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45°00′N85°00′E/ 45.000°N 85.000°E/45.000; 85.000

Dzungaria (Junggar Basin)
Chinese name
Simplified ChineseChuẩn Cát Nhĩ
Traditional ChineseChuẩn Cát Nhĩ
Bei gian g
ChineseBắc Cương
Literal meaningNorthernXin gian g
Mongolian name
Mongolian CyrillicЗүүнгар нутаг
Uyghur name

Dzungaria[a](/(d)zʊŋˈɡɛəriə/;from theMongolianwordszüün gar,meaning 'left hand'), also known asNorthern Xin gian gorBei gian g,[1]is a geographicalsubregioninNorthwest Chinathat corresponds to the northern half ofXin gian g.Bound by theAltai Mountainsto the north and theTian Shanmountain range to the south, Dzungaria covers approximately 777,000 km2(300,000 sq mi), and bordersKazakhstanto the west andMongoliato the east. In contexts prior to the mid-18th centuryDzungar genocide,the term "Dzungaria" could cover a wider area, coterminous with theOirat-ledDzungar Khanate.

Although Dzungaria is geographically, historically, and ethnically distinct from theTarim BasinorSouthern Xin gian g(Nan gian g), theManchu-ledQing dynastyintegrated both areas into one province, Xin gian g. Dzungaria is Xin gian g's center ofheavy industry,generates most of the region's GDP, and houses its political capitalÜrümqi(Oiratfor 'beautiful pasture'). As such, Dzungaria continues to attract intraprovincial and interprovincial migration to its cities. In contrast to the Tarim Basin, Dzungaria is relatively well integrated with the rest of China by rail and trade links.[2]



Xin gian ghas traditionally been divided into two geographically and ethnically distinct regions: Dzungaria, located north of the Tian Shan mountains; and the Tarim Basin, located south of the mountains. At the time of theQingconquest of Xin gian g in 1759, Dzungaria was predominantly inhabited bysteppe-dwelling, nomadicTibetan-BuddhistDzungarswhile the Tarim Basin was inhabited by predominantly oasis-dwelling, sedentary,TurkicMuslimfarmers, now known as theUyghurs.The Qing government was well aware of the differences between the inhabitants of the two regions, and initially ruled them as separate administrative units.[3]However, after theQing army's final pacification of the Tarim Basin in 1760, the Qing government began to describe Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin as one region called "Xin gian g" (lit.'new frontier').[4]

The Qing government officially unified Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin into one political entity calledXin gian g Provincein 1884, despite protests by some officials who believed that the two regions were better off left separated.[5]The geographic concept of Xin gian g was ultimately a construct of the Qing government; by the end of Qing rule in 1912, Xin gian g's native inhabitants had still not developed a distinct regional identity.[6]However, the foundations for a regional identity were laid by the Qing government's 150-year-long policies of politically isolating Xin gian g from the rest ofCentral Asiaand introducing Han and Hui settlers into the region. These policies pushed forward a cultural identity which sharply contrasted with both the rest of China and the rest of Central Asia.[7]



Before the 21st century, all or part of the region has been ruled or controlled by theXiongnu Empire,Han dynasty,Xianbei state,Rouran Khaganate,Turkic Khaganate,Tang dynasty,Uyghur Khaganate,Yenisei Kyrgyz Khaganate,Liao dynasty,Kara-Khitan Khanate,Mongol Empire,Yuan dynasty,Chagatai Khanate,Moghulistan,Kara Del,Northern Yuan,Four Oirat,Dzungar Khanate,Qumul Khanate,Qing dynasty,theRepublic of China,theSecond East Turkestan Republicand since 1950, it has been under the control of thePeople's Republic of China.



Dzungaria is named after theDzungar Khanatethat existed inCentral Asiaduring the 17th and 18th centuries.

Dzungaria,orZungharia,derives from the name of theDzungar people,which comes from theMongoliantermZűn Gar,orJüün Gar(depending on the Mongolian dialect used).Zűn(orJüün) means 'left' andGarmeans 'hand'. The name originates from the notion that the Western Mongols (Oirats) were on the left-hand side when theMongol Empirebegan its division into East and West Mongols. After this fragmentation, the western Mongolian nation was calledZuun Gar.[8]

Pre-modern era

A map of theDzungar Khanate,by aSwedish officerin captivity there in 1716–1733, which include the region known today asZhetysu

The first people to inhabit the region wereIndo-European-speakingpeoples such as theTochariansin prehistory and theJushi Kingdomin the first millennium BC.[9][10]

One of the earliest mentions of the Dzungaria region occurs when theHan dynastydispatched an explorer to investigate lands to the west, using the northernmostSilk Roadtrackway of about 2,600 kilometres (1,600 mi) in length, which connected the ancient Chinese capital ofXi'anto the west over theWushao Ling PasstoWuweiand emerged inKashgar.[11]

Istämiof theGöktürksreceived the lands of Dzungaria as an inheritance after the death of his father in the latter half of the sixth centuryAD.[12]

Dzungar power reached its height in the second half of the 17th century, whenGaldan Boshugtu Khanrepeatedly intervened in the affairs of theKazakhsto the west, but it was completely destroyed by theQing Empireabout 1757–1759. It has played an important part in the history ofMongoliaand the great migrations of Mongolian stems westward. Its widest limit includedKashgar,Yarkand,Khotan,the whole region of theTian Shan,and the greater proportion of that part of Central Asia which extends from 35° to 50° N and from 72° to 97° E.[8]

After 1761, its territory fell mostly to theQing dynastyduringthe campaign against the Dzungars(Xin gian gand north-western Mongolia) and partly toRussian Turkestan(the earlier Kazakh state provinces ofZhetysuand Irtysh river).

Dzungaria and the Silk Road


A traveler going west from China must go either north of the Tian Shan mountains through Dzungaria or south of the mountains through the Tarim Basin. Trade usually took the south side and migrations the north. This is most likely because the Tarim leads to theFerghana Valleyand Iran, while Dzungaria leads only to the open steppe. The difficulty with the south side was the high mountains between the Tarim and Ferghana. Furthermore, the Taklamakan is too dry to support much grass, and therefore nomads when they are not robbing caravans. Its inhabitants live mostly in oases formed where rivers run out of the mountains into the desert. These are inhabited by peasants who are unwarlike and merchants who have an interest in keeping trade running smoothly. Dzungaria has a fair amount of grass, few towns to base soldiers in and no significant mountain barriers to the west. Therefore, trade went south and migrations north.[13]Today most trade is north of the mountains (Dzungarian GateandKhorgasin the Ili valley) to avoid the mountains west of the Tarim and because Russia is currently more developed.

Modern era


After theDzungar genocide,the Qing subsequently began to repopulate the area with Han and Hui people from China Proper.

The population in the 21st century consists ofKazakhs,Kyrgyz,Mongols,UyghursandHan Chinese.Since 1953, northern Xin gian g has attracted skilled workers from all over China—who have mostly beenHan Chinese—to work on water conservation and industrial projects, especially theKaramayoil fields. Intraprovincial migration has mostly been directed towards Dzungaria also, with immigrants from the poor Uyghur areas of southern Xin gian g flooding to the provincial capital ofÜrümqito find work.[citation needed]

As a political or geographical term,Dzungariahas practically disappeared from the map; but the range of mountains stretching north-east along the southern frontier of the Zhetysu, as the district to the southeast ofLake Balkhashpreserves the name ofDzungarian Alatau.[8]It also gave name toDjungarian hamsters.


Physical map showing the separation of Dzungaria and the Tarim Basin (Taklamakan) by the Tian Shan Mountains
Ili River
Heaven Lake of Tian Shan
Kanas Lake
Bayanbulak Grassland

Wheat,barley,oats,andsugar beetsare grown, andcattle,sheep,andhorsesare raised in Dzungaria. The fields are irrigated with melted snow from the permanently white-capped mountains. Dzungaria has deposits ofcoal,gold,andiron,as well as largeoil fields.

Dzungarian Basin


The core of Dzungaria is the triangularDzungarian Basin,also known as Junggar Basin (simplified Chinese:Bồn địa Junggar;traditional Chinese:Bồn địa Junggar;pinyin:Zhǔngá'ěr Péndì), with its centralGurbantünggüt Desert.It is bounded by theTarbagatai Mountainsto the northwest, theAltai Mountainsto the northeast, and the Tian Shan mountains to the south.[14]The three corners are relatively open. The northern corner is the valley of the upperIrtysh River.The western corner is theDzungarian Gate,a historically important gateway between Dzungaria and theKazakh Steppe;presently, a highway and arailway(opened in 1990) run through it, connecting China with Kazakhstan. The eastern corner of the basin leads toGansuand the rest of China. In the south, an easy pass leads fromÜrümqito theTurfan Depression.In the southwest, the tallBorohoro Mountainsbranch of the Tian Shan separates the basin from the upperIli River.

The basin is similar to the larger Tarim Basin on the southern side of the Tian Shan Range. Only a gap in the mountains to the north allows moist air masses to provide the basin lands with enough moisture to remain semi-desert rather than becoming a true desert like most of the Tarim Basin and allows a thin layer of vegetation to grow. This is enough to sustain populations of wildcamels,jerboas,and other wild species.[15]

The Dzungarian Basin is a structural basin with thick sequences of Paleozoic-Pleistocene rocks with large estimatedoil reserves.[16]TheGurbantunggut Desert,China's second largest, is in the center of the basin.[17]

The Dzungarian basin does not have a singlecatchmentcenter. The northernmost section of Dzungaria is part of the basin of theIrtysh River,which ultimately drains into theArctic Ocean.The rest of the region is split into a number ofendorheic basins.In particular, south of the Irtysh, theUlungur Riverends up in the (presently)endorheicLake Ulungur.The Southwestern part of the Dzungarian basin drains into the Aibi Lake.In the west-central part of the region, streams flow into (or toward) a group of endorheic lakes that includeLake ManasandLake Ailik.During the region's geological past, a much larger lake (the "Old Manas Lake" ) was located in the area of today's Manas Lake; it was fed not only by the streams that presently flow toward it but also by the Irtysh and Ulungur, which too were flowing toward the Old Manas Lake at the time.[18]

The cold climate of nearby Siberia influences the climate of the Dzungarian Basin, making the temperature colder—as low as −4 °F (−20 °C)—and providing more precipitation, ranging from 3 to 10 inches (76 to 254 mm), compared to the warmer, drier basins to the south. Runoff from the surrounding mountains into the basin supplies several lakes. The ecologically rich habitats traditionally included meadows, marshlands, and rivers. However, most of the land is now used for agriculture.[15]

It is a largelysteppeand semi-desert basin surrounded by high mountains: the Tian Shan (ancientMount Imeon) in the south and theAltaiin the north. Geologically it is an extension of the PaleozoicKazakhstan Blockand was once part of an independent continent before the Altai mountains formed in the late Paleozoic. It does not contain the abundant minerals of Kazakhstan and may have been a pre-existing continental block before the Kazakhstan Block was formed.

Ürümqi,YiningandKaramaiare the main cities; other smalleroasistowns dot the piedmont areas.



Dzungaria is home to a semi-desertsteppeecoregionknown as the Dzungarian Basin semi-desert. The vegetation consists mostly of low scrub ofAnabasis brevifolia.Taller shrublands ofsaxaulbush(Haloxylon ammodendron)andEphedra przewalskiican be found near the margins of the basin. Streams descending from the Tian Shan and Altai ranges support stands ofpoplar(Populus diversifolia)together withNitraria roborovsky, N. sibirica,Neotrinia splendens,tamarisk(Tamarix sibirimosissima),andwillow(Salix ledebouriana).

The northeastern portion of the Dzungarian Basin semi-desert lies withinGreat Gobi National Park,and is home to herds ofOnagers(Equus hemionus),goitered gazelles(Gazella subgutturosa)andWild Bactrian camels(Camelus ferus).

The basin was one of the lasthabitatsofPrzewalski's horse(Equus przewalskii),also known as Dzungarian horse, which was onceextinctin the wild, though it has since been reintroduced in areas of Mongolia and China.



Dzungaria and its derivatives are used to name a number of pre-historic animals,[19]hailing from the rocky outcrops located in theDzungar Basin:

A notable find, in February 2006, is the oldesttyrannosaurfossil unearthed by a team of scientists fromGeorge Washington Universitywho were conducting a study in the Dzungarian Basin. The species, namedGuanlong,lived 160 million years ago, more than 90 million years before the famedTyrannosaurus rex.[citation needed]

See also



  1. ^Also transliterated variously asZungaria,Dzungharia,Zungharia,Dzhungaria,Zhungaria,Djungaria,orJungaria




  1. ^S. Frederick Starr (15 March 2004).Xin gian g: China's Muslim Borderland.M.E. Sharpe. pp. 30–.ISBN978-0-7656-3192-3.
  2. ^Stahle, Laura N (August 2009)."Ethnic Resistance and State Environmental Policy: Uyghurs and Mongols"(PDF).University of southern California.[permanent dead link]
  3. ^Liu & Faure 1996,p. 69.
  4. ^Liu & Faure 1996,p. 70.
  5. ^Liu & Faure 1996,p. 78.
  6. ^Liu & Faure 1996,p. 67.
  7. ^Liu & Faure 1996,p. 77.
  8. ^abcOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Chisholm, Hugh,ed. (1911). "Dzungaria".Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 8 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 787.
  9. ^Hill (2009), p. 109.
  10. ^Grousset, Rene (1970).The Empire of the Steppes.Rutgers University Press. pp.35, 37, 42.ISBN0-8135-1304-9.
  11. ^Silk Road, North China,C.Michael Hogan, the Megalithic Portal, ed. A. Burnham
  12. ^The Empire of the Steppes: A History of Central Asia,By René Grousset
  13. ^Grosset, 'The Empire of the Steppes', p xxii,
  14. ^"Jungar Basin".Encyclopædia Britannica.Retrieved2008-02-13.
  15. ^abWorld Wildlife Fund, ed. (2001)."Junggar Basin semi-desert".WildWorld Ecoregion Profile.National Geographic Society. Archived fromthe originalon 2010-03-08.Retrieved2008-02-13.
  16. ^"Geochemistry of oils from the Junggar Basin, Northwest China".AAPG Bulletin, GeoScience World. 1997.Retrieved2008-02-13.
  17. ^"Junggar Basin semi-desert".Terrestrial Ecoregions.World Wildlife Fund.Retrieved2008-02-13.
  18. ^Yao, Yonghui; Li, Huiguo (2010),"Tectonic geomorphological characteristics for evolution of the Manas Lake",Journal of Arid Land,2(3): 167–173,Bibcode:2010JArL....2..167Y,doi:10.3724/SP.J.1227.2010.00167(inactive 2024-05-27){{citation}}:CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of May 2024 (link)
  19. ^Nature,Nature Publishing Group, Norman Lockyer, 1869


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