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FEE method

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In mathematics, theFEE method,orfast E-function evaluation method,is the method of fast summation of series of a special form. It was constructed in 1990 byEkaterina Karatsuba[1][2]and is so-named because it makes fast computations of theSiegelE-functionspossible, in particular of.

A class of functions, which are "similar to the exponential function," was given the name "E-functions" byCarl Ludwig Siegel.[3]Among these functions are suchspecial functionsas thehypergeometric function,cylinder,sphericalfunctions and so on.

Using the FEE, it is possible to prove the following theorem:

Theorem:Letbe anelementarytranscendental function,that is theexponential function,or a trigonometric function,or anelementary algebraic function,or their superposition, or theirinverse,or a superposition of the inverses. Then

Hereis thecomplexity of computation (bit)of the functionwith accuracy up todigits,is the complexity of multiplication of two-digit integers.

The algorithms based on the method FEE include the algorithms for fast calculation of any elementarytranscendental functionfor any value of the argument, the classical constantse,theEuler constanttheCatalanand theApéry constants,[4]such higher transcendental functions as theEuler gamma functionand its derivatives, thehypergeometric,[5]spherical,cylinder (including theBessel)[6]functions and some other functions for algebraicvalues of the argument and parameters, theRiemann zeta functionfor integer values of the argument[7][8]and theHurwitz zeta functionfor integer argument and algebraic values of the parameter,[9]and also such special integrals as theintegral of probability,theFresnel integrals,theintegral exponential function,thetrigonometric integrals,and some other integrals[10]for algebraic values of the argument with the complexity bound which is close to the optimal one, namely

The FEE makes it possible to calculate fast the values of the functions from the class of higher transcendental functions,[11]certain special integrals of mathematical physics and such classical constants as Euler's, Catalan's[12]and Apéry's constants. An additional advantage of the method FEE is the possibility of parallelizing the algorithms based on the FEE.

FEE computation of classical constants


For fast evaluation of the constantone can use the Euler formula and apply the FEE to sum theTaylor seriesfor

with the remainder termswhich satisfy the bounds

and for

To calculateby the FEE it is possible to use also other approximations[13]In all cases the complexity is

To compute the Euler constant gamma with accuracy up to digits, it is necessary to sum by the FEE two series. Namely, for

The complexity is

To evaluate fast the constant it is possible to apply the FEE to other approximations.[14]

FEE computation of certain power series


By the FEE the two following series are calculated fast:

under the assumption thatare integers,

andare constants, andis an algebraic number. The complexity of the evaluation of the series is

FEE calculation of the classical constante


For the evaluation of the constanttake,terms of the Taylor series for

Here we choose,requiring that for the remainderthe inequalityis fulfilled. This is the case, for example, whenThus, we take such that the natural numberis determined by the inequalities:

We calculate the sum

insteps of the following process.

Step 1. Combining inthe summands sequentially in pairs we carry out of the brackets the "obvious" common factor and obtain

We shall compute only integer values of the expressions in the parentheses, that is the values

Thus, at the first step the sumis into

At the first stepintegers of the form

are calculated. After that we act in a similar way: combining on each step the summands of the sumsequentially in pairs, we take out of the brackets the 'obvious' common factor and compute only the integer values of the expressions in the brackets. Assume that the firststeps of this process are completed.


we compute onlyintegers of the form


is the product ofintegers.


Step,the last one. We compute one integer value we compute, using the fast algorithm described above the valueand make one division of the integer by the integer with accuracy up to digits. The obtained result is the sumor the constantup todigits. The complexity of all computations is

See also



  1. ^E. A. Karatsuba, Fast evaluations of transcendental functions. Probl. Peredachi Informat., Vol. 27, No. 4, (1991)
  2. ^D. W. Lozier and F. W. J. Olver, Numerical Evaluation of Special Functions. Mathematics of Computation 1943–1993: A Half-Century of Computational Mathematics, W. Gautschi, eds., Proc. Sympos. Applied Mathematics, AMS, Vol. 48 (1994).
  3. ^C. L. Siegel, Transcendental numbers.Princeton University Press, Princeton (1949).
  4. ^Karatsuba E. A., Fast evaluation of,Probl. Peredachi Informat., Vol. 29, No. 1 (1993)
  5. ^Ekatharine A. Karatsuba, Fast evaluation of hypergeometric function by FEE. Computational Methods and Function Theory (CMFT'97), N. Papamichael, St. Ruscheweyh and E. B. Saff, eds., World Sc. Pub. (1999)
  6. ^Catherine A. Karatsuba, Fast evaluation of Bessel functions. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, Vol. 1, No. 4 (1993)
  7. ^E. A. Karatsuba, Fast Evaluation of Riemann zeta-functionfor integer values of argument.Probl. Peredachi Informat., Vol. 31, No. 4 (1995).
  8. ^J. M. Borwein, D. M. Bradley and R. E. Crandall, Computational strategies for the Riemann zeta function. J. of Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 121, No. 1–2 (2000).
  9. ^E. A. Karatsuba, Fast evaluation of Hurwitz zeta function and Dirichlet-series, Problem. Peredachi Informat., Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 342–353, (1998).
  10. ^E. A. Karatsuba, Fast computation of some special integrals of mathematical physics. Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods, W. Kramer, J. W. von Gudenberg, eds.(2001).
  11. ^E. Bach, The complexity of number-theoretic constants. Info. Proc. Letters, No. 62 (1997).
  12. ^E. A. Karatsuba, Fast computation of $\zeta(3)$ and of some special integrals, using the polylogarithms, the Ramanujan formula and its generalization. J. of Numerical Mathematics BIT, Vol. 41, No. 4 (2001).
  13. ^D. H. Bailey, P. B. Borwein and S. Plouffe, On the rapid computation of various polylogarithmic constants. Math. Comp., Vol. 66 (1997).
  14. ^R. P. Brent and E. M. McMillan, Some new algorithms for high-precision computation of Euler's constant. Math. Comp., Vol. 34 (1980).