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Epidermal growth factor receptor

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PDBOrtholog search:PDBeRCSB
AliasesEGFR,ERBB, ERBB1, HER1, NISBD2, PIG61, mENA, epidermal growth factor receptor, Genes, erbB-1, ERRP
External IDsOMIM:131550;MGI:95294;HomoloGene:74545;GeneCards:EGFR;OMA:EGFR - orthologs
RefSeq (mRNA)


RefSeq (protein)


Location (UCSC)Chr 7: 55.02 – 55.21 MbChr 11: 16.7 – 16.87 Mb
View/Edit HumanView/Edit Mouse

Theepidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR;ErbB-1;HER1in humans) is atransmembrane proteinthat is areceptorfor members of theepidermal growth factorfamily (EGF family) ofextracellularproteinligands.[5]

The epidermal growth factor receptor is a member of theErbB family of receptors,a subfamily of four closely relatedreceptor tyrosine kinases:EGFR (ErbB-1),HER2/neu(ErbB-2),Her 3(ErbB-3) andHer 4(ErbB-4). In many cancer types, mutations affecting EGFR expression or activity could result incancer.[6]

Epidermal growth factor and its receptor was discovered byStanley CohenofVanderbilt University.Cohen shared the 1986Nobel Prize in MedicinewithRita Levi-Montalcinifor their discovery ofgrowth factors.

Deficient signaling of the EGFR and otherreceptor tyrosine kinasesin humans is associated with diseases such as Alzheimer's, while over-expression is associated with the development of a wide variety of tumors. Interruption of EGFR signalling, either by blocking EGFR binding sites on the extracellular domain of the receptor or by inhibiting intracellular tyrosine kinase activity, can prevent the growth of EGFR-expressing tumours and improve the patient's condition[citation needed].


EGFR signaling cascades
Diagram of the EGF receptor highlighting important domains

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is atransmembrane proteinthat is activated by binding of its specificligands,includingepidermal growth factorandtransforming growth factor Alpha(TGF-α).[7]ErbB2 has no known direct activatingligand,and may be in an activated state constitutively or become active uponheterodimerizationwith other family members such as EGFR. Upon activation by its growth factor ligands, EGFR undergoes a transition from an inactivemonomericform to an activehomodimer.[8]– although there is some evidence that preformed inactive dimers may also exist before ligand binding.[9]In addition to forming homodimers after ligand binding, EGFR may pair with another member of the ErbB receptor family, such asErbB2/Her2/neu,to create an activatedheterodimer.There is also evidence to suggest that clusters of activated EGFRs form, although it remains unclear whether this clustering is important for activation itself or occurs subsequent to activation of individual dimers.[10]

EGFR dimerization stimulates its intrinsic intracellular protein-tyrosine kinase activity. As a result,autophosphorylationof severaltyrosine(Y) residues in the C-terminaldomainof EGFR occurs. These include Y992, Y1045, Y1068, Y1148 and Y1173, as shown in the adjacent diagram.[11]This autophosphorylation elicits downstream activation and signaling by several other proteins that associate with the phosphorylated tyrosines through their own phosphotyrosine-bindingSH2 domains.These downstream signaling proteins initiate severalsignal transductioncascades, principally theMAPK,AktandJNKpathways, leading toDNA synthesisand cell proliferation.[12]Such proteins modulate phenotypes such ascell migration,adhesion,andproliferation.Activation of the receptor is important for the innate immune response in human skin. Additionally, the kinase domain of the EGFR can cross-phosphorylate the tyrosine residues of other receptors with which it is aggregated and thereby activate itself.

Biological roles


The EGFR is essential forductaldevelopment of themammary glands,[13][14][15]andagonistsof the EGFR such asamphiregulin,TGF-α,and heregulin induce both ductal andlobuloalveolardevelopment even in the absence ofestrogenandprogesterone.[16][17]

Role in human disease




Mutationsthat lead to EGFR overexpression (known as upregulation or amplification) have been associated with a number ofcancers,includingadenocarcinoma of the lung(40% of cases),anal cancers,[18]glioblastoma(50%) andepithelian tumors of the head and neck(80–100%).[19]These somatic mutations involving EGFR lead to its constant activation, which produces uncontrolled cell division.[20]Inglioblastomaa specific mutation of EGFR, calledEGFRvIII,is often observed.[21]Mutations, amplifications or misregulations of EGFR or family members are implicated in about 30% of allepithelialcancers.[22]

Inflammatory disease


Aberrant EGFR signaling has been implicated in psoriasis, eczema and atherosclerosis.[23][24]However, its exact roles in these conditions are ill-defined.

Monogenic disease


A single child displaying multi-organ epithelial inflammation was found to have a homozygous loss of function mutation in theEGFRgene. The pathogenicity of the EGFR mutation was supported by in vitro experiments and functional analysis of a skin biopsy. His severe phenotype reflects many previous research findings into EGFR function. His clinical features included a papulopustular rash, dry skin, chronic diarrhoea, abnormalities of hair growth, breathing difficulties and electrolyte imbalances.[25]

Wound healing and fibrosis


EGFR has been shown to play a critical role inTGF-beta1dependentfibroblasttomyofibroblastdifferentiation.[26][27]Aberrant persistence ofmyofibroblastswithin tissues can lead to progressive tissuefibrosis,impairing tissue or organ function (e.g. skinhypertrophicorkeloidscars,liver cirrhosis,myocardial fibrosis,chronic kidney disease).

Medical applications


Drug target


The identification of EGFR as anoncogenehas led to the development of anticancer therapeutics directed against EGFR (called "EGFR inhibitors", EGFRi), includinggefitinib,[28]erlotinib,[29]afatinib,brigatinibandicotinib[30][31]for lung cancer, andcetuximabforcolon cancer.More recently AstraZeneca has developedOsimertinib,a third generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor.[32][31]

Many therapeutic approaches are aimed at the EGFR. Cetuximab andpanitumumabare examples ofmonoclonal antibodyinhibitors.However the former is of theIgG1type, the latter of theIgG2type; consequences onantibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicitycan be quite different.[33]Other monoclonals in clinical development arezalutumumab,nimotuzumab,andmatuzumab.The monoclonal antibodies block the extracellular ligand binding domain. With the binding site blocked, signal molecules can no longer attach there and activate the tyrosine kinase.

Another method is using small molecules to inhibit the EGFR tyrosine kinase, which is on the cytoplasmic side of the receptor. Without kinase activity, EGFR is unable to activate itself, which is a prerequisite for binding of downstream adaptor proteins. Ostensibly by halting the signaling cascade in cells that rely on this pathway for growth, tumor proliferation and migration is diminished.Gefitinib,erlotinib,brigatinibandlapatinib(mixed EGFR and ERBB2 inhibitor) are examples of small moleculekinaseinhibitors.

CimaVax-EGF,an activevaccinetargeting EGF as the majorligandof EGF, uses a different approach, raisingantibodiesagainst EGF itself, thereby denying EGFR-dependent cancers of a proliferative stimulus;[34]it is in use as a cancer therapy againstnon-small-cell lung carcinoma(the most common form of lung cancer) in Cuba, and is undergoing further trials for possible licensing in Japan, Europe, and the United States.[35]

There are several quantitative methods available that use protein phosphorylation detection to identify EGFR family inhibitors.[36]

New drugs such asosimertinib,gefitinib,erlotinibandbrigatinibdirectly target the EGFR. Patients have been divided into EGFR-positive and EGFR-negative, based upon whether a tissue test shows a mutation. EGFR-positive patients have shown a 60% response rate, which exceeds the response rate for conventional chemotherapy.[37]

However, many patients develop resistance. Two primary sources of resistance are the T790M mutation andMEToncogene.[37]However, as of 2010 there was no consensus of an accepted approach to combat resistance nor FDA approval of a specific combination. Clinical trial phase II results reported forbrigatinibtargeting the T790M mutation, and brigatinib received Breakthrough Therapy designation status by FDA in Feb. 2015.

The most commonadverse effectof EGFR inhibitors, found in more than 90% of patients, is apapulopustularrash that spreads across the face and torso; the rash's presence is correlated with the drug's antitumor effect.[38]In 10% to 15% of patients the effects can be serious and require treatment.[39][40]

Some tests are aiming at predicting benefit from EGFR treatment, asVeristrat.[41]

Laboratory research using genetically engineered stem cells to target EGFR in mice was reported in 2014 to show promise.[42]EGFR is a well-established target for monoclonal antibodies and specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors.[43]

Target for imaging agents


Imaging agents have been developed which identify EGFR-dependent cancers using labeled EGF.[44]The feasibility of in vivo imaging of EGFR expression has been demonstrated in several studies.[45][46]

It has been proposed that certain computed tomography findings such as ground-glass opacities, air bronchogram, spiculated margins, vascular convergence, and pleural retraction can predict the presence of EGFR mutation in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.[47]



Epidermal growth factor receptor has been shown tointeractwith:

In fruitflies, theepidermal growth factor receptorinteracts withSpitz.[105]


  1. ^abcGRCh38: Ensembl release 89: ENSG00000146648Ensembl,May 2017
  2. ^abcGRCm38: Ensembl release 89: ENSMUSG00000020122Ensembl,May 2017
  3. ^"Human PubMed Reference:".National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  4. ^"Mouse PubMed Reference:".National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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  7. ^note, a full list of the ligands able to activate EGFR and other members of the ErbB family is given in theErbBarticle)
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Further reading
