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Erectile tissue

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Erectile tissueis tissue in the body with numerous vascular spaces, orcavernous tissue,that may become engorged withblood.[1][2]However, tissue that is devoid of or otherwise lacking erectile tissue (such as thelabia minora,vestibule,vaginaandurethra) may also be described as engorging with blood, often with regard tosexual arousal.[2]

In sex organs[edit]

Cross section showing the two corpora cavernosa near the top surface of the penis, and the corpus spongiosum surrounding the urethra near the bottom surface
Cross section showing the two corpora cavernosa of the clitoris

Erectile tissue exists inexternal genitalssuch as thecorpora cavernosaof thepenisand theirhomologsin theclitoris,also called thecorpora cavernosa.[2]Duringpenileorclitoral erection,the corpora cavernosa will become engorged with arterial blood, a process calledtumescence.[3]This may result from any of various physiological stimuli which can be internal or external. This process of stimulation, due to internal or external stimuli, is also known assexual arousal.Thecorpus spongiosumis a single tubular structure located just below the corpora cavernosa in males. This may also become slightly engorged with blood, but less so than the corpora cavernosa.

In the nose[edit]

Erectile tissue is present in the anterior part of thenasal septum[4]and is attached to theturbinatesof the nose. Thenasal cycleoccurs as the erectile tissue on one side of the nose congests and the other side decongests. This process is controlled by the autonomic nervous system with parasympathetic dominance being associated with congestion and sympathetic with decongestion.[5][4]The time of one cycle may vary greatly between individuals with Kahana-Zweig et al. finding a range between 15 minutes and 10.35 hours though the average was noted as 2.15 ± 1.84 hours.[4]

Other types[edit]

Erectile tissue is also found in the nose (turbinates),[5]urethral spongeandperineal sponge.[2]Theerection of nipplesis not due to erectile tissue, but rather due to the contraction ofsmooth muscleunder the control of theautonomic nervous system.


  1. ^"Erectile tissue".medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.RetrievedJune 28,2012.
  2. ^abcdYang, Claire; J. Cold, Christopher; et al. (April 2006). "Sexually responsive vascular tissue of the vulva".BJUI.97(4): 766–772.doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2005.05961.x.PMID16536770.
  3. ^Chapter 35 in:Walter F., PhD. Boron (2003).Medical Physiology: A Cellular And Molecular Approach.Elsevier/Saunders. p. 1300.ISBN978-1-4160-2328-9.
  4. ^abcKahana-Zweig, Roni (6 October 2016)."Measuring and Characterizing the Human Nasal Cycle".PLOS ONE.11(10). National Library of Medicine: e0162918.Bibcode:2016PLoSO..1162918K.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162918.PMC5053491.PMID27711189.
  5. ^abEccles, R (1983)."Sympathetic control of nasal erectile tissue".European Journal of Respiratory Diseases. Supplement.128 (Pt 1): 150–154.PMID6578066.Retrieved14 May2022.