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Capacity of a set

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Inmathematics,thecapacity of a setinEuclidean spaceis a measure of the "size" of that set. Unlike, say,Lebesgue measure,which measures a set'svolumeor physical extent, capacity is a mathematical analogue of a set's ability to holdelectrical charge.More precisely, it is thecapacitanceof the set: the total charge a set can hold while maintaining a givenpotential energy.The potential energy is computed with respect to an idealized ground at infinity for theharmonicorNewtonian capacity,and with respect to a surface for thecondenser capacity.

Historical note


The notion of capacity of a set and of "capacitable" set was introduced byGustave Choquetin 1950: for a detailed account, see reference (Choquet 1986).



Condenser capacity


Let Σ be aclosed,smooth, (n− 1)-dimensionalhypersurfaceinn-dimensional Euclidean space,n≥ 3;Kwill denote then-dimensionalcompact(i.e.,closedandbounded) set of which Σ is theboundary.LetSbe another (n− 1)-dimensional hypersurface that encloses Σ: in reference to its origins inelectromagnetism,the pair (Σ,S) is known as acondenser.Thecondenser capacityof Σ relative toS,denotedC(Σ,S) or cap(Σ,S), is given by the surface integral


is thenormal derivativeofuacrossS;and
  • σn= 2πn⁄2⁄ Γ(n⁄ 2) is the surface area of theunit spherein.

C(Σ,S) can be equivalently defined by the volume integral

The condenser capacity also has avariational characterization:C(Σ,S) is theinfimumof theDirichlet's energyfunctional

over allcontinuously differentiable functionsvonDwithv(x) = 1 on Σ andv(x) = 0 onS.

Harmonic capacity


Heuristically,the harmonic capacity ofK,the region bounded by Σ, can be found by taking the condenser capacity of Σ with respect to infinity. More precisely, letube the harmonic function in the complement ofKsatisfyingu= 1 on Σ andu(x) → 0 asx→ ∞. Thusuis theNewtonian potentialof the simple layer Σ. Then theharmonic capacityorNewtonian capacityofK,denotedC(K) or cap(K), is then defined by

IfSis arectifiable hypersurfacecompletely enclosingK,then the harmonic capacity can be equivalently rewritten as the integral overSof the outward normal derivative ofu:

The harmonic capacity can also be understood as a limit of the condenser capacity. To wit, letSrdenote thesphereof radiusrabout the origin in.SinceKis bounded, for sufficiently larger,Srwill encloseKand (Σ,Sr) will form a condenser pair. The harmonic capacity is then thelimitasrtends to infinity:

The harmonic capacity is a mathematically abstract version of theelectrostatic capacityof the conductorKand is always non-negative and finite: 0 ≤C(K) < +∞.

TheWiener capacityorRobin constantW(K)ofKis given by

Logarithmic capacity


In two dimensions, the capacity is defined as above, but dropping the factor ofin the definition:

This is often called thelogarithmic capacity,the termlogarithmicarises, as the potential function goes from being an inverse power to a logarithm in thelimit. This is articulated below. It may also be called theconformal capacity,in reference to its relation to theconformal radius.



The harmonic functionuis called thecapacity potential,theNewtonian potentialwhenand thelogarithmic potentialwhen.It can be obtained via aGreen's functionas

withxa point exterior toS,and



Themeasureis called thecapacitary measureorequilibrium measure.It is generally taken to be aBorel measure.It is related to the capacity as

The variational definition of capacity over theDirichlet energycan be re-expressed as

with the infimum taken over all positive Borel measuresconcentrated onK,normalized so thatand withis the energy integral



The characterization of the capacity of a set as the minimum of anenergy functionalachieving particular boundary values, given above, can be extended to other energy functionals in thecalculus of variations.

Divergence form elliptic operators


Solutions to a uniformlyelliptic partial differential equationwith divergence form

are minimizers of the associated energy functional

subject to appropriate boundary conditions.

The capacity of a setEwith respect to a domainDcontainingEis defined as theinfimumof the energy over allcontinuously differentiable functionsvonDwithv(x) = 1 onE;andv(x) = 0 on the boundary ofD.

The minimum energy is achieved by a function known as thecapacitary potentialofEwith respect toD,and it solves theobstacle problemonDwith the obstacle function provided by theindicator functionofE.The capacitary potential is alternately characterized as the unique solution of the equation with the appropriate boundary conditions.

See also

  • Analytic capacity– number that denotes how big a certain bounded analytic function can become
  • Capacitance– Ability of a body to store an electrical charge
  • Newtonian potential– Green's function for Laplacian
  • Potential theory– Harmonic functions as solutions to Laplace's equation
  • Choquet theory– Area of functional analysis and convex analysis

