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Eswatini in World War II

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Eswatini(known at the time asSwaziland) remaineda British protectoratethroughoutWorld War II.As such, it fought alongside theAlliesagainst theAxis.While no large scale battles or major military operations took place in or around Eswatini, the colony did supply the Allies with troops during the war. World War II was also responsible for several important domestic developments in Eswatini.


Sobhuza II,theKingof Eswatini at the time the war broke out, struck a deal with the British government, agreeing to help gather volunteers for the war effort within the country in exchange for the British allowing for greater Swazi autonomy in the future. A few thousand Swazi men ended up volunteering to fight alongside the Allies. Swazis enlisted into theAfrican Auxiliary Pioneer Corpswhich went on to serve inEgyptandLibyaduring theWestern Desert campaign,part of the largerNorth Africa campaign,and also participated in theAllied invasion of Italy.One notable Swazi veteran of the war is Mnikwa Dlamini, who later became the Chief ofHhelehhele.[1]

Domestically, World War II led directly to the Swazi government's implementation of newadministrative subdivisionsin Eswatini calledtinkhundla.Those Swazi soldiers who served in the war and had spent time in modern African port cities likeTripoliandDurbanrelayed their wartime experiences to King Sobhuza II and recommended to their monarch that he establish several community centers across the kingdom. These community centers, called inkhundla, eventually developed into the tinkhundla system found in Eswatini today. Swazi veterans of World War II also influenced their home country in that they eventually came to occupy several important leadership positions within theSwazi military.[2]

The political and economic situation of the post-war world eventually allowed Eswatini togain independence from the British Empirein 1968, as part of a much larger trend ofdecolonizationacross the world.

A memorial to Swazi soldiers who served in World War II was constructed near themissionof Bethany, located just outside of the town ofMatsapha.The memorial records the names of 53 Swazi soldiers who died after returning to their home country, as well as those of 24 Swazi soldiers who died in Egypt. All Swazi soldiers not mentioned by name elsewhere are commemorated on the memorial's plaque, written inSiswati.[3]


  1. ^"Swaziland leader fought alongside Allied forces during World War II".The World.November 13, 2011.RetrievedAugust 17,2020.
  2. ^"Swaziland - Military Personnel".GlobalSecurity.org.RetrievedAugust 17,2020.
  3. ^"Swaziland 1939-1945 War Memorial".Commonwealth War Graves.RetrievedAugust 17,2020.