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Quebec Diploma of College Studies

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ACollege Diplomain Quebec for pre-university studies and technical studies (officially titled:Diploma of College Studies,often abbreviatedDCS,French:Diplôme d'études collégialesorDEC) is adegreeissued by theMinistry of Education and Higher Educationafter a student has successfully completed an approvedcollegeeducation program. TheQuebec education systemis slightly different from the rest of North America. One aspect of its distinctness is that it is the only system that requires a college diploma before entering university.

The college diploma was established at the same time as the current college system. There are two types of college diplomas: a two-year pre-university diploma or a three-year vocational training diploma.[1]A Diploma of College Studies is auniversityprerequisite for Quebec high school graduates, unless applying as a mature student.

A pre-university Diploma of College Studies is roughly equivalent in the rest of North America to a combination of grade twelve and the first year of anAssociate's degree,while a three-year vocational is often equivalent to an Associate's.[2]

The professional diploma equivalent to the DEC is theDiploma of Vocational Studies(DEP; diplôme d’études professionnelles), whereas the DEC is for non-trade studies.[3]AnAttestation of College Studies(AEC; Attestation d'études collégiales), is awarded following a short-term training program that does not include general education courses.[4][5]

See also



  1. ^"Ce que vous devez savoir".Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC).Service régional d'admission du Montréal métropolitain.Retrieved26 July2012.
  2. ^"Equivalencies with US system"(PDF).Retrieved24 July2012.
  3. ^"Programmes d'études professionnelles | Ministère de l'Éducation et Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur".education.gouv.qc.ca(in French).Retrieved2022-02-27.
  4. ^"Étudier au cégep".quebec.ca(in French).Retrieved2022-02-27.
  5. ^"Attestation of College Studies (AEC): a post-secondary diploma in one year: Article".arrondissement.Retrieved2022-02-27.