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Distributismis aneconomic theoryasserting that the world's productive assets should be widely owned rather than concentrated.[1]Developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, distributism was based uponCatholic social teachingprinciples, especially those ofPope Leo XIIIin hisencyclicalRerum novarum(1891) andPope Pius XIinQuadragesimo anno(1931).[2][3][4]It has influenced Anglo Christian Democratic movements,[5][6]and has been recognized as one of many influences on thesocial market economy.[7][8]

Distributism viewslaissez-fairecapitalismandstate socialismas equally flawed and exploitative, due to their extreme concentration of ownership. Instead, it favours small independent craftsmen and producers; or, if that is not possible, economic mechanisms such ascooperativesand member-ownedmutual organisations,as well assmall to medium enterprisesand vigorousanti-trust lawsto restrain or eliminate overweening economic power.Christian democraticpolitical parties such as theAmerican Solidarity Partyhave advocated distributism alongsidesocial market economyin their economic policies and party platform.[5]



According to distributists, theright to propertyis a fundamental right,[9]and themeans of productionshould be spread as widely as possible rather than being centralised under the control of the state (statocracy), a few individuals (plutocracy), or corporations (corporatocracy). Therefore, distributism advocates a society marked by widespread property ownership.[1]Cooperative economistRace Mathewsargues that such a system is key to creating a justsocial order.[10]

Distributism has often been described in opposition to bothlaissez-fairecapitalismandstate socialism[11][12]which distributists see as equally flawed and exploitative.[13]Furthermore, some distributists argue that state capitalism and state socialism are the logical conclusion ofcapitalismas capitalism's concentrated powers eventually capture the state.[14][15]Thomas Storck argues: "Both socialism and capitalism are products of theEuropean Enlightenmentand are thus modernising and anti-traditional forces. In contrast, distributism seeks to subordinate economic activity to human life as a whole, to our spiritual life, our intellectual life, our family life. "[16]A few distributists, includingDorothy Day,[17]were influenced by the economic ideas ofPierre-Joseph Proudhonand hismutualisteconomic theory.[18]The lesser-knownanarchistbranch of distributism of Day and theCatholic Worker Movementcan be considered a form of free-marketlibertarian socialismdue to their opposition to state capitalism and state socialism.[19]

Some have seen it more as an aspiration, successfully realised in the short term by the commitment to the principles ofsubsidiarityandsolidarity(built into financially independent localcooperativesand smallfamily businesses). However, proponents also cite such periods as theMiddle Agesas examples of the long-term historical viability of distributism.[20]Particularly influential in the development of distributist theory wereCatholicauthorsG. K. ChestertonandHilaire Belloc,[13]two of distributism's earliest and strongest proponents.[21][22][23]



The mid-to-late 19th century witnessed an increase in the popularity ofpolitical CatholicismacrossEurope.[24]According to historian Michael A. Riff, a common feature of these movements was opposition tosecularism,capitalism, and socialism.[22]In 1891Pope Leo XIIIpromulgatedRerum novarum,in which he addressed the "misery and wretchedness pressing so unjustly on the majority of the working class" and spoke of how "a small number of very rich men" had been able to "lay upon the teeming masses of the laboring poor a yoke little better than that of slavery itself".[25]Affirmed in the encyclical was the right of all men to own property,[26]the necessity of a system that allowed "as many as possible of the people to become owners",[27]the duty of employers to provide safeworking conditions[28]and sufficient wages,[29]and the right of workers tounionise.[30]Commonandgovernmentproperty ownership was expressly dismissed as a means of helping the poor.[31][32]

Around the start of the 20th century,G. K. ChestertonandHilaire Bellocdrew together the disparate experiences of the various cooperatives andfriendly societiesin Northern England, Ireland, and Northern Europe into a coherent political theory which specifically advocated widespread private ownership of housing and control of industry through owner-operated small businesses and worker-controlled cooperatives. In the United States in the 1930s, distributism was treated in numerous essays by Chesterton, Belloc and others inThe American Review,published and edited bySeward Collins.Pivotal among Belloc's and Chesterton's other works regarding distributism areThe Servile State[33]andOutline of Sanity.[34]

Economic theory


Private property

Self-portrait of Chesterton based on the distributist slogan "Three acres and a cow"

InRerum novarum,Leo XIII states that people are likely to work harder and with greater commitment if they possess the land on which they labour, which in turn will benefit them and their families as workers will be able to provide for themselves and their household. He puts forward the idea that when men have the opportunity to possess property and work on it, they will "learn to love the very soil which yields in response to the labor of their hands, not only food to eat, but an abundance of the good things for themselves and those that are dear to them".[35]He also states that owning property is beneficial for a person and his family and is, in fact, a right due to God having "given the earth for the use and enjoyment of the whole human race".[36]

G. K. Chestertonpresents similar views in his 1910 book,What's Wrong with the World.Chesterton believes that whilst God has limitless capabilities, man has limited abilities in terms of creation. Therefore, man is entitled to own property and treat it as he sees fit, stating: "Property is merely the art of the democracy. It means that every man should have something that he can shape in his own image, as he is shaped in the image of heaven. But because he is not God, but only a graven image of God, his self-expression must deal with limits; properly with limits that are strict and even small."[37]

According to Belloc, the distributive state (the state which has implemented distributism) contains "an agglomeration of families of varying wealth, but by far the greater number of owners of the means of production". This broader distribution does not extend to all property but only to productive property; that is, that property which produces wealth, namely, the things needed for man to survive. It includes land, tools, and so on.[38]Distributism allows society to have public goods such as parks and transit systems. Distributists accept that wage labour will remain a small part of the economy, with small business owners hiring employees, usually young, inexperienced people.[39][40]

Redistribution of wealth and productive assets


Distributism requires either direct or indirect distribution of themeans of production(productive assets)⁠—in some ideological circles including theredistribution of wealth—to a wide portion of society instead of concentrating it in the hands of a minority of wealthy elites (as seen in its criticism of certain varieties ofcapitalism) or the hands of the state (as seen in its criticism of certain varieties ofcommunismandsocialism).[1][9]More capitalist-oriented supporters support distributism-influencedsocial capitalism (also known as a social market economy),[41][42][43]while more socialist-oriented supporters support distributism-influencedlibertarian socialism.[44]Examples of methods of distributism include direct productive property redistribution, taxation of excessive property ownership, and small-business subsidization.[45]

Guild system


Distributists advocate in favour of the return of a guild system to help regulate industries to promote moral standards of professional conduct and economic equality among members of a guild. Such moral standards of professional conduct would typically focus on business conduct, working conditions and other issues in relation to industry specific matters such as workplace training standards.[46]



Distributism favours cooperative and mutual banking institutions such as credit unions, building societies and mutual banks. This is considered to be the preferred alternative toprivate banks.[47]

Social theory


Human family


G. K. Chestertonconsidered one's home and family the centrepiece of society. He recognized the family unit and home as centrepieces of living and believed that every man should have his property and home to enable him to raise and support his family. Distributists recognize that strengthening and protecting the family requires that society be nurturing.[48]



Distributism puts great emphasis on the principle of subsidiarity. This principle holds that no larger unit (whether social, economic, or political) should perform a function that a smaller unit can perform. InQuadragesimo anno,Pope Pius XIprovided the classical statement of the principle: "Just as it is gravely wrong to take from individuals what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it to the community, so also it is an injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and higher association what lesser and subordinate organizations can do".[49]

Social security


TheDemocratic Labour Party of Australiaespouses distributism and does not hold the view of favouring the elimination of social security who, for instance, wish to "[r]aise the level of student income support payments to the Henderson poverty line".[50]

TheAmerican Solidarity Partyhas a platform of favouring an adequate social security system, stating: "We advocate for social safety nets that adequately provide for the material needs of the most vulnerable in society".[51]


Distributism's relation tosocialismandcapitalism
William Cobbett's social views influencedG. K. Chesterton

The position of distributists, when compared to other political philosophies, is somewhat paradoxical and complicated (seetriangulation). Firmly entrenched in anorganicbut veryEnglish Catholicism,advocating culturally traditional andagrarianvalues, directly challenging the precepts ofWhig history—Belloc was nonetheless an MP for the Liberal Party, and Chesterton once stated, "As much as I ever did, more than I ever did, I believe in Liberalism. But there was a rosy time of innocence when I believed in Liberals".[52]

Distributism does not favour one political order over another (political accidentalism). While some distributists such asDorothy Dayhave beenanarchists,it should be remembered that most Chestertonian distributists are opposed to the mere concept of anarchism. Chesterton thought that distributism would benefit from the discipline that theoretical analysis imposes and that distributism is best seen as a widely encompassing concept inside of which any number of interpretations and perspectives can fit. This concept should fit a political system broadly characterized by widespread ownership of productive property.[53]

In the United States, theAmerican Solidarity Partygenerally adheres to Distributist principles as its economic model.Ross DouthatandReihan Salamview theirGrand New Party,a roadmap for revising theRepublican Party in the United States,as "a book written in the distributist tradition".[54]

The Brazilian political party,Humanist Party of Solidarity,was a distributist party, alongside theNational Distributist Partyin England,[55]and theDemocratic Labour Partyin Australia.



E. F. Schumacher


Distributism is known to have influenced the economistE. F. Schumacher,[56]a convert to Catholicism.[57]

Mondragon Corporation


TheMondragon Corporation,based in theBasque Countryin a region of Spain and France, was founded by a Catholic priest, FatherJosé María Arizmendiarrieta,who seems to have been influenced by the sameCatholic social and economic teachingsthat inspired Belloc, Chesterton, FatherVincent McNabb,and the other founders of distributism.[58]

Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic


Distributist ideas were put into practice byThe Guild of St Joseph and St Dominic,a group of artists and craftsmen who established a community inDitchling,Sussex, England, in 1920, with the motto "Men rich in virtue studying beautifulness living in peace in their houses". The guild sought to recreate an idealised medieval lifestyle in the manner of theArts and Crafts Movement.It survived for almost 70 years until 1989.

Big Society


TheBig Societywas the flagship policy idea of the 2010UK Conservative Party general election manifesto.Some distributists claim that the rhetorical marketing of this policy was influenced by aphorisms of the distributist ideology and promotes distributism.[59]It purportedly formed a part of the legislative programme of theConservative – Liberal Democrat Coalition Agreement.[60]

List of distributist parties






Notable distributists






Key texts

  • Rerum novarum (1891),papal encyclical by Pope Leo XIII.
  • Quadragesimo anno (1931),papal encyclical by Pope Pius XI.
  • Centesimus Annus (1991),papal encyclical by Pope John Paul II.
  • Evangelii gaudium (2013),apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis.
  • What's Wrong with the World(1910)by G. K. ChestertonISBN0-89870-489-8eText.
  • The Outline of Sanity(1927)by G. K. Chesterton.
  • Utopia of Usurers(1917)by G. K. Chesterton.
  • The Servile State(1912)by Hilaire Belloc.
  • An Essay on The Restoration of Property(1936) by Hilaire BellocISBN0-9714894-4-0.
  • Jobs of Our Own(1999) byRace MathewsISBN978-1871204179.

See also

Related concepts

Similar positions


  1. ^abcZwick, Mark and Louise (2004).The Catholic Worker Movement: Intellectual and Spiritual Origins.Paulist Press.p. 156.ISBN978-0-8091-4315-3
  2. ^Coulter, Michael (2007).Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science and Social Policy.Scarecrow Press.p. 85.ISBN978-0-8108-5906-7
  3. ^McConkey, Dale; Lawler, Peter (2003).Faith, Morality, and Civil Society.Le xing ton Books.p. 50.ISBN978-0-7391-0483-5
  4. ^Allitt, Patrick(2000).Catholic Converts: British and American Intellectuals Turn to Rome.Cornell University Press.p. 206.ISBN978-0-8014-8663-0
  5. ^ab"Platform".American Solidarity Party. Archived fromthe originalon 10 June 2021.Retrieved14 October2020.The American Solidarity Party believes that political economy (economics) is a branch of political ethics, and therefore rejects models of economic behavior that undermine human dignity with greed and naked self-interest. We advocate for an economic system which focuses on creating a society of wide-spread ownership (sometimes referred to as 'distributism') rather than having the effect of degrading the human person as a cog in the machine.
  6. ^Caldecott, Stratford (1991)."Distributism and Christian Democracy".The Chesterton Review.17(1): 141–142.doi:10.5840/chesterton199117151.
  7. ^Belloc, Hillarie (1982). "The Restoration of Property". In Wünsche, Horst Friedrich; Stützel, Wolfgang; Watrin, Christian; Willgerodt, Hans; Hohmann, Karl (eds.).Standard Texts on the Social Market Economy: Two Centuries of Discussion.Ludwif-Ehard-Stiftung. pp. 331–334.
  8. ^Corrin, Jay P. (1988)."The Neo-Distributism of Friedrich A. Hayek and Wilhelm Röpke".Thought.63(251): 397–412.doi:10.5840/thought198863429.
  9. ^abShiach, Morag (2004).Modernism, Labour and Selfhood in British Literature and Culture, 1890–1930.Cambridge University Press.p. 224.ISBN978-0-521-83459-9
  10. ^Gibson-Graham, J.K. (2006).A Postcapitalist Politics.University of Minnesota Press.p. 224.ISBN978-0-8166-4804-7.
  11. ^Boyle, David; Simms, Andrew (2009).The New Economics.Routledge.p. 20.ISBN978-1-84407-675-8
  12. ^Novak, Michael; Younkins, Edward W. (2001).Three in One: Essays on Democratic Capitalism, 1976–2000.Rowman and Littlefield.p. 152.ISBN978-0-7425-1171-2
  13. ^abPrentiss, Craig R. (2008).Debating God's Economy: Social Justice in America on the Eve of Vatican II.Penn State University Press.p. 77.ISBN978-0-271-03341-9
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  17. ^Dorothy, Day.On Pilgrimage.Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1999. p. 40.
  18. ^McKay, Iain.An Anarchist FAQ Volume One.AK Press, 2007. p. 75
  19. ^McKay, Iain.An Anarchist FAQ Volume One.AK Press, 2007. p. 23
  20. ^Hilaire Belloc, "The Servile Institution Dissolved,"The Servile State,(1913; reprint, Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 1977), 71–83.
  21. ^Fitzgerald, Ross et al. (2003).The Pope's Battalions: Santamaria, Catholicism and the Labor Split.University of Queensland Press.p. 21.ISBN978-0-7022-3389-0
  22. ^abRiff, Michael A. (1990).Dictionary of Modern Political Ideologies.Manchester University Press.p. 35.ISBN978-0-7190-3289-9
  23. ^Schulz, Jr., William Patric (2017).Dorothy Day's Distributism and Her Vision for Catholic Politics(PhD thesis).Louisiana State University.
  24. ^Adams, Ian (1993).Political Ideology Today.Manchester University Press. pp. 59–60.ISBN978-0-7190-3347-6
  25. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,3.
  26. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,6.
  27. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,46.
  28. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,42.
  29. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,45.
  30. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,49.
  31. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,4.
  32. ^Leo XIII,Rerum novarum,15.
  33. ^Hilaire Belloc,The Servile State,The Liberty Fund, originally published 1913.
  34. ^G. K. Chesterton,The Outline of Sanity,IHS Press, 2002, originally published 1927.
  35. ^Pope Leo XIII,Rerum novarum:47, 1891
  36. ^Pope Leo XIII,Rerum novarum:8, 1891.
  37. ^Chesterton, Gilbert Keith,What's Wrong with the World(1920), p. 59.
  38. ^Hilaire Belloc,The Servile State,1913.
  39. ^Baccelli, Zebulon."Practical Policies for a Distributist Economy: Part Two".imagodeipolitics.org.Archived fromthe originalon 25 December 2019.Retrieved25 December2019.
  40. ^Aleman, Richard."INDUSTRY: THE DISTRIBUTIST SOLUTION".distributistreview.Retrieved25 December2019.
  41. ^"Platform".American Solidarity Party.Retrieved12 April2018.
  42. ^"Christian Democracy".American Solidarity Party.Archived fromthe originalon 16 November 2018.Retrieved18 July2018.
  43. ^"Did you know there's a third party based on Catholic teaching?".Catholic News Agency.12 October 2016.Retrieved1 January2020.We believe in the economic concept of distributism as taught by GK Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc.
  44. ^McKay, Iain.An Anarchist FAQ: AFAQ Volume One.AK Press: Oakland, CA. (2008) pp 22.
  45. ^"A Misunderstanding About Method".Society of Gilbert Keith Chesterton.20 November 2010.Retrieved10 May2022.
  46. ^Penty, Arthur (21 October 2019).Distributism: A Manifesto.The Real Press.ISBN9781912119820.
  47. ^Staff, T. S. I. (30 August 2017)."G K CHESTERTON, HILAIRE BELLOC AND DISTRIBUTISM DOWN UNDER".The Sydney Institute.Retrieved27 May2023.
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  53. ^G. K. Chesterton,The Outline of Sanity(Norfolk, Va.: IHS Press, 2001), p. 90
  54. ^Ross Douthat (27 March 2013)."Twitter post".
  55. ^"View registration – The Electoral Commission".search.electoralcommission.org.uk.
  56. ^Opdebeeck, Hendrik, ed. Frontiers of Business Ethics, Volume 11: Responsible Economics: E. F. Schumacher and His Legacy for the 21st Century. Oxford, GBR: Peter Lang AG, 2013. p. 12.
  57. ^Phillips, Leigh (30 October 2015).Austerity Ecology & the Collapse-Porn Addicts: A Defence Of Growth, Progress, Industry And Stuff.John Hunt Publishing.ISBN978-1-78279-961-0.
  58. ^Mathews, Race.Jobs of Our Own: Building a Stakeholder Society.Fernwood Publishing. 1999.
  59. ^A Potential Step in the Right DirectionArchived21 October 2014 at theWayback Machine21 July 2010
  60. ^Cameron and Clegg set out 'big society' policy ideasBBCNews 18-May-2010
  61. ^"Distributism".Democratic Labour Party.Retrieved10 September2022.
  62. ^"National Distributist Party".National Distributist Party.Retrieved10 September2022.
  63. ^Eatwell, Roger (2004).Western democracies and the new extreme right challenge.Routledge. p. 69.ISBN978-0-415-36971-8.
  64. ^Sykes, Alan (2005).The Radical Right in Britain: Social Imperialism to the BNP.Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  65. ^"Platform".American Solidarity Party.Retrieved10 September2022.
  66. ^"Articles on Distributism – 2"Archived26 July 2011 at theWayback Machineby Dorothy Day.The Catholic Worker,July–August 1948, 1, 2, 6
  67. ^"Dorothy Day, Peter Maurin, & Distributism",inThe Hound of Distributism.
  68. ^Corção, Gustavo (1946).Três alqueires e uma vaca: Capa com desenho de G. K. Chesterton(in Brazilian Portuguese). Livraria AGIR.
  69. ^"The Distributist Review – Dale Ahlquist".Distributistreview. Archived fromthe originalon 6 June 2014.Retrieved5 June2014.
  70. ^Allan Carlson (12 July 2009).""A Distributist View of the Global Economic Crisis": A Report ".Front Porch Republic.Retrieved5 June2014.
  71. ^"About".Practical distributism.2 February 2023.Retrieved5 May2024.
  72. ^"What is Integralism?".9 September 2020.
  73. ^"Alfa y Omega, nº 775 / 1-III-2012, En portada".alfay Omega.es.27 May 2013. Archived fromthe originalon 27 May 2013.
  74. ^Mark Stahlman."Rocking the Bus".Strategy+Business.Retrieved29 July2018.
  75. ^Bikaj, Albert (19 February 2022)."Not Everything is for Sale: A Critique of Neoliberalism".The European Conservative.Retrieved5 May2024.
  76. ^Richard Williamson, Mgr; Peter Chojnowski, Dr; McCann, Christopher (April 2004).he+rural+solution+williamson "The Rural Solution: Modern Catholic Voices on Going 'Back to the Land'".IHS Press.ISBN9781605700212.

Further reading
