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Dorsal consonant

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Dorsal consonantsareconsonantsarticulatedwith the back of thetongue(the dorsum). They include thepalatal,velarand, in some cases,alveolo-palatalanduvularconsonants. They contrast withcoronal consonants,articulated with the flexible front of the tongue, andlaryngeal consonants,articulated in thepharyngeal cavity.


The dorsum of the tongue can contact a broad region of the roof of the mouth, from thehard palate(palatal consonants), the flexiblevelumbehind that (velar consonants), to theuvulaat the back of the mouth cavity (uvular consonants). These distinctions are not clear cut, and sometimes finer gradations such aspre-palatal, pre-velar,andpost-velarwill be noted.

Because the tip of the tongue can curl back to also contact the hard palate forretroflex consonants(subapical-palatal), consonants produced by contact between the dorsum and the palate are sometimes calleddorso-palatal.


Familiar dorsal consonants
IPA symbol Name of the consonant Language Example IPA
ɲ Voiced palatal nasal Albanian një [ɲə]
ʝ Voiced palatal fricative Modern Greek για [ʝa]
ç Voiceless palatal fricative German Reich [ʁaɪ̯ç]
j Voiced palatal approximant English yellow [ˈjɛloʊ]
ŋ Voiced velar nasal sing [ˈsɪŋ]
ɡ Voiced velar plosive garden [ˈɡɑː(ɹ)dn̩]
k Voiceless velar plosive cake [ˈkeɪk]
ɣ Voiced velar fricative Modern Greek góma(γόμα) [ˈɣoma]
x Voiceless velar fricative Malay akhir [aːˈxir]
ʍ Voiceless labio-velar approximant English whine [ˈʍaɪn]
w Voiced labio-velar approximant water [ˈwɔːtə(ɹ)]
q Voiceless uvular plosive Arabic Qurʾān(قرآن) [qurʔaːn]
ɢ Voiced uvular plosive Persian Qom(قم) [ɢom]
ʁ Voiced uvular fricative
or approximant
French Paris [paʁi]
χ Voiceless uvular fricative German Bach [baχ]

See also[edit]


  • Ladefoged, Peter;Maddieson, Ian(1996).The Sounds of the World's Languages.Oxford: Blackwell.ISBN0-631-19815-6.