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List of rulers of Austria

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Margraves, Dukes, Archdukes and Emperors ofAustria
StyleArchduchy period:
First monarchLeopold I(as margrave)
Last monarchCharles I(as emperor)
Formation21 July 976
Abolition12 November 1918
(from the ducal period onwards)

From 976 until 1246, theMargraviate of Austriaand its successor, theDuchy of Austria,was ruled by theHouse of Babenberg.At that time, those states were part of theHoly Roman Empire.From 1246 until 1918, the duchy and its successor, theArchduchy of Austria,was ruled by theHouse of Habsburg.Following the defeat ofAustria-HungaryinWorld War I,the titles were abolished or fell into abeyance with the erection of the modernRepublic of Austria.

Margraves and Dukes of Austria under the House of Babenberg[edit]

The March of Austria, also known asMarcha Orientalis,was first formed in 976 out of the lands that had once been theMarch of PannoniainCarolingiantimes. The oldest attestation dates back to 996, where the written name "ostarrichi" occurs in a document transferring land in present-day Austria to a Bavarianmonastery.In 1156, thePrivilegium Minuselevated the march to aduchy,independent of theDuchy of Bavaria.

Name Born Reign Ruling part Consort Death Notes
Leopold Ithe Illustrious c. 940
Son of Berthold of Nordgau orArnulf, Duke of Bavaria
21 July 976 – 10 July 994 March of Austria Richardis of Sualafeldgau
nine children
10 July 994
aged 53-54
Founder of the Babenbergs.
Henry Ithe Strong c. 965(?)
First son ofLeopold IandRichardis of Sualafeldgau
10 July 994 – 23 June 1018 March of Austria Unmarried 23 June 1018
aged 53-54
In his reign (996), the nameOstarrichi(laterOsterreich,Austria) appeared for the first time to designate the land he ruled.
Adalbert Ithe Victorious c. 985
Third son ofLeopold IandRichardis of Sualafeldgau
23 June 1018 – 26 May 1055 March of Austria Glismod of West-Saxony
no children

Frozza Orseolo
one child
26 May 1055
aged 69-70
Expanded his Bavarian margraviate to theMoravaandLeitharivers.
Ernestthe Brave 1027
Son ofAdalbert IandFrozza Orseolo
26 May 1055 – 10 June 1075 March of Austria Adelaide of Eilenburg
three children

Swanhilde of Ungarnmark
no children
10 June 1075
aged 47-48
Expanded his Bavarian margraviate to theMoravaandLeitharivers.
Leopold IIthe Fair 1050
Son ofErnestandAdelaide of Eilenburg
10 June 1075 – 12 October 1095 March of Austria Ida of Formbach-Ratelnberg
eight children
12 October 1095
Gars am Kamp
aged 44-45
Supported theGregorian Reforms,and was an active opponent toHenry IV, Holy Roman Emperorduring theInvestiture Controversy.
Leopold IIIthe Saint 1073
Gars am Kamp
Son ofLeopold IIandIda of Formbach-Ratelnberg
12 October 1095 – 15 November 1136 March of Austria Maria of Perg
no children

Agnes of Germany
eighteen children
15 November 1136
aged 62-63
His second marriage brought the margraviate of Austria closer to theImperial family,which raised the importance of the Babenbergs. Consequently, more royal rights were granted to Austria.
Adalbert IIthe Pious 1106
First son ofLeopold IIIandAgnes of Germany
15 November 1136 – 9 November 1137 March of Austria Adelaide of Poland
no children

Hedwig of Hungary
no children
9 November 1137
aged 30-31
Usually not counted as margrave,[1]despite being cited as so as early as 1119. Nevertheless, it's possible that he ruled for a year, or at least as claimant to his younger brother Leopold. If he ruled, he left no children. Knighted in 1125[2]
Leopold IVthe Generous 1108
Third son ofLeopold IIIandAgnes of Germany
9 November 1137 – 18 October 1141 March of Austria Maria of Bohemia
28 September 1138
no children
18 October 1141
aged 32-33
AlsoDuke of Bavaria,title given to him after his struggles with theHouse of Welf.
Henry IIJasomirgott[3] 1107
Second son ofLeopold IIIandAgnes of Germany
18 October 1141 – 13 January 1177 March of Austria
(until 1156)

Duchy of Austria
(from 1156)
Gertrude of Süpplingenburg
1 May 1142
one child

Theodora Komnene
three children
13 January 1177
aged 69-70
Succeeded his younger brother in Austria and also asDuke of Bavaria.Moved his capital toVienna.In 1156, Austria was raised to aDuchy.
Leopold Vthe Virtuous 1157
First son ofHenry IIandTheodora Komnene
13 January 1177 – 31 December 1194 Duchy of Austria Helena of Hungary
four children
31 December 1194
aged 36-37
Children of Henry II, divided Austria: Leopold V kept the main duchy and annexed theDuchy of Styriato his domain in 1192. He also gave his brother Henry the so-called Duchy of Mödling (title Henry used from 1205[4]), which spanned fromLiesingtoPiestingandBruck an der Leitha.Henry I and his descendants became mostly interested in the arts.
Henry Ithe Elder 1158
Second son ofHenry IIandTheodora Komnene
13 January 1177 – 31 August 1223 Duchy of Mödling Richeza of Bohemia
one child
31 August 1223
aged 64-65
Frederick Ithe Catholic 1175
First son ofLeopold VandHelena of Hungary
31 December 1194 – 16 April 1198 Duchy of Austria Unmarried 16 April 1198
The Holy Land
aged 22-23
Left no children.
Leopold VIthe Glorious 15 October 1176
Second son ofLeopold VandHelena of Hungary
16 April 1198 – 28 July 1230 Duchy of Austria Theodora Angelina
seven children
28 July 1230
San Germano
aged 53
Henry IIthe Profane 1208
First son ofLeopold VIandTheodora Angelina
31 August 1223 – 29 November 1228 Duchy of Mödling Agnes of Thuringia
29 November 1225
one child
29 November 1228
aged 19-20
Nephew of Henry I, apparently succeeded him as ruler, preceding his cousin (Henry I's son). He is referenced asHeinricus iuvenis duxwho died in 1227,[5]andHenrici de Medlico(Henry of Mödling).[6]
Henry IIIthe Younger 1182
Son ofHenry IandRicheza of Bohemia
29 November 1228 – 1236 Duchy of Mödling Unmarried 1236
aged 53-54
After his death the duchy reverted to his cousin Gertrude, daughter of Henry II.
Frederick IIthe Quarrelsome 25 April 1211
Wiener Neustadt
Second son ofLeopold VIandTheodora Angelina
28 July 1230 – 15 June 1246 Duchy of Austria EudokiaSophiaLaskarina Angelina[7]
no children

Agnes of Merania
no children
15 June 1246
aged 35
His troublesome marriages with no children opened a succession crisis in Austria.
Gertrude 1226
Daughter ofHenry II, Duke of MödlingandAgnes of Thuringia
1236 – 4 October 1250 Duchy of Mödling Vladislaus of Bohemia
no children

Herman VI, Margrave of Baden
two children

Roman Danylovych
one child
24 April 1288
aged 61-62
Heiress of Mödling. After her cousin's death in 1246, she was the first to claim the duchy. She was associated with her first two husbands. However, as Herman of Baden failed to defeat the opposition of Austrian nobility, her rule weakened substantially, giving them minimal control over the duchies. Her first refusal of a third marriage with the brother ofWilliam II of Holland,combined with the occupation of Austria by her cousin Margaret and Ottokar of Bohemia in 1252, halted her claims. Although she was even given a part of Styria in 1254, she did not forswear her claim; her territorial portion was taken away from her in 1267.
15 June 1246 – 4 October 1250

Duchy of Austria
(in only part ofStyriain 1254-67)
Vladislaus of Bohemia 1227
Son ofWenceslaus I of BohemiaandKunigunde of Hohenstaufen
15 June 1246 – 3 January 1247 Duchy of Austria
(claimant as consort)
no children
3 January 1247
aged 19-20
Herman VI, Margrave of Baden c.1226
Son ofHerman V, Margrave of BadenandIrmengard of the Palatinate
1248 – 4 October 1250 Duchy of Austria
(claimant as consort)
two children
4 October 1250
aged 23-24
Frederick I, Margrave of Baden 1249
Son ofHerman VI, Margrave of BadenandGertrude
1254 – 1267 Duchy of Austria
(claimant as heir; in only part ofStyria)
Unmarried 29 October 1268
aged 18-19
Margaret 1204
Daughter ofLeopold VIandTheodora Angelina
6 May 1252 – 29 October 1266 Duchy of Austria
(from 1261 only inKrumau am Kamp)
Henry (VII) of Germany
29 November 1225
two children

Ottokar II of Bohemia
11 February 1252
Hainburg an der Donau
(annulled 1261)
no children
29 October 1266
Krumau am Kamp
aged 61-62
Margaret and her husband, future King of Bohemia, invaded Austria in 1252 and were successfully proclaimedDukes of Austria.After the annullment of their marriage, Margaret retired and Ottokar continued his rule until 1276, when he signed away his claims in Austria in favor ofRudolph of Habsburg.The matter would be settled with his defeat and death at theBattle on the Marchfeld(1278).
Premislaus Ottokar II of BohemiaThe Iron and Golden King 1233
Městec Králové
Son ofWenceslaus I of BohemiaandKunigunde of Hohenstaufen
6 May 1252 – 1261 Duchy of Austria
(claimant as consort)
11 February 1252
Hainburg an der Donau
(annulled 1261)
no children

Kunigunda Rostislavna of Halych
25 October 1261
three children
26 August 1278
aged 44-45
1261 – November 1276 Duchy of Austria

Dukes and Archdukes of Austria under the House of Habsburg[edit]

CountRudolf of Habsburg,elected as king of Germany(1273), was able during the years 1276–78 to decisively defeat his main rival, the Bohemian king Ottokar II, and to regain his Austrian domains back for the Empire. By his imperial authority, Rudolf later (1282) invested his sons Albrecht and Rudolf with the duchies of Austria and Styria, thereby securing them for theHouse of Habsburg.Austria remained under Habsburg rule for more than 600 years, forming the core of theHabsburg monarchyand the present-day country ofAustria.

The most important Austrian rulers until the Victory at Vienna in 1683 are described in the bookSymmetria iuridico Austriaca.

Possessions (and partitions) of Austria under Habsburg domain[edit]

Duchy of Austria

Duchy of Austria,
Duchies ofStyriaandCarinthia
andMarch of Carniola
Rudolf IV (1358–1363)

Duchy of Austria,
Duchies ofStyriaandCarinthia
March of Carniola(raised toDuchy of Carniolain 1364),
andCounty of Tyrol
Rudolf IV (1363–1365)
Albert III and Leopold III (1365–1379)
Duchy of
Lower Austria

Albert III (1379–1457)
Albert IV (1395–1404)
Albert V (1404–1439)
Ladislaus (1440–1457)
Duchies of Inner and Further Austria
andCounty of Tyrol
Leopold III (1379–1386)
William and Leopold IV (1386–1406)
Duchy of Inner Austria
Ernest (1406–1424)
Frederick V and Albert VI (1424–1453)
Duchy of
Further Austria

Leopold IV (1406–1411)
County of Tyrol
Frederick IV (1406–1411)
Duchy of Further Austria
andCounty of Tyrol
Frederick IV (1411–1439)
Sigismund (1439–1453)
Archduchy of
Inner Austria

Frederick V and Albert VI (1453–1463)
Frederick V (1463–1490)
Archduchy of
Further Austria

Sigismund (1453–1490)
Archduchy of Austria
(Inner Austrian line) Frederick V (1490–1493)
Maximilian I (1493–1519)
Charles I (1519–1521/1556)
Ferdinand I (1521/1556–1564)
Archduchy of Lower
and Upper Austria

Maximilian II (1564–1576)
Rudolf V (1576–1608)
Matthias (1608–1619)
Archduchy of
Inner Austria

Charles II (1564–1590)
Ferdinand (HRE) II (1590–1619)
Archduchy of
Further Austria

of Tyrol
Ferdinand II (1564–1595)
Matthias (1595–1612)
Maximilian III (1612–1618)
Matthias (1618–1619)
Archduchy of Austria
(Inner Austrian line)
Ferdinand (HRE) II (1619–1623)
Archduchy of Lower
and Inner Austria

Ferdinand (HRE) II (1623–1637)
Ferdinand IV (1637–1657)
Leopold VI (1657–1665)
Archduchy of
Further Austria

Leopold V (1623–1632)
Ferdinand Charles (1632–1662)
Sigismund Francis (1662–1665)
Archduchy of Austria
(Lower/Inner Austrian line) Leopold VI (1665–1705)
Joseph I (1705–1711)
Charles III (1711–1740)
Maria Theresa and Francis I Stephen (1740–1765)
Maria Theresa and Joseph II (1765–1780)
(Habsburg-Lorraineline) Joseph II (1780–1790)
Leopold VII (1790–1792
Francis II (1792–1804)

Table of rulers[edit]

Emperors of Austria (1804–1918)[edit]

House of Habsburg-Lorraine[edit]

Ruler Born Reign Ruling part Consort Death Notes

Francis I
12 February 1768
Eldest son ofLeopold VII, Archduke of AustriaandMaria Luisa of Spain
11 August 1804 – 2 March 1835 Empire of Austria Elisabeth of Württemberg
6 January 1788
one child

Maria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
15 September 1790
12 children

Maria Ludovika of Austria-Este
6 January 1808
no children
(4)Caroline Augusta of Bavaria
29 October 1816
no children
2 March 1835
aged 67
Following the dissolution of theHoly Roman Empire,Francis created his ownEmpire of Austria.

Ferdinand Ithe Benevolent
19 April 1793
Son ofFrancis IandMaria Theresa of Naples and Sicily
2 March 1835 – 2 December 1848 Empire of Austria Maria Anna of Savoy
12 February 1831
no children
29 June 1875
aged 82
Abdicated due to theRevolutions of 1848.

Francis Joseph
18 August 1830
Son ofArchduke Franz Karl of AustriaandPrincess Sophie of Bavaria
2 December 1848 – 21 November 1916 Empire of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria
24 April 1854
four children
21 November 1916
aged 86
Nephew of Ferdinand I, and grandson of Francis I.

17 August 1887
Son ofArchduke Otto Franz of AustriaandPrincess Maria Josepha of Saxony
21 November 1916 – 12 November 1918 Empire of Austria Zita of Bourbon-Parma
21 October 1911
Schwarzau am Steinfeld
eight children
1 April 1922
aged 34
Grand-nephew of Francis Joseph I, and great-great-grandson of Francis I. Following the defeat inWorld War I,the Empire was dissolved in 1918.

See also[edit]


  1. ^Some sources state that he was disinherited, while giving no reason for that. It's possible that it this argument was an attempt to justifiy the unusual choice of young Leopold IV as successor to his father.
  2. ^Continuatio Prædictorum Vindobonensium1125, MGH SS, p. 725.
  3. ^His epithet as no certain origin; it's possible that it derived from the oathjoch sam mir got helfe( "Yes, so help me God" )
  4. ^Lyon 2013,p. 124.
  5. ^Continuatio Scotorum1227, MGH SS IX, p. 624
  6. ^Continuatio ZwetlensesIII 1252, MGH SS IX, p. 655.
  7. ^Angold 2011,p. 54.
  8. ^His numbering, if counted as I, reflects, not the ducal succession of the Babenbergs (being in fact the third ruler of Austria bearing this name), but of the comital Habsburgs, being the first member of the family with this name. However, he may have adopted his German numeral III in Austria, as the nextde factorulers of Austria who bore the same name styled themselves asFrederick IVandFrederick V.So, inadvertently, the numbering ofde factoruling Fredericks actuallyfollowthe Babenberg counting.
  9. ^His numbering reflects, not the ducal succession of the Babenbergs (being in fact the seventh ruler of Austria bearing this name), but of the comital Habsburgs, being the first member of the family with this name.
  10. ^Numbered III by including the titular dukeLeopold II(1339–1344)
  11. ^Numbered IV by including either only thede factodukeFrederick the Fair,sometimes numbered III, or by including the titular dukesFrederick (II)(1339–1344) andFrederick (III)(1347–1362).
  12. ^Pavlac, Brian A.; Lott, Elizabeth S. (1 June 2019).The Holy Roman Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia.ABC-CLIO. pp. 255, 278.ISBN978-1-4408-4856-8.Retrieved13 November2021.
  13. ^Fichtner, Paula Sutter (7 March 2017).The Habsburg Monarchy, 1490-1848: Attributes of Empire.Macmillan International Higher Education. p. 8.ISBN978-1-137-10642-1.Retrieved13 November2021.
  14. ^ In German Articles and Books these Archdukes' names and titles are normally completed with the territorial names of their Duchy as: "Charles II of Inner Austria" = "Karl der II. von Inner Österreich"

Works cited[edit]