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Dugu ceremony

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TheDuguis an ancient extended funerary ceremony (in Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua it is also known as the 9 nights ceremony) practiced by theGarifuna people.The Garifuna is a small-to-medium-sized Central American ethnic group that has inhabited manyCentral Americancountries such asGuatemala,BelizeandHondurassince the 17th century.[1]Their roots come from both theCaribbeanandAfricancoasts. The story goes that enslaved people being brought over to the Americas crashed into[clarification needed]St. Vincent.The Indigenous Caribbean Indians and Africans soon formed a community and ethnic group called the Garifuna. They were identified as the "Black Caribs" to differentiate them from the native Caribbean population.

TheDuguis a type of funeral ceremony that brings the community and families together. It is a festival that aims to bring deceased ancestors of theGarifunato the present[2]and lasts between two days to as much as two weeks. The ceremony seeks to cure ill persons that have become sick because they have displeased thegubida(spirits).[3]Families and friends gather around drums and sing, calling thegubidato the ceremony. This ceremony is headed by theBuyai(shaman).[4]TheBuyaiis responsible for organizing and ordering all parts of the ceremony including food, clothes worn, sacrifices, and its length.[5]Once theBuyaibelieves the spirits of the ancestors are present, the sick person is given food and rum. The rest of the food and alcohol is sacrificed and the person is predicted[clarification needed]to be cured.[6]

TheDuguritual has recently become more common. In the 1850s and 1860s theDuguwas little practiced due to fear the government (appointed by the British) would ban the ritual altogether.[7]Now, however, theDugu jiis practiced in many countries throughoutCentral America,but mainly inLivingston, Guatemala.[8]There are many reasons for the increase, one of which is to help unify theGarifunapeople and also become politically visible as an ethnic group[clarification needed].[9]


  1. ^Sletto 1991[page needed]
  2. ^Sletto 1991[page needed]
  3. ^Jenkins 1983[page needed]
  4. ^Sletto 1991[page needed]
  5. ^Jenkins 1983[page needed]
  6. ^Sletto 1991[page needed]
  7. ^Sletto 1991[page needed]
  8. ^Jenkins 1983[page needed]
  9. ^Jenkins 1983[page needed]


  • Jenkins, Carol L. (1983 (Aug.)). "Ritual and Resource Flow: The Garifuna 'Dugu'". American Ethnologist. Vol 10.3 pp. 429–442. Retrieved 2009-09-20.
  • Palacio, I. Myrtle (2011 (June)). "Adügürahani: A Walk Through Garifuna Spiritualism". Glessima Research and Services, Belize.
  • Sletto, Jacqueline Wiora. (1991(Jan-Feb)). "Ancestral Ties that Bind. (The Garifuna, Central American Ethnic Group)". Americas (English Edition). Vol 43.n1 pp. 20–28. Retrieved 2009-09-18.