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Duke of Valentinois

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Duke of Valentinois(French:Duc de Valentinois;Italian:Duca Valentino) is a title of nobility, originally in theFrench peerage.It is currently one of the many hereditary titles claimed by thePrince of Monacodespite its extinction in French law in 1949. Though it originally indicated administrative control of theDuchy of Valentinois,based around the city ofValence,the duchy has since become part ofFrance,making the title simply one of courtesy.

It has been created at least four times: on August 17, 1498, forCesare Borgia,in 1548 forDiane of Poitiers,in 1642 forPrince Honoré IIofMonaco,and most recently in 1715 forPrince Jacques Iof Monaco.

Counts of Valentinois[edit]

First creation[edit]

KingLouis XII of France and NaplescreatedCesare BorgiaDuke of Valentinois in 1498. Both the Italianized form of this title and his previous appointment as Cardinal of Valencia led to his commonly used nickname: "Il Valentino". After Cesare's death, his daughterLouise Borgia(1500–1553) did not become Duchesssuo juredue to themale-onlysuccession of the title, but was instead styled "Dame Valentinois", titularDuchess of RomagnaandCountess of Diois.

Duke Birth Tenure Death Marriage(s)
Cesare Borgia
Other titles
13 September 1475
Natural son ofPope Alexander VI
andVannozza dei Cattanei
17 August 1498

12 March 1507
12 March 1507
Killed during
the Siege of Viana

(aged 31)
Charlotte of Albret
1 children
Created duke by KingLouis XII

Second creation[edit]

KingHenry II of Francecreated his mistressDiane de PoitiersDuchess of Valentinois in 1548. She was the onlysuo jureDuchess and her title was destinated to end after her death, due to theSalic lawcommonly used among French nobility.

Duke Birth Tenure Death Marriage(s)

Diane de Poitiers
Other titles
3 September 1499
Daughter ofJean de Poitiers
and Jeanne de Batarnay
17 August 1548

25 April 1566
25 April 1566
Château d'Anet,Orléanais
Died by natural causes
(aged 66)
Louis de Brézé
2 children
Created duchess by KingHenry II

Third creation[edit]

KingLouis XIII of Francecreated the title byletters patent,signed in May 1642 and registered on 18 July 1642, as a conglomeration of several estates in theFrenchprovince ofDauphinéwhich he had previously given toHonoré II, Prince of Monaco.

The first person to hold the title wasHonoré II, Prince of Monaco,reigning Prince at the time of its creation; on his death it passed to his grandsonLouis I,and thence to Louis's sonAntoine.However, since the title's inheritance was restricted to male heirs, and because Antoine had only daughters and no sons, it was due to pass his brother,François-Honoré Grimaldi,but became extinct on 22 July 1715 when François-Honoré forfeited his right to succeed Antoine.

Duke Birth Tenure Death Marriage(s)

Honoré II
Other titles
24 December 1597
Son ofErcole of Monaco
andMaria Landi
18 July 1642

10 January 1662
10 January 1662
Died by natural causes
(aged 64)
Ippolita Trivulzio
1 son
Created duke by KingLouis XIII

Louis I
Other titles
25 July 1642
Son ofErcole, Marquis of Baux
and Maria Aurelia Spinola
18 July 1642

3 January 1701
3 January 1701
Died by natural causes
(aged 58)
Catherine de Gramont
6 children
Grandson ofHonoré II
(male proximity)

Antoine I
Other titles
25 January 1661
Son ofLouis I
andCatherine de Gramont
3 January 1701

22 July 1715
(Devolved his rights)
20 February 1731
Died by natural causes
(aged 70)
Marie of Lorraine
6 daughters
Son ofLouis I
(male proximity)

Fourth creation[edit]

On 20 October 1715, Antoine's eldest daughter and heiressLouise-HippolytemarriedJacques-François de Goyon-Matignon,who had signed a contract on 5 September 1715 by which he was obliged to take the surnameGrimaldi.KingLouis XV of Francethereupon recreated the title of Valentinois by letters patent, signed in December 1715 and registered on 2 September 1716, for Jacques, who was to succeed his father-in-law Antoine as Prince Jacques I; like the previous creation, its inheritance was restricted to male heirs.

After Jacques's abdication in 1733, the title passed uninterrupted for several generations from Prince to Prince: from Jacques toHonoré III,Honoré IV,Honoré V,Florestan I,Charles III,Albert I.Albert bestowed the title of Duchess of Valentinois upon his adopted granddaughter Charlotte, thenceforth known asPrincess Charlotte, Duchess of Valentinois,on 20 May 1919. On 20 March 1920, shortly after Charlotte's marriage toPierre de Polignac,he, like Jacques-François de Goyon-Matignon, took the title of Duke of Valentinois, having already changed his surname to Grimaldi.

Duke Birth Tenure Death Marriage(s)

Jacques I
Other titles
21 November 1689
Son of Jacques de Matignon
and Charlotte de Thorigny
2 September 1716

7 November 1733
(Ceded his title)
23 April 1751
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Died by natural causes
(aged 61)
Louise Hippolyte of Monaco
9 children
Created duke by KingLouis XV

Honoré III
Other titles
10 November 1720
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofJacques I
andLouise Hippolyte of Monaco
7 November 1733

21 March 1795
21 March 1795
Died imprisoned by
(aged 74)
Maria Caterina Brignole
2 children
Son ofJacques I
(male proximity)

Honoré IV
Other titles
17 May 1758
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofHonoré III
andMaria Caterina Brignole
21 March 1795

16 February 1819
16 February 1819
Died by natural causes
(aged 60)
Louise d'Aumont
2 children
Son ofHonoré III
(male proximity)

Honoré V
Other titles
13 May/14 May 1778
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofHonoré IV
andLouise d'Aumont
16 February 1819

2 October 1841
2 October 1841
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Died by natural causes
(aged 63)
Never married Son ofHonoré IV
(male proximity)

Florestan I
Other titles
10 October 1785
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofHonoré IV
andLouise d'Aumont
2 October 1841

20 June 1856
20 June 1856
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Died by natural causes
(aged 70)
Maria Caroline Gibert de Lametz
2 children
Son ofHonoré IV
(male proximity)

Charles III
Other titles
8 December 1818
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofFlorestan I
andMaria Caroline Gibert de Lametz
20 June 1856

10 September 1889
10 September 1889
Château de Marchais
Died by natural causes
(aged 70)
Antoinette de Mérode
1 children
Son ofFlorestan I
(male proximity)

Albert I
Other titles
13 November 1848
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Son ofCharles III
andAntoinette de Mérode
10 September 1889

26 June 1922
26 June 1922
Hôtel Matignon,Paris
Died by natural causes
(aged 73)
(1)Mary Victoria Hamilton
1 children
(2)Alice Heine
Son ofCharles III
(male proximity)

Louis II
Other titles
12 July 1870
Son ofAlbert I
andMary Victoria Hamilton
26 June 1922

9 May 1949
9 May 1949
Died by natural causes
(aged 78)
Ghislaine Dommanget
Son ofAlbert I
(male proximity)

AlthoughAlbert Ihad granted the title of Valentinois to his granddaughterCharlotte,its right to succession remained withLouis IIand his legitimate male descendants; consequently, on his death without a male heir in 1949, it became extinct in French law and underSalic Law.However, his successor,Rainier III(son of Charlotte), still claimed it, possibly in the belief, as suggested byFrançois Velde,that it was "implicitly recreated for Charlotte by the French Republic in 1919 when her adoption was approved". However, the various French Republics have never created nor re-created any dukedom.

According to theAlmanach de Gotha,the title used inMonacocorresponds to a Monegasque concession of a title which otherwise would not be recognized in France, specially having in account that when Charlotte was created Duchess by her father, her grandfather was still the living Prince of Monaco with the right to the title of Duke, and only his son could succeed to the French title. Beside, only legitimate children can inherit French titles.


  • Velde, Francois."Monaco".Heraldica.RetrievedMarch 27,2005.
  • "Cesare Borgia".The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia.RetrievedMay 4,2005.

See also[edit]