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Dharma-dharmatā-vibhāga(Chinese:Biện pháp pháp tính luận;pinyin:Biàn fǎ fǎ xìng lùn;DistinguishingDharmasandDharmata) is a shortYogācārawork, attributed toMaitreya-nātha,which discusses the distinction and correlation (vibhāga) betweenphenomena(dharma) andreality(dharmatā); the work exists in both a prose and a verse version and survives only inTibetantranslation. However, theSanskritoriginal was reported to exist inTibetduring the 1930s by theIndianBuddhologist and explorer,Rahul Sankrityayan.

In English translation


The Dharmadharmata-vibhaga was translated into English by Jim Scott in 2004[1]


  1. ^Maitreya's Distinguishing Phenomena and Pure Being: Commentary by Mipham.by Jim Scott with Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. Snow Lion Publications. Ithaca: 2004.ISBN1-55939-215-0