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Enraged Ones
LeadersJacques Roux
Théophile Leclerc
Jean Varlet
Claire Lacombe
Founded1792;232 years ago(1792)
Dissolved1794;230 years ago(1794)
Split fromJacobin Club
IdeologyDirect democracy
Political positionFar-left

TheEnragés(French pronunciation:[ɑ̃ʁɑʒe];transl.  "enraged ones"), commonly known as theUltra-radicals(French:Ultra-radicaux), were a small number of firebrands known for defending the lower class and expressing the demands of the radicalsans-culottesduring theFrench Revolution.[5]They played an active role in the31 May – 2 June 1793 Paris uprisingsthat forced the expulsion of theGirondinsfrom theNational Convention,allowing theMontagnardsto assume full control.[6]The Enragés gained their name for their angry rhetoric appealing to the National Convention to take more measures that would benefit the poor.Jacques Roux,Jean-François Varlet,Jean Théophile Victor LeclercandClaire Lacombe,the primary leaders of the Enragés, were strident critics of the National Convention for failing to carry out the promises of the French Revolution.[5]

The Enragés were not a unified party, but rather a set of individuals who worked for their own objectives, and evidence of cooperation between them is inconclusive.[7]The leaders did not view themselves as part of a cohesive movement, with Roux even calling for Varlet's arrest at one point.[8]The notion of the Enragés as a cohesive group was perpetuated by theJacobins,as they lumped their critics Leclerc and Roux into one group.[9]

Primary demands[edit]

In 1793, Jacques Roux delivered a speech at the National Convention known as theManifesto of the Enragésthat represented the essential demands of the group. He asserted that freedom and equality had thus far been "vain phantoms", because the rich had profited from the French Revolution at the expense of the poor. To remedy this, he proposed measures forprice controls,arguing, "Those goods necessary to all should be delivered at a price accessible to all". He also called for strict punishments against actors engaged inspeculationandmonopoly.He demanded the National Convention take severe action to represscounterrevolutionaryactivity, promising to "show them [enemies] those immortal pikes that overthrew theBastille".Lastly, he accused the National Convention of ruining the finances of the state and encouraged the exclusive use of theassignatto stabilize finances.[10]


The Enragés formed in response to theJacobins's reluctance to restrain thecapitalistbourgeois.Many Parisians feared that theNational Conventionprotected merchants and shopkeepers at the expense of thesans-culottes,the lower-class working peoples. The Enragés, though not a cohesive body, offered these working poor a platform to express their dissent. Their dissent was often conveyed through riots, public demonstrations and passionate oratory.

Jacques RouxandJean-Francois Varletemboldened the Parisian working poor to approach the Jacobin Club on 22 February 1793 and persuade them to place price controls onnecessary goods.The Enragés appointed two women to represent the movement and their agenda to the National Convention. However, the Convention refused to grant them an audience. This provoked outrage and criticism throughout Paris, and some went as far as to accuse the National Convention of protecting the merchant elite's interests at the expense of thesans-culottes.Further attempts of the Enragés to communicate their position were denied by the National Convention. Determined to be heard, they responded with revolt. They plundered the homes and businesses of the merchant elite, employing direct action to meet their needs. The Enragés were noted for using both legal and extralegal means to achieve their ends.[11]

The Enragés were composed of members within the National Convention and thesans-culottes.They illuminated the internal and external war waged by thesans-culottes.They complained that the National Conventionordered men to fight on the battlefieldwithout providing for the widows and orphans remaining in France. They emphasized the unavailability of basic necessities, particularly bread. In hisManifesto of the Enragés,Jacques Roux colorfully expressed this sentiment to the National Convention, asking,[12]

Is it necessary that the widows of those who died for the cause of freedom pay, at the price of gold, for the cotton they need to wipe away their tears, for the milk and the honey that serves for their children?

They accused the merchant aristocracy of withholding access to goods and supplies to intentionally drive up prices. Roux demanded that the National Convention imposecapital punishmentupon unethical merchants who usedspeculation,monopoliesandhoardingto increase their personal profits at the expense of the poor. The Enragés labeledprice gougingas counter-revolutionary and treasonous. This sentiment also extended to those who sympathized with the recently executedKing Louis XVI.They felt that those who sympathized with the monarchy would also sympathize with those who hoarded goods. It is not surprising that many within the Enragés actively worked against theGirondinfaction of the Convention and, indeed, contributed to the demise of the moderate Girondins, who were widely seen as having fought to spare the king. Those who adhered to the ideologies presented in theManifesto of the Enragéswished to emphasize to the National Convention that tyranny was not just the product of monarchy, and that injustice and oppression did not end with theexecution of the king.In their view, oppression existed whenever one stratum of society sought to monopolize the majority of resources while simultaneously preventing others from gaining access to those same resources. In their view, the pursuit of resources was acceptable, but the act of limiting access to resources was punishable by death.

The Enragés called on the National Convention to restrict commerce, so that it might not "consist of ruining, rendering hopeless, or starving citizens".[10]While the Enragés occasionally worked within political structures, their primary objective was achieving social and economic reform. They were a direct action group, attempting to meet the immediate needs of the working poor.[11]

Women in the Enragés[edit]

Jean-François Varlet,though a man, understood the enormous influence women possessed, particularly within the French Revolution. Varlet formed the Enragés by provoking and motivating working poor women and organizing them into a semi-cohesive mobile unit. The Enragés often appointed women as speakers to represent the movement in the National Convention. Revolutionaryproto-feministsheld vital positions within the Enragés, includingClaire LacombeandPauline Léon.The proto-feminists of the French Revolution are now credited with inspiringfeminist movements in the 19th century.[5]

Key leaders[edit]

Jacques Roux[edit]

Jacques Roux,aRoman Catholicpriest, was a leader of the Enragés. Roux supported the common people (i.e., thesans-culottes) andrepublicanism.He participated inpeasant movementsand endorsed theCivil Constitution of the Clergy,to which he swore an oath on 16 January 1791. Roux famously claimed,[13]

I am ready to give every last drop of my blood to a Revolution that has already altered the fate of the human race by making men equal among themselves as they are all for all eternity before God.

Roux saw violence as a key to the French Revolution’s success. In fact, whenKing Louis XVI was executedin January 1793, it was Roux who led him to the scaffold.[14]

Jean Varlet[edit]

Jean Varlet,another leader of the Enragés, played a leading role in thefall of the monarchy.WhenKing Louis XVIattempted to flee Paris,Varlet circulated petitions in theNational Assemblyand spoke against the king. On10 August 1792,theLegislative Assemblysuspended the king and called for the election of aNational Convention.Varlet was elected as adeputyin the new Convention. Even as a member of this representative government, though, Varlet mistrusted representation and favored directuniversal suffragewhich could bind representatives andrecallelected legislators. He sought to prevent the wealthy from expanding their profits at the expense of the poor and called for thenationalizationof all profits obtained throughmonopolyandhoarding.[15]

Théophile Leclerc[edit]

In 1790,Théophile Leclercjoined the first battalion ofMorbihanvolunteers, remaining a member until February 1792. He gained recognition in Paris through a speech to theJacobinsattacking Louis XVI. After moving toLyon,he joined the Central Club and marriedPauline Léon,arevolutionary woman.He approved of radical violence like the other Enragés, calling for the execution of expelledGirondinsafter the2 June insurrection.[16]

Claire Lacombe[edit]

In 1793, the actressClaire Lacombe,another individual associated with the Enragés, founded theSociety of Revolutionary Republican Women.This group was outraged by high costs of living, lack of necessities and awful living conditions. Lacombe was known for violent rhetoric and action. On 26 May 1793, Lacombe nearly beat to death a Girondin woman,Théroigne de Méricourt,with a whip on the benches of the Convention. She might have killed her ifJean-Paul Marathad not intervened.[16]

Other groups[edit]

To the left of theMontagnardsandHébertists,the Enragés were undermined by Montagnard leaderMaximilien Robespierreand Hébertist leaderJacques Hébert,both of whom implemented some of their proposals in order to appeal to the samesans-culottesthe Enragés sought to win over. Their ideas were taken up and developed byGracchus Babeufand his associates.

Another group styling itself asEnragésemerged in France in 1968 among students atNanterre University.Inspired by, and closely allied with, theSituationists,theseEnragésemerged as one of the leading groups in theMay 1968 French protests.[17]


  1. ^Hugh Gough, ed. (2010).The Terror in the French Revolution.Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 317.It was also encouraged by small group of ultra radicals, called the Enragés, or 'angry men'. They have attracted a great deal of attention because of their extreme radicalism but they were never a coherent group.
  2. ^Leslie Herzberger, ed. (2007).The Structure of Thermidor: Some Case Studies.Xlibris Corporation.
  3. ^David Andress, ed. (2015).The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution.Oxford University Press. p. 526.
  4. ^Peter McPhee, ed. (2014).A Companion to the French Revolution.John Wiley & Sons. p. 317.
  5. ^abcJeremy D. Popkin (2015).A Short History of the French Revolution.Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. p. 68.
  6. ^Paul R. Hanson (2007).The A to Z of the French Revolution.Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc. p. 120.
  7. ^R. B. Rose (1965).Enragés: Socialists of the French Revolution?.Sydney: Sydney University Press. p. 73.
  8. ^R. B. Rose (1965).Enragés: Socialists of the French Revolution?.Sydney: Sydney University Press. p. 74.
  9. ^R. B. Rose (1965).Enragés: Socialists of the French Revolution?.Sydney: Sydney University Press. p. 75.
  10. ^abJacques Roux (25 June 1793)."Manifesto of the Enragés".Translation by Mitchell Abidor. Marxist Internet Archive.
  11. ^abMitchell Abidor; Henry Heller (1 January 2015). Jaurès, Jean (ed.).A Socialist History of the French Revolution.Pluto Press. pp. 140–168.ISBN9780745335001.JSTORj.ctt183p2pt.15.
  12. ^Jacques Roux."Manifesto of the Enragés by Jacques Roux 1793".Marxist Internet Archive.Retrieved12 December2016.
  13. ^Denis Richet, "Enragés," inCritical Dictionary of the French Revolution,ed. François Furet and Mona Ozouf (Harvard University Press,1989), p. 338.
  14. ^Denis Richet (1989). ed. François Furet and Mona Ozouf. "Enragés". InCritical Dictionary of the French Revolution.Harvard University Press. p. 338.
  15. ^Denis Richet (1989). ed. François Furet and Mona Ozouf. "Enragés". InCritical Dictionary of the French Revolution.Harvard University Press. pp. 337–338.
  16. ^abDenis Richet (1989). ed. François Furet and Mona Ozouf. "Enragés". InCritical Dictionary of the French Revolution.Harvard University Press. p. 339.
  17. ^René Viénet (1992).Enragés and Situationists in the Occupation Movement, France, May '68.New York: Automedia.

Further reading[edit]

  • Hanson, Paul R. (2007).The A to Z of the French Revolution.Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, Inc.
  • Giles, David (2003). "Représentation et souveraineté chez les Enragés (1792-1794)". InLe concept de Représentation dans la pensée politique.Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille.
  • Guérin, Daniel (1977).Class Struggle in the First French Republic.Translated by Ian Patterson. London: Pluto Press.
  • Leclerc, Théophile (2001).L'Ami du Peuple(1793). No. II. ed. Marc Allan Goldstein. New York: Lang.
  • Mathiez, Albert (January 1977). "Les Enragés Et La Lutte Pour Le Maximum".Annales Révolutionnaires9. pp. 456–483.
  • Morris, Brian (1990). "The Sans-Culottes and the Enragés - Liberation Movements within the French Revolution". InThe Anarchist Papers3. Black Rose Books Ltd. pp. 132–152.
  • Popkin, Jeremy D. (2015).A Short History of the French Revolution.Hoboken, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Richet, Denis (1989). "Enragés". InCritical Dictionary of the French Revolution.ed. François Furet and Mona Ozouf. Harvard University Press.
  • Rose, R. B. (1965).The Enragés: Socialists of the French Revolution?.Sydney: Sydney University Press.
  • Roux, Jacques (1793)."Manifesto of the Enragés".Translation by Mitchell Abidor. Marxist Internet Archive.
  • Slavin, Morris (1961). "Left of the Mountain: The Enragés and the French Revolution". Ph.D. diss. ProQuest. UMI Dissertations Publishing.
  • Varlet, Jean-François (1793)."Declaration of the Rights of Man in the Social State".Translation by Mitchell Abidor. Marxist Internet Archive.
  • Jean, Juares (2015). "The Enragés Against the High Cost of Living". InA Socialist History of the French Revolution.Pluto Press.JSTORj.ctt183p2pt.15.