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NameProto-GermanicOld English
ShapeElder FutharkFuthorc
Position in

*Ehwazis the reconstructedProto-Germanicname of theElder Futharkerune,meaning "horse"(cognate to Latinequus,Gaulishepos,Tocharian Byakwe,Sanskritaśva,AvestanaspaandOld Irishech). In theAnglo-Saxon futhorc,it is continued aseh(properlyeoh,but spelled without the diphthong to avoid confusion withēoh"yew" ).

The Proto-Germanic vowel system was asymmetric and unstable. The difference between the long vowels expressed byeandï(sometimes transcribed as*ē1and*ē2) was lost. TheYounger Futharkcontinues neither, lacking a letter expressingealtogether. The Anglo-Saxon futhorc faithfully preserved all Elder futhorc staves, but assigned new sound values to the redundant ones, futhorcēohexpressing a diphthong.

In the case of theGothic Alpha bet,where the names of the runes were re-applied to letters derived from the Greek Alpha bet, the letter𐌴ewas namedaíƕus"horse" as well (note that in Gothic orthography,⟨aí⟩represents monophthongic /e/).

The rune may have been an original innovation, or it may have been adapted from theclassical Latin Alpha bet'sE.[citation needed]

Anglo-Saxon rune poem[edit]

The Anglo-Saxonrune poemhas:

Eh bẏþ for eorlum æþelinga ƿẏn,
hors hofum ƿlanc, ðær him hæleþ ẏmb[e]
ƿelege on ƿicgum ƿrixlaþ spræce
and biþ unstẏllum æfre frofur.
"The horse is a joy to princes in the presence of warriors.
A steed in the pride of its hoofs,
when rich men on horseback bandy words about it;
and it is ever a source of comfort to the restless. "