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Eucratideia(Greek:Εὐκρατίδεια) was an ancient town inBactriamentioned by a few ancient writers.[1] It was most likely a foundation ofEucratides Iwho is the more important ruler of theGreco-Bactrian Kingdomwith the name Eucratides.[2]Not much is known about this city and it might be just a renaming of an already existing town rather than a new foundation. Renaming of cities was a common practise in the ancient world. The most likely candidate isAi-Khanoum,althoughDilbarjinis another candidate.[3]


  1. ^Ptolemy,vi, 1, 7;Straboxi. 11
  2. ^William W. Tarn:The Greeks in Bactria and India.2. Aufl., Cambridge 1951, p. 207-208
  3. ^"Welcome to Encyclopaedia Iranica".