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Eiki Matayoshi

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Eiki Matayoshi
Lại cát vinh hỉ
Born(1947-07-10)July 10, 1947(age 77)

Eiki Matayoshi(Lại cát vinh hỉ,Matayoshi Eiki,born 15 July 1947)is a contemporary Japanese writer. His novels are always set in the Okinawa archipelago, and he is considered one of the most important contemporary novelists from Okinawa.

One of his earliest novels,Jōji ga shasatsu shita inoshishi(ジョージが bắn chết した heo - "The Wild Boar that George Shot" ), published in 1978, became very famous for being inspired by a true, controversial story. A soldier of the US occupation forces in Okinawa shot a local man, and during the trial he declared that he mistakenly took him for a wild boar. The US soldier was declared innocent, arousing a big debate among the locals.

Matayoshi became known outside Okinawa thanks to the prestigiousAkutagawa Prize,which he won in 1995 for his novelButa no mukui( heo の báo いThe Pig's Retribution).[1]

Selected works

  • Kānibaru tōgyū taikai(カーニバル đấu ngưu đại hộiThe Carnival Bullfight). 1976. English tr. "The Carnival Bullfight" - posted on 14.10.2009 in "Behold my Swarthy Face" blog[1];tr. by Tom Kain);
  • Buta no mukui( heo の báo いThe Pig's Retribution). 1996. Italian tr.:La punizione del maiale.2008. Nuoro: Il Maestrale; tr. by Luca Capponcelli and Costantino Pes);
  • Kahō wa umi kara( quả báo は hải からFortunes Comes from the Sea). 1998. English tr.: "Fortunes by the sea", 2000, in Molasky Michael e Rabson Steve, eds.Southern Exposure: Modern Japanese Literature from Okinawa.Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press; tr. by David Fahy).
  • Jinkotsu tenjikan( người cốt triển lãm gianHuman Bones on Display). 2002. French tr.:Histoire d'un squelette.2006. Arles: Philippe Picquier; tr. by Patrick Honnoré).

Movie Adaptations

  • 1998.Beat(ビート). Filmmaker:Miyamoto Amon( cung bổn á môn, 1958- ). Screened in 1998, atVenice Film Festival.Original novel:Naminoue no Maria( sóng の thượng の マリア -Maria from Naminoue,1998).
  • 1999.Buta no mukui.FilmmakerSai Yōichi( thôi dương một, 1949- ), screened in 1999 atLocarno International Film Festival(wins Don Quixote award). Original novel:Buta no mukui(The Pig's Retribution,1996).


  1. ^"Okinawa Writers Excel in Literature"Archived2000-08-23 at theWayback MachineThe Okinawa Times2000/7/21 (Retrieved on January 13, 2008)