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Eikenella corrodens

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Eikenella corrodensonchocolate agarafter 36 hours. Notice how colonies pit the agar, which is a distinct characteristic of this species.
Scientific classification
E. corrodens
Binomial name
Eikenella corrodens
(Eiken 1958) Jackson and Goodman 1972 (Approved Lists 1980)

Eikenella corrodensis aGram-negativefacultative anaerobic bacillus that can cause severe invasive disease in humans.[1]It was first identified byM. Eikenin 1958, who called itBacteroides corrodens.[2]E. corrodensis a rare pericarditis associated pathogen.[3]It is afastidious,slow growing, humancommensalbacillus, capable of acting as an opportunistic pathogen and causing abscesses in several anatomical sites, including the liver, lung, spleen, and submandibular region.[4]E. corrodenscould independently cause serious infection in both immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts.[5]



Eikenella corrodensis apleomorphicbacillus that sometimes appearscoccobacillaryand typically creates a depression (or "pit" ) in the agar on which it is growing. Only half produce the pitting of the agar considered characteristic.[citation needed]It is a slow-growing, facultative anaerobe and a gram-negative bacillus.[6]

It grows in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, but requires an atmosphere enhanced by 3–10%carbon dioxide.[citation needed]

The colonies are small and greyish, they produce a greenish discoloration of the underlying agar, and smell faintly of bleach (hypochlorite).[citation needed]

They areoxidase-positive,catalase-negative,urease-negative, andindole-negative, and reducenitratetonitrite.[citation needed]

In 2006, Azakamiet alreported that the periodontal pathogenE. corrodenshas anorthologofluxS,the gene required forquorum sensing(QS) signal moleculeAI-2synthesis and thatE. corrodenscan produce AI-2 signals for cell-to-cell communication. They additionally reported that AI-2 has a role inbiofilmformation byE. corrodens.[7]Karimet alreported that this bacterium can produce AI-2 inactivation enzyme during its stationary phase.[8]Karimet alalso reported thatLuxS-mediated QS may facilitate the maturation and detachment of biofilm formation inE. corrodens,which can lead to progression ofperiodontal disease.[9]

Medical importance


Eikenella corrodensis acommensalof the human mouth and upper respiratory tract. It is an unusual cause of infection and when it is cultured, it is most usually found mixed with other organisms. Infections most commonly occur in patients with cancers of the head and neck,[10]but can occur in human bite infections, especially "reverse bite","fight bite",or"clenched fist injuries".[11]It can also cause infections ininsulin-dependent diabeticsandintravenous drug userswho lick their needles ( "needle-licker's osteomyelitis" ).[12]It is one of theHACEKgroup of infections which are a cause of culture-negativeendocarditis.In general, the HACEK organisms are responsible for approximately 3% of all cases of infective endocarditis (IE). IE due toE. corrodensis usually a result of poor oral hygiene and or periodontal infection. Manipulation of the gingival or oral mucosa for dental procedures also can predispose patients to infection sinceE. corrodensis a constituent of the human oral flora.[13]E. corrodenscan coexists and is frequently detected with other pathogens includingStaphylococcusandStreptococcus.[14]

Eikenella corrodensinfections are typically indolent (the infection does not become clinically evident until a week or more after the injury). They also mimicanaerobicinfection in being extremely foul-smelling.[citation needed]

Eikenella corrodenswas mentioned in an episode ofForensic Files,in which a hotel employee punched a woman in the mouth, knocking out two of her teeth. Her tooth bacteria caused a major infection in the man's hand.[citation needed]



For accurate diagnoses, a high degree of suspicion is required in order to properly attribute an infection toEikenella corrodens.[15]The identification ofE. corrodensmay be delayed because of its slow growth in the absence of CO2.[16]E. corrodenscan be treated withpenicillins,cephalosporins,ortetracyclines,however due to the resistant nature of the bacteria ongoing and recurring symptoms can be expected despite rigorous and prolonged antibiotic treatment.[17]Submandibular and peritonsillar abscesses caused byE. corrodenscan be treated by incision and drainage.[18]Earlier diagnosis and proper drainage surgery with effective antibiotics treatment may improve the prognosis.[19]First-choice drugs forE. corrodensinfections should be third-generationcephems,carbapenems,or newquinolones.[20]It is innately resistant tomacrolides(e.g.,erythromycin),clindamycin,andmetronidazole.It is susceptible tofluoroquinolones(e.g.,ciprofloxacin)in vitro,but no clinical evidence is available to advocate their use in these infections.[21]


  1. ^Wei, Wei; Nie, Hu (December 2019)."Severe purulent pericarditis caused by invasiveEikenella corrodens:Case report and literature review ".BMC Infectious Diseases.19(1): 657.doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4256-0.ISSN1471-2334.PMC6651983.PMID31337357.
  2. ^Eiken, M (1958). "Studies on an anaerobic, rodshaped, gram-negative microorganism:Bacteroides corrodensn. sp ".Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica.43(4): 404–16.doi:10.1111/j.1699-0463.1958.tb04677.x.PMID13594456.
  3. ^Wei, Wei; Nie, Hu (2019-07-23)."Severe purulent pericarditis caused by invasiveEikenella corrodens:Case report and literature review ".BMC Infectious Diseases.19(1): 657.doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4256-0.ISSN1471-2334.PMC6651983.PMID31337357.
  4. ^Lee, S-H (2003-11-01)."Inflammatory pseudotumour associated with chronic persistentEikenella corrodensinfection: a case report and brief review ".Journal of Clinical Pathology.56(11): 868–870.doi:10.1136/jcp.56.11.868.ISSN0021-9746.PMC1770116.PMID14600136.
  5. ^Wei, Wei; Nie, Hu (2019-07-23)."Severe purulent pericarditis caused by invasive Eikenella corrodens: case report and literature review".BMC Infectious Diseases.19(1): 657.doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4256-0.ISSN1471-2334.PMC6651983.PMID31337357.
  6. ^Heymann, W. R.; Drezner, D. (August 1997)."Submandibular abscess caused by Eikenella corrodens".Cutis.60(2): 101–102.ISSN0011-4162.PMID9283774.
  7. ^Azakami, Hiroyuki; Teramura, Izumi; Matsunaga, Tetsuro; Akimichi, Hiromi; Noiri, Yuichiro; Ebisu, Shigeyuki; Kato, Akio (2006). "Characterization of autoinducer 2 signal inEikenella corrodensand its role in biofilm formation ".Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.102(2): 110–7.doi:10.1263/jbb.102.110.PMID17027872.
  8. ^Karim, Mohammad Minnatul; Nagao, Ayako; Mansur, Fariha Jasin; Matsunaga, Tetsuro; Akakabe, Yoshihiko; Noiri, Yuichiro; Ebisu, Shigeyuki; Kato, Akio; Azakami, Hiroyuki (2013)."The Periodontopathogenic Bacterium Eikenella corrodens Produces an Autoinducer-2-Inactivating Enzyme".Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry.77(5): 1080–5.doi:10.1271/bbb.130047.PMID23649272.S2CID34951411.
  9. ^Karim, Mohammad Minnatul; Hisamoto, Tatsunori; Matsunaga, Tetsuro; Asahi, Yoko; Noiri, Yuichiro; Ebisu, Shigeyuki; Kato, Akio; Azakami, Hiroyuki (2013). "LuxS affects biofilm maturation and detachment of the periodontopathogenic bacteriumEikenella corrodens".Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.116(3): 313–8.doi:10.1016/j.jbiosc.2013.03.013.PMID23639420.
  10. ^Sheng, W.-S.; Hsueh, P.-R.; Hung, C.-C.; Teng, L.-J.; Chen, Y.-C.; Luh, K.-T. (2001). "Clinical Features of Patients with Invasive Eikenella corrodens Infections and Microbiological Characteristics of the Causative Isolates".European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.20(4): 231–6.doi:10.1007/s100960100477.PMID11399011.
  11. ^Goldstein, E. J. C. (1992). "Bite Wounds and Infection".Clinical Infectious Diseases.14(3): 633–8.doi:10.1093/clinids/14.3.633.PMID1562653.
  12. ^Swisher, Loice A.; Roberts, James R.; Glynn, Martin J. (1994). "Needle licker's osteomyelitis".The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.12(3): 343–6.doi:10.1016/0735-6757(94)90156-2.PMID8179747.
  13. ^Das, Md; Badley, Md, A.D.; Cockerill, Md, F.R.; Steckelberg, Md, J.M.; Wilson, Md, W. R. (1997)."Infective endocarditis caused by HACEK microorganisms".Annual Review of Medicine.48:25–33.doi:10.1146/annurev.med.48.1.25.PMID9046942.Retrieved2016-05-17.
  14. ^Udaka, Tsuyoshi; Hiraki, Nobuaki; Shiomori, Teruo; Miyamoto, Hiroshi; Fujimura, Takeyuki; Inaba, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Hideaki (April 2007)."Eikenella corrodens in head and neck infections".The Journal of Infection.54(4): 343–348.doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2005.06.015.ISSN1532-2742.PMID16962664.
  15. ^Knudsen, T. D.; Simko, E. J. (February 1995)."Eikenella corrodens: an unexpected pathogen causing a persistent peritonsillar abscess".Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal.74(2): 114–117.doi:10.1177/014556139507400212.ISSN0145-5613.PMID7705229.S2CID28256016.
  16. ^Lee, S.-H.; Fang, Y.-C.; Luo, J.-P.; Kuo, H.-I.; Chen, H.-C. (November 2003)."Inflammatory pseudotumour associated with chronic persistent Eikenella corrodens infection: a case report and brief review".Journal of Clinical Pathology.56(11): 868–870.doi:10.1136/jcp.56.11.868.ISSN0021-9746.PMC1770116.PMID14600136.
  17. ^Knudsen, T. D.; Simko, E. J. (February 1995)."Eikenella corrodens: an unexpected pathogen causing a persistent peritonsillar abscess".Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal.74(2): 114–117.doi:10.1177/014556139507400212.ISSN0145-5613.PMID7705229.S2CID28256016.
  18. ^Heymann, W. R.; Drezner, D. (August 1997)."Submandibular abscess caused by Eikenella corrodens".Cutis.60(2): 101–102.ISSN0011-4162.PMID9283774.
  19. ^Wei, Wei; Nie, Hu (2019-07-23)."Severe purulent pericarditis caused by invasive Eikenella corrodens: case report and literature review".BMC Infectious Diseases.19(1): 657.doi:10.1186/s12879-019-4256-0.ISSN1471-2334.PMC6651983.PMID31337357.
  20. ^Udaka, Tsuyoshi; Hiraki, Nobuaki; Shiomori, Teruo; Miyamoto, Hiroshi; Fujimura, Takeyuki; Inaba, Tsuyoshi; Suzuki, Hideaki (April 2007)."Eikenella corrodens in head and neck infections".The Journal of Infection.54(4): 343–348.doi:10.1016/j.jinf.2005.06.015.ISSN1532-2742.PMID16962664.
  21. ^Sheng, W.-S.; Hsueh, P.-R.; Hung, C.-C.; Teng, L.-J.; Chen, Y.-C.; Luh, K.-T. (2001). "Clinical Features of Patients with Invasive Eikenella corrodens Infections and Microbiological Characteristics of the Causative Isolates".European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.20(4): 231–6.doi:10.1007/s100960100477.PMID11399011.