areconifers,particularlyspruceandpine.[121]There are many species offerns,flowers,fungi,andmosses.Wild animals includeroe deer,wild boar,mouflon(a subspecies of wild sheep),fox,badger,hare,and small numbers of theEurasian beaver.[122]The bluecornflowerwas once a Germannational symbol.[123]

The16 national parks in Germanyinclude theJasmund National Park,theVorpommern Lagoon Area National Park,theMüritz National Park,theWadden Sea National Parks,theHarz National Park,theHainich National Park,theBlack Forest National Park,theSaxon Switzerland National Park,theBavarian Forest National Parkand theBerchtesgaden National Park.[124]In addition, there are17 Biosphere Reserves,[125]and105 nature parks.[126]More than400 zoos and animal parksoperate in Germany.[127]TheBerlin Zoo,which opened in 1844, is the oldest in Germany, and claims the most comprehensive collection of species in the world.[128]


Frank-Walter Steinmeier
(representative head of state)
Olaf Scholz
(head of government)

Germany is afederal,parliamentary,representative democraticrepublic. Federallegislative poweris vested in the parliament consisting of theBundestag(Federal Diet) andBundesrat(Federal Council), which together form the legislative body. TheBundestagis elected throughdirect electionsusing themixed-member proportional representationsystem. The members of theBundesratrepresent and are appointed by the governments of the sixteen federated states.[4]The German political system operates under a framework laid out in the 1949 constitution known as theGrundgesetz(Basic Law). Amendments generally require a two-thirds majority of both theBundestagand theBundesrat;the fundamental principles of the constitution, as expressed in the articles guaranteeing human dignity, the separation of powers, the federal structure, and therule of law,are valid in perpetuity.[129]

The president,currentlyFrank-Walter Steinmeier,is thehead of stateand invested primarily with representative responsibilities and powers. He is elected by theBundesversammlung(federal convention), an institution consisting of the members of theBundestagand an equal number of state delegates.[4]The second-highest official in theGerman order of precedenceis theBundestagspräsident(President of the Bundestag), who is elected by theBundestagand responsible for overseeing the daily sessions of the body.[130]The third-highest official and thehead of governmentis the chancellor, who is appointed by theBundespräsidentafter being elected by the party or coalition with the most seats in theBundestag.[4]The chancellor, currentlyOlaf Scholz,is the head of government and exercisesexecutive powerthroughhis Cabinet.[4]

Since 1949, the party system has been dominated by theChristian Democratic Unionand theSocial Democratic Party of Germany.So far every chancellor has been a member of one of these parties. However, the smaller liberalFree Democratic Partyand theAlliance 90/The Greenshave also been junior partners incoalition governments.Since 2007, the democratic socialist partyThe Lefthas been a staple in the GermanBundestag,though they have never been part of the federal government. In the2017 German federal election,the right-wing populistAlternative for Germanygained enough votes to attain representation in the parliament for the first time.[131][132]

Constituent states

Germany is afederationand comprises sixteenconstituent stateswhich are collectively referred to asLänder.[133]Each state (Land) has its own constitution,[134]and is largely autonomous in regard to its internal organisation.[133]As of 2017Germany is divided into 401districts(Kreise) at a municipal level; these consist of 294rural districtsand 107urban districts.[135]

State Capital Area[136] Population
(Census 2022)[7]
Nominal GDP[137] Nominal GDP per capitaEUR (2023)[138]
km2 mi2 Billions EUR (2023) Share of
GDP (%)
Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart 35,751 13,804
Bavaria Munich 70,550 27,240
Berlin Berlin 892 344
Brandenburg Potsdam 29,654 11,449
Bremen Bremen 420 162
Hamburg Hamburg 755 292
Hesse Wiesbaden 21,115 8,153
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Schwerin 23,214 8,963
Lower Saxony Hanover 47,593 18,376
North Rhine-Westphalia Düsseldorf 34,113 13,171
Rhineland-Palatinate Mainz 19,854 7,666
Saarland Saarbrücken 2,569 992
Saxony Dresden 18,416 7,110
Saxony-Anhalt Magdeburg 20,452 7,897
Schleswig-Holstein Kiel 15,802 6,101
Thuringia Erfurt 16,202 6,256
Germany Berlin 357,386 137,988 82,719,540 4,121.16 100 48,750


Germany has acivil law systembased onRoman lawwith some references toGermanic law.[139]TheBundesverfassungsgericht(Federal Constitutional Court) is the German Supreme Court responsible for constitutional matters, with power ofjudicial review.[140]Germany's specialized supreme court system includes theinquisitorialFederal Court of Justicefor civil and criminal cases, along with theFederal Labour Court,Federal Social Court,Federal Fiscal Court,andFederal Administrative Courtfor other matters.[141]

Criminal and private laws are codified on the national level in theStrafgesetzbuchand theBürgerliches Gesetzbuchrespectively. The German penal system seeks the rehabilitation of the criminal and the protection of the public.[142]With the exceptions of petty crimes, tried by a single professional judge, and of serious political crimes, all charges are adjudicated by mixed tribunals wherelay judges(Schöffen) and professional judges preside together.[143][144]

As of 2016, Germany's murder rate stood at a low of 1.18 murders per 100,000.[145]In 2018, the overall crime rate fell to its lowest since 1992.[146]

Same-sex marriagehas been legal in Germany since 2017, andLGBT rightsare generally protected in the nation.[147]

Foreign relations

Germany hosted the2022 G7 summitatSchloss ElmauinBavaria.

Germany has a network of 227 diplomatic missions abroad[148]and maintains relations with more than 190 countries.[149]Germany is a member ofNATO,theOECD,theG7,theG20,theWorld Bankand theIMF.It has played an influential role in the European Union since its inception and has maintained astrong alliance with Franceand all neighbouring countries since 1990. Germany promotes the creation of a more unified European political, economic and security apparatus.[150][151][152]The governments of Germany and the United Statesare close political allies.[153]Cultural ties and economic interests have crafted a bond between the two countries resulting inAtlanticism.

[154]After 1990,Germany and Russiaworked together to establish a "strategic partnership" in whichenergy developmentbecame one of the most important factors. As a result of the cooperation, Germany imported most of its natural gas and crude oil from Russia.[155][156]

Germany's development policy functions as a distinct sector within its foreign policy framework. It is formulated by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and carried out by the implementing organisations. The German government sees development policy as a joint responsibility of the international community.[157]It was the world'ssecond-biggest aid donorin 2019 after the United States.[158]


A GermanTPz Fuchsarmoured personnel carrier

Germany's military, theBundeswehr(Federal Defence), is organised into theHeer(Army and special forcesKSK),Marine(Navy),Luftwaffe(Air Force) andCyber- und Informationsraum(Cyber and Information Domain Service) branches.[159]In absolute terms, German military spending in 2023 was theseventh-highest in the world.[160]However, in response to the 2022Russian invasion of Ukraine,Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced that German military expenditure would be increased past the NATO target of 2%, along with a one-time 2022 infusion of 100 billion euros, representing almost double the 53 billion euro military budget for 2021.[161][162]In 2023, military spending according to NATO criteria amounted to $73.1 billion, or 1.64% of the country's GDP, well below the NATO target of 2%. In 2024, Germany reported $97.7 billion to NATO, exceeding the NATO target of 2% at 2.12% of GDP.[163]

As of May 2024,theBundeswehrhas a strength of 180,215 active soldiers and 80,761 civilians.[164]Reservists are available to the armed forces and participate in defence exercises and deployments abroad.[165]Until 2011,military service was compulsoryfor men at age 18, but this has been officially suspended and replaced with a voluntary service.[166][167]Since 2001 women may serve in all functions of service without restriction.[168]According to theStockholm International Peace Research Institute,Germany was the fifth-largest exporter of major arms in the world from 2019 to 2023.[169]

In peacetime, theBundeswehris commanded by the Minister of Defence. Instate of defence,the Chancellor would become commander-in-chief of theBundeswehr.[170]The role of theBundeswehris described in theConstitution of Germanyas defensive only. But after a ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court in 1994, the term "defence" has been defined not only to include protection of the borders of Germany, but also crisis reaction and conflict prevention, or more broadly as guarding thesecurityof Germany anywhere in the world. As of 2017,the German military has about 3,600 troops stationed in foreign countries as part of international peacekeeping forces, including about 1,200 supporting operations againstDaesh,980 in the NATO-ledResolute Support Missionin Afghanistan, and 800 inKosovo.[171][172]


Frankfurt,a leading business centre in Europe and the seat of theEuropean Central Bank[173]

Germany has asocial market economywith a highly skilledlabour force,a low level ofcorruption,and a high level ofinnovation.[4][174][175]It is the world'sthird-largest exporterandthird-largest importer,[4]and has thelargest economy in Europe,the world'sthird-largest economy by nominal GDP[176]and thefifth-largest by PPP.[177]Its GDP per capita measured in purchasing power standards amounts to 121% of the EU27 average.[178]Thecountry's service sectorcontributes approximately 69% of the total GDP, industry 31%, with Germany having thelargest manufacturing sector in Europe,andagriculture1% as of 2017.[4]The unemployment rate published byEurostatamounts to 3.2% as of January 2020,which is thefourth-lowest in the EU.[179]

Germany is part of theEuropean single marketwhich represents more than 450 million consumers.[180]In 2017, the country accounted for 28% of theeurozoneeconomy according to theInternational Monetary Fund.[181]Germany introduced the common European currency, theeuro,in 2002.[182]Its monetary policy is set by theEuropean Central Bank,which is headquartered inFrankfurt.[183][173]

Theautomotive industry in Germanyis regarded as one of the most competitive and innovative in the world,[184]and is thesixth-largest by productionas of 2021. Germany is home toVolkswagen Group,the world'ssecond-largest automotive manufacturerby vehicle production.[185]

Then-chancellorAngela Merkelat the 2013ElectromobilitySummit in Berlin. All new cars sold in Germany must bezero-emission vehiclesfrom 2035.[186]

The top tenexports of Germanyare vehicles, machinery, chemical goods, electronic products, electrical equipments, pharmaceuticals, transport equipments, basic metals, food products, and rubber and plastics.[187]

Of the world's 500 largest stock-market-listed companies measured by revenue in 2023, theFortune Global 500,32 are headquartered in Germany.[188]30 major Germany-based companies are included in theDAX,the German stock market index which is operated byFrankfurt Stock Exchange.[189]Well-known international brands includeMercedes-Benz,BMW,Volkswagen,Audi,Porsche,Opel,Siemens,Allianz,Adidas,Puma,Hugo Boss,SAP SE,BoschandDeutsche Telekom.[190]Berlinis ahubforstartup companiesand has become the leading location for venture capital funded firms in the European Union.[191]Germany is recognised for its large portion of specialisedsmall and medium enterprises,known as theMittelstandmodel.[192]These companies represent 48% of the global market leaders in their segments, labelledhidden champions.[193]

Research and developmentefforts form an integral part of the German economy,[194]with the countryranking fourthin research and development expenditure since 2005.[195]In 2018, Germanyranked fourthglobally in terms of number of science and engineering research papers published[196]and third in the quality-adjustedNature Indexin 2023.[197]Research institutions in Germany include theMax Planck Society,theHelmholtz Association,and theFraunhofer Societyand theLeibniz Association.[198]Germany is the largest contributor to theEuropean Space Agency.[199]

Germany ranked ninth in the 2024Global Innovation Index.[200]


AnICE 3train on theCologne–Frankfurt high-speed rail line,with operating speed up to 300 km/h (190 mph)

With its central position in Europe, Germany is a transport hub for the continent.[201]Its road network is among the densest in Europe.[202]The motorway (Autobahn) is widely known for having no general federally mandatedspeed limitfor some classes of vehicles.[203]TheIntercity ExpressorICEtrain network serves major German cities as well as destinations in neighbouring countries with speeds up to 300 km/h (190 mph).[204]The largest German airports areFrankfurt Airport,Munich AirportandBerlin Brandenburg Airport.[205]ThePort of Hamburgis thethird-busiest port in Europeand one of the twentylargest container ports in the world.[206]

Windmills behindLisbergCastle

In 2019,Germany was the world's seventh-largest consumer of energy.[207]Allnuclear power plantswere phased out in 2023.[208]Germany meets its power demands using 40%renewable sources,and has been called an "early leader" insolarandoffshore wind.[209][210]The country is committed to theParis Agreementand several other treaties promoting biodiversity, low emission standards, andwater management.[211][212][213]Germany's household recycling rate is among thehighest in the world—at around 65%.[214]The country'sgreenhouse gas emissions per capitawere the ninth-highest in the EU in 2018,but these numbers have been trending downward.[215][216]TheGerman energy transition(Energiewende) is the recognised move to a sustainable economy by means of energy efficiency and renewable energy, with the country being called "the world's first majorrenewable energyeconomy ".[217][218][210]Germany has reduced itsprimary energy consumptionby 11% between 1990 and 2015[219]and set itself goals of reducing it by 30% by 2030 and by 50% by 2050.[220]


Neuschwanstein CastleinBavaria

Domestic and international travel and tourism combined directly contribute over €105.3 billion to German GDP. Including indirect and induced impacts, the industry supports 4.2 million jobs.[221]As of 2022, Germany is theeighth-most-visited country.[222]Its most popular landmarks includeCologne Cathedral,theBrandenburg Gate,theReichstag,theDresden Frauenkirche,Neuschwanstein Castle,Heidelberg Castle,theWartburg,andSanssouci Palace.[223]TheEuropa-ParknearFreiburgis Europe's second-most popular theme park resort.[224]


With a population of 84.7 million according to the 2023 German census,[225]Germany is the most populous country in theEuropean Union,thesecond-most populous country in EuropeafterRussia,[4][g]and thenineteenth-most populous country in the world.Itspopulation densitystands at 227 inhabitants per square kilometre (590 inhabitants/sq mi). Thefertility rateof 1.57 children born per woman (2022 estimates) is below the replacement rate of 2.1 and is one of thelowest fertility rates in the world.[4]Since the 1970s, Germany'sdeath ratehas exceeded itsbirth rate.However, Germany is witnessing increased birth rates and migration rates since the beginning of the 2010s. Germany has thethird oldest population in the world,with an average age of 47.4 years.[4]

A bilingual street sign in bothGermanandLower SorbianinCottbus(Chóśebuz) inBrandenburg

Four sizeable groups of people are referred to as national minorities because their ancestors have lived in their respective regions for centuries:[226]There is aDanishminority in the northernmost state ofSchleswig-Holstein;[226]theSorbs,aSlavic population,are in theLusatiaregion ofSaxonyandBrandenburg;theRomaandSintilive throughout the country; and theFrisiansare concentrated in Schleswig-Holstein's western coast and in the north-western part ofLower Saxony.[226]

After the United States, Germany is the second-most popularimmigration destinationin the world.[227]In 2015, following the2015 refugee crisis,the Population Division of theUnited Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairslisted Germany as host to thesecond-highest number of international migrants worldwide,about 5% or 12 million of all 244 million migrants.[228]Refugee crises have resulted in substantial population increases.[229]For example, the major influx of Ukrainian immigrants following the2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine,meaning over 1.06 million refugees from Ukraine were recorded in Germany as of April 2023.[230]As of 2019,Germany ranks seventh among EU countries in terms of the percentage of migrants in the country's population, at 13.1%.[231]In 2022, there were 23.8 million people, 28.7 percent of the total population, who had a migration background.[232]

Germany has a number of largecities.There are 11 officially recognisedmetropolitan regions.The country's largest city isBerlin,while its largest urban area is theRuhr.[233]

Largest cities or towns in Germany
Rank Name State Pop. Rank Name State Pop.
1 Berlin Berlin 3,596,999 11 Essen North Rhine-Westphalia 571,039 Munich
2 Hamburg Hamburg 1,808,846 12 Dresden Saxony 557,782
3 Munich Bavaria 1,478,638 13 Nuremberg Bavaria 522,554
4 Cologne North Rhine-Westphalia 1,017,355 14 Hanover Lower Saxony 513,291
5 Frankfurt Hesse 743,268 15 Duisburg North Rhine-Westphalia 501,415
6 Düsseldorf North Rhine-Westphalia 611,258 16 Wuppertal North Rhine-Westphalia 356,768
7 Stuttgart Baden-Württemberg 610,458 17 Bochum North Rhine-Westphalia 354,288
8 Leipzig Saxony 598,899 18 Bielefeld North Rhine-Westphalia 330,072
9 Dortmund North Rhine-Westphalia 598,246 19 Bonn North Rhine-Westphalia 321,544
10 Bremen Bremen 575,071 20 Mannheim Baden-Württemberg 313,693


Cologne Cathedral,aUNESCO World Heritage Site

According to the 2022 census,Christianityis the largest religion at 49.7% of the population; 23.1% identified as Protestant and 25.1% as Catholic.[235]

Islamis the second-largest religion in the country.[236]In the 2011 census, 1.9% of respondents (1.52 million people) gave their religion as Islam, but this figure is deemed unreliable because a disproportionate number of adherents of this faith (and other religions, such as Judaism) are likely to have made use of their right not to answer the question.[237]According to a representative survey, it is estimated that in 2019, there were 5.3–5.6 million Muslims with a migrant background[h]in Germany (6.4–6.7% of the population), in addition to an unknown number of Muslims without a migrant background.[238]Most of the Muslims areSunnisandAlevisfrom Turkey, but there are a small number ofShi'ites,Ahmadiyyasand other denominations. Other religions each comprise less than one percent of Germany's population.[236]

In 2011, formal members of theJewish communityrepresented no more than 0.2% of the total German population, and 60% of them resided inBerlin.[239]An estimated 80 to 90 percent of these Jews in Germany are Russian-speaking immigrants from theformer Soviet Union,who came to Germany from the 1980s onwards.[240][241]

A study in 2023 estimated that 46.2% of the population are not members of any religious organization ordenomination.[242]Irreligion in Germanyis strongest in the formerEast Germany,which used to be predominantly Protestant before the enforcement ofstate atheism,and in major metropolitan areas.[243][244]


German is the official and predominantly spoken language in Germany.[245]It is one of 24 official and working languages of the European Union, and one of the threeprocedural languagesof theEuropean Commission,alongside English and French.[246]German is the most widely spoken first language in the European Union, with around 100 million native speakers.[247]

Recognised native minority languages in Germany areDanish,Low German,Low Rhenish,Sorbian,Romani,North FrisianandSaterland Frisian;they are officially protected by theEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.The most used immigrant languages areTurkish,Arabic,Kurdish,Polish,Italian,Greek,Spanish,Serbo-Croatian,Bulgarianand otherBalkan languages,as well asRussian.Germans are typically multilingual: 67% of German citizens claim to be able to communicate in at least one foreign language and 27% in at least two.[245]


Heidelberg University,Germany's oldest institution of higher learning and generally considered one of its most renowned

Responsibility for educational supervision in Germany is primarily organised within the individualstates.Optionalkindergarteneducation is provided for all children between three and six years old, after whichschool attendance is compulsoryfor at least nine years depending on the state. Primary education usually lasts for four to six years.[248]Secondary schooling is divided into tracks based on whether students pursueacademicorvocational education.[249]A system of apprenticeship calledDuale Ausbildungleads to a skilled qualification which is almost comparable to an academic degree. It allows students invocational trainingto learn in a company as well as in a state-run trade school.[248]This model is well regarded and reproduced all around the world.[250]

Most of theGerman universitiesare public institutions, and students traditionally study without fee payment.[251]The general requirement for attending university is theAbitur.According to an OECD report in 2014, Germany is the world's third leading destination for international study.[252]The established universities in Germany include some of theoldest in the world,withHeidelberg University(established in 1386),Leipzig University(established in 1409) and theUniversity of Rostock(established in 1419) being the oldest.[253]TheHumboldt University of Berlin,founded in 1810 by the liberal educational reformerWilhelm von Humboldt,became the academicmodel for many Western universities.[254][255]In the contemporary era Germany has developed elevenUniversities of Excellence.


The Hospital of the Holy Spirit inLübeck,established in 1286, is a precursor to modernhospitals.[256]

Germany's system of hospitals, calledKrankenhäuser,dates from medieval times, and today, Germany has the world's oldestuniversal health caresystem, dating fromBismarck's social legislationof the 1880s.[257]Since the 1880s, reforms and provisions have ensured a balanced health care system. The population is covered by a health insurance plan provided by statute, with criteria allowing some groups to opt for a private health insurance contract. According to theWorld Health Organization(WHO), Germany'shealth care systemwas 77% government-funded and 23% privately funded as of 2013.[258]In 2014, Germany spent 11.3% of its GDP on health care.[259]

Germany ranked 21st in the world in 2019 in life expectancy with78.7 years for men and 84.8 years for womenaccording to the WHO, and it had a very lowinfant mortality rate(4 per 1,000live births). In 2019,the principal cause of death was cardiovascular disease, at 37%.[260]Obesity in Germanyhas been increasingly cited as a major health issue. A 2014 study showed that 52 percent of the adult German population was overweight or obese.[261]


A GermanChristmas marketinDresden

Culture in German states has been shaped by major intellectual and popular currents in Europe, both religious andsecular,andits scientists,writersandphilosophershave played a significant role in the development of Western thought.[262]Global opinion polls from theBBCrevealed that Germany is recognised for having the most positive influence in the world in 2013 and 2014.[263][264]

Germany is well known for such folk festival traditions as theOktoberfestandChristmas customs,which includeAdvent wreaths,Christmas pageants,Christmas trees,Stollencakes, and other practices.[265][266]As of 2023UNESCOinscribed54 properties in Germany on the World Heritage List.[267]There are a number ofpublic holidays in Germanydetermined by each state; 3 October has been anational dayof Germany since 1990, celebrated as theTag der Deutschen Einheit(German Unity Day).[268]


Ludwig van Beethoven,one of the most famed composers ofclassical music,was born inBonnin 1770.

Germanclassical musicincludes works by some of the world's most well-known composers.Dieterich Buxtehude,Johann Sebastian BachandGeorg Friedrich Händelwere influential composers of theBaroque period.Ludwig van Beethovenwas a crucial figure in the transition between the Classical andRomanticeras.Carl Maria von Weber,Felix Mendelssohn,Robert SchumannandJohannes Brahmswere significant Romantic composers.Richard Wagnerwas known for his operas.Richard Strausswas a leading composer of the late Romantic and earlymoderneras.Karlheinz StockhausenandWolfgang Rihmare important composers of the 20th and early 21st centuries.[269]

As of 2013, Germany was the second-largest music market in Europe, andfourth-largest in the world.[270]German popular music of the 20th and 21st centuries includes the movements ofNeue Deutsche Welle,pop,Ostrock,heavy metal/rock,punk,pop rock,indie,Volksmusik(folk music),schlager popandGerman hip hop.Germanelectronic musicgained global influence, withKraftwerkandTangerine Dreampioneering in this genre.[271]DJs and artists of thetechnoandhouse musicscenes of Germany have become well known (e.g.Paul van Dyk,Felix Jaehn,Paul Kalkbrenner,Robin SchulzandScooter).[272]

Art, design and architecture

Franz Marc,Roe Deer in the Forest(1914)

German painters have influencedWestern art.Albrecht Dürer,Hans Holbein the Younger,Matthias GrünewaldandLucas Cranach the Elderwere important German artists of theRenaissance,Johann Baptist Zimmermannof theBaroque,Caspar David FriedrichandCarl SpitzwegofRomanticism,Max LiebermannofImpressionismandMax ErnstofSurrealism.Several German art groups formed in the 20th century;Die Brücke(The Bridge) andDer Blaue Reiter(The Blue Rider) influenced the development ofexpressionismin Munich and Berlin. TheNew Objectivityarose in response to expressionism during the Weimar Republic. After World War II, broad trends in German art includeneo-expressionismand theNew Leipzig School.[273]

German designers became early leaders of modernproduct design.[274]TheBerlin Fashion Weekand the fashion trade fairBread & Butterare held twice a year.[275]

Architectural contributions from Germany include theCarolingianandOttonian styles,which were precursors ofRomanesque.Brick Gothicis a distinctive medieval style that evolved in Germany. Also inRenaissanceandBaroqueart, regional and typically German elements evolved (e.g.Weser Renaissance).[273]Vernacular architecturein Germany is often identified by itstimber framing(Fachwerk) traditions and varies across regions, and among carpentry styles.[276]When industrialisation spread across Europe,classicismand a distinctive style ofhistoricismdeveloped in Germany, sometimes referred to asGründerzeitstyle.Expressionist architecturedeveloped in the 1910s in Germany and influencedArt Decoand other modern styles. Germany was particularly important in the earlymodernist movement:it is the home ofWerkbundinitiated byHermann Muthesius(New Objectivity), and of theBauhausmovement founded byWalter Gropius.[273]Ludwig Mies van der Rohebecame one of the world's most renowned architects in the second half of the 20th century; he conceived of the glass façadeskyscraper.[277]Renowned contemporaryarchitectsand offices includePritzker PrizewinnersGottfried BöhmandFrei Otto.[278]

Literature and philosophy

Brothers Grimm,who collected and published popular Germanfolk tales

German literature can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the works of writers such asWalther von der VogelweideandWolfram von Eschenbach.Well-known German authors includeJohann Wolfgang von Goethe,Friedrich Schiller,Gotthold Ephraim LessingandTheodor Fontane.The collections of folk tales published by theBrothers GrimmpopularisedGerman folkloreon an international level.[279]The Grimms also gathered and codified regional variants of the German language, grounding their work in historical principles; theirDeutsches Wörterbuch,or German Dictionary, sometimes called the Grimm dictionary, was begun in 1838 and the first volumes published in 1854.[280]

Influential authors of the 20th century includeGerhart Hauptmann,Thomas Mann,Hermann Hesse,Heinrich Böll,andGünter Grass.[281]The German book market is the third-largest in the world, after the United States and China.[282]TheFrankfurt Book Fairis the most important in the world for international deals and trading, with a tradition spanning over 500 years.[283]TheLeipzig Book Fairalso retains a major position in Europe.[284]

German philosophy is historically significant:Gottfried Leibniz's contributions torationalism;theenlightenmentphilosophy byImmanuel Kant;the establishment of classicalGerman idealismbyJohann Gottlieb Fichte,Georg Wilhelm Friedrich HegelandFriedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling;Arthur Schopenhauer's composition of metaphysical pessimism; the formulation ofcommunist theorybyKarl MarxandFriedrich Engels;Friedrich Nietzsche's development ofperspectivism;Gottlob Frege's contributions to the dawn ofanalytic philosophy;Martin Heidegger's works on Being;Oswald Spengler's historical philosophy; and the development of theFrankfurt Schoolhave all been very influential.[285]


Babelsberg StudioinPotsdam

The largest internationally operatingmediacompanies in Germany are theBertelsmannenterprise,Axel Springer SEandProSiebenSat.1 Media.Germany's television marketis the largest in Europe, with some 38 million TV households.[286]Around 90% of German households have cable or satellite TV, with a variety offree-to-view publicandcommercialchannels.[287]There are more than 300 public and privateradio stations in Germany;Germany's national radio network is theDeutschlandradioand the publicDeutsche Welleis the main German radio and television broadcaster in foreign languages.[287]Germany's print market ofnewspapersandmagazinesis the largest in Europe.[287]The papers with the highest circulation areBild,Süddeutsche Zeitung,Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungandDie Welt.[287]The largest magazines includeADAC MotorweltandDer Spiegel.[287]Germany hasa large video gaming market,with over 34 million players nationwide.[288]TheGamescomis the world's largestgaming convention.[289]

German cinema has made major technical and artistic contributions to film. The first works of theSkladanowsky Brotherswere shown to an audience in 1895. The renownedBabelsberg StudioinPotsdamwas established in 1912, thus being the first large-scale film studio in the world. Early German cinema was particularly influential withGerman expressionistssuch asRobert WieneandFriedrich Wilhelm Murnau.DirectorFritz Lang'sMetropolis(1927) is referred to as the first major science-fiction film. After 1945, many of the films of the immediate post-war period can be characterised asTrümmerfilm(rubble film). East German film was dominated by state-owned film studioDEFA,while the dominant genre in West Germany was theHeimatfilm( "homeland film" ).[290]During the 1970s and 1980s,New German Cinemadirectors such asVolker Schlöndorff,Werner Herzog,Wim Wenders,andRainer Werner Fassbinderbrought West German auteur cinema to critical acclaim.

TheAcademy Award for Best Foreign Language Film( "Oscar" ) went to the German productionThe Tin Drum(Die Blechtrommel) in 1979, toNowhere in Africa(Nirgendwo in Afrika) in 2002, and toThe Lives of Others(Das Leben der Anderen) in 2007.Various Germanswon an Oscar for their performances in other films. The annualEuropean Film Awardsceremony is held every other year in Berlin, home of theEuropean Film Academy.TheBerlin International Film Festival,known as "Berlinale", awarding the "Golden Bear"and held annually since 1951, is one of the world's leadingfilm festivals.The "Lolas" are annually awarded in Berlin, at theGerman Film Awards.[291]


BavarianBratwurstwith mustard, apretzel,andGerman beer

German cuisine varies from region to region and often neighbouring regions share some culinary similarities, including with the southern regions ofBavariaandSwabia,Switzerland,andAustria.International varieties such aspizza,sushi,Chinese food,Greek food,Indian cuisine,anddoner kebabare popular.

Breadis a significant part of German cuisine and German bakeries produce about 600 main types of bread and 1,200 types of pastries androlls(Brötchen).[292]Germancheesesaccount for about 22% of all cheese produced in Europe.[293]In 2012 over 99% of all meat produced in Germany was either pork, chicken or beef. Germans produce their ubiquitous sausages in almost 1,500 varieties, includingBratwurstsandWeisswursts.[294]

The national alcoholic drink isbeer.[295]German beer consumption per person stands at 110 litres (24 imp gal; 29 US gal) in 2013 and remains among thehighest in the world.[296]German beer purity regulationsdate back to the 16th century.[297]Winehas become popular in many parts of the country, especially close toGerman wine regions.[298]In 2019, Germany was theninth-largest wine producer in the world.[299]

The 2018Michelin Guideawarded eleven restaurants in Germanythree stars,giving the country a cumulative total of 300 stars.[300]


TheGerman national football teamafter winning theFIFA World Cupfor the fourth time in 2014

Footballis the most popular sport in Germany. With more than 7 million official members, theGerman Football Association(Deutscher Fußball-Bund) is the largest single-sport organisation worldwide,[301]and the German top league, theBundesliga,attracts the second-highestaverage attendanceof all professional sports leagues in the world.[302]TheGerman men's national football teamwon theFIFA World Cupin 1954, 1974, 1990, and 2014,[303]theUEFA European Championshipin 1972, 1980 and 1996,[304]and theFIFA Confederations Cupin 2017.[305]

Germany is one of the leadingmotor sportscountries in the world. Constructors likeBMWandMercedesare prominent manufacturers in motor sport.Porschehas won the24 Hours of Le Mansrace 19 times, andAudi13 times (as of April 2024).[306]The driverMichael Schumacherhas set many motor sport records during his career, having won sevenFormula One World Drivers' Championships.[307]Sebastian Vettelis also among the most successfulFormula Onedrivers of all time.[308]

German athleteshistorically have been successful contenders in theOlympic Games,ranking third in anall-time Olympic Games medal countwhen combiningEastandWest Germanmedals prior toGerman reunification.[309]In 1936 Berlin hosted theSummer Gamesand theWinter GamesinGarmisch-Partenkirchen.Munichhosted the Summer Games of1972.[310][311]

See also


  1. ^From 1952 to 1990, the entire "Das Lied der Deutschen" was the national anthem, but only the third verse was sung on official occasions. Since 1991, the third verse alone has been the national anthem.[1]
  2. ^Berlin is the sole constitutional capital andde jureseat of government, but the former provisional capital of the Federal Republic of Germany,Bonn,has the special title of "federal city" (Bundesstadt) and is the primary seat of six ministries.[2]
  3. ^Danish,Low German,Sorbian,Romani,andFrisianare recognised by theEuropean Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.[3]
  4. ^The Bundesrat is sometimes referred to as an upper chamber of the German legislature. This is technically incorrect, since theGerman Constitutiondefines the Bundestag and Bundesrat as two separate legislative institutions. Hence, the federal legislature of Germany consists of two unicameral legislative institutions, not one bicameral parliament.
  5. ^Deutschland(German),German:[ˈdɔʏtʃlant]
  6. ^Bundesrepublik Deutschland(German),German:[ˈbʊndəsʁepuˌbliːkˈdɔʏtʃlant][11]
  7. ^ExcludingTurkey
  8. ^A migrant background was defined as having been born or having at least one parent born in a country from a prespecified list of countries with a significant Muslim population, or as having citizenship or having at least one parent with citizenship of one of these countries[238]


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  2. ^"The German Federal Government".deutschland.de.23 January 2018.Archivedfrom the original on 30 April 2020.
  3. ^Gesley, Jenny (26 September 2018)."The Protection of Minority and Regional Languages in Germany".Library of Congress.Archivedfrom the original on 25 May 2020.
  4. ^abcdefghijklm"Germany".World Factbook.CIA.Archivedfrom the original on 9 January 2021.Retrieved29 March2020.
  5. ^"Surface water and surface water change".Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.Archivedfrom the original on 24 March 2021.Retrieved11 October2020.
  6. ^"Germany".european-union.europa.eu.Retrieved22 July2024.
  7. ^ab"Ergebnisse des Zensus 2022 – Bevölkerung (15.05.2022)".destatis.de(in German).Destatis.25 June 2024.Retrieved25 June2024.
  8. ^abcd"World Economic Outlook Database, April 2024 Edition. (Germany)".imf.org.International Monetary Fund.16 April 2024.Archivedfrom the original on 29 April 2024.Retrieved16 April2024.
  9. ^"Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income".Eurostat.Archivedfrom the original on 9 October 2020.Retrieved17 September2024.
  10. ^"Human Development Report 2023/24"(PDF).United Nations Development Programme.13 March 2024.Archived(PDF)from the original on 13 March 2024.
  11. ^Mangold, Max, ed. (2005).Duden, Aussprachewörterbuch(in German) (6th ed.). Dudenverlag. pp. 271, 53f.ISBN978-3-411-04066-7.
  12. ^Schulze, Hagen(1998).Germany: A New History.Harvard University Press. p.4.ISBN978-0-674-80688-7.
  13. ^Lloyd, Albert L.; Lühr, Rosemarie; Springer, Otto (1998).Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen, Band II(in German). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 699–704.ISBN978-3-525-20768-0.Archivedfrom the original on 11 September 2015.(fordiutisc).Lloyd, Albert L.; Lühr, Rosemarie; Springer, Otto (1998).Etymologisches Wörterbuch des Althochdeutschen, Band II(in German). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. pp. 685–686.ISBN978-3-525-20768-0.Archivedfrom the original on 16 September 2015.(fordiot).
  14. ^McRae, Mike (6 November 2019)."We Just Found an 11-Million-Year-Old Ancestor That Hints How Humans Began to Walk".ScienceAlert.Archivedfrom the original on 7 May 2022.
  15. ^Wagner, G. A; Krbetschek, M; Degering, D; Bahain, J.-J; Shao, Q; Falgueres, C; Voinchet, P; Dolo, J.-M; Garcia, T; Rightmire, G. P (27 August 2010)."Radiometric dating of the type-site for Homo heidelbergensis at Mauer, Germany".PNAS.107(46): 19726–19730.Bibcode:2010PNAS..10719726W.doi:10.1073/pnas.1012722107.PMC2993404.PMID21041630.
  16. ^Hendry, Lisa (5 May 2018)."Who were the Neanderthals?".Natural History Museum.Archivedfrom the original on 30 March 2020.
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