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Ex post factolaw

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Anex post factolaw[1]is alawthat retroactively changes the legal consequences (or status) of actions that were committed, or relationships that existed, before the enactment of the law. Incriminal law,it maycriminalizeactions that were legal when committed; it may aggravate acrimeby bringing it into a more severe category than it was in when it was committed; it may change thepunishmentprescribed for a crime, as by adding new penalties or extending sentences; it may extend thestatute of limitations;or it may alter therules of evidencein order to make conviction for a crime likelier than it would have been when the deed was committed.

Conversely, a form ofex post factolaw commonly called anamnesty lawmay decriminalize certain acts. (Alternatively, rather than redefining the relevant acts as non-criminal, it may simply prohibit prosecution; or it may enact that there is to be no punishment, but leave the underlying conviction technically unaltered.) Apardonhas a similar effect, in a specific case instead of a class of cases (though a pardon more often leaves the conviction itself – the finding of guilt – unaltered, and occasionally pardons are refused for this reason). Other legal changes may alleviate possible punishments (for example by replacing the death sentence with lifelong imprisonment) retroactively. Such legal changes are also known by the Latin termin mitius.[citation needed]

Somecommon-lawjurisdictionsdo not permit retroactive criminal legislation, though newprecedentgenerally applies to events that occurred before the judicial decision.Ex post factolaws are expressly forbidden by theUnited States Constitutionin Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws). In some nations that follow theWestminster systemof government,ex post factolaws may be possible, because the doctrine ofparliamentary supremacyallowsParliamentto pass any law it wishes, within legal constraints.[citation needed]In a nation with an entrenchedbill of rightsor a writtenconstitution,ex post factolegislation may be prohibited or allowed, and this provision may be general or specific. For example, Article 29 of the Constitution of Albania explicitly allows retroactive effect for laws that alleviate possible punishments.

Ex post factocriminalization is prohibited byArticle 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights,Article 15(1) of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,[2]andArticle 9 of the American Convention on Human Rights.[3]While American jurisdictions generally prohibitex post factolaws, European countries apply the principle oflex mitior( "the milder law" ). It provides that, if the law has changed after an offense was committed, the version of the law that applies is the one that is more advantageous for the accused. This means thatex post factolaws apply in European jurisdictions to the extent that they are the milder law.[4]

Ex post factolaws by country




Australiahas no strong constitutional prohibition onex post factolaws, although narrowly retrospective laws might violate the constitutionalseparation of powersprinciple. Australian courts normally interpret statutes with a strong presumption that they do not apply retrospectively.

Retrospective laws designed to prosecute what was perceived to have been a blatantly unethical means oftax avoidancewere passed in the early 1980s by theFraser government(seeBottom of the harbour tax avoidance). Similarly, legislationcriminalisingcertain war crimes retrospectively has been held to be constitutional (seePolyukhovich v Commonwealth).

Australia participated in drafting theUniversal Declaration of Human Rightsand was an original signatory in 1948.[5][6]The Declaration includes a prohibition on retrospectively holding anyone guilty of apenal offencethat was not an offence at the time it was committed.[7]TheAustralian Human Rights Commissionstates the Declaration is an "expression of the fundamental values which are shared by all members of the international community" but "does not directly create legal obligations for countries."[8]

Australia is a party to theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[9]The implementation of retrospective criminal laws is expressly prohibited by the Covenant.[10]Australia is also a party to theOptional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[11]The Protocol enables individuals subject to thejurisdictionof astate partyto filecomplaintswith theUnited Nations Human Rights Committeefor that state party's non-compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[12]



According to the 5th Article, section XXXVI[13]of theBrazilian Constitution,laws cannot haveex post factoeffects that affect acquired rights, accomplished juridical acts andres judicata.

The same article in section XL[13]prohibitsex post factocriminal laws.Like France, there is an exception when retroactive criminal laws benefit the accused person.



InCanada,ex post factocriminal laws are constitutionally prohibited bysection 11(g)of theCharter of Rights and Freedoms.Also, under section 11(i) of the Charter, if the punishment for a crime has varied between the time the crime was committed and the time of sentencing following a conviction, the convicted person is entitled to the lesser punishment. Due tosection 1andsection 33of theCharter of Rights and Freedomsthese rights are not absolute, and may be overridden.

The Canadasex offender registry,which went into effect on December 15, 2004, is somewhat retroactive. When the registry was created, all offenders who were on theOntariosex offender registry, which was created in 2001, were required to register on the national registry. In addition, sex offenders in all provinces who were serving a sentence (whether imprisoned or on probation or parole) on December 15, 2004, were required to register, regardless of when their offense and conviction occurred. However, the registry was not retroactive to anybody who had completed their sentence by late 2004 and was not on the Ontario registry.[14]Canadian courts have never ruled on the somewhat retroactive nature of the sex offender registry, since this seems to have never been challenged.

Sex offender registration was not mandatory for sex offenders until 2011, and had to be ordered by a judge.[15][14][16]Sex offender registration was seemingly mandatory for people convicted before December 15, 2004, who were serving a sentence on that date, but was only optional for sex offenders convicted between December 15, 2004, and January 1, 2011.

Because section 11 of the Charter is among the sections that can be overridden undersection 33(the notwithstanding clause), Parliament could in theory enactex post factolaws by invoking section 33. However, the federal Parliament, which has exclusive jurisdiction over criminal law, has never attempted to enact anex post factolaw (or any other law) using section 33.

The Charter prohibition applies only to criminal law. Changes tocivil lawin Canada can be, and occasionally are, enactedex post facto.In one example, convicted murdererColin Thatcherwas ordered to forfeit proceeds from a book he had published (after being paroled from prison) under aSaskatchewanlaw. Although the law was passed long after Thatcher's murder conviction, the courts have ruled that such laws prescribe onlycivil penalties(as opposed to additional criminal penalties) and are thus not subject to Charter restrictions.



Article 90 of theConstitution of Croatiastates that "only individual provisions of a law may have a retroactive effect for exceptionally justified reasons". According to Croatian legal scholarBranko Smerdel[hr],this means that "a law cannot be applied retroactively as a whole, and regulations enacted pursuant to statutory authority can never be applied retroactively".[17]



Following theliberation of DenmarkfromNazi occupationin 1945, theFolketing,heavily influenced by theFrihedsråd,passed aspecial law(Lov Nr. 259 af 1. Juni 1945 om Tillæg til Borgerlig Straffelov angaaende Forræderi og anden landsskadelig Virksomhed, colloquiallylandsforræderloven(the traitor law) orstrafferetstillægget(the penal code addendum)), temporarily reintroducing thedeath penalty(previously abolished in 1930) for acts of treason committed during German occupation. Passed on 1 June 1945, the law applied to actions performed subsequent to 9 April 1940, unless those actions were done under orders from the government prior to 29 August 1943. With this authorization, 103 death sentences were issued, of which 46 were carried out.[18]



Estonian constitution is declaring that no one shall be convicted of an act which did not constitute a criminal offense under the law in force at the time the act was committed. And that no one shall be sentenced to a heavier penalty than the one that was applicable at the time the offense was committed.[citation needed]



Generally, the Finnish legal system does not permitex post factolaws, especially those that would expand criminal responsibility. They are not expressly forbidden; instead, the ban is derived from more general legal principles and basic rights. In civil matters, such as taxation,ex post factolaws may be made in some circumstances.

FormerMinister of the InteriorPäivi Räsänenbecame subject of a criminal investigation about suspectedagitation against an ethnic groupin late 2019 over her text concerning homosexuality, which was published online in 2004. Thestatute of limitationsfor said charge is five years, which has led the case to be interpreted asex post facto.However, agitation against an ethnic group is aperpetuating crime,and the statute of limitations only begins once the offending material has been removed from public viewing. The investigation has still been characterized as strange, as Räsänen's text is hardly the only material online or otherwise that could be viewed as agitation against an ethnic group, and the demarcation between who should and who should not be prosecuted for publishing and/or making such material available is unclear.[19][20]

Historically there have been three exceptional instances whenex post factocriminal laws have been used in Finland.

  1. Following theFinnish Civil Warof 1918, theParliament of Finlandpassed a law setting up tribunals to try suspected rebels. These tribunals issued death sentences in many cases, although very few of those accused could have committed a crime that carried thedeath penaltyunder Finnish law in force during the war. Several hundred people were executed under what was arguably anex post factolegal arrangement. During the war, and before the tribunals were set up, thousands of people had been executed without trial by both sides. However, once this phase of the civil war ended, amnesty laws were passed. Thus, the legality of the actions of the government or the participants of either side of the war cannot be legally contested anymore.
  2. AfterWorld War II,Finland was under pressure to convict political leaders whom the Allied powers considered responsible for Finnish involvement in the war. Anex post factolaw was passed in the autumn of 1945 to permitprosecution for war responsibility,and eventually eight politicians were convicted. In another post-war case, theweapons cache case,anex post factolaw was passed in 1947 so that military personnel could be prosecuted for unofficially preparing for guerrilla resistance in case of Soviet occupation.
  3. During World War II, desertion, draft dodging and conscientious objection were punishable by death or jail. Amnesty laws were passed after World War II to free deserters and draft dodgers from imprisonment and further prosecution and allow them to return home without further legal consequences.



InFrance,so-called "lois rétroactives"(retroactive laws) are technically prohibited by Article 2 of theCode Civil,which states that: "Legislation provides only for the future; it has no retrospective operation".[21]In practice, however, since the Code Civil does not have the status of constitutional legislation and can therefore be overruled by subsequent laws, theConseil Constitutionnelhas determined that retroactive laws can be passed within certain limits – such as in the case of financial or tax legislation –, particularly where it is considered to be in the "general interest"; this has been demonstrated by a series of decisions handed down by the Conseil Constitutionnel concerning retroactive tax laws.[22]

However, in criminal law,ex post factosanctions are effectively forbidden as per Article 112-1 of theFrench Penal Code,except in cases wherein the retroactive application benefits the accused person (called retroactivityin mitius).[23]They are also considered unconstitutional, since the principle of non-retroactivity is laid down in Article 8 of theDeclaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen,which has constitutional status under French law.[24]Theépuration légaletrials held after the 1944liberation of Franceintroduced the status ofindignité nationaleforNazi collaboratorsas a way to avoidex post factolaw.



Article 103 of theGerman basic lawrequires that an act may be punished only if it has already been punishable by law at the time it was committed (specifically: bywrittenlaw,Germanyfollowing civil law).

Robert A. Taft,at the time a U.S. Senator from Ohio, asserted that theNuremberg TrialsfollowingWorld War IIwere based onex post factolaw because the Allies did not negotiate theNuremberg Charter,which defined crimes against humanity and created the International Military Tribunal, until well after the acts charged. Others, including the International Military Tribunal, argued that the London Charter merely restated and provided jurisdiction to prosecute offenses that were already made unlawful by theKellogg–Briand Pact,theCovenant of the League of Nations,and the variousHague Conventions.[citation needed]

William O. Douglascomplained that the Allies were guilty of "substituting power for principle" at Nuremberg Trials because the actions of the defendants were lawful in the 1930s Germany. He contended that the Nuremberg Trials were implementing laws after the fact (that is, ex post facto) "to suit the clamor of the time." American Chief JusticeHarlan Stone,likewise, called the Nuremberg Trials a "fraud" because of the ex post facto laws.[25]

The problem ofex post factolaw was also relevant in the 1990s afterGerman reunificationas there was a discussion about the trials againstEast Germanborder troopswho killed fugitives on theInner-German border(Mauerschützen-ProzesseWall-shooters'/ -guards' trials). German courts in these cases recurred to theRadbruch formula.[26]



In 2010, theHungarian National Assemblyestablished a 98% punitive tax on any income over two million forints received either as a retirement package or as severance pay in the previous five years in the government sector.[27]



In India, without using the expression "ex post facto law",the underlying principle has been adopted in the article 20(1) of theIndian Constitutionin the following words:

No person shall be convicted of any offence except for violation of a law in force at the time of the commission of the act charged as an offence, nor be subjected to a penalty greater than that which have been inflicted under the law in force at the time of commission of the offence.

Further, what article 20(1) prohibits is conviction and sentence under anex post factolaw for acts done prior thereto, but not the enactment or validity of such a law. There is, thus, a difference between the Indian and the American positions on this point; whereas in the United States, anex post factolaw is in itself invalid, it is not so in India. The courts may also interpret a law in such a manner that any objection against it of retrospective operation may be removed.[28]

An example for retrospective law in India is theKarnataka Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prohibition of Transfer of Certain Lands) Act, 1978[29]in the state ofKarnataka.



TheIndonesian Constitutionprohibits trying citizens under retroactive laws in any circumstance. This was tested in 2004 when the conviction ofMasykur Abdul Kadir,one of theBali bombers,under retroactiveanti-terrorist legislationwas quashed.[30]



Ex post factolaws, in all contexts, are prohibited by Article 169 (Chapter 11) of theIranian Constitution.



During theIrish Civil War,Anti-Treaty IRAmembersRory O'Connor,Liam Mellows,Richard “Dick” BarrettandJoseph McKelveywere executed ex post facto and without trial, just 2 days into the existence of theIrish Free State.Despite being imprisoned for over four months, following their deaths theThird Dáilretrospectively approved their executions for a crime that had only been legislated against. Largely, the executions were considered retribution for the assassination of the legislator, DeputySeán HalesTD the previous day.

The imposition of retroactive criminal sanctions is prohibited in the subsequentIrish Constitution,introduced byEamonn De Valera,in Article 15.5.1°. Retroactive changes of the civil law have also been found to violate the constitution when they would have resulted in the loss in a right to damages before the courts, theIrish Supreme Courthaving found that such a right is a constitutionally protected property right.



Israelenacted the 1950Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Lawfor the purpose of punishing acts that occurred during theSecond World Warand theHolocaust,when Israel did not exist as a state. The law was used to punishAdolf Eichmannand others.[citation needed]



Article 25, paragraph 2, of theItalian Constitution,establishing that "nobody can be punished but according to a law come into force before the deed was committed", prohibits indictment pursuant a retroactive law. Article 11 of preliminary provisions to theItalian Civil Codeand Article 3, paragraph 1, of the Statute of taxpayer's rights, prohibit retroactive laws on principle: such provisions can be derogated, however, by acts having force of the ordinary law; on the contrary, non-retroactivity in criminal law is thought absolute.[31]



Article 39 of theconstitution of Japanprohibits the retroactive application of laws. Article 6 ofCriminal Code of Japanfurther states that if a new law comes into force after the deed was committed, the lighter punishment must be given.



Lithuania has no constitutional prohibition onex post factolaws. However, as a signatory of theEuropean Convention on Human Rightsand as a member of the European Union whoseCharter of Fundamental Rightshas the effect of law, any retroactive law could still be struck down. Retroactive criminal sanctions are prohibited by Article 2, Part 1 (Chapter 1) of theCriminal Codeof theRepublic of Lithuania.Retroactive administrative sanctions are prohibited by Article 8 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

Lithuanian lawyer Dainius Žalimas contends that there has been retroactive application of the law on Genocide (and subsequently adopted articles of the Criminal Code) against participants in Soviet repressions against Lithuanian guerilla fighters and their supporters, and gives examples of such decisions. The Article 99 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania was introduced only on September 26, 2000, and therefore can't be used in events of 1944–1953.



According to the first and second paragraphs of the 14th Article of theMexican Constitution,retroactive application of the law is prohibited if it is detrimental to a person's rights, but a new law can be applied if it benefits the person.



Article 4 of the Law on General Provisions (in effect since 1838) states that "The law has no retroactive effect".[32]

Article 1 ofCriminal Lawstates that no act is punishable without a pre-existing law, and that in the case an act was punishable but the law was changed after the criminal act the "most favorable" (to the suspect) of the two laws will apply.[33]

InCivil Lawthere is no such provision.

New Zealand


Section 7 of the Interpretation Act 1999 stipulates that enactments do not have retrospective effect. TheNew Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990also affirms New Zealand's commitment to theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political RightsandUniversal Declaration of Human Rights,with section 26 preventing the application of retroactive penalties. This is further reinforced under section 6(1) of the current Sentencing Act 2002 which provides, "[p]enal enactments not to have retrospective effect to disadvantage of offender" irrespective of any provision to the contrary.

Section 26 of the Bill of Rights and the previous sentencing legislation, the Criminal Justice Act 1985, caused significant digression among judges when theNew Zealand Parliamentintroduced legislation that had the effect of enacting a retrospective penalty for crimes involving an element of home invasion. Ultimately, the discrepancy was restricted with what some labelled artificial logic in the cases ofR v PoraandR v Poumako.



Article 97 of theNorwegian Constitutionprohibits any law to be given retroactive effect. The prohibition applies to both criminal and civil laws, but in some civil cases, only particularly unreasonable effects of retroactivity will be found unconstitutional.[34]



Article 12 of theConstitution of Pakistanprohibits any law to be given retroactive effect by stating:[35]

  • 12.1 – No law shall authorize the punishment of a person:-
  • 12.1.a – for an act or omission that was not punishable by law at the time of the act or omission; or
  • 12.1.b – for an offence by a penalty greater than, or of a kind different from, the penalty prescribed by law for that offence at the time the offence was committed.



The 1987Constitution of the Philippinescategorically prohibits the passing of anyex post factolaw. Article III (Bill of Rights), Section 22 specifically states: "Noex post factolaw orbill of attaindershall be enacted. "

However, theCybercrime Prevention Act,which went into effect on October 3, 2012, is criticized for beingex post facto.[citation needed]



Retroactive application of law is prohibited by the Article 3 of the Polishcivil code,and thelegal ruleprohibiting such retroactive application is commonly memorised as aLatinsentenceLex retro non agit( "A law does not apply retroactively" ). The said article, however, allows retroactive application of an Act of Parliament if it is expressly understood from its text or purpose.



Article 18 of thePortuguese Constitutionforbids the retroactive application of any law the restricts right; article 29 of the Portuguese Constitution forbids retroactive application of criminal law; article 103 forbids the application of retroactive taxes.



Article 15 (2) of theRomanian Constitutionprovides that the law shall only act for the future, except for the more favourable criminal or administrative law.



Ex post factopunishment in criminal and administrative law is prohibited by article 54 of theRussian Constitution;ex post factotax laws by article 57 of the constitution.



Article 9.3 of theSpanish Constitutionguarantees the principle of non-retroactivity of punitive provisions that are not favorable to or restrictive of individual rights. Therefore, "ex post facto" criminal laws or any other retroactive punitive provisions are constitutionally prohibited.

As well asStatute lawmentioned above, this now also includes 'court-made law'. TheParot doctrine,in which terrorists were denied the right (enshrined in a 1973 Statute) to earn a reduction in the length of their sentences by a Spanish court ruling in 2006 was judged by theEuropean Court of Human Rightsto be contrary to relevant articles onretroactivity&liberty and securityin 2013.

South Africa


Section 35(3) of theSouth African Bill of Rightsprohibitsex post factocriminal laws, except that acts which violated international law at the time they were committed may be prosecuted even if they were not illegal under national law at the time. It also prohibits retroactive increases of criminal punishments.



InSweden,retroactive penal sanctions and other retroactive legal effects of criminal acts due the State are prohibited by chapter 2, section 10 of theInstrument of Government(Regeringsformen). Retroactive taxes or charges are not prohibited, but they can have retroactive effect reaching back only to the time when a new tax bill was proposed by the government. The retroactive effect of a tax or charge thus reaches from that time until the bill is passed by the parliament.

As theSwedish Act of Successionwas changed in 1979, and the throne was inherited regardless of sex, the inheritance right was withdrawn from all the descendants ofCharles XIV John(king 1818–44) except the current kingCarl XVI Gustaf.Thereby, the heir-apparent title was transferred from the new-bornPrince Carl Philipto his older sisterCrown Princess Victoria.

TheSwedish Riksdagvoted in 2004 to abolishinheritance taxby January 1, 2005. However, in 2005 they retro-actively decided to move the date to December 17, 2004. The main reason was abolishing inheritance tax for the many Swedish victims of the2004 Indian Ocean earthquake,which took place on December 26.[citation needed]



Ex post factopunishment is prohibited by Article 38 of theConstitution of Turkey.It states:

  • c1. No one shall be punished for any act which does not constitute a criminal offence under the law in force at the time committed; no one shall be given a heavier penalty for an offence other than the penalty applicable at the time when the offence was committed.
  • c2. The provisions of the above paragraph shall also apply to the statute of limitations on offences and penalties and on the results of conviction.

Thus, the article does not prohibitin mitiuslaws, i.e. cases wherein the retroactive application benefits the accused person.

United Kingdom


In theUnited Kingdom,ex post factolaws are permitted by virtue of the doctrine ofparliamentary sovereignty.Historically, allacts of Parliamentbefore 1793 wereex post factolegislation, inasmuch as their date of effect was the first day of the session in which they were passed. This situation was rectified by theActs of Parliament (Commencement) Act 1793.

Some laws are still passed retrospectively: e.g., the Pakistan Act 1990 (by which the United Kingdom amended its legislation consequent to theCommonwealth of Nationshaving re-admitted Pakistan as a member) was one such law; despite being passed on 29 June 1990, section 2 subsection 3 states that "This Act shall be deemed to have come into force on 1st October 1989", nine months before it was enacted.[36]

Retrospectivecriminallaws are prohibited by Article 7 of theEuropean Convention on Human Rights,to which the United Kingdom is a signatory, but some legal authorities have stated their opinion that parliamentary sovereignty takes priority even over this.[37][38]For example, theWar Crimes Act 1991created anex post factojurisdiction of British courts overwar crimescommitted during theSecond World War.Another important example of a case which shows the doctrine of parliamentary supremacy in action is in relation toBurmah Oil Co Ltd v Lord Advocate,where the decision of the courts was overridden with retrospective effect by theWar Damage Act 1965,which changed the law on compensation resulting fromscorched earthactions in Burma during the war. More recently, thePolice (Detention and Bail) Act 2011retroactively overrode a controversial court judgment resulting from an error in the drafting of thePolice and Criminal Evidence Act 1984that would potentially have invalidated thousands of criminal convictions.

Another example of anex post factocriminal law in the UK is theCriminal Justice Act 2003.This law allows people acquitted of murder and certain other serious offences to be retried if there is "new, compelling, reliable and substantial evidence" that the acquitted person really was guilty. This Act applies retroactively and can be used to re-prosecute people who were acquitted before it came into force in 2005, or even before it was passed in 2003. As a result, two of the defendants who were acquitted in themurder of Stephen Lawrencewere allowed to be retried, even though this murder occurred in 1993 and the defendants had been acquitted in 1996. Many people have criticized the Criminal Justice Act because of its essential abolition of prohibition against both ex post facto anddouble jeopardylaws.[39]

Taxation law has on multiple occasions been changed to retrospectively disallowtax avoidanceschemes.[40]The most significant example known concerns double-taxation treaty arrangements where theFinance Act 2008withBN66retrospectively amended 1987 legislation, creating large tax liabilities for 3,000 people where no liability existed before.

United States


Thomas Jefferson,one of theFounding Fathers of the United States,stated in 1813 that:

The sentiment thatex post factolaws are against natural right is so strong in the United States, that few, if any, of the State constitutions have failed to proscribe them....The federal constitution indeed interdicts them in criminal cases only; but they are equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases, and the omission of a caution which would have been right, does not justify the doing what is wrong. Nor ought it to be presumed that the legislature meant to use a phrase in an unjustifiable sense, if by rules of construction it can be ever strained to what is just.

Congressis prohibited from passingex post factolaws by clause 3 ofArticle I,Section 9of theUnited States Constitution.The states are prohibited from passingex post factolaws by clause 1 ofArticle I,Section 10.This is one of the relatively few restrictions that the United States Constitution made to both the power of the federal and state governments before theFourteenth Amendment.Over the years, however, when decidingex post factocases, theUnited States Supreme Courthas referred repeatedly to its ruling inCalder v. Bull,in which JusticeSamuel Chaseheld that the prohibition applied only to criminal matters, not civil matters, and established four categories of unconstitutionalex post factolaws.[41]The case dealt with the Article I, Section 10, prohibition onex post factolaws, because it concerned a Connecticut state law.

As a result ofCalder v. Bull,several retroactive taxes have been passed by the US Congress, starting with the 1913 Revenue Act, which imposed the first income tax. By 1935, prohibitions on retroactive taxation had been declared "dead." In 1938, the US Supreme Court claimed the standard on retroactive taxation was “retroactive application is so harsh and oppressive as to transgress the constitutional limitation.” In practice, this has resulted in virtually all retroactive taxes being upheld, and in one case a 1993 revision of tax law that applied retroactively to 1984 was upheld.[42][43]

Not all laws with retroactive effects have been held to be unconstitutional. One current U.S. law that has a retroactive effect is theAdam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Actof 2006. This law imposes new registration requirements on convictedsex offendersand also applies to offenders whose crimes were committed before the law was enacted.[44]The U.S. Supreme Court ruled inSmith v. Doe(2003) that requiring sex offenders to register their whereabouts at regular intervals, and the posting of personal information about them on the Internet, do not violate the constitutional prohibition againstex post factolaws, because these laws do not impose any kind of punishment.[45][46]

InStarkey v. Oklahoma Department of Corrections,theSupreme Court of the State of Oklahomafound the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registration Act, or SORA, to be punitive in nature, if not in intent. While the law in question had been ruled as not being retroactive in nature, the Oklahoma Department of Corrections had been applying the new legislation retroactively. The court found that "the Department's retroactive application of the level assignment provisions of 57 O.S. Supp. 2007, 582.1 – 582.5, as amended, violates the ex post facto clause."[47]

Controversy has also arisen with regard tosexually violent predator (SVP) laws,which allow the indefinite commitment of a person with a mental abnormality which predisposes them to molest children. This issue arose in the caseKansas v. Hendricks.[48]InHendricks,a man with a long history of sexually molesting children was scheduled to be released from prison shortly after the enactment ofKansas's SVP act. Rather than being released, he was committed on the grounds that he had a mental abnormality. Hendricks contested the law onex post factoand double jeopardy grounds. TheSupreme Court of Kansasinvalidated the Act, but theSupreme Court of the United Statesreversed the decision and ruled that the law was constitutional on the basis that the law did not impose a criminal punishment.[48]

Another example is theDomestic Violence Offender Gun Ban,where firearms prohibitions were imposed on those convicted of misdemeanor domestic-violence offenses and on subjects of restraining orders (which do not require criminal conviction). These individuals can now be sentenced to up to ten years in afederal prisonfor possession of a firearm, regardless of whether the weapon was legally possessed when the law was passed.[49]The law has been legally upheld because it is considered regulatory, not punitive; it is astatus offense.[50]

Another example is theCopyright Term Extension Actwhich was retroactive since it affected both new works and existing ones, but it was upheld by decisionEldred v. Ashcroft.Also theUruguay Round Agreement Actwhich restored copyright in foreign works, removing them from thepublic domainwas also upheld by another decision,Golan v. Holder

The US military also recognizes ex post facto law.Common lawstates that Courts-martial will not enforce an ex post facto law, including increasing amount of pay to be forfeited for specific crimes. (SeeUnited States v. Gorki 47 M.J. 370).

Finally, inCalder v. Bull,the court expressly stated that a law that "mollifies" a criminal act was merely retrospective, and was not anex post factolaw.[51]Scholars have argued that, as a historical matter, the phraseex post factoreferred to civil as well as criminal laws.[52]

Inadministrative law,federal agencies may apply their rules retroactively if Congress has authorized them to; otherwise, retroactive application is generally prohibited. Retroactive application of regulations is disfavored by the courts for several reasons. The courts uphold retroactive regulation where Congress has expressly granted such retroactive power to the agency, as they did inBowen v. Georgetown University Hospital.[53]

The rules as they relate to the effects ofex post factoupon theU.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelinescan be found inU.S.S.G.§ 1B1.11(2012).

See alsoBouie v. City of Columbia,Rogers v. Tennessee,Stogner v. California,Republic of Austria v. Altmann,James BamfordandSamuels v. McCurdy.



Ex post factolaws is defined in Article 152, 2015 Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents:

  1. Only in cases ofextreme necessity to ensure the common good of society,toexercise the rights and interestsof organizations and individuals prescribed in laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, legal documents of central government rules are retroactive.
  2. The retroactive effect is prohibited in the following cases: a) Impose legal liability for acts that at the time of committing such acts the law does not stipulate liability; b) Impose higher legal liability.
  3. Legislative documents of People's Councils, People's Committees at all levels, local governments in special administrative-economic units are not retroactive.

There has been no case that new law stated it has a retroactive effect. But the second item of this Article has been widely used in court system (in mituslaws).

Treatment by international organizations and treaties


International criminal law


Ininternational criminal law,theNuremberg trialsprosecutedwar crimesandcrimes against humanityperpetrated in World War II. Although theNuremberg Charter,theprocedural lawunder which the trials were held, postdatedV-E Day,the tribunal rejected the defence that the criminal law wasex post facto,arguing it derived from earlier treaties like theHague Conventions of 1899 and 1907.TheInternational Criminal Courtestablished in 2002 cannot prosecute crimes committed before 2002.


Article 11, paragraph 2 of theUniversal Declaration of Human Rightsprovides that no person be held guilty of any criminal law that did not exist at the time of offence nor suffer any penalty heavier than what existed at the time of offence. It does however permit application of either domestic or international law.

Very similar provisions are found in Article 15, paragraph 1 of theInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,replacing the term "penal offence" with "criminal offence". It also adds that if a lighter penalty is provided for after the offence occurs, that lighter penalty shall apply retroactively. Paragraph 2 adds a provision that paragraph 1 does not prevent trying and punishing for an act that was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations. Specifically addressing the use of the death penalty, article 6, paragraph 2 provides in relevant part that a death sentence may only be imposed "for the most serious crimes in accordance with the law in force at the time of the commission of the crime".

African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights


Article 2, paragraph 7 of theAfrican Charter on Human and Peoples' Rightsprovides in part that "no one may be condemned for an act or omission which did not constitute a legally punishable offence at the time it was committed. No penalty may be inflicted for an offence for which no provision was made at the time it was committed."

American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man


Article 25 of theAmerican Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Manprovides in part that "[n]o person may be deprived of his liberty except in the cases and according to the procedures established by pre-existing law." The right to be tried in accordance to "pre-existing law" is reiterated in article 26.

Arab Charter on Human Rights


Article 15 of theArab Charter on Human Rightsprovides that "[n]o crime and no penalty can be established without a prior provision of the law. In all circumstances, the law most favorable to the defendant shall be applied."

European Convention on Human Rights


Effectively all European states (exceptBelarus), including allEuropean UnionandEuropean Economic Areastates, are bound by theEuropean Convention on Human Rights.Article 7 of the Conventionmirrors the language of both paragraphs of Article 15 of the International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights, with the exception that it does not include that a subsequent lighter penalty must apply.

Grammatical form and usage


TheDigesta Iustiniani(, 20.1.22.pr2) ( "Digest ofJustinian") contains the two-word phraseex postfacto:"out of a postfactum" (an after-deed), or more naturally, "from a law passed afterward". This same work, however, also makes use of the three-word phraseex post facto,(,,passim), suggesting thatpostmight best be understood as an adverb. Other adverbial usages ofpostinclude theClassical Romanauthor and senatorMarcus Tullius Ciceroemploying phrases such asmultis post annis(De Re Publica2.5.8 and elsewhere). Thus,ex post factoorex postfactois natively an adverbial phrase, a usage demonstrated by the sentence "He was convictedex post facto(from a law passed after his crime). "The law itself would rightfully be alex postfactain Latin, although English generally uses the phrase "an ex post facto law".

In Poland the phraselex retro non agit( "the law does not operate retroactively" ) is used.[54]

See also



  1. ^(fromLatin:ex post facto,lit.'After the fact')
  2. ^"Ratnapala, Suri ---" Reason and Reach of the Objection to Ex Post Facto Law "[2007] UQLRS 1; (2007) 1 (1) The Indian Journal of Constitutional Law, 140-168".Classic.austlii.edu.au.
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